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The treatment of choice for anemia of chronic renal disease:
a. Ferrous sulfate
b. Folic acid
c. Erythropoetin
d. blood transfusion
Answer: C
A patient was brought to the ER in a comatose state. Serum
electrolytes drawn on admission showed the following: Na+ 133 meq/L,
K + 8.0 meq?l, Cl 98 meq/L, HCO3 13 meq?L. ECG showed absent P
waves, widend QRS and peaked T waves. Which would b the mot
appropriate initial step:
Repeat electrolyte measurement and observe
Attempt cardioversion
Administer intravenous calcium gluconate
Administer sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexelate)
Answer: C
P. 1680
A 37 y.o. man is admitted with confusion. PE showed a BP of 140/70
with no orthostatic changes, normal jugular venous pressure and no
edma. Serum chemistries are notable for Na+ 120 meq/L, K + 4.2
meq/L, HCO3 24 meq/L and a uric acid of 2 mg/L. The most likely
diagnosis is:
a. Hepatic cirrhosis
c. Addison’s disease
d. Severe vomiting and diarrhes
Answer: B
P. 262
Low serum complement level would be seen in patients with
hematuria, proteinuria and hypertension resulting from all of the
following, EXCEPT:
a. Mixed essential cryoglobulinemia
b. Hepatitis C associated membranoproliferative
c. Diffuse proliferative lupus nephritis
d. Henoch-Schonlein purpura
Answer: D
P. 1658
p. 256
TRUE statement/s about acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
a. The latent period appears to be longer when PSGN is
associated with cutaneous rather than pharyngeal infection
b. Serologic tests for a streptococcal infection may be negative if
antimicrobial therapy is begun early
c. PSGN leads to permanent and progressive renal insufficiency
more often in adults than in children
d. Long-term antistreptococcal prophylaxis is indicated after
documented cases of PSGN.
Answer: D
p. 1680-1681
The a wave of the jugular venous pulse (JVP) represents:
a. right ventricular contraction
b. right atrial contraction
c. ventricular septal defect
d. atrial septal defect
One of the following is not true in the assessment of acute GI Bleeding:
a. The presence of large quantities of bright red blood per
rectum rules out the source before the ligament of Treitz
b. Melena almost always represents UGIB
c. Black stools can be caused by lesions in the colon
d. A bilous NGT return flow in a patient who just had hematochezia
rules out an upper GI source of hemorrhage
Which of the following is true regarding gastric ulcer?
a. presence of gastric acid excludes malignancy
b. weight loss is distinctively unusual in benign ulcer
c. ulcers along the greater curve favor malignancy
d. coexisting duodenal ulcers favor benign nature of gastric
A 55-year-old diabetic patient presents with heartburn and acidic
eructation for 2 years. Endoscopic biopsy of a patch of hyperemic
mucosa 3 cm. above the gastroesophageal junction showed squamous
epithelium with inflammatory cells. The patient most likely has:
a. Barrett’s esophagus
b. Gastroesophageal reflux disease
c. Candidal esophagitis
d. Herpes simplex esophagitis
Which of the following statements does NOT describe secretory
a. Diarrhea continues during fasting
b. Stools are scanty and mucoid
c. Fecal fat is low
d. Cholera can cause it
A 16-year-old male patient presenting with hepatitis syndrome has the
following serologic exam findings:
(+) HBsAG
(-) Anti-HBe
(+) HBeAG
(+) Anti-HAVIgm (+) Anti HBclgM
(-) AntiHBclgG
The patient most likely has
a. Acute Hepatitis A and Acute Hepatitis B simultaneous
b. Acute Hepatitis A superimposed on Chronic Hepatitis B in the
replicative phases
c. Acute Hepatitis A superimposed on Chronic Hepatitis B in the
non-replicative phase
d. Acute Hepatitis A; a previous immunization to Hepatitis B
The most common organism isolated from the ascitic fluid of patients
with spontaneous
bacterial peritonitis is:
a. Streptococcus pneumoniae
b. Staphylococcus aureus
c. Escherichia coli
d. Bacteroides fragilis
True of Ascaris infestation:
a. may cause ground itch
b. Loeffler’s pneumonitis results from allergy to ascaris eggs
c. adult worms reside mostly in the small intestines
d. the drug of choice in biliary ascariasis is Mebendazole because
it paralyzes the worms and prevents their further migration
Which of the following risk factors has been directly associated with
Bronchogenic Carcinoma?
a. Asbestos exposure
b. Aflatoxin ingestion
c. Cigarette smoking
d. Chronic Bronchitis
This group of drugs reduce airway inflammation in bronchial asthma:
a. Catecholamines
b. Methylxanthines
c. Clucocorticoids
d. Anticholinergics
The American Thoracic Society defines chronic bronchitis as
persistence of cough and excessive mucus production for most days
out of 3 months for ________ successive years:
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
A patient with CAP requires hospitalization when one of the following is
a. age < 65 years old
b. COPD in exacerbation
c. temperature of 38.5C
d. unilobar CXR infiltrate
One of the following is NOT a useful clue to the microbial etiology of
CAP (Community Acquired Pneumonia)
a. edentulous persons likely to develop pneumonia due to
b. susceptible people exposed to an infectious aerosol in
c. patients with severe hypogammaglobulinemia at risk of infection
with S. pneumoniae
d. anaerobic lung abscess occuring in patients prone to aspiration
In a patient suspected of PTE, presence of this symptom heralds the
occurence of pulmonary infarction:
a. unexplained dyspnea
b. hemptysis
c. sudden onset of cough
d. syncope
Gold standard in the diagnosis of PTE:
a. ventilation-perfusion scan
b. pulmonary angiography
c. Helical/Spiral CT Scan
d. transesophageal echocardiography
One of the disorders below does NOT have vesicles or bulla as
presenting lesions:
a. Impetigo
b. Chicken pox
c. Herpes Simplex
d. Psoriasis
Annular lesions with raised erythematous border and clear centers,
distributed over the trunk area:
a. Tinea unglum
b. Psoriasis
c. Tinea versicolor
d. Tinea corporis
Grouped vesicles arranged in a segmental pattern over the right side
of the trunk, T7-8 level:
a. Herpes Simplex
b. Chicken pox
c. Verruca vulgaris
d. Herpes Zoster
A pregnant woman with brown macules with irregular borders,
symmetric pattern on her cheeks, forehead, upper lips, nose and chin
most likely has:
a. SLE
b. melasma
c. Addison’s disease
d. Psoriasis
One of the following statements is NOT true of typhoid fever:
a. Salmonella typhi has no known hosts other than humans.
b. Most cases result from ingestion of contaminated food or water.
c. Incubation period ranges from 3 to 21 days.
d. Stool culture is best done during the first week of fever.
In typhoid fever, which of the following specimen will have the best
sensitivity for culture if a patient has been given antibiotics?
a. blood
b. bone marrow
c. stool
d. urine
Drug of choice for Schistosomiasis:
a. Albendazole
b. Ivermectin
c. Diethylcarbamazine
d. Praziquantel
The fungus which is a normal inhabitant of the human mucocutaneous
body surfaces and is a frequent cause of fungemia is:
a. Aspergillus
b. Candida
c. Cryptococcus
d. Histoplasma
An 18-year-old boy had sex with an HIV+ prostitute a week ago. He is
frightened and wants assurance he has not been infected. You should:
a. tell him you regret that there is no way at this time to tell if
he has been infected or not
b. ask for an immediate AIDS ELISA test
c. ask for an immediate Western Blot test
d. assure him that if it was a one night affair he probably did not
get infected
The most likely organism/s causing secondary bacteremia following
manipulation of a furuncle is/are:
a. anaerobes and gm (-) bacilli
b. anaerobes and Staph aureus
c. Staph aureus and gm (-) bacilli
d. Staph aureus
Which of the following vaccines is especially indicated in a
splenectomized patient:
a. pneumococcal
b. hepatitis B
c. tetanus
d. polio
A patient with Bell’s Palsy has a pathology involving which cranial
a. III
b. V
c. VII
d. III and VII
A patient suspected to have meningitis undergoes spinal tap. Upon
insertion of the spinal needle, the opening pressure is recorded to be
markedly elevated. You should:
a. continue draining the CSF to decrease the pressure
b. withdraw the needle and run IV mannitol
c. continue draining the CSF while running IV mannitol
d. withdraw the needle and reinsert at a lower site
The first drug of choice in a patient presenting with frank seizures is:
a. Diphenylhydantoin IV
b. Phenobarbital IV
c. Carbamazepine p.o.
d. Diazepam IV
Lower motor neuron type of paralysis is characterized by:
a. hypotonia
b. spasticity
c. pathologic reflexes
d. involuntary movement of the affected extremities
A Cavernous sinus lesion could involve several cranial nerves. Which
of the following is least likely to be affected?
a. oculomotor nerve
b. Trochlear nerve
c. Abducens nerve
d. facial nerve
Bitemporal hemianopsia means involvement of the
a. optic nerve ipsilateral to the lesion
b. optic chiasm
c. optic tract
d. optic radiation
Elevated urea in patients with chronic renal disease occurs because of
a. an increased reabsorption of urea by the proximal tubules
b. decreased secretion of urea by the distal tubules
c. decreased urea excretion
d. an increased renal blood flow
Asymptomatic bacteriuria should always be treated in:
a. pregnant women
b. catheterized elderly patients
c. sexually active patient
d. post CVD patients
What is the most conservative management for chronic renal failure?
a. dietary proteins of 0.6 g/kg/day
b. allopurinol 300 mg OD
c. dialysis
d. kidney transplant
One of the following is NOT a pathophysiologic mechanism of DM
a. injury of the glomerular filtration barrier manifested by
b. Ig G deposits along GBM resulting in immune complex
mediated glomerulonephritis
c. mesangial matrix expansion resulting to enlarged kidneys
d. atherosclerosis of the renal vascular bed due to hypertensive
Not a characteristic laboratory feature of hepatorenal syndrome:
a. elevated BUN
b. Fractional excretion of NA+ < 1%
c. Proteinuria
d. Urinary Na+ > 40 mmol/L
The single most important parameter of renal function is:
a. edema
b. Creatinine clearance
c. Serum Creatinine
d. Serum BUN
A 50-year-old male with ESRD 20 diabetic nephropathy was brought to
the emergency room because of weakness and light headedness. He
has just completed his first dialysis, and was observed to be somewhat
confused. BP = 90/40, CR = 80/min., RR = 20/min. The most likely
explanation for his condition is:
a. Dialysis disequilibrium syndrome
b. Dialysis dementia
c. Poor dietary intake during dialysis
d. Reduced dialysate temperature
In the presence of anemia, the ability to produce adequate circulating
red cells is best measured by:
a. WBC count
b. Serum iron binding capacity
c. Reticulocyte count
d. Total eosinophil count
Reticulocytosis is NOT seen in:
a. aplastic anemia
b. acute blood loss
c. hemolytic anemia
d. treatment of iron deficiency
All of the following anemias except one are chronic developing over
weeks. Which anemia may develop acutely?
a. aplastic
b. pernicious
c. hemolytic
d. iron deficiency
In the tumor cell cycle, the cells refractory to chemotherapy are the:
a. Cells in the G2 phase
b. Cells in the M phase
c. Cells in the G0 phase
d. Cells in the active S phase
Multiple osteolytic lesions, hypercalcemia and neurologic abnormalities
are most often seen in:
a. Prostatic CA
b. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
c. Plasma cell myeloma
d. CNS tumors
Thrombocytopenia is not expected in:
a. SLE
b. G6PD deficiency
c. Acute Leukemia
d. Disseminated intravascular Coagulation (DIC)
This finding in Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia can differentiate it from
leukemoid reaction:
a. decreased leukocyte alkaline phosphatase
b. increased WBC count
c. anemia
d. hypercellular marrow with increased granulocyte precursor
Lung cancer that is associated with significant progressive dyspnea
and increasing hypoxemia
a. Squamous cell carcinoma
b. Oat cell CA
c. Adenocarcinoma
d. Bronchoalveolar CA
The most common form of arthritis characterized by progressive
deterioration and loss of articular cartilage:
a. Rheumatoid arthritis
b. Osteoarthritis
c. Gouty arthritis
d. Septic arthritis
The characteristic feature of Rheumatoid arthritis is:
a. fibrotic changes of the skin
b. osteoporosis
c. persistent inflammatory synovitis
d. asymmetric involvement of large weight-bearing joints
Heberden’s nodes are found in
a. Systemic lupus erythematous (SLE)
b. Gouty arthritis
c. Osteoarthritis
d. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
Loss of hair at the lateral part of eyebrows, thickening of speech,
coarse hair and dry skin, dulling of intellect, sluggish movements. Most
likely diagnosis is:
a. Cushing’s syndrome
b. Adrenal insufficiency
c. Hypothyroidism
d. Acromegaly
Psamomma bodies are characteristic of:
a. Follicular Thyroid CA
b. Papillary Thyroid CA
c. Parathyroid Adenoma
d. Parathyroid CA
Jodbasedow phenomenon is:
a. iodide-induced hyperthyroidism
b. blocking of organic binding of iodine with large doses of the
c. hyperthyroidism due to hyperfunctioning thyroid adenoma
d. due to a thyroxine-producing ovarian tumor
A 50-year-old obese woman with hypertriglyceridemia without
hypercholesterolemia. The most appropriate first management step
would be
a. weight reduction
b. gemfibrozil
c. clofibrate therapy
d. liposuction
The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is certain in which of the following
a. persistently elevated nonfasting serum glucose levels
b. successive fasting plasma glucose of 147, 165, 152 mg/dL
in an otherwise healthy 40-year-old female
c. A serum glucose level of 140 mg/dL in a pregnant woman in her
26th week AOG
d. glycosuria in a 30/F
Which of the following medications can cause hyperprolactinemia?
a. Propranolol
b. glucocorticoids
c. metoclopramide
d. levothyroxine
Obese persons are at increased risk for
a. hypothyroidism
b. Type I diabetes mellitus
c. Cholelithiasis
d. elevated LDL cholesterol
Dietary deficiency of thiamine produces which of the following clinical
a. color blindness
b. osteoporosis
c. bruising
d. peripheral neuropathy
A 24/M who took megadoses of vitamins develops severe headache
and papilledema. The cause for this is intoxication of
a. Vitamin B6
b. Vitamin D
c. Vitamin A
d. Vitamin E
In using Serum albumin as gauge for malnutrition, which statement is
a. a low serum albumin always indicates malnutrition
b. the half-life of albumin in 21 days, so it cannot be used to
assess acute malnutrition
c. albumin levels are unaffected by changes in extracellular
d. the bone marrow synthesizes albumin
Prolonged fasting causes the intestinal villi to
a. hypertrophy
b. atrophy
c. necrose
d. proliferate
A person with known allergy to penicillins should not be given
a. cotrimoxazole
b. tetracycline
c. erythromycin
d. cefalexin
Lymphokines are secreted by
polymorphonuclear cells
lymphoma cells
A 30-year-old female has severe perennial allergic rhinitis. Her house
is frequently flooded. She has a dog and sleeps on kepok pillow. As
part of management of her allergy, you should advice her to
a. get a new kapok pillow and launder it frequently
b. try to scoop out the flooded water as soon as the rain pours
c. keep the dog out or get a cat instead
d. replace the kapok pillow with foam rubber, cover the pillow
and mattress with allergen proof encasings
IgE has high affinity for which type of cells?
a. eosinophils
b. mast cells
c. platelets
d. macrophages
A 65/M is brought to the ER due to chest pain. He suddenly becomes
unresponsive and pulseless and cardiac monitor reveals ventricular
fibrillation. You should immediately:
a. begin CPR, followed by intubation, then defibrillation with 100 J
 200 J  360 J
b. begin CPR, followed by intubation, then defibrillation starting at
c. begin CPR, then defibrillation at 200 J, 300 J then 360 J
d. begin CPR, defibrillate at 200 J, then intubate
If despite defibrillation, a pulseless patient has persistent ventricular
fibrillation, the use of which drug would be most appropriate?
a. lidocaine
b. procainamide
c. amiodarone
d. epinephrine
If only one person is present to provide basic life support, chest
compressions should be performed at a rate of ______ per minute,
and breaths twice in succession every 15 seconds
a. 50
b. 80
c. 60
d. 40
One of the following is associated with an increased risk of sudden
cardiac death:
a. frequent PVC’s (>30/min)
b. hyponatremia
c. smoking
d. hyperlipidemia
Elevation of Serum Potassium is toxic to the:
Anti – Tuberculosis drug that can cause hyperuricemia:
a. Isoniazid
b. Pyrazinamide
c. Rifampicin
d. Streptomycin
MPL: 0.25 p:964
Which of the following tests is required to diagnose Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease:
a. Arterial blood gas
b. Chest X-ray
c. Chest CT scan
d. Spirometry
MPL: 0.25 p:1551
Marantic endocarditis is commonly associated with this lung cancer:
a. Squamous cell
b. Large cell
c. Adenocarcinoma
d. Small cell
MPL: 0.25 p: 509
This is considered as the most frequent cause of Acute Respiratory
Distress Syndrome
a. Smoke inhalation
b. Severe sepsis
c. Pulmonary contusion
d. Acute pancreatitis
MPL: 0.50 p:1592
The most common form of Lung cancer arising in lifetime of a non
smoker young women
a. Small cell carcinoma
b. Adenocarcinoma
c. Squamous cell carcinoma
d. Large cell carcinoma
MPL: 0.50 p: 507
The most common cause of acute renal failure
a. Pre renal acute renal failure
b. Renal acute renal failure
c. Post renal acute renal failure
d. Pre renal with renal acute renal failure
MPL: 0.50 p: 1644
The most significant risk factor for cancer is:
a. Sex
b. Age
c. Nationality
d. Dietary factors
MPL: 0.50 p: 435
DNA synthesis phase
a. G1
b. G2
c. G0
d. S
MPL: 0.333 p: 469
This is the most common local manifestation of lung cancer at
a. Dyspnea
b. Cough
c. Hemoptysis
d. Chest pain
MPL: 0.50 p: 508
Painless myocardial infarction is greater in patients with
a. hypertension
b. diabetes mellitus
c. homocystinemia
d. dyslipidemia
MPL: 0.50 p: 955
In typoid fever this diagnostic exam is not affected by prior antibiotic
a. Bone marrow culture
b. Blood culture
c. Urine culture
d. Stool culture
MPL: 0.25 p: 899
British Thoracic Society major category for diagnosis of severe
a. P/F ratio of <250
b. Multilobar pneumonia
c. Systolic pressure of less than 90 mmHg
d. Need for mechanical ventilation
MPL: 0.50 p: 1532
This anti-TB drug may cause “barrel vision”
a. Rifampicin
b. Isoniazid
c. Pyrazinamide
d. Streptomycin
MPL: 0.25 p: 961
Most common cause of pneumonia in ambulatory patients:
a. Streptococcus pneumoniae
b. Mycoplasma pneumoniae
c. influenza viruses
d. Chlamydia pneumoniae
MPL: 0.25 p: 1531
Most common etiologic agent in uncomplicated cystitis:
a. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
b. Staphylococcus aureus
c. Escherichia coli
d. Proteus vulgaris
MPL: 0.50 p: 1715
The best parameter to differentiate chronic bronchitis from emphysema
a. Simple spirometry
b. Lung volume studies
d. Arterial blood gas
MPL: 0.333 p: 1503
The duration of treatment for acute cystitis in pregnant patient :
a. single dose
b. 3 days
c. 5 days
d. 7 days
MPL: 0.25 p: 1520
Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus is defined as:
a. Random is defined as with regard to time since the last meal.
b. Fasting is defined as no caloric intake for at least 12 h.
c. The test should be performed using a glucose load containing
the equivalent of 50 g anhydrous glucose dissolved in water; not
recommended for routine clinical use.
d. A random plasma glucose concentration =11.1 mmol/L (200
mg/dL) accompanied by classic symptoms of DM (polyuria,
polydipsia, weight loss) is sufficient for the diagnosis of
MPL: 0.333 p: 2153
Type 2 DM is characterized by one of the pathophysiologic
a. impaired insulin absorption
b. peripheral insulin resistance
c. decrease hepatic glucose production
d. increase gluconeogenesis
MPL: 0.333 p: 2157
Acute complication of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus :
a. Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State
b. Coronary artery disease
c. DM neuropathy
d. Gastroparesis
MPL: 0.25
p: 2161
Target blood pressure in Diabetes Mellitus
a. 140/90
b. 150/80
c. 130/80
d. 120/80
MPL: 0.25 p: 2170
Risk factor for adverse prognosis in hypertension:
A. elderly
B. female sex
C. smoking
D. pregnancy
MPL: 0.25 p: 1466
The most common form of suppurative intracranial infection:
A. viral meningitis
B. bacterial meningitis
C. fungal meningitis
D. parasitic meningitis
MPL: 0.50 p: 2472
Precipitating cause of heart failure:
A. smoking
B. exercise
C. infection
D. stroke
MPL: 0.50 p: 1368
Underlying cause of heart failure:
A. cardiomyopathy
B. cardiac tamponade
C. respiratory diseases
D. anemia
MPL: 0.333 p: 1368
Minor criteria of congestive heart failure:
A. S3 gallop
B. cardiomegaly
C. rales
D. tachycardia
MPL: 0.25 p: 1371
Levine’s sign:
a. tenderness on palpation
b. slowly progressive dyspnea
c. clenching of the fist in front of the sternum
d. difficulty of breathing
MPL: 0.25 p: 1435
An important factor predisposing to bacteriuria in men is urethral
obstruction due to:
A. prostatic hypertrophy
B. catheter insertion
C. infection
D. ureteric stones
MPL: 0.25 p: 1716
The most common finding on physical examination in leptospirosis
aside from fever:
A. calf tenderness
B. conjunctival suffusion
C. jaundice
D. rash
MPL: 0.50 p: 990
The most common cause of partial or generalized epilepsy in the
elderly is :
A. stroke
B. brain tumor
C. infection
D. trauma
MPL: 0.50 p: 2537
Definition of severe pneumonia by American Thoracic Society:
A. need for mechanical ventilation
B. systolic BP of >90 mmHg
C. single lobe involvement
D. PaO2/FiO2 < 200
MPL: 0.333 p: 1532
Cause of transudative pleural effusion:
A. mesothelioma
B. sarcoidosis
C. cirrhosis
D. meigs syndrome
MPL: 0.25 p: 1567
Hallmark of COPD:
A. airflow obstruction
B. clubbing of digits
C. flail chest
D. hoover’s sign
MPL: 0.25 p: 1551
Most commonly involved in extrapulmonary TB:
A. meninges
B. peritoneum
C. pericardium
D. lymph nodes
MPL: 0.25 p: 957
Primary Pulmonary TB frequently involved the:
A. middle lobe
B. lower lobe
C. middle and lower lung zones
D. upper lobe
MPL: 0.333 p: 956
The most common complication of measles:
A. subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
B. chronic encephalitis
C. otitis externa
D. hepatitis
MPL: 0.50 p: 1150
The drug of choice for primary generalized seizures is:
A. phenytoin
B. carbamazepine
C. valproic acid
D. gabapentin
MPL: 0.50 p: 2374
Type of anemia in Malaria:
A. normochromic normocytic
B. hypochromic normocytic
C. hypochromic microcytic
D. normochromic microcytic
MPL: 0.333 p: 1226
Cerebral Malaria is caused by:
A. P. falciparum
B. P. malariae
C. P. ovale
D. P. vivax
MPL: 0.25 p: 1222
The most common presentation of amoebic infection is:
A. asymptomatic cyst passage
B. amoebic colitis
C. liver abscess
D. central nervous system infection
MPL: 0.25 p: 1640
Duodenal ulcer occur 90% located within:
A. 3cm of the pylorus
B. 4cm of the pylorus
C. 5 cm of the pylorus
D. 10 cm of the pylorus
MPL: 0.333 p: 1749
The most common type of gallstone:
A. cholesterol
B. black pigment stone
C. brown pigment stone
D. green pigment stone
MPL: 0.25 p: 1881
Gold standard in diagnosing gallstone:
A. abdominal xray
B. ultrasound
C. CT Scan
D. Cholescintigraphy
MPL: 0.25 p: 1883
The most common risk factor of stroke :
A. infection
B. hypertension
C. diabetes mellitus
D. trauma
MPL: 0.25 p: 2372
The most specific and characteristic symptom of gallstone disease:
A. biliary colic
B. vomiting
C. constipation
D. jaundice
MPL: 0.25 p: 1883
Local complication of acute pancreatitis:
A. pancreatic abscess
B. pleural effusion
C. pericardial effusion
D. peptic ulcer disease
MPL: 0.50 p.1898
85% of Pancreatic pseudocyst are located at the :
A. tail
B. body
C. body and tail
D. head
MPL: 0.50 p: 1901
The most common serious complication of chicken pox:
A. pneumonia
B. hepatitis
C. meningitis
D. pericarditis
MPL: 0.50 p: 1043
Incubation period of chicken pox:
a. 10-21 days
b. 7-10 days
c. 5-10 days
d. 21-30days
MPL: 0.333 p: 1043
The person recommended to receive influenza vaccine:
A. person > 65 years of age
B. women in first trimester of pregnancy
C. hypertensive patients
D. with prodromal phase of upper respiratory infection
MPL: 0.333 p: 1042
Most serious complication of influenza B virus:
A. pneumonia
B. carditis
C. reye’s syndrome
D. encephalitis
MPL: 0.5
p: 1067
Metabolic complication of nephritic syndrome
A. hypercalcemia
B. bleeding
C. normocytic normochromic
D. hypoalbuminemia
MPL: 0.5
p: 1684
Primary Glomerulopathy which is highly steroid responsive:
A. membranoproliferative
B. membranous
C. focal segmental glomerolosclerosis
D. minimal change disease
MPL: 0.333 p: 1683
Most common cause of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome in adult:
A. membranoproliferative
B. membranous
C. focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
D. minimal change disease
MPL: 0.5
p: 1687
Hallmark of nephrotic syndrome:
A. dysmorphic red blood cell
B. numerous red blood cell cast
C. heavy protenuria
D. waxy cast
MPL: 0.5
p: 1684
Most common glomerulopathy worldwide:
A. minimal change
B. lupus nephritis
C. membranous
D. IgA nephropathy
MPL: 0.5
p: 1690
Most common cause of Iron deficiency in adult:
A. chronic blood loss
B. hemolysis
C. dietary deficiency
D. chronic inflammatory disease
MPL: 0.5
p: 586
Virus serotype associated greatest risk for DHF:
A. DEN-1
B. DEN-2
C. DEN-3
D. DEN-4
MPL: 0.5
p: 1161
Most important laboratory test for DHF monitoring:
A. Hemoglobin
B. hematocrit
C. platelet
D. liver function test
MPL: 0.25 p: 1161
Which of the following is the earliest rabies specific clinical
A. hydrophobia
B. aerophobia
C. tingling sensation at the bite site
D. delirium
MPL: 0.333 p: 1115
The diagnostic laboratory method of choice for typhoid fever in the first
of illness:
A. bone marrow culture
B. blood culture
C. urine culture
D. stool culture
MPL: 0.25 p: 991
The most important predictor of multi-drug resistant M. tuberculosis
in all studies is:
A. history of treatment tuberculosis
C. noncompliance
D. diabetes mellitus
MPL: 0.5
p: 958
Most discriminating symptom of duodenal ulcer:
A. nausea and vomiting
B. pain occur 90 min to 3 hours after a meal
C. relieved by food intake
D. pain awakens patient at night
MPL: 0.5
p: 1751
Liver cirrhosis is best diagnosed by:
A. Ultrasound
B. Liver biopsy
C. CT scan
D. liver function tests
MPL: 0.25 p: 1859
Drug of choice for Schistosomiasis:
A. mebendazole
B. praziquantel
C. tinidazole
D. metronidazole
MPL: 0.5
p: 1271
Spasm that is observed first in Tetanus:
A. risus sardonicus
B. abdominal rigidity only upon stimulation
C. trismus
D. opisthotonus
MPL: 0.5
p: 1115
Gold standard in the treatment of typhoid fever:
A. chloramphenicol
B. penicillin
C. tetracycline
D. ceftriaxone
MPL: 0.25 p: 991
The most common opportunistic fungal infection:
A. candida
B. aspergillosis
C. pneumocistis jeroverci
D. fusarium
MPL: 0.25 p: 1185
Source of cholera infection:
A. contaminated water supply
B. food exposed to flies and cockroaches
C. food utensils not properly disinfected
D. ingestion of live oral cholera vaccine
MPL: 0.25 p: 909
Classical malarial paroxysms suggest infection with:
A. P. malariae
B. P. falciparum
C. B. microti
D. P. vivax
MPL: 0.25 p: 1221
Most common cause of pneumonia in ambulatory patients:
A. S. pneumoniae
B. M. pneumoniae
C. influenza viruses
D. C. pneumoniae
MPL: 0.25 p: 1531
The single most useful clinical sign of the severity of pneumonia:
A. BP of 120/80
B. Respiratory rate of > 30/min
C. Cardiac rate of 76
D. Temperature of 37C
MPL: 0.333 p: 1532
The most common route for bacterial pneumonia :
A. gross aspiration
B. aerosolization
C. microaspiration of oropharyngeal secretions
D. hematogenous spread from a distant infected site.
MPL: 0.5
p: 1529
Most common site of spinal tuberculosis in adult:
A. upper thoracic spine
B. lower thoracic spine
C. lumbar spine
D. cervical spine
MPL: 0.5
p: 958
The most common site of gastrointestinal TB:
A. appendix
B. proximal ileum
C. pancreas
D. terminal ileum
MPL: 0.5
p: 958
Most common site of pancreatic cancer:
A. head
B. body
C. tail
D. uncus
MPL: 0.25 p: 537
Most consistent risk factor in pancreatic cancer:
A. hypertension
B. alcoholism
C. cigarette smoking
D. obesity
MPL: 0.5
p: 537
Hereditable gastrointestinal syndromes that has least malignant
A. gardner’s syndrome
B. turcot’s syndrome
C. lynch syndrome
D. juvenile polyposis
MPL: 0.333 p: 528
The most common infectious complication of varicella is
A. bacterial superinfection of the skin
B. seizure
C. sepsis
D. meningitis
MPL: 0.333 p: 1043
The most common extracutaneous site of involvement in children
A. respiratory system
MPL: 0.5
p: 1043
A deficiency of this protease inhibitor is a proven genetic risk factor for
A. alpha 1 anti trypsin
B. alpha 2 anti trypsin
C. M protein
D. piZZ alpha 2 anti trypsin
MPL: 0.5
p: 1548
Glucose goal in patients with DKA:
A. 70 - 100 mg/dl
B. 100 -150 mg/dl
C. 150 – 250 mg/dl
D. 250-300 mg/dl
MPL: 0.5
p: 2160
Heart failure with development of symptoms in less than an ordinary
A. Class I
B. Class II
C. Class III
D. Class IV
MPL: 0.25 p: 1302
Heart failure with warm and flushed extremities and with widened pulse
A. Low output
B. High output
C. Diastolic heart failure
D. Systolic heart failure
MPL: 0.5
p: 1369
Cardiomyopathy with primary myocardial involvement
A. Infective
B. Metabolic
C. Connective
D. Idiopathic
MPL: 0.5
p: 1408
Reversible form of dilated cardiomyopathy
A. Alcohol abuse
B. Right ventricular dysplasia
C. Amyloidosis
D. Hemochromatosis
MPL: 0.5
p: 1409
Systolic Hypertension with wide pulse pressure
A. Arteriosclerosis
B. Chronic Pyelonephritis
C. Oral contraceptives
D. Psychogenic
MPL: 0.5
p: 1463
Framingham major criteria for Diagnosis of CHF :
Night cough
Pleural effusion
Positive hepatojugular reflux
MPL: 0.25 p: 1371
Characteristic appearance of stools in patients with cholera:
A. non-mucoid, non-bilious stools
B. mucoid and watery stools
C. sour and offensive odor which is non-bilious and non-bloody
D. non-bilious,non-bloody, gray, sl. cloudy with flecks of
MPL: 0.25 p: 911
Primary pulmonary TB is characterized as:
A. typically involves the apices of the lungs
B. causes rupture of Rasmussen’s aneurysm
C. involves the middle and lower lobes in most cases
D. reactivation type of infection
MPL: 0.5
p: 956
Class I recommendations for use of an Early invasive strategy in
Myocardial Infarction:
A. EF < 0.60
B. Recurrent angina at rest/ low level activity despite Rx
C. PCI < 8 months, prior CABG
D. Negative stress test
MPL: 0.333 p: 1477
The most common presenting complaint in patients with ST elevation
A. Dysnea
B. Weakness
C. Pain
D. Vomiting
MPL: 0.5
De bakey classification of Aortic dissection in which dissection is
limited to the ascending aorta:
A. Type I
B. Type II
C. Type III
D. Type IV
MPL: 0.5
p: 1483
Cardiomyopathy with primary myocardial involvement
A. Infective
B. Metabolic
C. Connective
D. Idiopathic
MPL: 0.25 p: 1408
This form of respiratory failure occurs when alveolar flooding and
intrapulmonary shunt physiology occur:
A. Type 1 respiratory failure
B. Type 2 respiratory failure
C. Type 3 respiratory failure
D. Type 4 respiratory failure
MPL: 0.25 p: 1583
Heavy drinkers (i.e., those consuming 100 g of ethanol per day for the
preceding 2 years) have a higher incidence of acquiring what type of
organism in Community acquired Pneumonia?
A. gram positive organism
B. gram negative organisms
C. anaerobes
D. enterococci
MPL: 0.5
p: 1530
Associated with pandemics and are restricted to influenza A viruses
A. antigenic shift
B. antigenic drift
C. antigenic transformation
D. antigenic rotation
MPL: 0.25 p: 1066
Most common pathogen in intensive care unit:
A. S. pneumoniae
B. C. pneumoniae
C. M. pneumoniae
D. H. influnzae
MPL: 0.25 p: 1531
The only known reservoir for Varicella zoster virus is
A. humans
B. cats
C. mosquito
D. rodents
MPL: 0.25 p: 1042
The most common infectious complication of varicella is
A. bacterial superinfection of the skin
B. seizure
C. sepsis
D. meningitis
MPL: 0.25 p:1043
1. The most common site of hypertensive intraparenchymal hemorrhage is:
A. Deep Cerebellum
B. Pons
C. Thalamus
D. Putamen
Page 2390
2. The most common cause of ischemic stroke is
A. Small vessel thrombosis (Lacunar)
B. Large vessel thrombosis
C. Cardio embolism due to mural thrombus
D. Artery to artery embolism from carotid bifurcation atherosclerosis
Page 2376
3. Currently considered the best initial treatment for primarily generalized tonic
clonic seizures is:
A. Phenytoin
B. Valproic acid
C. Carbamazepine
D. Phenobarbital
Page 2367
4. Adverse effects such as gum hyperplasia, hirsutism and coarsening of facies is
associated with long term use of:
A. Carbamazepine
B. Valproic acid
C. Phenytoin
D. Topiramate
Page 2368
5. The pathognomonic sign of meningitis is:
A. Presence of fever and cranial nerve deficit
B. Presence of hemiparesis, headache and fever
C. Presence of fever, headache and nuchal rigidity
D. Presence of nuchal rigidity and hemiparesis
Page 2473
6. The most common cause of community acquired bacterial meningitis in adults
>20 years of age
A. N. meningitides
B. Strep. Pneumoniae
C. Listeria monocytogenes
D. Group B streptococci
Page 2471
7. Which of the following systemic disease is NOT associated with polyneuropathy:
A. HIV infection
B. Diabetes mellitus
C. Carcinoma
D. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Page 2501, 2504
8. Compressive Metastatic Myelopathies most commonly involve which level of the
spinal cord
A. Cervical
B. Thoracic
C. Lumbar
D. Sacral
Page 2441
9. Which of the following is true of Trigeminal Neuralgia
A. More common in males
B. Objective sign of sensory loss in the face cannot be demonstrated on
C. Usually involve the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve
D. Affects most adolescents and young adults
Page 2434
10. Which of the following disorders causes irreversable dementia?
A. Hypothyroidism
B. Thiamine Deficiency
C. Multi-infarct
D. Alzheimer’s disease
Page 2396
11. The most powerful risk factor for osteoarthritis is:
A. Female sex
B. Obesity
C. Age
D. Prior inflammatory joint disease
Page 2037
12. Disabilility of patient with knee osteoarthritis is strongly associated with:
A. Radiographic severity of joint damage
B. Joint pain
C. Quadriceps muscle weakness
D. Obesity
Page 2037
13. Which of the following is the characteristic physical examination finding of
patient with osteoarthritis?
A. Localized tenderness
B. Swelling of bony and soft tissue
C. Periarticular muscle atrophy
D. Bony Crepitus
Page – 2039
14. Which of the following is considered as the most common form of idiopathic
A. Bouchard’s nodes
B. Heberden’s nodes
C. Gelatinous dorsal cyst
D. Osler nodes
Page 2040
15. A 30 y/o female with SLE is noted to have a prolonged partial thromboplastin
time. This abnormality is associated with:
A. Leukopenia
B. Central nervous system vasculitis
C. Central nervous system hemorrhage
D. Deep venous thrombosis
Page 1964
16. The best screening test for the detection of SLE is:
A. Anti-Sm
B. Anti- dsDNA
C. Antinuclear antibodies
D. Anti-Ro
Page 1961
17. Diagnosis of gouty arthritis is base on the finding of crystals in the synovial fluid
and which of the following crystals is diagnostic of gout?
A. Apatite crystals
B. Birefringent needle-shaped crystals
C. Rod-shaped weakly birefringent crystals
D. Rhomboid strongly birefrintent crystals
Page 2046-2049
18. The preferred treatment of acute gouty attack in elderly patient is:
A. Colchicine
C. Intraarticular steroid infection
D. Oral steroid
Page 2046
19. Joint pain among patient with Rheumatoid arthritis is cause mainly by which of
the following mechanism?
A. Muscle spasm
B. Stretching of periostal nerve endings
C. Stretching of the joint’s ligaments
D. Distention of joint capsule
Page 1971
20. Axial (vertebra) joints involvement in Rheumatoid arthritis is usually limited to
A. Cervical vertebrae
B. Thoracic vertebrae
C. Lumbar vertebra
D. Sacral vertebrae
Page 1971
21. Evidence suggests that early aggressive treatment of rheumatoid arthritic patient
with Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs (DMARD) maybe effective at
slowing the appearance of bone erosions. Which of the DMARD is currently
considered the best initial choice?
A. D-penicillamine
B. Gold compound
C. Methotrexate
D. Sulfasalazine
Page 1975
22. Which of the following Vitamins is capable of eliciting systemic anaphylactic
A. Cobalamine
B. Pyridoxine
C. Riboflavin
D. Thiamine
Page 1949
23. Which of the following medicine or drug is NOT effective in the treatment of the
acute event of systemic anaphylactic reaction?
A. SC Epinephrine
B. IV Dopamine
C. IV Diphenlydramine
D. IV Glucocorticoids
Page 1950
24. Majority of acute diarrheas are due to
A. toxic ingestion
B. medications
C. infectious agents
D. ischemia
Page 225
25. Clostridium deficile causes acute diarrhea by
A. mucosal invasion
B. cytotoxin production
C. pre-formed toxin production
D. enteroadherence
Page 226
26. Majority (>50%) of all esophageal cancers are of which cell type?
A. adenocarcinoma
B. squamous cell carcinoma
C. lymphoma
D. sarcoma
Page 542
27. Not considered as risk factor for the development of Pancreatic cancer?
A. smoking
B. cholelithiasis
C. long standing DM
D. obesity
Page 537
28. Which of the following is a protective antibody against Hepatitis B infection?
A. Anti-HBe
B. Anti HBs
C. HBsAg
D. Anti HBc
Page 1825
29. Drug that is contraindicated in the treatment of chronic Hepatitis B infection with
decompensated liver is:
A. Interferon
B. Lamivudine
C. Adefovir
D. Enterocavir
Page 1847
30. Minimum amount of ascetic fluid which can be detected by shifting dullness is:
A. 100 cc
B. 300 cc
C. 500 cc
D. 700 cc
Page 1866
31. Secretion of water and bicarbonate rich solution from the pancreas is stimulated
A. secretin
B. cholecystokinin
C. gastrin
D. somatostatin
Page 1895
32. Most common complication of Peptic Ulcer Disease is:
A. perforation
B. penetration
C. bleeding
D. obstruction
Page 1752
33. Which of the following isconnsidered as a non-pharmacologic management of
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease?
A. wearing tight belts
B. Proton pump inhibitors
C. Smoking
D. Decreased amount of fluids at night
Page 1743
34. Who among the following is considered to be diabetic?
A. a 34 y/o male who complained of excessive thirst, weight loss and casual
blood sugar of
B. asymptomatic 40y/o female with Fasting Blood sugar of 120mg%
C. a 45 y/o female with polyuria and +4 sugar in the urine
D. a 40 y/o male executive with HbAiC of 8%
Page 2153
35. The best way to assess blood sugar control is to monitor the:
A. Fasting blood sugar
B. Post prandial blood sugar
C. Glycosalated Hemoglobin
D. Urine sugar
Page 2172
36. A patient who is Hypertensive and Hypokalemic, should make one consider
which of the ff. as the most likely cause of the hypertension?
A. Pheochromocytoma
B. Conn’s Syndrome
C. Cushing’s disease
D. Addison’s disease
Page 2138
37. What is the most common cell type of Thyroid Carcinoma?
A. Follicular carcinoma
B. Papillary carcinoma
C. Medullary carcinoma
D. Anaplastic carcinoma
Page 2125
38. Which of the following physiologic condition can stimulate prolactin secretion by
the pituitary gland?
A. Phenothiazines
B. Menstruation
C. Stress
D. Post meal
Page 2085
39. Which of the following is NOT consistent with Diabetic Ketoacidosis?
A. pH of 7.12
B. HCO3- of 14 mmol/L
C. Blood sugar of 240mg%
D. Urine ketone of +4
Page 2159 table 323-4
40. What is the expected laboratory findings in Grave’s Hyperthyroidism?
A. elevated thyroid hormones with low TSH
B. elevated thyroid hormones & TSH
C. low thyroid hormones & TSH
D. elevated TSH with low thyroid hormones
Page 2115
41. Which of the following is NOT a feature of Hypocalcemia?
A. short QT interval
B. increased urination
C. depression
D. diarrhea
Page 2252
42. Which of the following test is recommended as the initial screening for
Cushing’s Sydrome?
A. overnight dexamethasone test
B. low dose dexamethasone test
C. high dose dexamethasone test
D. plasma ACTH determination
Page 2135
43. Which of the following have the most potent glucocorticoid effect?
A. Triamcinolone
B. Betamethasone
C. Dexamethasone
D. Paramethasone
Page 2147
44. The most potent risk factor for development of active TB disease is:
A. Malnutrition
B. Old age
C. Late adolescence
D. HIV co-infection
Page 955
45. Tuberculosis treatment failure is suspected when appropriate regimen is
prescribed but:
A. sputum cultures remain positive after 3 months
B. AFB sputum smears remain positive after 5 months
C. Either
D. Neither
Page 963
46. The most important impediment to cure Tuberculosis is:
A. Drug resistance
B. inappropriate assessment of its severity
C. Cheap medicine
D. non-compliance
Page 962
A 58 years old male presented with 4 days fever and lately weakness and
dizziness whenever he sits or stands up; disorientation. Upon PE:
BP=90/60mmHg, PR=112/min., RR=28/min., T=39.8ºC. The only remarkable
finding is an ulcerated skin lesions in the lower leg with black discoloration. Lab
tests: WBC=2,500cells/m3; gram negative bacilli from smears of the skin lesion.
47. This patient has
B. severe sepsis
C. septic shock
D. sepsis
Page 1606
48. The most probable organism that has causes severe febrile illness with changes
in sensorium and associated with ulceration and black discoloration of the skin
A. S. aureus
B. B. anthrasis
C. Cl. Perfringens
D. P. aeruginosa
Page 310
49. The following anti microbial agent is effective for the treatment of Pseudomonas
A. Nafcillin
B. Tetracycline
C. Ceftazidime
D. Any of the above
Page 708
50. The major anatomic site for the establishment and propagation of HIV infection
A. Genital organs
B. Lymphoid organs
C. Vascular system
D. Lymphocytes
Page 1080
51. Central to the pathogenesis of severe falciparum malaria is/are:
A. cytoadherence in capillary and venular endothelium
B. rosette formation by non parasitized RBC’s
C. agglutination of parasitized RBC’s
D. all of the above
Page 1221
52. Sequestration and microcirculatory arrest occur in which of the following
A. P. falciparum
B. P. vivax
C. P. malariae
D. all of the above
Page 1221
53. Hypoglycemia in severe malaria is associated with poor prognosis and it may
result from
A. failure of hepatic gluconeogenesis
B. increased glucose consumption by host and parasite
C. increased insulin secretion in treatment with Quinine
D. all of the above
Page 1222
54. The diagnostic test of malaria that is also used to monitor response to treatment
A. Serology
B. Stained blood film
C. either
D. neither
Page 1224
55. Dengue Hemorrhagic fever can occur following:
A. Primary infection with a virulent serotype
B. Second infection with the same serotype
C. Second infection with a serotype different from that involved in primary
D. All of the above
Page 1164
56. Diagnosis of Dengue fever is made in a clinically Compatible disease
manifestation by
B. Hemoconcentration
C. Leucopenia
D. Thrombocytopenia
Page 1164
57. The main clinical manifestations of Chronic Schistosomiasis are dependent on
A. Species
B. site of egg deposition in the host’s tissues
C. Both
D. Neither
Page 1269
58. The following are effects of tetanospasmin EXCEPT
A. blood release of inhibitory neurotransmitters
B. increased circulating catecholamine levels
C. block neurotransmitter release at the neuromuscular junction
D. all of the above
Page 841
59. The following laboratory findings are suggestive of Iron Deficiency Anemia
A. koilonychias
B. decreased serum ferritin
C. decreased total iron binding capacity
D. low reticulocyte response
Page 589
60. Which of the following statement regarding Polycythemia Vera is correct?
A. anemia is common
B. transformation to acute leukemia is common
C. an elevated plasma erythropoietin level excludes the diagnosis
D. phlebotomy is used only after hydroxyurea and interferon have been tired
E. thrombotic risk is mainly attributed to Thrombocytosis
Page 627-628
61. Diagnosis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia is established by the presence of:
A. ≥ 10% myeloblasts in the bone marrow
B. ≥ 20% myeloblasts in the bone marrow
C. ≥ 5% myeloblasts in the bone marrow
D. < 5% myeloblasts in the bone marrow
Page 632
62. Which of the following syndrome have autoimmune hemolytic anemia with
immune thrombocytopenia?
A. Raynaud’s syndrome
B. Evans syndrome
C. Hemolytic uremic syndrome
D. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Page 612
63. Which of the following is the cytogenetic hallmark of Chronic Myelogenous
A. t(15:17)
B. t(9;22)
C. inv 16
D. t(8;21)
Page 638
64. What is the most common symptom of patient with Myeloma?
A. Fever
B. Bleeding
C. Bone pain
D. Numbness
Page 657
65. Cryoprecipitate is produced by centrifugation after thawing of this particular
blood component
A. Packed RBC
B. Single donor apheresis platelet
C. Fresh frozen plasma
D. Cryosupernate
Page 664
66. Asthma is a disorder characterized by:
A. Acute airway inflammation followed by bronchoconstriction
B. Persistent subacute airway inflammation
C. Sensitivity to metacholine and histamine
D. Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of bronchial mucus glands
Page 1508
67. Major infectious cause of asthma exacerbation in adults is:
A. Respiratory syncitial virus
B. Influenza virus
C. Streptococcus
D. Mycoplasma
Page 1510
68. The hallmark of COPD is airflow obstruction as evidenced by
A. Increased FEV1/FVC
B. Increased FEV1
C. Decreased FEV1/FVC
D. Decreased residual volume (RV)
Page 1551
69. Paradoxical inspiratory inward movement of the rib cage seen in patients with
severe COPD is called the:
A. Palla’s sign
B. Tripod posture
C. Hamman’s sign
D. Hoover’s sign
Page 1551
70. The single most useful clinical sign of severe pneumonia among patient without
underlying lung disease is:
A. RR>30/min
B. T>38ºC
C. BP<110 systolic
D. CR>100
Page 1532
71. Recurrent pneumonia in the same location is most likely due to the presence of:
A. Immunodeficiency
B. Bronchial obstruction
C. Lung hypoplasia
D. Interstitial lung disease
Page 1537
72. The presence of pus in the pleural space is termed as:
A. Parapneumonic effusion
B. Chylothorax
C. Empyema
D. Exudative effusion
Page 1566
73. Sudden severe dyspnea, and P.E. finding of unilateral absent breath sounds and
hypertesonance in a COPD patient without antecedent injury should make one
A. Primary spontaneous pneumothorax
B. Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax
C. Traumatic pneumothorax
D. Tension pneumothorax
Page 1568
74. Subcutaneous emphysema and Hamman’s sign is seen in:
B. Pneumomediastinum
C. Pleural effusion
D. Hemothorax
Page 1569
75. Hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP) is consider if pneumonia occur:
A. Occurs 24 hours after being placed on a respirator
B. Occurs 48 hours after hospital admission
C. Occurs 72 hours after ICU admission
D. Occurs rarely in large, variegated-patient medical centers
Page 1538
76. A 56 y/o female admitted for Acute Pyelonephritis was started on Amikacin 500
mg IV every 6 hours. After 7 days repeat serum creatinine=5.7 mg/dL (Initial
was 1.3 mg/dL). Urinalysis at this time will reveal:
A. RBC casts
B. Pus cell casts
C. fine granular casts
D. muddy brown granular casts
Page 1649
77. A 65 y/o male with poorly controlled diabetes had renal colic and underwent an
IVP. He develop oliguria 1 day after the procedure. Repeat serum creatinine=6.9
mg/dL (Initial=2.9 mg/dL). The risks factors on this patient that predispose him
to develop contrast dye nephropathy are the following, EXCEPT:
A. Diabetes
B. Renal Insufficiency
C. Infection
D. Elderly
Page 1647
78. The findings of eosinophiluria in patient with acute Renal Failure is suggestive
A. Acute Allergic Insterstitial Nepritis
B. Acute Glomerulonephritis
C. Acute Tubular Necrosis
D. Acute Uric Acid Nephropathy
Page 1649
79. Which of the following statement is true regarding the measurement of GFR?
A. BUN overestimates GFR because urea is reabsorbed by the tubules
B. Serum creatinine is ⇑ after ingestion of cooked meat
C. Cockcroft-Gault equation is similar for both male and female
D. Insulin clearance is affected by both tubular absorption and secretion
Page 246-247
80. A patient with Chronic Renal Disease and GFR of 40 ml/min has serum K of 6.2
meq/L. the elevated K is due to the following, EXCEPT:
A. ⇓ urinary K+ excretion
B. constipation
C. ⇑ dietary K+ intake
D. drugs that ⇓ K+ secretion in tubules
Page 1655
81. A 36 y/o female with Chronic Renal Disease complains of restless leg syndrome.
Screatinine=5.2 mg/dL. You should advice the patient to:
A. consult neurologist
B. therapeutic trial of high dose B6 & B12
C. therapeutic trial of phenytoin
D. initiation of Dialysis
Page 1659
82. A 46 y/o hypertensive patient serum creatinine=9.8 mg/dL and with marked
pallor. The anemia is primarily due to:
A. hemolysis
B. ⇓ EPO synthesis
C. bone marrow suppression
D. Iron deficiency
Page 1658
83. The most prominent findings in patient with nephritic syndrome is:
A. hypoalbuminemia
B. edema
C. proteinuria > 3.5 gm/1.73m2
D. hyperlipidemia
Page 1684
84. A 20 y/o male, smoker was admitted because of oliguria and hemoptysis. Initial
lab: revel serum creatinine=8.6mg/dL. Urinalysis shows rbc casts and
dysmorphic rbc. (+) anti GBM Ab’s. The expected histopathologic findings is
A. thickened glomerular basement membrane
B. prominent mesangial deposits of IgA
C. crescents formation
D. glomerulosclerosis
Page 1683
85. Duration of treatment of acute uncomplicated cystitis in non pregnant woman is:
A. single dose
B. 3 days
C. 7 days
D. 14 days
Page 1718-1719
86. Which of the following is a chronic clinical manifestation of Atherosclerosis?
A. Myocardial infarction
B. Cerebrovascular accident
C. Sudden cardiac death
D. Stable effort induced angina pectoris
Page 1425
87. Atherosclerotic plaque that ate vulnerable to rupture is characterized by which of
the ff.?
A. Thick fibrous cap
B. Large lipid cores
C. A high content of lymphocytes
D. Abundance of smooth muscle cells
Page 1429
88. Which of the following risk factors is a coronary heart disease risk equivalent?
A. Hypertension
B. Diabetes Mellitus
C. Dyslipidemia
D. Obesity
Page 1431
89. The abnormal lipoprotein profile associated with insulin resistance known as
Diabetic dyslipidemia?
A. High LDL low HDL
B. High Triglyceride, High LDL
C. High Triglyceride, Low HDL
D. Low HDL, Low LDL
Page 1431
90. Microvascular angina is a condition caused by:
A. Abnormal constriction or failure of normal dilatation of the coronary
B. Normal constriction the coronary resistance vessels
C. Abnormal constriction or failure of normal dilatation of the coronary
resistance vessels
D. Abnormal dilatation of the coronary resistance vessels
Page 1434
91. The major sites of atherosclerotic disease are the:
A. Conductance vessels
B. Resistance vessels
C. Epicardial arteries
D. Endocardial arteries
Page 1434
92. CAD manifested as symptoms of dyspnea, fatigue and faintness is known as
A. Unstable angina pectoris
B. Angina equivalent
C. Stable angina pectoris
D. Angina decubitus
Page 1435
93. The typical physical examination findings of patients with Stable Angina Pectoris
A. (+) atrial gallop
B. (+) ventricular gallop
C. Mitral systolic murmur
D. Normal
Page 1436
94. Which of the following is typical of hypertensive crises?
A. Diastolic blood pressure is > 140 mm Hg
B. Normal mental status
C. Iron deficiency anemia
D. Grade I fundus
Page 1480
95. Class I drug used in the treatment of symptoms of patients with Chronic stable
Angina pectoris include which of the following?
A. Dipyridamole and chelation therapy
B. Clopidogrel and long acting dihydropiridine CCB
C. ASA, beta blockers and NTG
D. Long acting nitrates and beta blockers
96. Stenosis of the left main coronary artery on three vessel disease in patients with
Diabetes Mellitus or severe LV dysfunction are best treated with:
A. Traditional medical management
D. Thrombolysis
Page 1442
97. To achieve revascularization of the ischemic myocardium in patients with
asymptomatic IHD and suitable stenoses of the epicardial coronary arteries, the
best treatment option is:
C. Thrombolysis
D. Low molecular weight heparin
Page 1442
98. The most common presenting symptom of patients with STERMI is:
A. Dyspnea
B. Chocking
C. Deep and visceral pain
D. Nape pain
Page 1449
99. The initial ECG changes in STEMI is:
A. ST segment depression
B. ST segment elevation
C. Deep Q
D. Tall T wave
Page 1450
100. In which of the following pattern of MI will the use of morphine be restricted
because of its
vagotonic effect?
A. anterior MI
B. antero lateral MI
C. Postero inferior MI
D. Massive MI
Page 1452