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Integrated household based agricultural
survey methodology applied in Ethiopia,
new developments and comments on
the Integrated survey frame work.
Out line
National Integrated Household Survey Program in Ethiopia
Agriculture Census
Population Census
Area Frame
Small Area Estimation
GPS measurements and size of plot for crop cutting
Land cover classification
National Statistical Development Strategy (NSDS)
The integrated survey frame work and comments
National Integrated Household Survey Program
• The National Integrated Household Survey
Program (NIHSP) enables a national statistical
office to run a number of annual national socio
economic and demographic surveys using the
office’s available infrastructure, field staffs
(enumerators, supervisors, drivers …. etc), logistic
support, data processing facilities …etc.
• Realizing the cost effectiveness of such survey
program based on permanent statistical
infrastructure, and to provide socio economic and
demographic data in an integrated form on a
continuous basis the national integrated
household survey program (NIHSP) was initiated by
Central Statistical Office (CSO) in 1980 with the
assistance of FAO/UNDP and UNICEF.
National Integrated Household Survey Program
• Considering that the countries economy is based on
agriculture and recognizing that improvement of
agriculture statistics is important for efficient
formulation and assessment of socio economic
policies, the Rural Integrated Household Survey
Program (RIHSP) was designed as part of NIHSP.
• The NIHSP includes different socio economic and
demographic survey such as agriculture, labor force,
household income, consumption and expenditure,
welfare monitoring… etc.
National Integrated Household Survey Program
• The NIHSP maintains a flow of coordinated and
integrated statistical information that is needed for
formulating, implementing, monitoring and
evaluating development plans.
• The current agriculture crop surveys which is part of
the Rural Integrated Household Survey Program
(RIHSP) includes crop forecasting, area and
production of crops in meher and belg seasons, farm
management practice, land utilization and livestock.
National Integrated Household Survey Program
• The sample design in the NIHSP is stratified
cluster sample design where stratas are zones
and clusters are EAs. Two/three stage design is
used where PSU’s are EAs and SSU’s are
households. Data on all topics in the
integrated survey program are collected from
the same PSUs.
• Frame
– The population and housing census is used as
frame for NIHSP. This frame is list of enumeration
areas (EAs) delineated during population and
housing census cartographic work. These EAs are
geo referenced. For sample selection in the PSU’s
probability proportional to size (PPS), size being
the number of households in the EAs, is used.
– Initially 500 primary sampling units were covered.
Now the primary sampling units gradually
increased to 2290 PSUs.
Agriculture Census
– The first National Agricultural Sample Census
(NASCE) was conducted in 2001 by CSA. The
NASCE was conducted on a sample basis with high
sampling rate. As part of agricultural census,
livestock census in pastoral areas was conducted.
– The agricultural census was used as master frame
for the integrated agricultural surveys conducted
after agricultural census until the 2007 population
Population Census
• The recent population and housing census was
conducted in 2007. This census is used as a frame for
National Integrated Household Surveys conducted
after the census. This frame is list of enumeration
areas delineated during the population census
cartographic work. The enumeration areas are geo
• In the recent census (2007), in addition to number of
households and population with in EA, additional
agricultural and health information which will help
for further stratification in agricultural surveys are
collected through the community questionnaire.
Population Census
• The basic information collected in community
questionnaire are ; types of crops grown in that area
in different seasons, irrigation data, disease
prevalence in the area, agro ecological zone of the
area and information about availability of root crops,
spices and special crops in the EAs.
Area Frame
• CSA Ethiopia has been using and still uses list
frame approach to collect agricultural data. That is
list of EA’s are used as PSU’s and list of HHs as SSU.
But the work load in the list frame approach has
an impact on the quality of data. In addition, using
number of households for estimation of
agricultural data some times may not be relevant.
• To see the feasibility of area frame and to compare
the result with that of list frame and to come up
with justifiable conclusion, CSA conducted pilot
survey in one zone and collected agricultural data
based on area frame approach.
Results and concerns in area frame
• Work load reduced and time saved in area frame
compared to list frame
• GPS is compulsory to delineate the boundary for a
segment. This is not the case in list frame
• The percentage difference in the area estimate
covered by different crops between list frame and
area frame was high
• Even though significant gain in precision was
expected from area frame, that is not attained in
the pilot that was conducted in 2008. The
investigation will continue in 2009 with a large
Results and concerns in area frame
• From the three different approaches, namely; closed,
open and weighted, there may be a need to clearly
identify the better one for agricultural survey
• How to collect data for livestock in area frame
approach is also the other issue which needs to be
• Appropriateness of collecting socio economic and
demographic data based on area frame approach is
also a concern.
Small Area Estimation
• In the normal agricultural survey, CSA reports data
at zone level. In the current federal system of
administration, policies are designed at wereda
(district) level. CSA generated wereda level data
only during the 2001 sample agricultural census.
Now CSA is trying to generate small area (wereda
level) data for agriculture using small area model.
• Three different types of data are used as an input
for the small area model. They are data from the
2001 agricultural census, wereda level data from
the ministry of agriculture and the direct
estimates from the annual agricultural survey.
Different evaluations are being conducted to
evaluate the result and this activity will also
continue to improve the result.
GPS measurements and size of plot for crop
• Side by side to the pilot survey for area frame, data
on cultivated area of land was collected on two
different methods. These are the usual compass
rope method and the other is using GPS. The result
of the two methods was not significantly different.
So, now CSA is planning to use GPS for area
measurement starting from next year in one big
GPS measurements and size of plot for crop cutting
• In the same way data for crop cutting yield was
collected on two different sizes. i. e from a plot of
size 2 X2 and 4X4. The purpose of this was to reduce
work load in crop cutting by reducing the size of plot,
if the result is not significantly different. The result is
analyzed. By looking at the result and other countries
experience, CSA decided to use 2 X 2 size for crop
cutting for next year.
Land cover classification
• CSA in collaboration with Mapping Agency,
Information Net work Security Agency (INSA) and
Ministry of Agriculture are working on land cover
classification. This activity is funded by EC and
technically supported by FAO.
• In addition to the major out put of producing land
cover information for the country, the land cover
classification will also help to refine the strata’s in the
area frame.
National Statistical Development Strategy (NSDS)
• The National Statistical Development Strategy
(NSDS) is designed in 2008/2009 and the National
Statistical Council has been established to over see
the implementation of the NSDS. The NSDS
document has been endorsed by the council. The
NSDS has given due emphasis to improve
agricultural and environmental statistics.
• The importance of statistical coordination and
capacity building in the national statistics system is
also emphasized in the NSDS.
The integrated survey frame work
• The integrated survey frame work will create
continuous flow of data and is cost effective. It will
also make the data collected by different
organizations more accessible, open and valuable.
• In Ethiopia, National Integrated Household Survey
program has been used since 1980. The frame built
from the recent 2007 population and housing
census is used as master frame for sample surveys
in NIHSP. The EA’s in this frame are geo referenced.
These geo referenced EAs are also used to build
area frame.
The integrated survey frame work
• Data from administrative records, agricultural
business and community surveys are not coordinated
but are located in dispersed manner. If this data is
compiled to produce the necessary out put, it will
minimize the data gap.
• The role of the statistical coordination in the NSDS is
crucial to implement the integrated survey frame
• Generally the idea of using the Integrated Survey
Frame Work is very important to facilitate the
organization , manageability and sustainability of
statistical activities, to compare and relate data
generated, to increase the accessibility and value of
available data, to minimize data gap and to save cost.