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Factors that impede detox – genetic and toxic induced
Detox ability?
In a toxic world, a persons ability to detox will
determine his/ her health and survivability
 Two factors:
 Genetics
 Environment – genetic expression is determined by
nutrition, toxicity and other environmental factors
Example: study of autistic kids vs. controls:
hair samples from moms with the same amount of mercury in their
 Old model of genetic determinism (control by genes),
 which states that our genes (DNA) are self-regulating blueprints
and influence our health and determine the outcome of our
physical existence
 Replaced by the new model of epi-genetics or “control
above the genes”.
 Epi-genetics exposes the fact that genes are turned on and off by
external, and environmental stimuli.
 So rather than genes controlling our lives and thus creating if we
“get” cancer, ASD, ALS or any other disease and therefore creating
us as victims of our genetic code, understanding epi-genetics places
the patient in control of our genetic expression.
Epi-genetic issues= pattern to survive
 To understand the field of determinism or self expression
through epi-genetics - toxicity, nutrition and our
environment becomes critically important because these
are the elements that turn our genes on or off
 When chronically assaulted by adverse and unhealthy
factors like heavy metal and chemical toxicity, chronic infections,
noxious energies, unresolved psycho-emotional conflicts (and the
other factors that negatively impact our neuro-immunological system),
the field of epi-genetics shows us that these factors can
negatively influence our gene expression.
Epi-genetic therapeutics
 Regulation Therapeutics (or information therapy)
becomes very important because when detoxification
patterns are performing sub-par, homeopathy, and other
energetic information health systems can re-establish the
correct signal for the body to detox and rehabilitate or heal.
 Our bodily regulation systems, which include our psycho-neuro-
immunological and hormonal systems at the whole body level and
the genes at the cellular level, become programmed to deal
with the chronic adversity and toxicity.
 Foods and nutrition, physical activity, reducing stress and
positive mental and spiritual thoughts, attitudes and
beliefs (whether only the patient or concerned others) have
been showed to positively effect genetic expression.
Detox inability?
 Neurological and mental (nerve and brain) problems:
 stress intolerance, emotional instability, explosive anger, anxiety ,
withdraw, depression,
 Tremor, shaking and spasms
 Brain fog, mental confusion
 Criminal/ delinquency issues, substance abuse
 Energy and metabolic problems:
 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia
 Metabolic syndrome, glucose intolerance, hypoglycemia
 Problems with detox treatment,
 History of Borellia b,
 Autistic Spectrum -> neurodegenerative disease:
 Profound ASD, PPD, Asperger's, asthma, ADD, ADHD, delayed
development, delayed puberty,
 ALS, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, MS, unexplained brain and neurological
Detox factors
Can be the result of genetic, toxic and/ or infectious factors
 Methylation
 Glutathione metabolism
 KPU – krypto- pyrol- uria
 Sulfunation
 Acetylation
 Liver detox
 Apo-protein E
 Metallothionine
 PPAR repair
 Labs:
 Genetic testing
 Functional testing: ART, MST
 History
 Your history
 Family history
 Course of treatment, how easy is detox?
Amy Lasko PhD – genetic testing
Genetic testing
 Transferring Methyl groups to Amino acids, DNA, fats
and other biochemicals, including toxins into bioactive molecules
 MTHFR (methyl, tetrahydrofolate reductase)
 Expect if brain, mental and neurological symptoms
 Genetic methylation problems (which severely affect the
brain and detox functions) are in 15% of the population
and after mercury exposure the figure jumps to 55%.
 Reduced methylation capacity affects:
 Reduced DNA and RNA activity
 Altered function, synthesis and activity of proteins,
enzymes and altered neurotransmitter function
 Reduced activity and function on all bioactive structures
on membranes. Remember all detox and brain functions
occur in membranes
 And reduced synthesis of phosphatidylcloline, critical
for brain and nerve function, rehabilitation and
 Methylation problems are healed by mercury
detox, however it takes a long time to correct the
methylation defect – often 8 years.
Methylation treatment
 The strategy to compensate for the methylation problem and correct it
 Mercury detox
 B-12 and folate supplementation
 Chlorella – has the highest amount of B-12 found in nature
 Methylated B-12 or hydroxyl – B-12, and Methylated Folic (Folinic acid)
 Oral, IM, nasal inhalation, and transdermal - methyl and hydroxyl B-12, folinate
 Support for the MTFR pathway: SAMe, magnesium, zinc, B-6
 Supplement methyl groups with Betaine HCl, which supplies hydrochloric
acid for digestion and many methyl groups; others di-methyl Glycine
(DMG) and tri-methyl Glycine (TMG)
 Membrane rehabilitation: for the complete list of MR factors consult Phase
II, but the phosphatidylcloline supplement choices are:
Biopure – Phospholipid Exchange, NT factors in supplementation, PhosphaLine,
IV phosphatidyl choline infusions
MTHFR cycle
B-12 and Folate
Critical important in normalizing brain membrane
functions, cell replication and detoxification capacity; B12
and Folate function together are critical for the
methylation of amino acids and other biochemical
substances into bio-active molecules and functions
including proper signaling in the brain, brain detox and
healing. As mentioned mercury will create genetic defects
in the methylation genes that need to be compensated by
large doses of B-12 and Folate;
There are two B-12 strategies.
 We incorporate hydroxyl Cobalamin (OH B-12), because it is a
scavenger for toxic levels of nitrous oxide levels in the brain.
 Methyl Cobalamin is the bio active form of B-12, which is needed to
correct the methylation problem and therefore brain and detox
B-12 therapy
OH-B 12 and Folic acid: daily dosing in 5:2 ratio
 Sublingual drops 2-3 times per day; can use as much as 30 drops/day
 Other forms of folic acid: methylated folic acid (folinic acid) could also be tried
(ART test it)
 Folic acid de-methlyates toxic substances and OH B 12 removes toxic nitric
oxide compounds from the brain
Methyl-B 12 (Neubrander) (25 mg/ml injection)
 Dose 65mcg/ kg sub-Q, every three days for kids
 Adult dose is 1-10 mg per every three days to 1 week
 Takes several months to show positive results
 If inject under the skin, the B-12 is taken up by the nerves (ANS) and delivered
to the brain very efficiently
 Methyl B-12 can be supplied in
Nasal gel/ spray -1000mcg, /0.1cc
Sublingual drops- 1000mcg-25000mcg,
Transdermal: TD-Methyl B-12, B-12, Folinic acid
Nasal gel 125mcg/ 300mcg,
Also the above in sublingual caps.
 Glutathione is perhaps the most important natural chelator our body produces
to manage mercury and other toxins.
 Some have genetic, nutritional or toxic blocks to making enough glutathione
and thus enhanced problems from toxic exposures and major impediments to
 Maintaining optimal glutathione nutrition is the goal in mercury detox.
Glutathione accounts for 10-50% of antioxidant capacity of plasma- an
important antioxidant and natural detoxifier.
 Glutathione also functions intracellular, however there is a finite amount of
glutathione, which when used up reduces the bodies capacity to protect itself
from oxidation and heavy metal toxicity. The cell literally burns up and the
cell’s energy capacity and all other functions are reduced.
 Intracellular glutathione is the only naturally produced intracellular detoxifying
agent, which removes mercury from inside the cell. It acts as an intracellular shuttle
system. However, intracellular glutathione is not recycled. Once spent in removing
mercury from inside the cell the glutathione is lost and intracellular glutathione is
not easily manufactured. It cannot go through the cellular membranes from extra
cellular stores. This leaves the cell mitochondria at risk to oxidative damage, which
leads to lipid membrane per oxidation and ultimate destruction of the mitochondria
 It is not glutathione that is the ubiquitous chelating agent
that we wish to enhance but its reduced form (GSH), which
has its full supply of electrons. Too often detox patients are
suffering at the cellular level from acidosis and oxidosis
(not enough electrons); Therefore, concurrent therapy
must include:
 An anti-oxidant rich and mineral rich food and supplementation
program, to correct the acidosis and excessive oxidation
 Glutathione S transferase (type M-1, T-1) can be (epi)
genetically altered, which reduces the bio-synthesis of
glutathione. M1 is responsible for detoxifying many
environmental toxins.
 Reduction in glutathione stores can be due to:
 Genetic and epigenetic factors that make it harder for
the patient/ child to make glutathione.
 Nutritional factors that don’t allow enough production
of glutathione – either extra cellular or intra cellular
 Too much toxins that overwhelm the available
glutathione stores
Glutathione treatment
 The nutritional factors that increase glutathione are
 Chlorella – abundant in the right amino acids – Cystiene, Glycine, and the
branched amino acids (for the intracellular transport of the above), and B12. Chlorella is the most abundant food in our detox arsenal.
B-12 is critical for construction of glutathione; therefore if methylation
problems are present, glutathione is reduced.
Oral NAC (N- Acetyl- Cystiene) the primary rate limiting precursor for
glutathione is a supplement that we use in lower doses in the early phases
(due to its ability to bring toxins into the brain (or cells) – if the diffusion
gradient is greater outside the brain (or cells) than inside).
Oral Glycine and Di-Methyl-Glycine (DMG) are supplemented for
glutathione synthesis, liver conjugation and toxic chemical detox.
Alpha Lipoic Acid builds and regenerated intracellular glutathione levels.
Max GSL: to increase glutathione (GSH)
Combination of Vitamin C, Alpha Lipoic acid, L Glutamine, NAC and proprietary GSH
absorption and recycling blend: Cordyceps, N-acetyl-D-Glucosamine, Quercitin, Milk
Thistle extract
 Glutathione strategies are employed to raise the blood levels during detox and
raise the brain glutathione; note that IV glutathione does not raise the brain
glutathione levels, unless the brain-barrier is leaky.
 IV glutathione is added separately to the Vitamin and Mineral IV after the
administration of DMPS; this is usually the second day of the chelation phase cycle.
 IV glutathione, IV NAC are protocols for ASD patients, and others in the later phases
of detox
 IM glutathione strategies 200mg 3 times /week
 Oral supplementation of glutathione does not work, so bypass the gut by:
Liposomal skin formulas of glutathione
Sub-lingual drops (100mg/cc) or tabs (100mg)
Transdermal (TD- glutathione)- 4mg/ drop
Transdermal Glutathione Precursor – 30mg- 60 mg/ml
Inhale glutathione products, which directly place the glutathione into the brain.
 A coffee enema is a very effective way of raising the extra cellular
glutathione levels (estimated~ 200 times normal levels). This treatment is one
of the foundations for the Gershon Cancer protocol, used very successfully in
all detox strategies. We recommend the coffee enema during the chelation
detox cycle; it is in essence a cheap IV glutathione infusion.
 The Kelly, Gershon, Gonzalez cancer protocol calls for 1-2 coffee enemas a day
 Intracellular glutathione: Whey protein: has an ample supply
of all the amino acid precursors for glutathione – glutamine, cysteine, and
Glycine, plus the branched chained amino acids to get the amino acids through
the cellular membrane
 Add Whey protein to food
 Normal dosage 2 packs/ day away from meals, if 2 packs don’t work add 3-4.
 Products for cow’s whey : Aminocal, Immu plus (Allergy Research) and others,
 Goat whey appears to be a good source to whey much less expensive, and a good
source of minerals and AA. This is proving to be an important part of our detox
strategies. This product also is a very good source of minerals
 Sulfur genes and detox pathways can be depressed in
mercury toxic patients
 The patient must have enough sulfur in its various forms
to carry the toxic substances out of the body
 Amino acids – cysteine, methionine, Taurine,
In milk whey protein powders, proteins in the diet
 Chlorella, MSM, freezed dried garlic, sulfur foods,
 Glutathione supplementation
 All chelating agents are sulfur (sulfhydral): DMPS, DMSA
 If sulfation problem, all sulfur foods and supplements are a
problem, which needs to be corrected.
sulfur metabolism regulation, or giving the proper
cellular signaling for the sulfur detox reactions. The
regulation therapy we employ is:
Allergy Elimination Therapeutics for sulfur, glutathione, the
sulfation pathways, the sulfur foods, autoimmune…; Phase I
LED - Cowden’s laser energetic detox neutralizes sulfur
metabolism as the first step
Schwef-Heel (Sulfur 4x, 6x, 12x, 30x, 200x (homochord);
mobilizes mercury and all other toxins from their protein
binding sites. Must be used in Phase III and slowly, to prevent
detox symptoms.
Since most of the trans-sulfuration pathways occur in the liver,
liver support is critical: See below Hepar Compositum: liver
Sulfur problems
For some heavy metal toxic patients, sulfur foods
and/or supplements make them sick. These patients
have sulfur metabolism problems, which without sulfur make the detox program
impossible. For these patients, sulfur is almost toxic because of their inability to
properly metabolize the sulfur. In addition, usually glutathione stores are
depleted, and liver sulfur detox is minimal.
These patients demonstrate on blood chemistries:
Low uric acid (xanthine to uric acid is blocked); and low Chlorine in their blood chemistries.
Don’t use sulfur in any form – MSM, DMPS, DMSA, alpha Lipoic acid, garlic –
causes moderate to severe symptoms. Must increase the ability to sulfinate
and metabolize sulfur first, then enhance the much required sulfur to
detox. Treatment:
Supplement with Molybdenum, which is essential to convert sulfite to sulfate and is
usually very low in this condition. Supplement for at least 1 month
N acetyl glucosamine
Allergy/ hypersensitivity elimination to sulfur, Molybdenum and check all
Once sulfur metabolism is re-established then sulfur supplementation is need to
replenish deficiency in sulfur.
Apo-protein E
 Apo-protein E is the shuttling molecule for
removing oxidized cholesterol from the brain.
 It is genetically determined allele group.
 If Apo-protein allele has 2 cysteine groups (Apo E-2), it
is very efficient in shuttling out mercury and other
heavy metals from the brain.
 If it only has one cysteine group and an Arginine group
(Apo E-3), it is much less efficient at removing heavy
metals from the brain.
 And if no cysteine groups (Apo E-4), there is no natural
chelating effect from this important natural mechanism.
Apo-protein E
 If the patient has the inefficient type of Apo- protein-
E, it can help explain neuro and brain toxic signs and
symptoms especially earlier in life. Armed with this
genetic information, the patient must be very diligent
with mercury and other heavy metal detox program.
KryptoPyrrolUria (KPU)
Foundational to evaluate and treat if present for heavy
metal and toxic chemical detoxification, and Lyme’s
 KPU patients loose supra-physiological amounts of
zinc, B-6 and Manganese in the urine
 KPU patients have a defect of enzymes needed for the
synthesis of heme (part of hemoglobin), resulting in defective
 Heme needed for multiple functions including liver detox
(cytochrome P450 detox enzymes),
 KPU patients have low glutathione levels, high NO and low
 KPU can be inherited or acquired by stress (including early
childhood traumas), heavy metal and chemical toxins and
infections especially Borrelia b
 First discovered by Dr. Abraham Hoffer (1960):
patients include schizophrenics (40-70%), Downs
(70%), Autism (50%), ADHD (50%), Alcoholics and
other addictions (20-80%), Lyme disease and other coinfections (80% positive – Klinghardt), Toxic patients
with mercury, lead…(75% - Klinghardt)
KPU health issues
The result of KPU is what causes the health problems (defective heme
and zinc, manganese and B-6 deficient):
 Lack of oxygen to the tissues – dys-oxygenosis, with a tendency towards
 Immune problems – lack of zinc, lack of methylation to quench viral
 Digestive problems – zinc required for hydrochloric acid and digestive
enzyme production
 Detox problems – reduced glutathione production, methylation
problems due to not enough zinc and B-6 as co-factors to drive the
methylation pathways.
 Methylation problems create problems for cell replication and
exacerbate all mental and neurological functions
What are the symptoms of KPU?
Poor dream recall
Stress intolerance
Poor breakfast appetite
Emotional instability
Nail spots (leukodynia)
Explosive anger
Stretch marks (striae)
Anxiety, withdraw
Pail skin, poor tanning
Allergy, acne, obesity
Tremor, shaking, spasms
Hypoglycemia, glucose intolerance
Brain fog
Course eyebrows
Paranoia, hallucinations
knee and joint pain
Perceptual disorganization
Cold hands and feet
Crime and delinquency
Abdominal tenderness
Substance abuse
Eosinophilia (parasites)
Attention deficit, ADHD
Light, sound odor intolerance
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Delayed puberty, impotence
Amenorrhea, irregular periods
B-6 responsive anemia
How is KPU diagnosed?
 All sick patients that do not get better are a high level of
suspicion, especially those with heavy metal, toxic
chemical, Lyme infections, chronic fatigue or Fibromyalgia.
Also see symptoms
 24 hour urine test for KPU from Vitamin Diagnostics: note
that light breaks down the testing biochemical in the urine,
so the urine must be covered in foil during collection and
shipping at all times for accuracy in testing; add 500 mg of
vitamin C to urine to preserve; wrap in foil
 Test preparation: no vitamins or minerals for 5 days prior,
expose to normal stress or provoke with increased stress
(will increase the KPU); note the release of large amounts
of zinc often comes in phases, so it might not be available
in one 24 hour sample.
KPU is a frequent co-factor in:
 Heavy metal toxicity – the detox pathways are
overwhelmed and ineffective, lack of glutathione
Lyme disease – microbes induce KPU enzymes to deplete
WBC of zinc and weaken their fighting abilities
Many if not most neurological illnesses (common in MS,
Parkinson, depression, autism)
Others: dental cavitations (jaw bone gives up its zinc)
Note: when KPU is correctly diagnosed and the
recommended substitution of supplements is included in
the treatment of any chronic illness, outcome can be
dramatically improved
Treatment: KPU
KPU treatment must co-exist with the patient’s other problems, because
if during this treatment heavy metals will be released and must be
detoxed, and the immune system will be activated and the neurotoxins
must be detoxed.
 Use AM to treat KPU and PM to detox heavy metals, because the two
treatments are not simultaneously compatible.
 Treatment should last for 3-4 months, then maintenance.
KPU treatment
Core supplements: in the AM
 Zinc (picolinate, glutamate, sulfate): 200 – 600 mg/ day
 Manganese: 10-30 mg/ day – this is important if joint pain, disc
problems are present
In the PM:
 B-6: split between the activated form and B-6: P-5-P 25-50 mg and B-6;
50mg/day; 2/3 of patients don’t do well on P-5-P
Treatment: KPU
Support supplements:
 Membrane rehabilitation:
Omega 6 fatty acids: evening primrose, ghee, black current , borage
Omega 3 Fatty acids: fish oils – 1 tsp/ day
Arachidonic acid: ghee, butter, milk products, animal fat
Coconut oil
 Anti-oxidants:
 Vitamin E: 400 IU per 40 lbs of body weight
 Vitamin C complex and high orac foods
 Niacinamide 1000 mg 3 times per day
 Biotin
 Taurine 500mg 3 times per day
PM: continue heavy metal, toxic chemical detox; Lyme detox
Observations, clinical tips and
unresolved issues
 Many KPU patients are copper intolerant, but also copper
deficient in various body compartments (i.e. WBC, cranial
nerve, frontal lobe/ dopamine etc.);
 Copper is deposited in tissues, oxidized and unavailable to WBC’s to
fight chronic infections; need to mobilize with anti-oxidants to get
copper out of the tissues.
 Look for copper deficient symptoms
 RBC mineral analysis to monitor
 Copper supplementation should be considered 2-4 weeks into the
protocol, to balance the zinc; 2-4 mg / day
Observations, clinical tips and
unresolved issues
 Zinc has a synergistic effect with mercury and other heavy
metals, and may temporarily increase toxic symptoms –
thus the need for heavy metal detox to move the toxic
metals out with least damage.
 Zinc in large doses displaced mercury on the enzyme’s metal
binding sites; zinc also binds to the same sulfhydral binding sites as
all chelating agents (chlorella, DMPS, DMSA, OSR, cilantro, EDTA,
cilantro); thus the need to separate the zinc dosage and the heavy
metal detox agents.
 Supplementing zinc liberates many di-valent toxic metals, such as
mercury, cadmium, lead, nickel. These start moving and may cause
damage on the way out. The clients may need metal capturing
agents on board (chlorella, cilantro, anti-oxidants) and support
with other detox strategies (colonics, IV DMPS, EDTA)
Observations, clinical tips and
unresolved issues
 The KPU protocol improves hormonal status,
Patients may become symptomatic (reducing or
eliminating need for thyroid, progesterone – these
have become long term maintenance hormonal
 The kidneys and lymph often need support with
drainage remedies, including drainage remedies,
and electrolytes and water.
 Zinc is part of many metallo-proteinases, These are
activated in Lyme disease and cancer,
 Doxycycline 200mg. will silence the proteinases
 Disulfram is an effective antidote
MetallothionineThe metallothionine system is a natural excretory
phase system that binds the mercury and other
heavy metals in the lining cells of the GI and lung,
and the blood vessel endothelium and then
excretes the dead cells into the lumen for
excretion. It is a large intracellular molecule with
multiple binding sites of cysteine, which bind zinc,
iron and toxic metals. Mercury and other heavy
metals will replace Zn and Cu in metallothionine.
Metallothionine Metallothionine requires adequate proper Zn and Cu
nurturer. Too little Zn/ Cu will minimize the production
of intracellular metallothionine, too much Zn/ Cu will
displace the mercury and other sequestered heavy
 Metallothionine production also has a genetic
PPAR repair
 PPAR - Cell wall receptor – determines the number and
type of peroxisomes inside the cell
Peroxisomes are the manufacturing units of the cell
(produces all the enzymes, hormones and cellular
and detoxification units of the cell (like the cellular liver
and kidney)
the health and regulation of the cell and organism is due to
the genes but also the peroxisomes; in fact the peroxisomes
can compensate for defective genes
Chlorella is very potent PPAR stimulator (10 times more
potent than the drug Actose, which is the current medical
In Summary
In a toxic world, a persons ability to detox will
determine his/ her health and survivability
 Two factors:
 Genetics
 Environment – genetic expression is determined by
nutrition, toxicity and other environmental factors
Methylation, Glutathione metabolism, KPU – kryptopyrol- uria, Sulfunation, Acetylation, Liver detox, Apoprotein E, Metallothionine, PPAR repair