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Effective Communication in Human Resource
Development for Change Management
Dr. F. Zafar1, J. Naeem2, A. Kiran3 and Z. Ahmed4
PhD, University of Derby, England currently working in Government College University, Lahore, Pakistan
[email protected]
MBA-Continue, Institute of Business and Management, UET Lahore, Pakistan
[email protected]
MBA-Continue, Institute of Business and Management, UET Lahore, Pakistan
[email protected]
MBA-Continue, Institute of Business and Management, UET Lahore, Pakistan
[email protected]
Abstract - This paper focuses on the effectiveness of
communication in Human resource development while
communicating change for organizational performance.
Ineffective communication might, however results in
misunderstandings which leads in the decrease of
profits.. This paper also discusses the other functions of
human resource development but more attention needs
to be given on the communication aspect of human
resource development. A main reason why many
organizational change efforts do not achieve the desired
results is seen in the lack of understanding and
acceptance of the change among those affected by the
change. This study focuses on the communication
barriers and resistant factors in organization. The
central quest thus becomes to identify the critical issues
which relate to the damages caused due to ineffective
communication. Moreover, the study discusses the
recommendations provided to overcome the barriers of
communication that leads to the declining of stress and
resistance a change.
Keywords: Human Resource Development, Change
Management, Effective Communication, Resistant To
Human resource development is an approach to
employment administration which seeks to achieve
comparable benefit through the strategic development of a
skilled and motivated workforce, utilizing an integrated
array of generic human asset management methods.
A characteristic approach to accomplish competitive
benefit through the strategic utilization of a highly pledged
and capable workforce, using an integrated collection of
tradition, functional and staff methods.
Human Resource Development as a strategic partner helps
in executing corporate strategy by aligning human resource
operations with business strategy. This requires analyzing
business strategy and incorporating it into personnel
resourcing and development priorities and goals. In its
change agent role, Human Resource Development works
towards organizational renewal. Its major task in this role is
facilitating transformation of a company according to
business needs and preparing people and organizational
structures for change.
Human Resource Development as an employee champion
functions as a bridge between a company and its
employees. By bridging the interests of personnel and
business, the Human Resource Development function
builds mutual trust and understanding, thus creating a better
working community and better chances to succeed in a
competitive environment. As an administrative expert,
Human Resource Development aims at building an
efficient infrastructure and shared services for supporting
core processes and operations.
Depending on the company and situation, the role of
Human Resource Development may be biased more
towards some of the four roles than others. Ideally, Human
Resource Development acts in all different roles as
necessary. In general, Human Resource Development has a
definitive role in providing a human perspective for
strategic, operational and routine issues of management. By
nature, Human Resource Management has a very practiceoriented field of interest. However, by prioritizing the
strategic partner focus, all areas of Human Resource
Management-related processes will get a strategic starting
point, and there will be a chance to build a truly strategic
Human Resource Management function in a company.[3]
Change management is the process, devices and techniques
to organize the enterprise change to accomplish the
required enterprise outcome and to recognize that business
change competently inside the communal infrastructure of
the workplace. Change administration has at least three
different sides, including: adapting to change, commanding
change, and effecting change. A proactive approach to
dealing with change is at the center of all three facets. For
an association, change management means defining and
applying methods and/or technologies to deal with
alterations in the enterprise environment and to earnings
from changing opportunities.
The differences in perceptions of what change
administration means and how it happens are expected to
be significant in influencing behavior. For demonstration,
where a change agent adopts a reasonable, planned outlook,
he or she is expected to limit substantial flexibility to
specific individuals and follow an orderly linear approach
to change administration.
A. Change Come With Resistance
It is renowned fact that people generally do not adopt
change. This is particularly realistic in the case of
transformational change. In organizations, many
components arrive into play, such as worry of the
unidentified, habit, the likelihood of financial insecurity,
threats to social relationships, and failure to recognize the
need for change .Such causes will outcome in change that
is ultimately marked out and equilibrium returned, except
organization leaders step in to facilitate acceptance of the
B. Organizational Readiness for Change
Another topic of importance in change idea is the
difference between how the organization looks at present
and how it is anticipated to look after the change.
The significance of recognising organizational parameters
former to change has been documented. . Depending on the
living culture and the degree to which a change such as
TQM disagrees from that heritage, an organization may be
more or less prepared for such a change. “Creating a need
for change”; in effect, unfastening up the organizational
heritage to be receptive to the change. They note that this is
especially tough when there is no clear-cut crisis, but rather
the long-range dream of a foremost who foresees the time it
takes to implement organizational change.
Resistance to change is particularly relevant if the dream of
a leader differs from the values and convictions of the
living organizational heritage. If that is the case, then
cultural matters should be addressed this is the part of the
method that is very simple to overlook in major change
efforts in organizations. If the organizational culture goes
wrong to assimilate the dream and its implications, desired
change will not ever become acknowledged and will finally
go wrong.
C. Change Management Practices in Various
Such a communication in which the communicator is
successful to achieve his desired goals and objectives is
called as effective communication.”
So effective communication is a communication in which
the message is traveled successfully and is received by the
Source: Prosci Best Practices in Change Management, 2012 Edition
This pie chart represents the adoption of change in different
countries. United States accepts the change rapidly whereas
Middle East resists the change for long period.
The generic human resource management techniques refer
to processes and other activities that deal with the
a) Selection
Employment of impelled and technically,
psychologically, and socially competent workers.
b) Socialization
Employees ought to get to understand the
organization, its history, its philosophy, its people,
and its strategy.
c) Performance
Employees ought to apprehend and agree
concerning what they need done, should do, and
d) Development
Employees ought to be any developed on topics and
by means that they reckon relevant.
e) Communication
Employees ought to feel that they're given adequate
and spare data.
f) Compensation
Employees ought to feel that they're sufficiently and
meaningfully rewarded.
g) Employment
Employees ought to feel secure in their employment
Table 3.1
Effective communication is a critical component of
organizational success. It is used to exchange information,
persuade others to accept our message, solve problems and,
even, entertain. Yet, not every organization or their leaders
do it well. To become an effective communicator, you need
to have the desire, understand the communication process,
master basic skills and practice. [7]
A. Effective Communication for Change
Communication occurs in every aspect of business, which
is why understanding how ineffective communication can
impact organizations’ bottom line is important. As mistakes
and misunderstandings add up, profits go down. The good
news is that everyone possesses the ability to communicate
communication and effective communication allows shared
leadership to thrive in this competitive economy.
Communication is the vehicle to accelerate teamwork
within your high performance organization. [7]
While productive communication is a wise skill, it is more
productive when it’s spontaneous rather than formulaic. A
talk that is read, for demonstration, seldom has the identical
influence as a talk that’s delivered or seems to be delivered
spontaneously. Of course, it takes time and effort to
develop these skills and become an productive
B. The Role of the Change Agent
The achievement of applying change is usually affiliated
with those who facilitate the change method. The change
agent is characterized here as a manager who seeks “to
reconfigure an organization’s roles, responsibilities,
organizations, yields, methods, schemes, technology or
other assets” in the light of advancing organizational
Change agent is generally Human Resource supervisor who
acts for abilities of effective change agents as clarity of
communication abilities, discussion abilities and
“influencing abilities” to gain commitment to goals. It can
be deduced from these contentions that limitations in
change management are affiliated with the managerial
perceptions of the need for change, the opening to change
and about the way to change. This renders insights, beliefs
and assumptions of change agencies as crucial aspects to be
The channel, or intermediary, utilized to broadcast a
message affects how accurately the note will be received.
Passages alter in their “information-richness.” Informationrich passages express more nonverbal data. study shows
that productive managers are inclined to use more
information-rich connection channels than less effective
B. Directions of Communication
In an organization, communication flows in various
Downward communication: Downward communication
flows from persons at higher grade to those at smaller
grades in the organization hierarchy. This kind of
communication exists particularly in associations with an
authoritarian leadership method. Examples of writing
downward communication are memo, letters, handbooks,
principle declarations and methods.
Upward communication: This communication journeys
from subordinates to superiors and extends up the
organizational hierarchy. This type of connection is found
environments. Usual means of upward communication are
suggestion schemes, appeal and grievance methods,
accusation schemes, therapy sessions, grapevine, assembly
meetings, morale questionnaires and the exit interview.
A. How Managers Communicate
The organizational status of the mailer can influence the
receiver’s attentiveness to the message. For example,
address the following: A senior supervisor sends a memo to
a production supervisor. The supervisor, who has a lower
rank inside the association, is likely to pay close vigilance
to the message. The identical data expressed in the
converse main heading, although, might not get the
attention it deserves. The note would be filtered by the
senior manager’s perception of main concerns and
Horizontal communication: It includes the horizontal flow
of data between folks on an equivalent or similar structure
levels and diagonal flow between persons at completely
different levels World Health Organization don't have any
direct news relationships. This type of communication is
employed to hurry data flow, to boost understanding and to
coordinate efforts for the action of structure objectives. it
should embrace speech starting from informal conferences,
or additional formal conferences and board conferences.
Written forms embrace company newspapers or magazine
and bulletin boards.
Some Common Problems
Some common problems arising in Human Resource
Development are following:
In associations where administration keeps workers in the
dark with esteem to change possibly face fierce opposition.
Employees may understand this as a conspiracy against
them inescapably leading to an unfriendly air to work in.
To foreground some of the challenges that battles designers
of preparation programs for human resource developers.
These trials originate from the challenged perspectives of
Human Resource Development, the complexity of the sites
of Human Resource Development practice, and the
divergence in findings in recent investigations of the area.
There is furthermore a degree of convergence in the
composing and research about the field which would seem
to propose that the function scope and hence required
employed information and skill of Human
Resource Development practitioners is broadening. This
convergence supplies a basis for working out the
substantive content required for formal groundwork
programs for practitioners from this area. There continues,
although, a need for farther research into the function of
contemporary associations and the practice abilities and
working knowledge Human Resource Development
practitioners need. Such study will assist to the
development of applicable preparatory informative
programs and may furthermore lead to bigger
acknowledgement of the function that Human asset
Development practitioners play in the accomplishment of
productive organizational perform. [8]
Culture or
Technology or
Values of
Knowledge or
Life style or
Knowledge of
new practices
Different nations have different heritage and
as the world has become a international town
Human Resource Development Professionals
have to face the cultural trials in distinct
countries or with the workers belonging to the
different nations.
The pace of technological development is
very high and the new technologies are
restoring the older ones rapidly. identical is
the case with techniques and technologies use
for training. A Human Resource expert has to
improvement his abilities and information to
meet the obligations of the new lifetime.
The Human Resource Development
professionals have to adapt themselves to the
appearing new standards as standard centric
leadership is evolving trend in the corporate
world. Standards like believe credibility
timeliness and the simpler directions are
evolving the bends pebble of numerous
Improvement of data is also a large-scale
challenge for Human Resource Development
professional as they have to realise the
different philosophies illustrated at distinct
locations in the world. For example the
philosophy related to authority changes
spectacularly in associations from different
The life style of an employee is also important
for Human Resource Development
professionals because they have to realize the
customs of the employees and then decide the
training that desires to be imparted for
conveying a change in the habits of the
Such a professional has to be aware of the
new practices adopted by the organization
around globe. Such professional should know
about the practices like dignity of individual,
retention of employees, leadership by
examples, relationship with employee’s
shareholder, vendors, suppliers, customers
and society at large.
A friendly environment is needed for the
success of an organization. The organizational
environment should have meritocracy, brave,
fairness, hasten imagination and
accountability. It is the job of the Human asset
Development professional to inspire the
worker to present better ones this environment
is conceived in the association.
Communication methods alter broadly; what
may work for one association may not work
for another. Good communicators construct
teams and believe; poor communicators create
and feed uncertainty.
Table 5.1
A barrier to connection is certain thing that keeps meanings
from gathering. Meaning obstacles exist between all
persons, making connection much more difficult than most
persons seem to recognize. It is untrue to suppose that if
one can converse he can communicate. So much of learning
misleads persons into adversity because they do not realise
the nature of the difficulty, they do not understand what to
do. The marvel is not that communicating is as tough as it
is, but that it occurs as much as it does [8]
A. The Organizational Barriers to Change
There are a quantity of barriers to change at the
organizational level that, need to be addressed to allow
change to be applied with the least amount of opposition.
These include:
and Objectives
Lack of Resources
and Bad Resource
An association should clarify constantly
the goals and objectives, explaining
functions and specifying presentation
Lack of employed capital in an
organization can avert it from
introducing change that is essential to
stay ahead of competitors or merely
survive as a business. In these
attenuating factors redundancies are
nearly inescapable. The need of finance
could be due to a kind of components.
These include: a drop in market
demand, increase in affray or the degree
of turbulence in the market location
such as the September 11 th World
Trade catastrophe; which initiated a
important effect on businesses and
buying into worldwide.
Allocation Lack of resources is an onset
of financial and/or environmental
matters as discussed in the overhead
paragraph. awful asset share, happen
when managers make bad decisions in
assigning resources such as cash, time,
machinery and employees. Managers
should use their fantasy to avoid
initating confrontation situations..
An association that pursues the
customary hierarchical structure tends
to resist change more than that which
has a more flat structure. connection
between head of departments and
employees in traditional hierarchical
organisations are usually poor which
causes a rift between management and
There are two parts of connection,
which are connection internally, inside
the association between Employees and
Lack of or
Lack of Preparation
for New Roles
Cultural Issues
Management and externally between
the association and suppliers and
Powerful leadership is needed in order
to direct the change administration
method in any association. Bad leaders
who merely supply are not doing
sufficient to inspire the workers to
stride ahead. People want to be shown
the way.
Associations may need in their
designing phase. Failing to arrange and
characterize the new functions that will
need to be persuaded when change is
applied; will give increase to
The culture of an organization is a set
of “unwritten rules”. Management may
have a set of protocols for workers to
adhere to perform enterprise processes.
The way a task is really conveyed out
counts namely on the culture. The
culture of the organization can
powerfully resist altering as workers
become too well known with the
present way of doing things.
miscommunication, and no communication at all can do.
As usual, facts and figures show us how hefty the cost of
poor connection can be:
1) $37 billion: total estimated cost of employee
misunderstanding (including activities or mistakes of
omission by workers who have misread or were
misinformed about company principles, enterprise
methods, job function or a blend of the three) in 100,000employee businesses, amidst 400 surveyed companies in
the U.S. and U.K. (average cost per company is $62.4
million per year)
2) $26,041: cumulative cost per employee per year due to
productivity deficiency producing from communications
3) businesses that have leaders who are highly productive
communicators had 47% higher total comes back to
shareholders over the last five years compared with firms
that have managers who are the smallest productive
4) Best purchase found that higher worker commitment
tallies led to better shop presentation. The business
discovered that for every percentage issue it increased
employee engagement, one-by-one shops glimpsed a
$100,000 boost in operating earnings every year.
These couple of details is the tip of the iceberg on the
breadth and depth of research that demonstrates financial
pay for enterprises that communicate well to their workers
and the problems that outcome when they don’t.
Unfortunately, poor communication abilities are the
outcome of attentive decision by managers to not advance.
“I don’t have time to communicate,” is a common myth I
discover, along with the considered that “People won’t
understand activities if we don’t converse about things.”
Leaders broadcast with or without intention so my point-ofview is: you might as well get good at connections.
Improving connection engages more than just
disseminating the note properly so that it’s perceived
though that alone can be a dispute it means doublechecking that the note resonates with and is appreciated by
the listeners in a way that will move them to action. It’s
hard work, but it’s worth it. Everything a foremost desires
to get carried out today is finished through persons. [10]
Effective communication assists us better understand a
individual or position and endows us to determination
dissimilarities, build believe and esteem, and conceive
environments where creative ideas, problem explaining,
affection, and nurturing can flourish. Productive
communication can improve relationships at dwelling,
work, and in social positions by deepening your
attachments to other ones and advancing teamwork,
decision-making, and problem solving. It enables you to
broadcast even contradictory or difficult notes without
creating confrontation or destroying trust. Effective
communication combines a set of skills encompassing
nonverbal communication, attentive hearing, the
proficiency to organize tension in the instant, and the
capacity to identify and understand your own strong
feelings and those of the individual you’re communicating
with. [12]
There is a lot of connection barriers faced these days by all.
The note intended by the sender is not understood by the
receiver in the identical periods and sense and therefore
connection breakdown occurs. It is absolutely vital to deal
and contend up with these connection barriers so as to
ensure glossy and productive connection.
These are some steps how to overcome these barriers of
communication. [12]
1) Eradicating dissimilarities in perception: The association
should double-check that it is employing right individuals
on the job. It’s the blame of the interviewer to ensure that
the interviewee has order over the in writing and voiced
dialect. There should be correct Induction program so that
the policies of the business are clear to all the employees.
There should be correct trainings undertook for needed
employees (for e.g.: Voice and Accent training).
2) Use of Simple dialect: Use of simple and clear phrases
should be emphasized. Use of ambiguous words and
jargons should be avoided.
3) Reduction and elimination of disturbance levels:
disturbance is the major connection barricade which must
be overwhelm on main concern cornerstone. It is absolutely
vital to identify the source of noise and then eradicate that
4) Active Listening: hear attentively and carefully. There is
a difference between “listening” and “hearing”. active
hearing means hearing with correct understanding of the
note that is perceived. By inquiring inquiries the speaker
can ensure whether his/her note is appreciated or not by the
receiver in the identical terms as proposed by the speaker.
5) Emotional State: During connection one should make
productive use of body dialect. He/she should not show
their strong feelings while communication as the receiver
might misinterpret the note being consigned. For example,
if the conveyer of the note is in a bad mood then the
receiver might believe that the information being consigned
is not good.
6) Relaxed Organizational Structure: The organizational
structure should not be complex. The number of
hierarchical levels should be optimum. There should be an
perfect span of control inside the association. easier the
organizational structure, more effective will be the
7) Bypass data Overload: The managers should understand
how to prioritize their work. They should not overload
themselves with the work. They should spend value time
with their subordinates and should hear to their difficulties
and feedbacks dynamically.
8) Give Constructive response: bypass giving negative
feedback. The contents of the feedback might be negative,
but it should be consigned constructively. Constructive
response will lead to effective communication between the
better and subordinate.
9) Correct Media Selection: The managers should correctly
choose the medium of connection. easy notes should be
expressed orally, like: face to face interaction or meetings.
Use of in writing means of connection should be
encouraged for consigning complex messages. For
significant notes reminders can be given by utilising in
writing means of connection such as: Memos, Notices etc.
10) Flexibility in gathering the targets: For productive
connection in an association the managers should ensure
that the persons are meeting their goals timely without
skipping the prescribed passages of connection. There
should not be much pressure on employees to meet their
goals. [12]
A. Implementation of Change communication Program:
The action plan contains four essential actions for an
effective communication change program.
1) Forming a strategic communication team.
2) Assessing current communication practices
3) Conducting cascading vision, strategy, job redefinition
4) Monitoring the results. [22]
Implementation refers to the front-end effort to
operationalize some facet of value. This may be in periods
of the merchandise or service itself, the method of
conceiving such a product or service, or even the insight
consumers have regarding the merchandise or service. The
act of applying a value program focused at one of these
dimensions may be short period and direct. Such efforts can
be effortlessly assessed and recorded. [16].
Development for change management could be done by
transferring clear information within the organization.
Employees resist change because of uncertainty and
unclear vision. Therefore changes should be done with in
shorter time with clear communicated goals, knowledge
and information. Communication as a singular entity
behaves and damages differently when miscommunicated
in case of organization, whenever organization culture is
calm and people behavior are well groomed. However, lack
of communication effect moves when it mixes up with fact
includes disagreement at work and in addition to job
description. The information that is not relevant and not
effective for the organizational development should not be
communicated to the employees to avoid the confusion,
ambiguity and misrepresentation among employees.
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