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Medmyst Mission Log: Nemesis in Neuropolis
When Dr. Xu is talking to Beta and Delta, she tells them that she
thinks that a patient has smallpox. You then learn that smallpox
is contagious. What does this mean?
When searching the apartment with Delta, you find out that
smallpox was wi pedo ut in the 20th century, but that smallpox could
be used as a weapon for
When searching the apartment with Delta, you find a Traveler’s
Alert that tells you, that to avoid getting monkeypox, you should
limit your contact with what animals?
In the lab you see an interactive model of a virus. What is the
part of the virus called that contains instructions to make other
In the lab, you see an interactive movie on viral reproduction. The
process by which the virus obtains a new coating from the host
cell’s membrane is called: replication, docking, or release?
In the lab, you look at the viruses in Jeremy’s blisters with
Beta. His blister look similar to those a person would get
When Alpha is in the lab he says that Dr. Xu has prevented
anyone from entering or leaving the hospital. What is this
After the dissection of the robospider, information is released
which tells you who created the first vaccine. Who was it?
In the information that is released from the robospider, you learn
that a pathogen from mild disease can protect some one against
smallpox. What is the name of this disease?
After making the smallpox vaccine, you dip a special needle
into the vaccine to vaccinate someone. What is the name of
this needle?
MedMyst: Nemesis in Neuropolis Quiz
1. The first vaccine was invented by
(A) Edward Jenner
(B) Robert Koch
(C) Jeremy Fisher
(D) Louis Pasteur
2. Which one of these statements is TRUE in regard to smallpox?
(A) It can be treated with antibiotics
(C) There is no vaccine available to prevent it
(B) It produces a rash of blisters
(D) It can spread from animal to person
3. Vaccines are substances that help
(A) digest food
(B) prevent diseases
(C) control blood pressure (D) increase oxygen to lungs
4. The _______ gives a virus its shape and form.
(A) nucleic acid
(B) protein coat
(C) flagellum
(D) cytoplasm
5. If a person is immune to getting a particular disease it means the he or she
(A) is resistant to getting the disease
(C) is contagious and can spread the disease to others
(B) is not resistant to getting the disease (D) is placed under quarantine
6. Viruses can only reproduce in
(A) air particles
(B) dead tissues
(C) living cells
(D) water
7. Smallpox is spread through
(A) insect bites
(B) air
(C) animal to person contact
(D) food
8. A virus contains instructions to make a new virus in its
(A) cytoplasm
(B) nucleic acid
(C) cell wall
(D) protein coat
9. The last naturally occurring case of smallpox was in the
(A) 1700’s
(B) 1800’s
(C) 1900’s
(D) 2000’s
Quarantine is
a type of pox disease
a restriction in activities of people that may have been exposed to a pathogen
a substance used to prevent a disease
the same as an antibiotic
11. Smallpox is caused by a
(A) bacterium
(B) prion
(C) fungus
(D) virus
12. Two major structures of a virus are
(A) cell wall and cytoplasm
(B) protein coat and nucleic acid
(C) flagellum and protein coat
(D) flagellum and cell wall
13. In the story, Dr. Xu first thought that Jeremy was sick with
(A) chicken pox (B) elk pox
(C) smallpox
(D) monkeypox
14. What do The Reconstructors® believe was the reason why Mr. Kumar (Jeremy’s father) didn’t get sick?
(A) Mr. Kumar had no contact with Jeremy.
(B) Previous exposure to chickenpox made Mr. Kumar immune to getting monkey pox.
(C) Previous exposure to cowpox made Mr. Kumar immune to getting monkey pox.
(D) Previous exposure to smallpox made Mr. Kumar immune to getting monkey pox.