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Mrs. Dobbins
Sports Medicine I
Describe the importance of a well balanced diet
while in training and athletic competition.
Explain what a well balanced diet should include
for enhanced athletic performance.
Discuss the basic principles of carbohydrate
loading and its effects on athletic performance.
Describe methods of weight gain and loss and
their effects on athletic performance.
Describe the difference between weight control
and body composition.
Explain the difference between Bulimia and
Anorexia Nervosa.
Identify the six classes of nutrients and describe
their major functions.
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of
supplementing various nutrients in the athlete’s
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of
pre-event meal.
Explain the distinction between body weight and
body composition.
Explain the principle of caloric balance and how
to assess it.
Describe methods for losing and gaining weight.
Proper nutrition can positively contribute
 Flexibility
 Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Performance vs. Food consumption
Myths and habits vs. physiological benefits
 Psychological vs. physiological
Nutrition Basics
 Nutrition is the science of substances
found in food that are essential to life
Six Classes of Nutrients
Carbohydrates (CHO)
Nutritional Considerations
Growth, repair &
tissue maintenance
Regulation of body
Production of energy
 Body’s
most efficient energy source
 Major
 Dietary
 Accounts
 Effects
for 55-70% of total caloric
on performance and injury
Simple (sugars) and complex (starch and
 Monosaccharides
 single
sugars (fruits, syrup and honey)
 Glucose
sugars combined (milk sugar, table sugar)
Should account for <15% of caloric intake
 Starches
 Complex
 Long chain glucose units
 Rice, potatoes, breads
 Starches
 Body
cannot use starch directly
 Broken
down in simple sugars
 Unused starches and sugars are stored as
glycogen to be used by the body later
 Inadequate CHO intake results in protein
utilization for energy
 Protein sparing action of glucose occurs if
adequate CHO in the system
 Body’s
most efficient energy
 Accounts for 55-70% of total
caloric intake
Simple (sugars) and complex (starch and
 Monosaccharides
 single
sugars (fruits, syrup and honey)
 Glucose
sugars combined (milk sugar, table sugar)
Should account for <15% of caloric intake
 Starches
 Complex
 Long chain glucose units
 Rice, potatoes, breads
 Starches
 Body
cannot use starch directly
 Broken
down in simple sugars
 Unused starches and sugars are stored as
glycogen to be used by the body later
 Inadequate CHO intake results in protein
utilization for energy
 Protein sparing action of glucose occurs if
adequate CHO in the system
Structural part of plants and is not
digestible in humans
 Gums,
 Oatmeal, legumes, and some fruits
 Cellulose
 Grain
breads and bran cereal
 Aids
normal elimination of waste
 Reduces risk of colon cancer and
coronary artery disease
 Reduces incidents of obesity,
constipation, colitis, appendicitis, and
 Intake
should be approximately
25 grams per day
 Most only consume 10-15%
 Excessive consumption may lead
to intestinal discomfort and
increased loss of calcium and iron
Most concentrated source of energy
 Serves to make food flavorable and
contain fat soluble vitamins
 Essential for normal growth and
 Saturated
vs. unsaturated
Saturated (fatty acids derived from animal
 Unsaturated (plant derivatives - liquid at
room temperature)
Other Fats
 Lecithin
 Cholesterol
(consume <300mg/day)
Omega-3 fatty acids (unsaturated fat) aids
in reduction of heart disease, stroke,
 Found
in cold-water fish
Other Fats
Fat Substitutes
Simplese and Olean
 Contain 80% fewer calories than fat and
no cholesterol
 May cause abdominal cramping and
Regulator Nutrients
Vitamins (13) serve as regulators in many
body processes
 Fat soluble
Vitamins A, D, E , K
 Found in fatty portion of foods and oils
Water soluble
Vitamin C, B-complex vitamins (B6, B12,) Thiamin,
Riboflavin, Niacin, Folate, Biotin, Pantohenic acid
Help to regulate metabolism but cannot be stored
 Each serves a series of roles
May prevent premature aging, cancers,
heart disease and other health
Help protect cells from free radicals
 Include vitamins A, C, E, and Beta
 Found in a number of dark green, deep
yellow and orange fruits and vegetables
 Supplements
Vitamin Deficiencies
Illness can results from a deficit in a
particular vitamin/mineral
 Are avoidable if an adequate diet is
20 minerals have essential roles in the
Many are stored in liver and bones
Major Minerals
the second most abundant mineral in the body and 85% of it is found in the bones.
The rest of the body's phosphorus is found in the blood, the fluid around and in
cells, and in various organs like the heart, kidneys, brain, and muscles, where it is
involved in many critical functions.
It's main purpose is for building strong bones and teeth, but this mineral is used by
practically every cell in the body.
 Copper
essential mineral
usually found in foods containing iron.
The liver and brain contain the largest amounts of copper in the human body,
however, other organs will contain smaller amounts.
Copper is necessary for the growth, development, and maintenance of bone,
connective tissue, brain, heart, and many other body organs.
It is involved in the formation of red blood cells, the absorption and utilization of
iron, and the synthesis and release of life-sustaining proteins and enzymes.
Copper stimulates the immune system to fight infections, repair injured tissues, and
promote healing.
Copper also helps to neutralize "free-radicals" which can cause severe damage to
Deficiency: hemoglobin production is decreased and copper deficiency anemia can
Insufficient amounts can lead to inefficient utilization of iron and protein, diarrhea
and stunted growth. Various enzyme reactions require copper.
It fuels everything from manufacturing DNA, wound healing, maintaining a
strong immune system, to fighting colds, flu's, and other infections.
Zinc is critical for proper functioning of the male reproductive system; The
human body does not produce zinc on its own, so it must be obtained
from outside sources.
The mineral zinc can be found in both animal and plant food sources, but
the richest source of zinc comes from animal food sources.
two thirds of the body's iodine is in the thyroid gland.
It plays a major role in thyroid health (thus controlling metabolism),
Commonly derived from the diet in the form of iodized table salt (one
teaspoon of salt = 300 mcg of iodine).
Sea salt is not iodized and is not a good source of iodine, and most salty snacks
do not contain iodized salt either.
Iodine deficiency is most common in people living in undeveloped
Severe iodine deficiency often occurs in people that are afflicted with
thyroid disease or a hyperthyroid disorder, or those who have developed a
Symptoms of iodine deficiency may manifest as extreme fatigue, weight gain,
facial puffiness, constipation, slowing of both physical and mental processes,
and lethargy.
Trace Mineral not technically an essential mineral
because the body can live without it
significant role in keeping teeth and bones healthy and strong
been added to toothpaste and some drinking water supplies
 Iron (energy metabolism and oxygen transport)
Iron is a mineral essential for life.
It is present in every living cell and is necessary for the production of
hemoglobin (primary component of red blood cells), myoglobin (major
protein of muscle cells), and certain enzymes.
Iron, along with calcium, are the two major deficiencies of American
women (one of the reasons due to menstruation and bleeding)
Can cause weakness, inability to concentrate, the susceptibility to infection,
impaired performance, and in general, ill health.
Other people at risk of iron deficiency include dieters, vegetarians and
Calcium and copper must be present for iron to function properly, and
ascorbic acid (vitamin c) enhances absorption.
Iron is necessary for proper metabolizing of B vitamins.
 Magnesium (energy supplying
 Magnesium
plays an important role in at least
300 fundamental enzymatic reactions and for
that reason is of vital importance in our health.
 Magnesium is found in dairy products, fish,
meat and seafood, as well as in legumes,
apples, apricots, avocados, bananas, whole
grain cereals, nuts, dark green vegetables, and
cocoa, while hard water and mineral water
may also supply it in fair quantities.
(bone formation, clotting, muscle
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body.
primary function is to build and maintain skeletal tissue.
Ninety-nine percent of the body's calcium supply resides in the
bone and teeth.
Osteoblasts are bone-forming cells in which calcium phosphate is
Ameleoblasts are the tooth- forming cells that deposit calcium to
form teeth
maintaining the stability of fibrin, which allows blood to clot.
required for the transmission of nerve impulses.
controls the flow of fluid through cell membranes.
also has a vital role in muscle contraction and relaxation.
 Sodium
Sodium known as salt
too much sodium
increased risk of heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure, the development
of kidney stones and other types of ailments
the body needs more than 100 milligrams per day to function properly
Sodium is an electrolyte
and Potassium (nerve conduction)
along with chloride and potassium,
helps control the electrical charges that occur between cells.
These electrical charges are used by cells to communicate with one another. The
electrical charges are also what give our five senses the ability to see, smell,
touch, hear and taste.
Approximately 30% of the sodium mineral inside the body is stored in the
bones and the balance is found in body fluids.
Sodium is a main component of blood plasma and approximately 60% is
contained in the fluids that surround cells.
About 10% of the body's sodium is stored inside the cells. This division
helps maintain a proper balance of water inside as well as outside these
Its presence in the circulatory system helps the body keep blood pressure
and the overall volume of blood flow within normal ranges.
Sodium helps keep the blood from clotting, which can be a very dangerous
In the blood, sodium together with potassium helps maintain the blood's delicate
pH balance.
Sodium also helps carry important nutrients to the cells.
In the digestive system, sodium assists in the process of metabolizing foods
into energy.
It protects the stomach lining by preventing the acids inside the stomach from
burning it
Potassium (nerve conduction)
Potassium is the third most abundant mineral in the body
considered an electrolyte
The human body has about a 4 1/2 ounce supply and most of it is located
inside muscle cells.
Studies have shown that potassium may help to prevent high blood
pressure and may enhance the effect of antihypertensive medications.
Both physical and mental stress can lead to a deficiency in potassium.
Alcohol, coffee, and sugar deplete potassium levels in the body.
Potassium assists in muscle contractions
It is critical to maintaining a normal heartbeat or heart rhythm.
Potassium also functions in the conduction of nerve impulses and enables
the body to convert glucose into energy, which is then stored in reserve
by the muscles and liver.
Most essential nutrient and most
abundant in body (60% of body
 Essential for all chemical processes
 Lack of water (dehydration) can lead to
illness and death
 Body has mechanisms to maintain
homeostatic levels of hydration
(kidneys and solute accumulation)
Electrolyte Requirements
 Involve
minerals of the body - must
maintain adequate levels for optimal
 Excess sweating can lead to depletion
of these electrolytes
 Help to maintain levels of hydration
 Can generally maintain through
proper diet, however, additional salts
may need to be added periodically
Recommendation for fluid
Athletes should begin all exercise sessions well
To ensure proper hydration the athlete should
consume 17 to 20 ounces of water or sport
drink 2 to 3 hours before exercise and then 7
to 10 ounces 20 minutes before exercise.
Fluid replacement beverages should be easily
accessible during activity and should be
consumed at a minimal rate of 7 to 10 ounces
every 10 to 20 minutes.
Recommendation for fluid
During activity the athlete should consume the maximal
amount of fluid that can be tolerated.
A cool, flavored beverage at 50 to 59° F is recommended.
Addition of proper amounts of carbohydrates and
electrolytes to a fluid replacement solution is recommended
for exercise events that last longer than 1 hour.
A 6 percent carbohydrate solution appears to be optimal
For exercise lasting longer than 1 hour the addition of
carbohydrates and electrolytes does not seem to enhance
physical performances.
The Production of Energy from
How is energy
produced from
How much
energy is used
during physical
Recommended Dietary
Allowances (RDA)
Nutrient Requirements
and Recommendations
Amount of nutrient required to prevent
deficiency diseases
 Vary individuals and across populations
 Requirements vs. Recommendations
RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) vs.
DRI (Dietary Reference Intake)
Food Labels
Aids consumers in determining levels of
nutrients in foods
Nutrition and Physical
Activity increases need for energy not
necessarily all vitamins, minerals and
Other Nutritional Considerations
 Sugar
 Vitamin & Mineral Supplementation
 Creatine
 Caffeine
 Alcohol
 Organic, Natural, and Health Foods
 Herbs
 Vegetarianism
Required for growth, maintenance, and
repair of the body
 Aid with enzyme, hormone, and
enzyme production
 Should encompass 12-15% of daily
caloric intake
Amino Acids (Proteins)
Basic units that compose protein
 20 amino acids compose the majority of
body protein
 Most can be produced by the body while
others (essential) must be consumed
 Animal products contain all essential amino
 Incomplete sources (i.e. plants sources) do
not contain all essential amino acids
Protein sources and needs
Most diets are rich in protein and often
athletes consume twice the amount that is
 Excess protein is converted to fat and may
result in dehydration and potential kidney
 Increased physical activity results in
increased need for protein in the diet
Protein Supplementation
Approximately 1-1.5g/kg body weight of
protein should be consumed for increasing
muscle mass
 Often times exceeded with normal diet and
supplementation is not necessary
Sugar and Performance
Ingesting large quantities of sugar prior to
activity causes an increase glucose in the blood
 Release of insulin stimulated allowing cells to
utilize free circulating glucose, sparing blood
 Positive effect on performance
 However, some athletes are sensitive to high
CHO feedings and have problems with
increased levels of insulin
Vitamin Supplementation
Athletes believe large doses can lead to
superior health and performance
 Common practices
 Vitamin
to prevent common cold and slow aging
May cause kidney stones and diarrhea
Vitamin Supplementation
 Vitamin
Protects cell membranes from damage
Little evidence to support enhancing performance or
life expectancy
 B-complex
Aid in release of energy from CHO, fat, and protein
If additional energy is required, increased caloric
intake is necessary
Mineral Supplementation
A nutritious diet consists of eating a variety of
foods in the amounts recommended on the
food pyramid.
An athlete whose diet meets those
recommendations may not need nutrient
Some people need extra iron and calcium.
Calcium and iron tend to be low and diets may
need to be modified
Need to be certain additional minerals are
necessary in diet prior to purchase (save money)
Calcium Deficiency
Most abundant mineral in body
Over time additional levels of calcium are required for bone
Without, bones become weak and brittle resulting in osteoporosis
Young adult requires 1000mg/day
Females tend not to get enough calcium in diet
While exercise helps bones to retain calcium, extreme
levels of exercise, causing hormonal imbalances, can
disrupt calcium retention
Supplementing with calcium carbonate or citrate is
Milk products are the most reliable source of
 Some athletes complain it causes upset
stomach due to a build up of intestinal gas
 May
be lactose intolerant and lack the enzyme
lactase (lactase deficient)
 Can supplement with lactase (scientifically
Iron Deficiency
Common in females
 Results iron-deficiency anemia, limiting
oxygen carrying capacity of blood
 Athlete feels tired and weak due to muscles’
inability to generate energy
Creatine Supplements
Creatine Supplementation
Naturally occurring substance in body
produced by kidneys, pancreas and liver
 Found in meat and fish
 Role in metabolism
 Two types (free creatine and
 Phosphocreatine
is stored in skeletal
muscle and works to re-synthesize ATP
during activity
 Positive effects
 increase
intensity of workouts
 lactic acid buffer
 stimulates protein synthesis
 decreases total cholesterol and total
triglycerides and improves HDL-LDL ratio
 increases fat free mass
Negative effects
 weight
 muscle cramping
 gastrointestinal disturbances and renal
Not a banned substance, however,
distribution by NCAA institutions is banned
Central nervous system stimulant found in
carbonated beverages, coffee, tea (chocolate
contains relate compounds related to
 Increase alertness and decrease fatigue
 Too much causes nervousness, irritability,
increased heart rate and headaches
 Headaches may result when ceasing caffeine
use (withdrawal)
Not detrimental to performance
 Enhances
fat utilization and endurance
 Makes calcium more available allowing muscles
to work more effectively
 may cause slight headaches
Provides energy for the body
 Little nutritional value
 Central nervous system depressant
 decreases
coordination, slows reaction time,
decreases mental alertness
 increases urine production (diuretic effect)
Health Foods
Organic, Natural, of Health Foods
Claim to be safer and nutritionally superior
due to absence of pesticides and fertilizers
 All foods are organic due to presence of
 More expensive no increased benefit
 Processing (preservatives) helps to maintain
nutritional value
Trend - natural alternatives to drugs and
Safe to ingest as natural medicines we few side
effects (occasional allergic reaction)
Offer nutrients that nourish brain, glands and
Don’t need to consume with food - contain own
digestive enzymes
Work with the body’s functions (whole body
Caution must be exercised as there is no
governmental control or regulation
Utilize plants to form foundation of diet
- anima foods are either excluded or
included in a variety of eating patterns
 Economic, philosophical, religious,
cultural, or health reasons
 While practiced intelligently (not a fad)
a vegetarian diet can result in
 Diet must be carefully planned
 Total
vegetarian (vegan)
 all
plant diet, no animal products
 must be certain to consume enough calories
and vit B12, calcium, zinc, and iron
 Lactovegetarian
 Consume
plant foods and milk products
 Must watch iron and zinc levels
 Ovolactovegetarian
 Consume
plant foods, milk products and eggs
 Iron is still a concern
 Semivegetarian
 Still
primarily plants but all other products are
consumed except red meat.
More Nutritional Considerations
Pre- Event Nutrition
 Fast Food
 Glycogen Supercompensation
 Fat Loading
 Weight Considerations
 Eating Disorders
Pre-event Nutrition
Importance and content pre-event meal
vs. traditional rewarding that may hamper
Traditional steak and eggs
Long term food consumption is more
important than immediate consumption
 Purpose should be to provide competitor
with nutrients/energy and fluids for
competitions (taking digestibility into
Pre-event Nutrition
 Encourage
athletes to be conscious
of diet
 Diets are also individual to each
 Individual is the best judge of what
should or should not be consumed
Pre-event Nutrition
 What
is the individual comfortable
 Liquid Supplementation
 Extremely
effective and successful
 225-400 calories per serving
 Successful in reducing pregame
symptoms of dry mouth, abdominal &
leg cramps, nervous defecation and
Pre-event Nutrition
 Food
generally takes 4 hours to clear
stomach and upper GI tract
 Liquid supplements clear stomach
and upper bowel before game time,
settling the stomach and making
available nutrients
Pre-event Nutrition
 Sample
Pre-event Meals
The pre-event meal should be
(1) higher in carbohydrates
(2) easily digested
(3) eaten 2 to 4 hours before an event, and
(4) acceptable to the athlete.
 Glycogen super compensation involves
maximizing the stores of carbohydrate in
muscle and liver before a competitive event.
Increase muscle and liver glycogen
stores prior to major event by altering
eating and training habits
 Decrease training at least 48 hours
prior to event
 Increase CHO loading to increase
glycogen stores and positively impact
muscle glycogen and muscle endurance
 Six-day
 Phase
I (Days 1-2): hard training with
reduced CHO intake
 Phase II (Days 3-5): decrease
training and increase CHO (potentially
increasing glycogen stores 50-100%)
 Phase III (Days 6-7): resume normal
 Not
clearly demonstrated as being
beneficial in endurance activities
 Do not perform more than 2-3
times per year
 Ideally for prolonged duration
Fat Loading
 Fat
loading vs. carbohydrate
Intent = better energy source
 Negative side effects
cardiac protein and potassium depletion
 development of arrhythmias, increased
serum and cholesterol
Fast Foods
Way of life in America --world of fast
food junkies
 Often meal of choice during travel
 Big concern is the amount of fat (4050% of calories from fat)
 Size vs. supersize
 Increased menu size is a plus (variety)
 Nutritional information posting
Weight Control and Body
Gains and loss of weight in athletes can
be problematic
 Intelligent and conscientious approach
involves some knowledge of what is
involved on the part of the athlete and
athletic trainer
 Results in athlete displaying discipline
relative to types and quantities of food
Body composition analysis indicates the percentage of
total body weight composed of fat tissue versus the
percentage composed of lean tissue.
Changes in body weight are caused almost entirely by
a change in caloric balance, which is a function of the
number of calories taken in and the number of calories
Weight can be lost by
increasing caloric expenditure through exercise
by decreasing caloric intake through reducing food intake
or most effectively- by using a combination of moderate
caloric restriction and a moderate increase in physical
exercise during the course of each day.
Body Composition
Ideal body weight = age-related
height/weight chart
Inaccurate due to broad ranges and
failure to take individual body types into
Health and performance may be
best indicators
 Fat vs. nonfat components of body
= body composition
Body Composition
 Non-fat
 bone,
 Body
or lean tissue (lean body
muscle, tendon, connective
comp is the relationship
between fat tissue and lean
body tissue
Body Composition
Female 20-25% body weight = fat
 Male 12-15% body weight = fat
 Should not fall below 3% and 12 % for
males and female respectively
 Results
in loss of essential fat padding for
Body Composition
Overweight = excess body weight
relative to size and stature
 Overfat = excessively high percentage
of total body weight is fat
 Obesity = extreme amount of excessive
Female >30% and male >20% percent
body fat
Body Composition
Factors that determine amount of fat
Number of cells
 Proliferation
or hyperplagia of fat cells occurs
from birth to puberty
Size of cells
 Increase/decrease
over time until adulthood
relative to caloric balance
Change of weight = change in size not
Body Composition
Adipose cell stores triglycerides (liquid
 Moves in and out of cells according to
energy demands
 Moderate, long term activity uses
greatest amount of fat
 One pound of fat = 3500 calories,
stored as triglycerides
Assessing Body Composition
Several methods
Hydrostatic, bioelectrical impedance,
skinfold thickness measures
 Skinfolds based on the fact that 50% of
body fat is subcutaneous
 Utilize
skin fold calipers
 Relatively low accuracy but is easy to learn and
 Error is + 3-5%
Determining Body Mass
Determine extent of overweight or obesity
using height and body weight
 BMI (body mass index) is a ratio of height
and weight
 Utilized to measure health risks associated
with obesity
 BMI >25 indicate excess body fat
 BMI 25-30 indicates overweight
 BMI >30 indicates state of obesity
Assessing Caloric Balance
 Caloric
balance =
Calories consumed - Calories expended
Positive caloric balance results in weight gain
and vice versa for negative caloric balance
Assessing Caloric Balance
Can be calculated through accurate
record keeping of calories consumed and
expended relative to metabolic and
activity needs
Calories are expended through:
basal metabolism (calories expended at rest)
 work (activity that requires more energy than sleeping)
 excretion
Assessing Caloric Balance
 Must
calculate total time engaged in all 3
areas over a 24 hour period
 BMR is determined in laboratory setting
through indirect calorimetry which
measures oxygen uptake
Assessing Caloric Balance
 Work
(type, intensity, duration) must be
 Body size also factors in
 Energy expenditures can be consulted to
determine average energy expenditures
per activity (kcal/min/lb)
Methods of Weight Loss
Exercise or dieting alone is ineffective over
the long run
 Dieting alone results in lean body tissue
Should not drop below 1000-1200 calories for
women and 1200-1400 for men
Exercising, while resulting in loss of fat
mass, will also enhance strength,
cardiorespiratory endurance and flexibility
Methods of Weight Loss
The key is moderation
A combination of dieting and exercise
 A negative energy balance must be achieved
 Loss of 1.5-2.0 pounds per week is adequate
 Weight loss of more than 4-5 pounds per week
can be attributed to dehydration
 It takes time to put weight on and also takes
time to take it off
Methods of Weight Gain
Aim should be to increase lean body
 Increased physical activity (muscle work)
and dietary modifications
 Approximately 2500 calories is required per
pound of lean body mass, an increase 5001000 calories per day
 A 1-2 pound per week gain is adequate
Eating Disorders
 Epidemic
in our society,
especially in sports
 1 out of 200 girls age 12-18
will develop some pattern
of eating disorder (1-2% of
Eating Disorders
Bulimia is an eating disorder that involves
periodic binging and subsequent purging.
Generally females ranging in age from
adolescence to middle age
Periods of starvation, bingeing (thousands of
calories) and purging through vomiting, fasting
and laxatives/diuretics
 Characteristics
 Typically
bulimic athletes are white,
middle to upper-middle class
 Perfectionist, obedient, overcompliant,
highly motivated, successful
academically, well-liked, and a good
 gymnastics, track, dance
 occasionally seen in male gymnasts and
 Bingeing
and purging can result in
heart rhythm
liver damage
tooth decay from acids
chronically inflamed mucous lining of
mouth and throat
Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia nervosa is a form of mental illness in
which a person reduces food intake and increases
energy expenditure to the extent that the loss of
body fat threatens health and life.
30-50% of anorexics also suffer from bulimia
Characterized by distorted body image and constant
concern about weight gain
Impacts mostly females
Starts often with adolescents and can be life threatening
While the athlete tends to be too thin they continue to
feel fat
Deny hunger and are hyperactive
Highly secretive
Eating Disorders
Early intervention is critical with eating
Empathy is a must
Psychological counseling is key
 Must have athlete recognize the problem,
accept the benefits of assistance and
must voluntarily accept help for treatment
to work
Female Athlete Triad
Potentially fatal problem
 Combination of eating disorder,
amenorrhea and osteoporosis
 Some suggest eating disorders may
exist in 62% of females in certain
sports and amenorrhea found in 60%
 Major risk is the fact that bone lost may
not be regained
Chapter Overview
The classes of nutrients are carbohydrates,
fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and
Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins provide the
energy required for muscular work and also play a
role in the function and maintenance of body
Protein supplementation is not necessary.
Vitamins are substances found in foods, which
have no caloric value but are necessary to
regulate body processes.
Chapter Overview
Antioxidants are nutrients that protect the
body against various destructive agents.
 Minerals are also involved in regulation of
bodily functions and are used to form
important body structures.
 Water is the most essential nutrient and
should be used with sports drinks in fluid
Review Questions
1. What is the value of good nutrition in terms of an athlete's
performance and injury prevention?
2. Have each member of the class prepare a week's food diary;
then compare it with other class members' diaries.
3. What are the daily dietary requirements according to the food
pyramid? Should the requirements of the typical athlete's diet
differ from those on the food pyramid? If so, in what ways?
4. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of supplementing
iron and calcium.
5. Is there some advantage to pre-event nutrition?
6. Are there advantages and/or disadvantages in the vegetarian
diet for the athlete?
7. Discuss the importance of having an athlete monitor body
8. Explain the most effective technique for losing weight.
9. Contrast the signs and symptoms of bulimia and anorexia