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Ch. 17: Changing Energy Forms
Lesson 1: How can energy change?
1. What unit is used for
energy and work? Why is
it the same for both?
doing work transfers energy to the object
2. Define energy.
The ability to cause change or to do work
3. Define the following
types of energy and give
examples of each.
a. mechanical
Energy an object has because of its movement or position
Ex: book on a desk, riding a bike
b. kinetic
Mechanical energy of a moving object
Ex: riding a bike, running, writing
c. potential
Mechanical energy due to position; stored energy
Ex: book on a desk, rock on a ledge, stretched rubber band
d. chemical
Energy stored in the bonds between atoms
Ex: CH4, C6H12O6, gasoline
e. nuclear
Energy from the nucleus of an atom
Ex: uranium
f. thermal
Energy in the form of heat
Ex: stove, heater
g. electrical
Energy that results from the movement of electrons
Ex: outlets, batteries
Ch. 17: Changing Energy Forms
Lesson 1: How can energy change?
4. A stretched rubber band
can be used to move a
marble along a desk.
Relate the kinetic energy of
the marble to the potential
energy of the stretched
rubber band.
When you let go of the rubber band, its potential energy is
transferred to the marble and changed to kinetic energy as the
marble starts moving.
5. Use a sequence chart
to trace the path of energy
involved in drinking a glass
of orange juice.
Nuclear energy (sun)  light (space)  chemical energy
(plant)  thermal and kinetic (body)
6. Give some examples of
energy doing work in
Wind blows down a tree
Geothermal makes a geyser
Tides wear away rock and sand
7. Give 2 ways that energy
can be changed to thermal
Friction and burning
8. What energy changes
are involved when an
electric light shines?
Electricity is changed into heat and light
9. What happens to the
chemical energy stored in
a candle when the candle
Chemical energy is changed into heat and light
Ch. 17: Changing Energy Forms
Lesson 1: How can energy change?
10. Why does a bouncing
ball stop bouncing? What
happens to its energy?
The energy in the ball is changed into thermal energy because
of friction with the air and floor. It is also changed into sound.
11. State the law of
conservation of mass and
The total amount of mass and energy doesn’t change. It only
changes forms.
12. What is wrong with the
following statement?
“Burning gas in a furnace
creates energy that can be
used to heat your home.”
You can’t create energy. It just changes from chemical to heat.
13. What are the energy
changes involved in
tossing a ball in the air?
As the ball is moving it has kinetic energy. It also has potential
energy because it is above the ground. As the ball goes up,
the potential energy increases and the kinetic decreases until it
reaches the highest point. As the ball falls, the potential
energy decreases and the kinetic energy increases.