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Module 7
Designing Queries for
Optimal Performance
Module Overview
• Considerations for Optimizing Queries for Performance
• Refactoring Cursors into Queries
• Extending Set-Based Operations
Lesson 1: Considerations for Optimizing Queries
for Performance
• Overview of Query Logical Flow
• Using the Query Optimizer to Process Queries
• Guidelines for Building Efficient Queries
• Considerations for Creating User-Defined Functions
• Considerations for Using User-Defined Functions
• Considerations for Determining Temporary Storage
• Discussion: Optimizing a Query
Overview of Query Logical Flow
Non-Aggregate Query
Aggregate Query
Using the Query Optimizer to Process Queries
Query Plan
Guidelines for Building Efficient Queries
 Favor set-based logic over procedural or cursor logic
 Test query variations for performance
 Avoid query hints
 Use correlated subqueries to improve performance
 Avoid using a scalar user-defined function in the WHERE clause
 Use table-valued, user-defined functions as derived tables
 Avoid unnecessary GROUP BY columns; use a subquery instead
 Use CASE expressions to include variable logic in a query
 Divide joins into temporary tables when you query large tables
Considerations for Creating User-Defined Functions
Identify the type of function to be used
Qualify object names referenced by a function with the appropriate
schema name
Create each function to accomplish a single task
Troubleshoot and test the function
Consider relevant factors when indexing the results of the function
User-Defined Function
Considerations for Using User-Defined Functions
Integrate the user-defined
function into the query plan as a
Consider the balance between
performance and maintainability
User-Defined Function
Avoid using a user-defined
function if performance suffers
Considerations for Determining Temporary Storage
To achieve optimal tempdb performance:
• Set the recovery model of tempdb to SIMPLE
• Allow for tempdb files to automatically grow
• Set the file growth increment to a reasonable size
• Preallocate space for all tempdb files
• Create multiple files to maximize disk bandwidth
• Make each data file of the same size
• Load the tempdb database on a fast I/O subsystem
• Consider transferring the tempdb database to a
different subsystem or disk
Discussion: Optimizing a Query
• What is the primary consideration when handling repetitive tasks
against a set of data?
• What will be the effect of having the tempdb database on the same
disk or Logical Unit Number (LUN) as the transaction log file?
• Can disciplined code formatting and using naming standards
improve query execution performance? Explain the benefits of
disciplined code formatting and using naming standards.
Lesson 2: Refactoring Cursors into Queries
• Building a T-SQL Cursor
• Common Scenarios for Cursor-Based Operations
• Demonstration: How To Refactor a Cursor
• Discussion: Using Cursors
• Guidelines for Using Result Set-Based Operations
• Selecting Appropriate Server-Side Cursors
• Selecting Appropriate Client-Side Cursors
Building a T-SQL Cursor
Declare the variables for the data to be returned by the cursor
Use the DECLARE CURSOR statement to define the SELECT statement
Use the OPEN statement to execute the SELECT statement
Use the FETCH NEXT INTO statement to retrieve values from the next row
Issue the CLOSE and DEALLOCATE statements to close the cursor
Why Cursors Are Slow
Each FETCH in a cursor has the same performance as a SELECT statement
Cursors use large amounts of memory
Cursors can cause locking problems in the database
Cursors consume network bandwidth
Common Scenarios for Cursor-Based Operations
Cursor Usage
Complex Logic
Difficult to translate into a
set-based solution
Refactor the logic as a data
driven query
Dynamic Code
Requires DDL code
Use Transact-SQL cursors
List Denormalization
Converts a vertical list of
values to a single
horizontal list or string
User set-based operations,
recursion, or XML queries
Crosstab Query
Difficult to build by using
SQL Server
Use series of case
expressions or PIVOT
Cumulative Totals
Needs to be calculated
within SQL Server and
written to a table
Use Transact-SQL cursors
Hierarchical Tree
Needs recursive
examination of each
Use set-based methods
that use stored procedures
or UDFs
*Constructing a dynamic cross-tab query requires using a cursor to build the columns for the dynamic SQL
Demonstration: How To Refactor a Cursor
In this demonstration, you will see how to:
Refactor a cursor
Discussion: Using Cursors
• List some of the disadvantages of using a cursor.
• What is the major issue with using a cursor in modern relational
• What kind of a problem is best solved by using a cursor?
• Discuss your own experiences with cursors.
Guidelines for Using Result Set-Based Operations
Use queries that affect groups of rows rather than one row at a time
Minimize the use of conditional branches inside queries
Avoid making inline calls to scalar UDF in large result sets
Limit query cardinality as early as possible
Use result sets instead of cursor-based processes to minimize I/O
Selecting Appropriate Server-Side Cursors
Dynamic Cursor
Forward-Only Cursor
Static Cursor
Server-Side Cursors
Selecting Appropriate Client-Side Cursors
Client Data Access Libraries That Support Client-Side Cursors
Considerations for Using Client-Side Cursors
• Network latency. Client cursors use more network resources
• Additional cursor types. Client cursors support only a limited functionality
• Positioned updates. Client-side cursors will not reflect database changes until the
changes are synchronized with the database
• Memory usage. The client computer should have enough memory to handle the size
of the entire result set
Lesson 3: Extending Set-Based Operations
• What Are Common Table Expressions?
• Comparing CTE with Other SQL Tuning Techniques
• Demonstration: How To Use a CTE
• Discussion: Using Common Table Expressions
• Demonstration: How To Perform Recursive Queries with CTE
• Discussion: Recursion with CTEs
• Introduction to Ranking Functions
• Demonstration: How To Use Ranking Functions To Rank Rows
• What Are PIVOT and UNPIVOT Operators?
• Demonstration: How To Use PIVOT and UNPIVOT Options To
Convert Data
What Are Common Table Expressions?
A CTE is a named temporary result set based on a regular
SELECT query. The following table describes the syntax
parameters for a CTE
• Is used to reference the query that is using the CTE
• Can be any valid identifier
• Specifies the name of a column for the CTE
• Is taken from the result set in case no column_name
parameters are specified
• Specifies the SELECT statement that forms the result set
• Is followed by a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or
DELETE query
Comparing CTE with Other SQL Tuning Techniques
CTE vs Temporary Table
A CTE does not store data
anywhere until you actually
execute it whereas in a
temporary table, the data is
stored in the tempdb database
You must call a CTE
immediately after stating
whereas you can call a
temporary table over and over
again from within a statement
Compute, Order By (without a
TOP), INTO, Option, FOR XML,
and FOR BROWSE are all not
allowed in CTE whereas these
options are supported in a
temporary table
CTE vs Subquery
• In the CTE, the result set will be
evaluated just once when a
query is executed whereas in a
subquery the result set will be
evaluated every time a query is
Demonstration: How To Use a CTE
In this demonstration, you will see how to:
Create and use a CTE
Discussion: Using Common Table Expressions
• How does a CTE differ from a #Temp table?
• Can you execute two or more queries against a CTE?
• How does a CTE differ from a derived table?
• Can you build indexes or constraints on a CTE?
Demonstration: How To Perform Recursive Queries
with CTEs
In this demonstration, you will see how to:
Perform recursive queries with CTEs
Discussion: Recursion with CTEs
• What is the maximum number of recursive levels in a common
table expression (CTE)?
• What is the default number of recursions in a recursive common
table expression?
• Assuming that each recursion adds only one row to the results,
how many rows will be returned with OPTION
MAXRECURSION(100)? Select an option from the following:
• 99
• 100
• 101
Introduction to Ranking Functions
Ranking functions return a ranking value for each row in a partition
Returns the rank of each row within the partition of a result set
Distributes the rows in an ordered partition into a specified
number of groups
Returns the rank of rows within the partition of a result set,
without any gaps in the ranking
Returns the sequential number of a row within a partition of a
result set, starting at 1 for the first row in each partition
Demonstration: How To Use Ranking Functions To
Rank Rows
In this demonstration, you will see how to:
Use Ranking Functions to rank rows
What Are PIVOT and UNPIVOT Operators?
PIVOT is used to generate crosstab queries in which values are converted to
column headers. UNPIVOT is used to convert column headers to values. The
following table describes the parameters in the PIVOT and UNPIVOT syntax.
Is the name of the table that you need to pivot
Is a system or user-defined aggregate function that applies to
the specified value_colum
Is the source column that provides the values for the new
crosstab column
Is a list of values of pivot_column to display as the crosstab
column headers
Is the name of the resulting result set
Demonstration: How To Use PIVOT and UNPIVOT
Options To Convert Data
In this demonstration, you will see how to:
Use PIVOT and UNPIVOT options to convert data
Lab 7: Designing Queries for Optimal Performance
• Exercise 1: Optimizing Query Performance
• Exercise 2: Refactoring Cursors into Queries
Logon Information
Virtual machine
User name
Estimated time: 60 minutes
Lab Scenario
You are a lead database designer at QuantamCorp. You are working on the Human
Resources Vacation and Sick Leave Enhancement (HR VASE) project that is
designed to enhance the current HR system of your organization. This system is
based on the QuantamCorp sample database in SQL Server 2008.
The main goals of the HR VASE project are as follows:
• Provide managers with current and historical information about employee vacation
and sick leave.
• Grant view rights to individual employees to view their vacation and sick leave
• Provide permission to selected employees in the HR department to view and update
the vacation and sick leave details of employees.
• Grant the HR manager with the view and update rights to all the data.
You are working on a project to integrate HR VASE with an intranet site which is used
to send email broadcast to external people. The details of email recipients are loaded
from QuantamCorp HR VASE into the system named Baldwin2.
Recently, a number of functions at Baldwin2 receive many complaints about the
performance. You are assigned to help fine tune the performance of the SQL used by
those functions.
Module Review and Takeaways
• Review Questions
• Real-World Issues and Scenarios