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Distribution: Handed out at hospital entrances.
Handed out to family and guests on units by nurses
Dear Carle Patient Family members and Guests:
Carle Foundation Hospital officials announced today (day, date, 200x) the possibility of a
person to person transmitted avian influenza case. Laboratory confirmation from the
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is anticipated within xx days (the CDC will have to
provide us with the timing). Local and state public health departments are involved and
the CDC has been notified. While we are taking every appropriate precaution to insure
you and your family’s safety, we want to emphasize that the actual presence of the avian
influenza virus which is being transmitted person to person has not yet been confirmed.
What You Should Be Aware Of
If this case if confirmed, a community plan will be activated. The affected
patient/patients is/are now in airborne isolation, which is designed to protect others in the
building from airborne viruses. (Staff and others who have had significant contact with
the patient and those who are caring directly for the patient have been (or will be)
vaccinated. If vaccine is not yet available use the following instead… Until or If the
vaccine is available, Carle’s staff, who are caring for the patient, are wearing protective
respirators and being monitored for symptoms.)
The incubation period following exposure to avian influenza is 7 days. Symptoms of
avian influenza can include fever respiratory symptoms, sore throat, muscle aches and/or
conjunctivitis. If you are experiencing these symptoms, please do not visit a hospital
patient (call PAN?). Return home to avoid infecting others. If you are symptomatic and
are here to see a provider please wear the mask provided to you and go directly to your
How You Can Help
As we manage this situation and take steps to keep everyone safe, we ask that you and
your family help us maintain a safe and calm environment.
Please avoid any non-emergency visits to Carle Foundation Hospital. Until the situation
changes, we ask that you not visit any patient unless it is absolutely necessary for you to
be present for the care of the patient. Please discuss any concerns with the patient’s nurse
by calling_________, especially if the patient is in critical condition. Also avoid nonemergency visits to our Emergency Department. If you must visit your temperature may
be taken and you may be asked to wear a mask.
Thank You for Your Strength, Courage and Patience
While we work to ensure the safety of everyone, we thank you for your strength, courage
and patience. Please be assured that everything possible is being done to ensure your
family’s safety. Please cooperate with hospital staff and local officials. We will work to
keep you aware and informed of the situation and we thank you for your cooperation.
James C. Leonard, MD
President and CEO, The Carle Foundation