Download Schoool Pupil Cenus Post Looked After Children Letter

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Glen Park Primary School
Glen Road
Head Teacher: Mr Anthony Hutchings BEd (Hons)
Deputy Head Teacher: Mrs. Claire Duncan BEd (Hons)
Thursday 6th October 2016
Dear Parents and Carers,
May I bring your attention to the following guidelines we have been issued regarding the
School Pupil Census.
School Pupil Census - post looked after arrangements
Post looked after arrangements collects information regarding children, who - on census day – have
left local authority care in England and Wales through either adoption, a special guardianship order, a
residence order or a child arrangement order. Children who have left care under one of the measures
listed above will be eligible for the post looked after element of the pupil premium.
It is for those with parental responsibility (adoptive parents, special guardians and carers of former
looked after children on residence / child arrangements orders) to decide if they wish to self-declare
their children’s status to schools. Parents are to provide supporting evidence, for example, a
photocopy of the adoption order, and confirm that their child was previously in care. Parents may
conceal sensitive information (for example the name of the birth parents) should they wish.
Schools are reminded that this is particularly sensitive data and of the ongoing need for
confidentiality. Schools should ensure that, as for other pupil level data items, they comply with their
responsibilities with respect to the data protection act when processing this data.
Schools record the information using the following codeset. Only one of the values will apply to each
pupil and a school’s MIS should provide a default value of N – not declared.
81 Code
Not declared
Ceased to be looked after through adoption
Ceased to be looked after through a special guardianship order (SGO)
Ceased to be looked after through a residence order (RO)
Ceased to be looked after through a child arrangement order (CAO)
As part of the Government’s adoption reform programme the department is considering a range of
information that will help to inform thinking in relation to post-adoption support. Very little is known
about the attainment of children adopted from care because they automatically get a new UPN and
the department wants to have better information, collected via this new data item on a voluntary
basis, to feed into that process.
As with other factors concerning pupil premium, we can claim extra funding for those
children who are eligible, and this funding can be used to enhance the education of those
children concerned.
If this applies to you, and you would like to self-declare, please make contact with either
Mrs Staniforth in the school office or arrange an appointment with me directly.
Yours sincerely,
Anthony Hutchings
Head Teacher