* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
The National Ribat University Faculty of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Characterization of Longstanding 10 years Diabetic Patients Kidney Using Ultrasound A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of MSc degree in Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound By : Mohamed Ahmed Abd Elrahman Elfaki Supervisor : Dr. Kamal Eldin El Badawi Babiker -2016- 1 بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم اآلية قال تعالى : ( تبارك الذي بيده الملك وهو على كل شئ قدير* الذي خلق الموت والحياة ليبلوكم أيكم أحسن عمال وهو العزيز الغفور) صدق هللا العظيم سورة تبارك اآلية 2-1 2 Dedication To my parents. Brother ….. and sisters. To my teachers. To my friends. To my colleagues. 3 Acknowledgments First I would like to thanks our God for enabling me to complete this thesis. I give my great pleasure to my supervisor Dr. Kamal Eldin Elbadawi Babiker for his continuous helping, guiding and supervision. Am also deeply grateful to Dr. Alsir Ali Saeed and Dr. Khalid Awad Am also very greatful to many individuals who played a part in preparing this work. 4 Abstract The study is descriptive cross sectional study carried out in Khartoum state and compare with similar study which have be done sudan. In fact diabetes is effect in many body organs and is most common cause of kidney failure .There are different modalities to determine these effects, so The purpose of study is characterization of diabetic patient kidney by using ultrasound. The study was conducted in Nelien medical diagnostic center , modern medical center and clinic of ministry with machines Aloka Prosound6, Mindry (DC8) and Sonoscap (A5), by frequency 3.5MHZ with transabdominal curve linear transducer , in period from January to July 2015 . The data was collected from 50 patients by data collection sheet, classified and analyzed by SPSS, 35 patients of them were ( diabetic ) for more than 10 years and 15 patients (not diabetic) , 54.3% of them represent males and 45.7% females their ages over 30 years, and exclude diabetic patients associated with other diseases from the study. In this study ultrasound was performed for all patients by measuring the size of kidney and corticomedullary ratio and evaluated the echogencity of the right kidney compared with the liver, while the echogenicity of the left kidney was compared with spleen. The results of this study characterized that there was a decreasing in diabetic kidney volume and increasing in C/M ratio and no 5 significant difference in echogenicity in diabetes patients when comparing with previous study. To find actual result, the study recommended to using large sample volume with different measurement variables for more accurate results. 6 مستخلص الدراسة هذه الدراسة أجريت في والية الخرطوم وقورنت ببعض الدراسات السابقة في السودان. يعتبر داء السكري من األسباب الشائعة للفشل الكلوي وتأثيره علي أعضاء الجسم, ونجد أن هنالك عدة أجهزه لقياس تأثيره علي هذه األعضاء ,والهدف من هذه الدراسة توصيف الكلى لدى مرضى السكري بواسطة استخدام الموجات فوق الصوتية. أجريت هذه الدراسة في مركز النيلين التشخيصي الطبي وعيادة الموجات بالو ازرة والمركز الطبي الحديث ,علي األجهزة ())Aloka Prosound6 Mindry (DC8) and Sonoscap (A5 بذبذبة 3.5ميقا هرتز في الفترة من يناير إلى يوليو 2015م. لقد تم جمع بيانات الدراسة لموضوع البحث من المقابلة الشخصية للمرضى لملء االستبيان الذي أعد خصيصا لهذه الدراسة ,وعددهم 50مريضا ,منهم شخص 35مصابين بالسكري ألكثر من عشرة سنوات ,و 15شخصا غير مصابين بالسكري ,تزيد أعمارهم عن 30عاما ,وقد تم استبعاد مرضى السكري المصابين بعيوب خلقيه في الكلى أو إنسداد المجرى البولي أو أورام الكلى. اعتمدت الدراسة على قياس حجم الكلى وقياس النسبة بين قشرة ونخاع الكلى باإلضافة لمعدل الصدى الراجع مقارنة بالصدى الراجع من الكبد بالنسبة للكلية اليمنى والصدى الراجع 7 من الطحال بالنسبة للكلية اليسرى .وقد اجري الفحص باستخدام مسبار البطن بواسطة جهاز الموجات فوق الصوتية بتردد 3.5ميقا هرتز. أوضحت النتائج في هذا البحث وجود نقص في حجم الكلى ،وزيادة في النسبة بين طبقة القشرة والنخاع في الكلى لدي مرضي السكري ,بينما ال يوجد تغير في معدل الصدى الراجع من الكبد والطحال مقارنة بالدراسات السابقة. وللحصول على نتائج أفضل نوصي بعمل الدراسة لمجموعة أكبر من األشخاص المصابين بالسكري مع األخذ في االعتبار زيادة قياس العوامل المتغيرة المختلفة للحصول على أفضل النتائج. 8 List of tables Table Title Page 4.1 Distribution of patients by groups. 19 4.2 Distribution of patients by age. 20 4.3 Distribution of patients by gender. 21 4.4 Distribution of patients by date of onset 22 disease. 4.5 Distribution of patients by associated 23 diseases. 4.6 Distribution of patients by type of diabetes. 24 4.7 Distribution of `patients by echogencity for 25 both kidneys. 4.8 Shows minimum, maximum, mean, and 26 standard deviation for both kidneys. 4.9 Mean values of volume and C/M ratio for 27 all samples. 4.10 Mean values of volume and C/M ratio by groups. 9 28 List of figures Figure Title Page 2.1 Show Bowman capsule. 6 2.2 Cross section of kidney. 7 2.3 Component of nephron. 7 2.4 12 2.5 2.6 Normal ultrasound appearance of kidneys Measurement of renal parenchyma. Echogenicity of renal parenchyma. 4.1 4.2 Distribution of patients by groups. Distribution of patients by age. 19 20 4.3 Distribution of patients by gender. 21 4.4 Distribution of patients by date of 22 13 14 onset disease. 4.5 Distribution of patients by associated 23 another disease. 4.6 Distribution of patients by type of 24 diabetes. 4.7 Distribution of patients by 25 Echogencity for both kidneys. 4.8 Mean values of renal volume. 27 4.9 Mean values of renal C/M ratio. 28 4.10 Mean values of renal volume by 29 groups. 10 4.11 Mean values of renal C/M ratio by 29 groups. List of Abbreviation CKD Chronic kidney disease. C/M ratio Cortico-medullary ratio. DM Diabates mellitus. DN Diabetic nephropathy. IDDM Isulin dependent diabetes mellitus. NIDDM Non Isulin dependent diabetes mellitus RBF Renal blood flow TA U/S Transabdominal ultrasound. 11 Contents subject Page No اآلية I Dedication II Acknowledgments III Abstract English IV Abstract Arabic VI List of tables VIII List of figures IX List of Abbreviation X List of contents XI Chapter one Introduction 1.1 1.3 Introduction Objectives 1 3 Chapter two Literature review 2.1 2.2 2.3 Gross Anatomy of kidney Radiological investigation Ultrasound techniques of kidney 4 9 10 Chapter three Material and methods 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Study design Study area Study duration Sample size Study variables Study population Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria Data collection s 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 12 3.10 3.11 Data analysis Ethical consideration 17 18 Chapter four 4.1 Results 19 Chapter five 5.1 5.2 5.3 Discussion Conclusion Recommendation References Appendix 30 31 32 13 Chapter one 14 Introduction 1.1 Introduction The term diabetes mellitus describes a metabolic disorder of multiple etiology characterized by chronic hyperglycemia with disturbances of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. The effects of diabetes mellitus include long term damage, dysfunction and failure of various organs. Diabetes mellitus may present with characteristic symptoms such as thirst, polyuria, blurring of vision, and weight loss. Several pathogentic processes are involved in the development of diabetes. These include processes which destroy the beta cells of the pancreas with consequent insulin deficiency, and others that result in resistance to insulin action. The abnormalities of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism are due to deficient action of insulin on target tissues resulting from insensitivity or lack of insulin. (1) There are two main types of diabetes: type I diabetes (Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus – IDDM ) that result in autoimmune destruction of insulin – producing beta cells of the pancreas, body failure to produce insulin, leading to insulin deficiency. Type II diabetes (NON Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus NIDDM ) is the most common form of diabetes and is a metabolic disorder that characterized by hyperglycemia( high blood sugar )in context of insulin resistance and 15 relative lack of insulin. This is in contrast to diabetes mellitus type I in which there is an absolute lack of insulin due to breakdown of islet cells in the pancreas. Gestational diabetes is a condition in which women without previously diagnosed diabetes exhibit high blood glucose levels during pregnancy.(2) Diabetes is the most common cause of chronic kidney disease. Over a long period of time diabetes causes damage to the filters in the kidney. As the kidneys get more damaged they are not able to clean or filter the blood properly Fig (2.1).(3) More than 40% of persons with diabetes have elevated urinary albumin excretion, and the prevalence is higher in those with diabetes of longer duration. In insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), the incidence of persistent proteinuria rises during the first 10 years of diabetes and begins to decline after 15 years of diabetes. Diabetic renal disease is more common in some families than in others, suggesting differences in genetic susceptibility. Other factors associated with the development of diabetic nephropathy include diabetes duration, hypertension, hyperglycemia, and smoking. Increased plasma protein activity, lipoprotein abnormalities, autonomic neuropathy, pregnancy, a high 16 protein diet, and drug nephrotoxicity have been implicated as risk factors in some studies.(4) 1.2 Objectives 1.2.1 General objective: To evaluate the characteristic features of the longstanding diabetic patient kidney by ultrasound. 1.2.2 Specific objectives: To measure the volume of diabetic patient kidney. To assess their cortico /medullary ratio. To correlate the duration of kidney disease with U/S findings. To evaluate the echogenicity of the renal cortex in comparison with the liver and spleen. 17 Chapter Tow Literature Review 2.1 Anatomy of Kidney: The kidneys are paired organs located on the posterior abdominal wall outside the peritoneal cavity. They lie on either side of the vertebral column with their upper and lower poles extending from the twelfth thoracic to the third lumbar vertebrae. Each kidney is approximately 9-13 cm long, 5 to 6 cm wide, and 3 to 4 cm thick. A tightly adhering capsule (the renal capsule) surrounds each kidney, and the kidney then is embedded in a mass of fat. The capsule and fatty layer are covered with a double layer of renal fascia, fibrous tissue that attaches the kidney to the posterior abdominal wall. The cushion of fat and the position of the kidney between the abdominal organs 18 and muscles of the back protect it from trauma. The right kidney is slightly lower than the left it is displaced downward by the overlying liver. A medial indentation (the hilum) contains the entry and exit for the renal blood vessels, nerves, lymphatic vessels, and ureter.(5) The gross structure of the kidney can be identified when it is divided from top to bottom in a coronal plane. The major components are the outer renal cortex and the inner renal medulla. The cortex contains all the glomeruli and portions of the tubules. The medulla consists of a series of wedges, called renal pyramids, with an outer zone close to the cortex and an inner zone. Renal columns extend from the cortex down between the renal pyramids. The apices of the pyramids project into a minor calyx (a cup-shaped cavity), which joins together to form a major calyx. The major calyces join to form the renal pelvis, an extension of the upper end of the ureter Fig (2.1).(5) The renal artery supplies the kidney which is a branch of aorta and divided into several segmental branches within the renal sinus. Some branches go posterior to the pelvis while others go anterior to the pelvis. The interlobar arteries enter the parenchyma through the renal columns and extend to the bases of the pyramids. At the junction of the cortex with the medulla the vessel arches across the base of the pyramid. This is known as the arcuate artery . It gives off branches called the interlobular arteries which supply the majority of the cortical nephrons via afferent arterioles. In summary, interlobar arteries run through the renal columns and become arcuate arteries as they run between the cortex and medulla at the base of the pyramids. The arcuate arteries give rise to the interlobular arteries which extend through the cortex as far as the capsule. The nephrons are supplied by afferent arterioles which are branches of the interlobular arteries.(6) 19 Venae rectae vessels drain the nephrons and coalesce to form the arcuate vein. Other small venules flow into the interlobular vein which in turn drains into the arcuate vein. The remainder of the venous drainage of the kidney corresponds to the arteries. The venous blood flow is of course in the opposite direction to the arterial flow.(6) Supplemental vessels are formed when the main renal arteries are solitary in 60% of individuals and multiple and smaller in the remainder. Renal arteries are more commonly multiple when the kidney is malpositioned or alrotated. Supplemental renal arteries may course directly into thepolar regions of the kidney without coursing through the renal hilum. Renal veins are usually solitary.(6) Lymphatic drainage of the kidneys is to lumbar nodes. The renal plexus is formed from the rami of the celiac ganglion and plexus, the aorticorenal ganglion, lower thorathic splanchnic nerves,1stlumbar splanchnic nerve, aortic plexusand renal plexus usually continue into the kidney around the renal arteries.(6) Histologicaly the kidney is formed of two layers. The outer layer is the cortex that contains glomeruli , proximal tubules ,cortical portions of loops of henle , distal tubules and cortical collecting ducts. The inner layer or medullais comprised of renal pyramids. The pyramids contain medullary portions of loops of henle and medullary portions of collecting ducts. Multiple pyramids taper and join together, forming a minorcalyx. Several combined minor ones make a major calyx. The major calyces join and enter a funnel shaped renal pelvis that directs urine into the ureter Fig (2.2). Approximately one kidney comprised of one million nephrons. The nephron consists of glomerulus, Bowman`s capsule, proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct Fig (2.3).(7,8) 20 Fig (2.1): Shows Bowman`s capsule of healthy and diabetic person Fig (2.2): Cross section of kidney. 21 Fig (2.3): Components of the nephron. Physiologicaly the kidneys are highly vascular organs and usually receive 1000 to 1200 ml of blood per minute, or about 20% to 25% of the cardiac output. With a normal hematocrit of 45%, about 600 to 700 ml of blood flowing through the kidney per minute is plasma. From the renal plasma flow, 20% (approximately 120 to 140 ml/min) is filtered at the glomerulus and passes into Bowman`s capsule. The filtration of the plasma per unit of time is known as the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), and the GFR is directly related to the perfusion pressure in the glomerular capillaries. Blood flow to the kidneys is regulated by autoregulation: a local mechanism within the kidney that tends to keep the rate of blood flow and GFR fairly constant over a range of arterial pressures between 80 and 180 mmHg. Neural regulation: the sympathetic nervous system innervates the kidney and regulates RBF related to systemic arterial pressure. When systemic pressure decreases, RBF decreases. This reduced blood flow reduces GFR and diminishes the excretion of sodium and water, promoting an increase in blood volume and thus an increase in systemic pressure, 22 hormonal regulation: Hormonal factors can alter the resistance of the renal vasculature by stimulating vasodilatation or vasoconstriction. A major hormonal regulator of RBF is the renin-angiotensin system, which can increase systemic arterial pressure and change RBF.(9) Urine is the fluid secreted from the blood by the kidneys. Normal urine is 95% water but also contains urea, sodium, chloride, creatinine, and other organic and inorganic substances in minute amounts. Urine is produced by Glomerular filtration: filtration of the blood through the epithelial walls of the glomerulus produces glomerular filtrate. Tubular reabsorption: a process where much of the glomerular filtrate passes out of the nephron tubule and returns to the blood. As much as 99% of material in the filtrate is returned to the blood. Tubular secretion: substances not removed from the blood during glomerular filtration are transported from the peritubular capillaries directly into the nephron tubule.(6) In Lab test ( creatinine and urea ), creatinine is a nitrogenous compound formed as an end product of muscle metabolism. It is formed in muscle in relatively small amounts, passed into the blood and excreted in the urine. Blood creatinine level measures renal function. Normally it is produced in regular consistently small amounts. Therefore an elevation means a disturbance in renal function. Renal impairment is virtually the only cause of creatinine elevation.(6) Urea is an end product of protein metabolism and is readily excreted by the kidneys. Therefore the blood urea concentration normally is fairly low. Blood urea nitrogen level measures renal function. The BUN level rises when the kidney's ability to excrete urea is impaired. It also rises with reduced renal blood flow as with dehydration and urinary tract obstructions. An elevated level of BUN may lead to mental confusion, disorientation and coma.(6) 23 2.2 Radiological investigations: The role of U/S in diagnosis of kidneys diseases as well as all types of imaging techniques CT, magnetic resonance (MR), scintigraphy, positron emission tomography (PET) can provide useful information about kidney structure, urinary tract status, the presence of obstruction on the state of inflammation and the presence of edema of the renal parenchyma and vasculature. However, the use of some of these medical procedures to carry out characterization or diagnosis diseases and subsequent follow-up is not always possible. In particular the use of iodinated contrast with CT and gadolinium with MRI could potentiate allergic and toxic effects in patients with a significant reduction in GFR. US examinations usually concerns the ability to identify a pathological condition, to distinguish between different histopathological lesions, and to identify patients with end-stage chronic renal failure.The parameters are morphological (interpolar and anteroposterior diameter, parenchymal thickness, and echogenicity). Twodimensional (B-mode) grey scale renal US is the imaging technique most commonly used in the differential diagnosis between acuteand chronic kidney disease. It is a very good method for investigating a wide range of renal tract abnormalities. It’s easy to access for nephrologists and intensivists, simple to use, with no complications, well tolerated and can be performed at the patient bedside. It is a safe, fast, non-invasive and lowcost test. Elementary information given by B-mode renal US includes kidney size, cortical echogenicity, parenchymal thickness, corticomedullary differentiation, renal profiles and the state of urinary tract, and characterizing the structure of renal parenchyma.(10) 2.3 Ultrasound technique of the kidney: At the beginning, the patient is being examined while lying on the back. The longitudinal axis is being searched for in the so-called edge-cut, 24 meaning a section which runs from dorsal cranial to ventral caudal as well as from medial cranial to caudal lateral. The kidney is first being measured in longitudinal cuts and is being subsequently examined in the short axis or in cross cuts. The ribs can sometimes be in the way of showing a clean cross section. In such a case, it is recommended to find a space between the ribs and to let the patient breathe deeply. Thereby, the whole kidney can be examined properly and in detail. The kidney sinus is being examined most easily while patients lie prone, which is valid for both children and adults. This position proves in most cases successful to show both the renal pelvis and the outlet of the ureter. Sometimes the kidneys are positioned quite high, the left kidney can be directly subphrenic. In such a case, the examination in a standing position proves most sensible. This can also lead to the observation of a floating kidney (decrease of the kidney of > 5cm in standing). It is important to observe the respiratory displace ability of the kidney and to compare it with the respiratory displace ability of the liver (and the spleen on the left side) and the psoas muscles.Using high frequency transducer for adequate penetration range (3 – 5) MHz.(11) The Normal U/S appearance of kidneys structures begins with the cortex of the normal kidney is slightly hypoechoic when compared to the adjacent liver parenchyma, although this is age-dependent. In young people it may be of similar echogenicity and in the elderly it is not unusual for it to be comparatively hyperechoic and thin. The medullary pyramids are seen as regularly spaced, echo-poor triangular structures between the cortex and the renal sinus Fig (2.4). The tiny reflective structures often seen at the margins of the pyramids are echoes from the arcuate arteries which branch around the pyramids. The renal sinus containing the PCS is hyperechoic due to sinus fat which surrounds the vessels. The main artery and vein can be readily demonstrated at the renal hilum and should not be 25 confused with a mild degree of PCS dilatation .Color Doppler can help to differentiate between dilated pelvic of kidney and blood vesseles .(12) A B C D Figure (2.4): (A) Sagittal section through the normal right kidney (RK), using the liver as an acoustic window. The central echoes from the renal sinus are hyper echoic due to the fat content. The hypoechoic, triangular, medullary pyramids are demonstrated in a regular arrangement around the sinus. The cortex is of similar echogenicity to the liver.(B) TS through the hilum of the RK, demonstrating the renal vein (arrow) draining into the inferior vena cava (IVC) (arrowhead). (C) Left kidney (LK) in coronal section. The renal hilum is seen furthest from the transducer (s = spleen).(Compare this with the sagittal section of the RK in which cortex is seen all the way around the pelvicalyceal system.) (D) The renal cortex lies between the capsule and the lateral margin of the medullary pyramid (arrowheads). 26 (12) The normal kidney length measurement is 9-12cm (measured in longitudinal section).Width 4 – 6cm (measured in cross section) Depth 46cm (measured in cross section).The parenchymal thickness (p) is being measured from the tip of the mark pyramid unto the surface of the kidney. The normal parenchyma thickness consists of 14-18mm. The parenchyma thickness can be used as a parameter of course, but the measurement should always be carried out on the same place, at the same papilla Fig (2.5). This is particularly important while monitoring a transplanted kidney, but should be also being taken into account while controlling the process of chronically diffuse diseases of the parenchyma. The cortical thickness is being measured from the border of kidney mark to kidney cortex surface. The normal cortical thickness measures of 8-10 mm. Narrowings can be found during chronical diseases of the parenchyma with kidney insufficiency.(13,14,15) Parenchymal echogenicity is the most frequently used marker for evaluating the presence of nephropathy. It is evaluated by comparing the echogenicity of the renal cortex, medulla and pelvic sinus with that of the adjacent liver and spleen (assuming that the liver and spleen present normal 27 echogenicity). Renal echogenicity is divided into four different grades from 0 to III Fig (2.6) (16).(17) Fig (2.5): Measurement of renal parenchyma, Paranchyma thickness (p), cortical thickness (c).(13) 28 Fig (2.6): Kidney: (a) parenchyma appears hypoechoic when compared to the liver parenchyma; (b) parenchyma appears isoechoic when compare to the liver parenchyma: (c) parenchyma appears hyperechoic when compared to the liver parenchyma.(16) 29 2.4 Previous study: In study done by Somia Mohamed Salih, showed that the mean volume of Right kidney was 131.4 cm3, Lt kidney 140.6 cm3, and the mean of C/M ratio was ( 0.76) for Rt kidney and (0.72) for the Lt one. 30 The study revealed that there was a decrease in the renal volume related to duration of diabetes.There was no difference in echogenicity.(18) 31 Chapter Three Material and Method 3.1 Study design: This is an observational analytical cross sectional study. 32 3.2 Study area: Study has been done at Clinic of Ministry of Financial and Nelein Medical Diagnostic Center. 3.3 Study duration: From December (2014) to May (2015) . 3.4 Sample size: Fifty subject who were admitted as patients in U/S departments. 3.5 Study variables: Age , Sex and duration of disease. 3.6 Study population: Fifty patients there were 26 male and 24 female. 3.7 Inclusion criteria: All the patients with age above 30 years and had a longstanding diabetes disease for more than 10 years. 3.8 Exclusion criteria: Diabetic patients with congenital anomaly of the urinary system or urinary tract obstruction due to stone or mass, which can affect the volume, shape of the kidney or the other study variables. 3.9 Data collection: Patient age, gender, duration of diabetes were recorded in clinical data sheet. Measurement of kidneys was performed by obtaining sagittal planes 33 for measuring the (length) and transverse planes for (width and thickness or depth), from anterior approach using liver and spleen as acoustic windows. And the measurement of the kidney volume, C/M ratio and cortical echogenicity were obtained. Evaluation of the volume by measuring the three dimensions, length, width and depth (AP diameter) in long and short axis, then calculated by formula : V = L x W x AP x 0.49 Evaluation of C/M ratio was done by making the ratio between the cortex and medulla measurement, and evaluation of echogenicity of the RT kidney by comparing with the liver echogenicity, while LT kidney by comparing it with spleen. Measurement has done by expert sonographer and radiologist. 3.10 Data analysis: Was carried out by Statically Package for Social Science (SPSS). 3.11 Ethical consideration: The patients had to be aware of the nature of the study and had to willingly, provide informed consent before entering the study because we need more time for evaluating and measuring kidneys properly. 34 Chapter Four Result 4.1 Result: 35 This study has been done in U/S departments at the clinic of Ministry of financial and Nelein Medical Diagnostic center. ` Table (4.1): Distribution of patients by groups. Group Control Diabetic Total Frequency 15 35 50 Percent 30% 70% 100% Groups 30% Control group Normal group 70% Fig (4.1): Distribution of patients by groups. Table (4.2): Distribution of patients by age. Age group Frequency 36 Percent Less than 41 years 41-50 years 51-60 years 61-70 years Greater than 70 years Total 3 7 16 7 2 35 8.6% 20% 45.7% 20% 5.7% 100% Age group (years) 50 % 50.0% 45 % 45.0% 40 % 40.0% 35 % 35.0% 30 % 30.0% 25 % 25.0% 20 % 20.0% 15 % 15.0% 10 % 10.0% 5% 5.0% 0.0 % 0.0% 45.7% 20.0% 20.0% Percent 8.6% 5.7% Less than 41 50-60 61-7061-70 Greater Greater than 70 Less than 41-5041-50 51-60 41 years years years years than 70 years Fig (4.2): Sample distribution of patients by age. Table (4.3): Sample distribution of patients by gender. Gender Frequency 37 Percent Male Female Total 19 16 35 54.3% 45.7% 100% Gender 45.7% Male 54.3% Female Fig (4.3): Distribution of patients by gender. Table (4.4): Sample distribution of patients by duration of the disease. Duration Frequency 38 Percent 10 years >10 years Total 9 26 35 25.7% 74.3% 100% Duration of the disease 25.7% 10 years >10 years 74.3% Figure (4.4): Distribution of patients by duration of disease. Table (4.5): Sample distribution for patients by associated another disease. Associated disease Yes Frequency 17 39 Percent 48.6% No Total 18 35 51.4% 100% Associated diseases 48.6% Yes No 51.4% Fig (4.5): Distribution of patients by associated diseases. Table (4.6): Sample distribution of patients by the type of diabetes. Type of diabetes Insulin dependent Frequency 10 40 Percent 28.6% Non-insulin dependent Total 25 35 71.4% 100% Type of diabetes 71.4% 100.0% 28.6% 50.0% Percent 0.0% insulin dependent Non-insulin dependent Fig (4.6): Distribution of patients by the type of diabetes. Table (4.7): Shows the echogenicity of both kidneys. Kidney Frequency Normal Frequency 29 Right Hypoechoic hyperechoic Total 5 1 35 41 Left Percent 83% Frequency 30 Percent 86% 14% 4 11% 3% 1 3% 100% 35 100% Echogenicity 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 83% 86% Right kidney Left Kidney 14% 11% 3% 3% Normal hypoechoic hyperechoic Fig (4.7): Shows the echogenicity of both kidneys. Table (4.8): The mean values of different variables. Variables Mean cm 42 SD Right kidney Left kidney Length 10.64 0.92 Width 4.51 0.58 Thickness 5.13 0.57 Thickness parenchyma 1.67 0.73 Cortex for C/M ratio 0.71 0.16 Medulla for C/M ratio 0.95 0.66 Length 10.66 0.78 Width 4.61 0.56 Thickness 5.23 0.61 Thickness parenchyma 1.56 0.28 Cortex for C/M ratio 0.72 0.16 Medulla for C/M ratio 0.84 0.20 Table (4.9): Mean values of volume and C/M ratio for Rt and Lt kidneys: Kidney Volume cm3 43 C/M ration Right 121.78 0.85 Left 127.66 0.9 128 127.66 Volume 126 124 122 121.78 120 118 Right Volume of right Kidney kidney Volume Left of leftKidney kidney Fig (4.8): Mean values of volume. C/M ratio 0.9 0.9 0.85 0.85 0.8 C\M ratio of right kidney Left C\MKidney ratio of left kidney Right Kidney Fig (4.9): Mean values of C/M ratio. Table (4.10): The mean values of volume and C/M ratio by groups. Groups Volume 44 C/M ratio right kidney 101.20 121.78 Control diabetic 140 120 121.78 114.14 left kidney 114.14 127.66 right kidney 1.31 0.85 left kidney 1.44 0.90 127.66 101.2 Volume 100 80 60 40 20 0 Volume of right Right kidney Kidney volume of the left Left Kidney kidney Fig (4.11): The mean values of volume by groups. Volume C/M ratio C/M ratio 1.5 1 1.44 1.31 0.9 0.85 Control group 0.5 Normal group 0 C\MRight ratio of right Right Kidney Kidney kidney C\M ratio ofKidney left Left Left Kidney kidney Fig (4.12): The mean values of C/M ratio by groups 45 Chapter Five 46 Discussion This study has been done in U/S departments at clinic of ministry of financial and Nelein medical diagnostic center for 50 patients their age ≥ 30 years. The total of the patients 50 was classified into two main groups, group one was control group (not diabetic) represented 30%(15) and the second group was diabetic group represented 70%(35) table (4.1) and fig(4.1) , 54.3% male (19) and 45.7% female (16) table (4.3) and fig (4.3), most of their age ranging in (51 – 60) represented 45.7% (16).Two groups of patients, their age ranges from (41-50) and (61-70) with equal number of (7) and represents 20% for each. 8.6% (3) of patients their age was less than 41, and 5.7% (2) their age more than 70 years shown in table (4.2) and fig (4.2). Most of the patients 74.3% (26) have a longstanding diabetes for more than 10 years, and 25.7% have a disease for 10 years table (4.4) and fig (4.4). 48.6% (17) of diabetic patients have associated another diseases , while 51.4% (18) of them haven't associated diseases table (4.5) and fig (4.5). Most of diabetes patients 71.4% (25) have type II of diabetic(Non insulin dependent) while 28.6% (10) of diabetes patients have type I(Insulin dependent) table (4.6) and fig (4.6). This study showed that the values of the mean volume and C/M ratio of right kidney was 121.78 cm3and its C/M ratio was 0.85, and for left kidney the volume was 127.66 cm3 and C/M ratio was 0.90 as shows in table (4.9) and figs (4.8 , 4.9), which disagree with study done by Somia M.Salih which explained the values of right kidney volume and left one 47 were ( 131.4cm3,140.6cm3) respectively and their C/M ratio were (0.76, 0.72) for right and left kidney because there was a decrease in renal volume as showen in table (4.9) and fig (4.8, 4.9). The degree of echogenicity detected by the present study of both kidneys in diabetic group similar to that mentioned by Somia M.Salih study . 48 Conclusion This study was conducted on 35 patients who diagnosed as diabetics, most of them suffering from the diabetic mellitus more than 10 years , most of their age range was (51 – 60)years. And 15 patients (not diabetics). The goal of study was characterized the kidney in patient with diabetes mellitus by U/S regarding to kidney volume , echogenicity and C/M ratio. The results concluded that there was a decrease in kidney size and increase in C/M ratio. 49 Recommendation Regarding to results that related to this study and previous one, there are some ideas which could help researches that can be done in future as follow: U/S imaging is non invasive medical test that help doctors diagnose and treat medical conditions. U/S could be used as a routine checkup, follow up to help treatment and control of the diabetic nephropathy. 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Characterization of diabetic kidney by ultrasound (2010) 53 Appendix 54 Data collection sheet National Ribat University Characterization of long Standing 10 year’s Diabetic Kidneys by Ultrasound Date: / / NO: Name: age: sex: male ( ) female ( ) Date of onset disease: ( ) 5-10 ( Associated another disease: Yes( ) Type of diabetes: No( ) a-insulin dependent ( ) ) ≥ 10 years IF YES: …………………………………………….. b- Non-insulin dependent ( ) Ultrasound finding: Right kidney: A- volume Length: Width: Thickness: Cortex: Medulla: B- C/M ratio: Thickness: C- Echogencity: 1- Normal ( ) 2- Hypoechoic ( ) 3- Hyperechoic( ) Lift kidney: A- Volume Length: Width: Thickness: Cortex: Medulla: B- C/M ratio : Thickness: C - Echogencity : 1- Normal ( ) 2- hypoechoic ( ) 3- hyperechoic ( ) NOTE…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 55 Image (1) Image(2) Image (1,2) : 62 years old female patient of 10 years diabetic ,this measurement of medulla , cortex and longitudinal scan of kidneys for measure volume of kidney. 56 Image (3) Image (4) Image (3,4) : 49 years old male patient of 12 years diabetic ,this measurement of medulla , cortex and longitudinal and transverse scan of kidneys for measure volume of kidney. 57 Image (5) Image (6) 58 Image (7) Image (8) 59 Image (9) Image (10) 60 Image (11) Image (12) 61 Image (13) 62