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Systems Of Linear Equations Sec 10.1 Sec 10.2 – Basics Of Linear Systems The general form looks like this y1 ' a11 y1 a12 y2 a13 y3 ... a1n yn f1 (t ) y2 ' a21 y1 a22 y2 a23 y3 ... a2 n yn f 2 (t ) ... yn ' an1 y1 an 2 y2 an 3 y3 ... ann yn f n (t ) Which we can write And, the equation is homogeneous if all of the f’s = 0 Some Basic Operations (problems p 519) 1. Verifying a solution Some Basic Operations (problems p 519) 2. System Of 3 equations Some Basic Operations (problems p 519) 3. With Initial Values Some Basic Operations (problems p 519) 4. A particular arrangement Section 10.1 (cont.) Equations to Systems From a numerical standpoint it is sometimes useful to rewrite an equation as a system This procedure is pretty simple but requires some care The general idea is to, in a system of order n (so the highest derivative is y (n)), write all of the lower derivatives as new (unknown) functions and set it up as a system. Example y (3) 6 y '' 3 y ' 2 y 3 We simply give names to y, y’, y’’, then trace through the relationships to reconstitute the original equation Let y0 = y Let y1 = y’ Let y2 = y’’ Then y2 = y1’, and so on The original equation becomes the system