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What is bullying? What is harassment?
Baseline exercise from September 28 AHA-B Community Task Force Meeting
Bullying; Para mi es lo que algunos niños que tal vez, sus propios padres no los conocen porque
no hay esa comunicación de padres e hijos, y niños que hacen bullying. Necesitan atención
urgente departe de padres, maestros, consejeros etc.
Translation: Bullying; For me, it’s what some kids experience that maybe their parents are not
noticing because there is no such communication between parents and children. Those children
need urgent attention by their parents, teachers, counselors, etc.
Bullying: Bullying can be defined as the repeated exploitation of a power imbalance (between
two individuals) by the perpetrator, hurting the victim with either physical or emotional (or
both) attacks. Bullying requires a differential diagnosis from friendship conflict: The victim is not
a friend of the bully; the victim fears the bully; and the victim has never been respected by the
Bullying is when a student or staff member is consistently being bothered (physically or
emotionally) by the same person to a point where it becomes uncomfortable to attend
Causing physical or emotional stress on a repeated basis that affects a student’s feeling of
safety. Usually repeated by one person/group on a single target.
Harassment: Physical or emotional stress based more on situation than people. Isolated- not
necessarily on one target.
An inappropriate, repeated action that is intended to cause shame, fear, dread in another
person. We need to get back to basics. The word “bullying” has been so overused- the word
itself carries no weight. Kids and parents use it to define so much behavior that is not really
bullying. Kids seem to be immune to the word.
Repetitive behavior that hurts others. Harassment: One time act that hurts others.
Someone exerting power over another and it must be a continued situation not just a onetime
occurrence. It can be physical, verbal or cyber.
Bullying: Persistent, persuasive threats, insults, physical behavior, etc. that continues for a
period of time and is targeted toward an individual; includes cyber bullying. Harassment:
teasing, annoying, bothering, not persistent, redirected.
Bullying is a constant action of harassment by an individual or individuals towards another
student or group of students. A one sided action.
What is bullying? Unwanted harassment, this could be done once or continuously. What is
harassment? One-time events.
What is bullying? What is harassment?
Baseline exercise from September 28 AHA-B Community Task Force Meeting
Bullying: ongoing harassment, teasing, laughing at, and taking money, food. With a crowd
laughing at students. Can be online. Creates shame/fear in student being bullied. Harassment:
picking on, calling names, threatening. I would love to see all students trained about respect
and how as the 85% of silent witnesses to bullying stand up and speak up for victims.
What is bullying? Bullying is re-occurring incidents of unwanted, aggressive verbal or physical
behaviors that usually exerts some type of power over another. What is harassment? Offensive
behavior towards another that can be physical, verbal or nonverbal. Can happen more than
Bullying; when an individual exploits an imbalance of power so that someone is afraid to come
to school on multiple occasions. Harassment occurs when someone causes harm due to a
person gender, sexual orientation, etc.
Bullying: Kids who have nothing better to do. Probably not happy with themselves and don’t
have their parents guidance.
Bullying is a repetitive, persistent & persuasive imbalance of power. Verbal/nonverbal “attacks
on gender, race and religion.
Anyone who creates fear, intimidation. Imbalance of power-persistent & persuasive.
Bullying: physical, verbal, social, teasing or meanness that occurs repeatedly to an individual.
Harassment: verbal, social, physical teasing because of gender, sexual orientation, race.
What is bullying? Conduct that is physical or emotional that threatens or harms the person or
person’s property and causes a threatening environment. Creates reasonable fear whose
actions are persistent and persuasive that compromise and disrupts the school environment.
What is harassment? It’s bullying without persistence and is a one-time detail. There is no
imbalance of power.
Bullying is a repetitive behavior that makes the victim feel uncomfortable via written or verbal
expression which interferes with the learning environment.
The following words are bits and pieces of bullying:
o Force, threat, coercion, abuse, intimidation, aggression, domination of others, overt,
overt, negative, verbal, non-verbal, written and the list continues.
o It hurts and leaves deep scars. It thwarts growth and development. It resonates sadness.
Fear, unfairness, ugliness. It damages self esteem. It takes life and vitality from the
o The psychological, emotional, and social price is high.
o It hurts deeply, Brings tears, fears, jeers, leers, and makes the receiver want to
o Harassment is the above coupled with race, color, religion, sexual orientation, gender,
nationality, ethnicity, and disability.