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Tourism and Hospitality Management is a refereed journal that promotes research and the
dissemination of research results in the field of the tourism and hospitality industry. It
publishes peer-reviewed articles and encourages an interchange between tourism and
hospitality researchers, educators and manager. The journal is primarily aimed at publishing
scientific papers categorized as follows: original scientific papers, preliminary
communications and reviews. The editors reserve the right to return improperly formatted
manuscripts to the authors, without double blind review. Manuscripts submitted to the journal
should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other
publication at the same time. They should be written in the English language using Microsoft
Word template. In the process of publishing a peer-reviewed article standards of ethical
behavior are respected by authors, editors, and reviewers.
Submissions to journal Tourism and Hospitality Management are made using ScholarOne
Manuscripts, the online submission and peer review system. Registration and access is
available at
If you have not yet registered on ScholarOne Manuscripts, please follow the instructions
Please log on to:
Click on Create Account
Follow the on-screen instructions, filling in the requested details before proceeding
Your username will be your email address and you have to input a password of at least 8
characters in length and containing two or more numbers
 Click Finish and your account has been created.
Each paper is reviewed by the editors and, if it is judged suitable for this publication, it is then
sent to at least two independent referees for double blind peer review.
Articles submitted to the journal should not have been published before in their current or
substantially similar form, or be under consideration for publication with another journal.
Authors submitting articles for publication warrant that the work is not an infringement of any
existing copyright and will indemnify the publisher against any breach of such warranty.
Authors must obtain all permissions from copyright owners for 3rd party material (e.g.
quotations, illustrations, tables, etc.).For ease of dissemination and to ensure proper policing
of use, papers and contributions become the legal copyright of the publisher of the journal
Tourism and Hospitality Management. Authors must use the publisher’s PDF and the selfarchived version should include a link to publisher’s website.
Tourism and Hospitality Management is an open-access journal distributed under the terms
and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial – Share Alike 4.0
International license.
The editor use iThenticate software for checking the originality of submissions received.
The journal is primarily aimed at publishing scientific papers which are subject to doubleblind reviews and categorized as follows: original scientific papers, preliminary
communications and reviews. Conference papers, technical papers and book reviews will
also be published. The editors reserve the right to return improperly formatted manuscripts to
the authors, without double blind review. The journal does not charge the article submission
and processing fees.
Tourism and Hospitality Management uses ScholarOne to peer review manuscript
Manuscripts submitted to the journal should be original contributions and should not be under
consideration for any other publication at the same time. Authors need to ensure that all of
them contributed to the scientific results and findings in the sufficient extent to be regarded
as a co-authorship. Guest authorship without the actual involvement of the co-author and
Ghost authorship without listing of real author are considered as unethical behavior.
Manuscripts should be written in the English language using Microsoft Wordtemplate. The
author must ensure that it is complete, grammatically correct and without spelling or
typographical errors. The authors are responsible for language editing. The submitted text
should not exceed more than 30.000 characters (15 pages), typed according to the
instructions below:
Font: Times New Roman, size 10; Line spacing: single; A4 Format (297x210 mm); Page
Setup: Margins: top 5 cm, bottom 5 cm, left 4.4 cm, right 4.2 cm, gutter 0 cm; Layout:
header 4 cm, footer 4 cm.
The cover page must list the authors’ names, their titles, positions, full addresses of their
institutions, telephone, fax and e-mail address
Title of the paper should be concise and informative
Abstract comprising between 200 and 250 words should include the purpose, design,
methodology, approach, findings, and originality of the research. The abstract should
be accompanied by 4-6 keywords pertinent to the principal topics of the paper, suitable for
indexing and online search purposes.
References to other publications must be in Harvard style and carefully checked for
completeness, accuracy and consistency. In the text, references must be included using
Harvard “author-date” system of citation e.g. (Jackson 2004, 176) or (Jackson and Miller
2005, 26). At the end of the paper a reference list in alphabetical order should be supplied.
Journal article: Surname, Initials (year), "Title of article", Journal Name, volume,
number, pages.
e.g. Capizzi, M.T. and Ferguson, R. (2005), "Loyalty trends for the twenty-first century",
Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 22 No. 2, pp. 72-80.doi:10.1108/07363760510589235
Book: Surname, Initials (year), Title of Book, Publisher, Place of publication.
e.g. Harrow, R. (2005), No Place to Hide, Simon & Schuster, New York, NY.
Book chapter: Surname, Initials (year), "Chapter title", Editor's Surname, Initials, Title
of Book, Publisher, Place of publication, pages.
e.g. Calabrese, F.A. (2005), "The early pathways: theory to practice – a continuum", in
Stankosky, M. (Ed.), Creating the Discipline of Knowledge Management, Elsevier, New York,
NY, pp. 15-20.
Please include DOIs in your references where it is possible.
Figures, graphs, tables are to be inserted in their proper location in the text. They should be
numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and given a suitable caption which should be
located in the upper left corner of the figure, graph or table.