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DOC. NO. SNGCE/ECE/FM/QB/15-16/ EC010 307
Rev: 2
Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering,
Department of ECE
Semester: 03
Sub Name& Code: EC010 307ANALOG CIRCUITS LAB
Faculty: Deepak P
Cycle 1
1. Characteristics of ordinary diodes, Characteristics of Zener diodes.
2. Half wave, Full wave and Bridge Rectifier with and without filter.
3. Clipping circuits and clamping circuits.
4. Frequency responses of RC circuits.
Cycle 2
5. Characteristics of Transistors CE configuration & Characteristics of Transistors
CB configuration.
6. Frequency response characteristics of RC coupled amplifier.
7. Zener Regulator with & without emitter follower.
8. Frequency response characteristics of Voltage series, voltage shunt Feedback
Department Of Electronics and Communication Engineering
SreeNarayanaGurukulam College of Engineering
Viva Questions
Analog Circuit Lab July 2015
Characteristics of Ordinary and Zener Diodes.
1. What is the need for doping?
2. How depletion region is formed in the PN junction?
3. What is leakage current?
4. What is break down voltage?
5. What is an ideal diode? How does it differ from a real diode?
6. What is the effect of temperature in the diode reverse characteristics?
7. What is cut-in or knee voltage? Specify its value in case of Ge or Si?
8. What are the difference between Ge and Si diode?
9. What is the capacitance formed at forward biasing?
10. What is the relationship between depletion width and the concentration of
11. Comment on diode operation under zero biasing condition
12. How does PN-junction diode acts as a switch?
13. What is peak inverse voltage?
14. What is the need for connecting Resistance Rs in series with PN diode?
15. What are the applications of PN junction diode?
16. Explain the concept of zener breakdown?
17. How depletion region gets thin by increasing doping level in zener diode?
18. State the reason why an ordinary diode suffers avalanche breakdown rather than
zener breakdown?
19. Give the reasons why zener diode acts as a reference element in the voltage
regulator circuits.
20. What is the basic principle of zener diode?
21. What is zener break down?
22. Mention any application of zener diodes
23. Can we use Zener diode for rectification purpose?
24. What happens when the Zener diodes are connected in series?
25. What type of biasing must be used when a Zener diode is used as a regulator?
26. Current in a 1W – 10V Zener diode must be limited to a maximum of what value?
27. How will you differentiate the diodes whether it is Zener or avalanche when you
are given two diodes of rating 6.2 v and 24V?
28. When current through a Zener diode increases by a factor of 2, by what factor the
voltage of Zener diode increases?
Half wave, Full wave and Bridge Rectifier
29. Why are rectifiers used with a filter at their output?
30. What is the voltage regulation of the rectifier?
31. What is the ideal value of regulation?
32. What does no load condition refer to?
33. What are the advantages of bridge rectifier?
34. What are the advantages and disadvantages of capacitor filter?
35. What are the applications of rectifiers?
36. What is the regulation for a (i) Half - wave circuit (ii) Full-wave circuit
37. What is PIV? State it value in case of (i) Half wave (ii) Full wave (iii) Bridge
38. What is the need for rectification?
39. What are the advantages of bridge rectifier over center tapped full wave rectifier?
40. What is the PIV rating of diode in bridge rectifier?
41. Can we use zener diode in case pn junction diode? Justify your answer.
42. A diode should not be employed in the circuits where it is to carry more than its
maximum forward current, why?
43. While selecting a diode, the most important consideration is its PIV, why?
44. The rectifier diodes are never operated in the breakdown region, why?
45. How big should be the value of capacitor to reduce the ripple to 0.1?
46. What happens when we remove capacitor in the rectifier circuit?
47. If the transformer is removed from the rectifier circuit, what happens to the
48. How does the performance of the capacitor input filter improve when RC time
constant is increased?
49. What are the merits and demerits of CLC filter?
50. Why the capacitor input filter is called so?
51. What is the peak value of the waveform that can be observed if the output of a 6V
transformer is fed to a CRO?
52. What are the PIVs of three different rectifiers?
53. What are the advantages of bridge rectifier over center tapped FWR?
54. What is the TUF for full wave rectifier and bridge rectifier?
Transistor Configurations.
55. What is the significance of arrow in the transistor symbol?
56. Define current amplification factor?
57. What is the function of a transistor?
58. Give the doping levels and the width of the layers of BJT.
59. Two discrete diodes connected back-to-back can work as a transistor? Give
60. For amplification, CE configuration is preferred, why?
61. To operate a transistor as amplifier, the emitter junction is forward biased and the
collector junction is reversed biased, why?
62. With the rise in temperature, the leakage collector current increases, why?
63. Can a transistor base emitter junction be used as zener diode?
64. NPN transistors are more preferable for amplification purpose than PNP
transistors. Why?
65. Explain the switching action of a transistor?
66. At what region of the output characteristics, a transistor can act as an amplifier?
67. What happens when we change the biasing condition of the transistors?
68. Why the output is phase shifted by 180 ◦ only in CE configuration.
69. Why CC Configuration is called emitter follower?
70. Can we use CC configuration as an amplifier?
71. What is the need for analyzing the transistor circuits using different parameters?
72. What is the significance of hybrid model of a transistor?
73. Is there any phase shift between input and output in CC configuration?
74. What are the applications of CC configuration?
75. Compare the voltage gain and input and output impedances of CE and CC
76. BJT is a current controlled device. Justify.
77. List various operating regions of Transistor
78. List various biasing circuits
79. Give Transistor current equation in CE configuration
Clipping and Clamping circuits.
80. Explain the working of clipper circuit?
81. Define clipper, limiter and slicer.
82. What is the need of resistance in clipping circuits?
83. What are the other names of clamping circuits?
84. What are the applications of the clipper?
85. Explain the working of positive and negative clamper?
86. How the required clamping can be achieved?
87. What are the applications of the clamper?
Frequency responses of RC circuits
88. What is high pass circuit under what condition it acts as a differentiator?
89. What is the significance of 3dB value?
90. Define cut-off frequency?
91. What is low pass circuit under what condition it acts as a integrator?
92. Show theoretically how you get a triangular wave when a square wave is given to
an integrator?
93. What happens when a sine wave is applied to a differentiator or integrator circuit?
94. What are different applications of a differentiator?
95. What are different applications of a integrator?
96. What is the ideal value of phase shift offered by an RC circuit?
RC Coupled Amplifier
97. What is meant by Q point?
98. What happens to bandwidth if Cc is reduced?
99. What are the functions of RE?
Why the gain of amplifier decreases if CE is removed?
Why is the efficiency of Class A amplifier very low?
What are self bias and fixed bias?
Give some examples of RC coupled amplifier?
Voltage Regulators
What are the three basic elements inside a standard voltage regulator?
Compare series regulator with shunt regulator by principle.
What device is used as a control element? Why?
What are the performance measures of the regulator?
What is line regulation?
What is load regulation?
What is the efficiency of series voltage regulator?
What will be the output voltage if reference voltage was short circuited
What will be the output voltage if reference voltage was open circuited
What will happen if potential divider was open circuited
Compare series regulator with shunt regulator by principle.
What device is used as a control element? Why?
What are the performance measures of the regulator?
What is line regulation?
What is load regulation?
What is the efficiency of shunt voltage regulator?
What will be the output voltage if Zener diode was short circuited?
What will be the output voltage if reference voltage was open circuited
What is the disadvantage of shunt regulator?