Download Body parts of organisms that are structurally similar in related species

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7B Science (Mrs. Lee)
Study Guide for C5.2
1. Key Terms
Vocabulary Word(s)
What does it mean?
1. homologous structures
Body parts of organisms that are
structurally similar in related species; this
provides evidence that these organisms all
evolved from a common ancestor
2. branching tree
A diagram showing how scientists think
different groups of organisms are related
2. What did scientists use to determine the evolutionary relationships
among species?
• fossils
• similarities in early development (i.e. from common ancestor)
• similarities in body structures (e.g. homologous structures)
• Protein structure
3. What are the main ways that new species are formed?
• A new species can form when a group of individuals is separated
from the rest of the species.
4. What evidence supports the hypothesis that ancestors of whales once
walked on land?
• Scientist found fossils of whale-like organisms that had legs
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