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“Datel Advansys announce that we have been
awarded three separate ISO certifications”
Datel Advansys Achieves
Highest Standards of Accreditation
Datel Advansys Achieves Highest Standards of Accreditation
Datel Advansys are delighted to be able to announce that we have been awarded three separate ISO certifications, namely:
• ISO 9001:2015 for quality management system;
• ISO/IEC 27001:2013 for information security management;
• ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 for IT service management;
following an independent audit by Lloyds Register Quality Assurance (LRQA).
Andy Pilkington, Operations Director at Datel Advansys, said, “We are extremely proud that we have achieved these levels
of certification, which demonstrates the commitment and dedication of all our staff in delivering consistently high standards
of service to our customers.”
In brief, the three approvals are:
ISO 9001 is a UKAS-accredited, certified quality management system (QMS) for organisations who want to prove their
ability to consistently provide products and services that meet the needs of their customers and other relevant
By following best practice, the latest edition ISO 9001:2015 standard helps to improve product, process and service
quality, increase customer satisfaction levels and improve productivity with today’s modern needs.
The standard, ISO/IEC 20000-1 is applicable to all sizes of organisations who are involved in the management, including
outsourcing, of their own IT systems and organisations providing IT service management services to their customers. Its
focus is on delivering good and improving services to users.
It is vital to those organisations whose key operational processes rely on IT and changes within these processes require
changes to the IT systems - affecting hardware, software, communications and support.
This standard is based on the work done by the Office of Government Commerce (OGC) and the internationally accepted
IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) to give the user confidence that real benefits will be brought to the way their IT Services are
Put simply, ISO/IEC 27001 certification gives customers, trading partners and other key stakeholders, confidence that all
security risks have been addressed.
In addition, it demonstrates tighter management of information assets, and increased protection against an information
security breach.
Datel Advansys believe that these independent approvals confirm their stated commitment to customer satisfaction and
excellence in all their procedures.
Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance is the world's leading provider of independent assessment services including
certification, validation, verification and training across a broad spectrum of standards and schemes, with recognition from
over 50 accreditation bodies.
Datel Advansys
Cinnamon Park
t: 01925 849 000
f: 01925 849 111
About Datel Advansys
The Datel name is renowned within the IT industry for delivering complex solutions across a wide range of industry sectors.
With over 150 people and offices across the UK, more than 900 companies trust Datel to design implement and support
their business needs.
Datel Advansys is a specialist in IT infrastructure solutions; from initial consultancy, analysis and design, training and
support, through to fully outsourced hosted or remote managed services.
Datel Advansys focuses primarily on the infrastructure and office productivity tools which are core to any IT solution.
Specialising in hardware configuration network design and security and on-going management, Datel Advansys’ team has
years of experience delivering complex solutions to both small and large enterprises.
Our approach is to work with proven best of breed vendors and products, utilising proven processes procedures and
methodologies to deliver projects on time and to budget. We are determined to ensure that our customers maximise
business benefit from IT, by minimising both cost and risk, increasing performance, taking advantage of innovation and
therefore safeguarding the business.