Download Year 11 History GCSE Pop Quiz Essay Paper) Medicine and

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Year 11 History GCSE Pop Quiz Essay Paper) Medicine and treatment through time # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Question / clue What highly infectious disease spread through Europe in the 14th century and the 17th century? What is the name of the theory developed in Ancient Greece to explain illness and later developed by Galen? The name for the time period between of great change in medical understanding in 16th and 17th century is ... What was the name of the group set up in 1660 to enable educated people to discuss scientific ideas ... A way of giving a patient a mild dose of an illness to build up immunity is called ... The theory that illness is caused by bad smells is called ... The theory that rubbish or decaying materials creates microbes is called ... The name of Jenner’s discovery is? What deadly disease first came to Britain in 1831? Who came up with the Germ Theory? Who developed Pasteur’s work further in 1875? What was the name of the first female to qualify as a doctor in Britain? She was also known as the Lady with the Lamp ... The name given to drugs that stop infections caused by bacteria is ... What disease did the first magic bullet cure? What was the first magic bullet called? What disease was Gerhard Domagk trying to cure in 1932? Who was the first person to work on developing Penicillin? Why didn’t penicillin get developed in the 1920s? Who funded the mass production of penicillin? What are the names of the two scientists who developed penicillin? What year was the NHS set up? What did Crick and Watson discover? Answer The Black Death The four humours The Renaissance The Royal Society Inoculation Miasma Spontaneous Generation Vaccination Cholera Pasteur Koch Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Florence Nightingale Antibiotics Syphilis Salvarsan 606 Blood poisoning Fleming No funding The American government Florey and Chain 1948 DNA Essay Paper) Extension question on public health 1350 to present day (the last two questions on the paper, and the biggest question worth the most marks, will be on this area) # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Question / clue The idea that the government should not interfere is ... Where someone with a disease is isolated ... The coordination and provision by the government of all matters affecting the health of people is called ... A place where people could go if they were really poor and work for their food and board. These were passed in the medieval times to order people to clean the streets He paid for water to be pumped into London in 1609 What people used at night instead of going out to the privy... Inventor of the water closet was .. This alcoholic beverage was heavily taxed in 1750 to make it more expensive because there were concerns that it was having a bad effect on the poor .. Answer Laissez faire Quarantine The welfare state Workhouse By‐laws Hugh Myddleton Chamber pots Sir John Harrington Gin 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 What year was vaccination made compulsory? The name for cheap accommodation people lived in in industrial cities Who was the civil servant who researched living conditions in the 19th century and whose recommendations were the basis for the public health acts What year was the first public health act Why did the first public health act have little impact? What did John Snow discover? What year was The Great Stink? What do Charles Booth and Seebohm Rowntree have in common? How many potential recruits for the Boer war were medically unfit to serve in the army When was the national insurance act passed What year was the ministry of health set up? What did Bazalgette do? 1852 Back to back Edwin Chadwick 1848 It wasn’t compulsory That cholera was spread by dirty water 1858 They both researched the living conditions of the poor A third 1911 1919 Developed the London sewer network Source paper) Surgery 1845 – 1918 # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Question / clue Something that fights against sepsis and the microbes that create infection Sterile or free from infection The operation that was mostly commonly done pre anaesthetics A substance that makes you not feel pain The surgeon with the record for a 300% death rate in one operation the substance used by Humphry Davy as an anaesthetics What year was Ether first used by Morton as an anaesthetic The first person to use Chloroform in surgery was ... The person who used chloroform in childbirth and made its use more acceptable Anaesthetics gave surgeons this ... The time period after anaesthetics were first used but before antiseptics were introduced when the death rate from surgery went up Who was the doctor who introduced routine hand washing to reduce death rates in his hospital? What substance did Lister use to limit infection? The name of the girl who died after an overdose of chloroform Who is the first person to introduce rubber gloves in surgery? Was did Landsteiner discover? What substance was used to make the storage of blood possible in time for WWI What did Wilhelm Rontgen discover in 1895? What was the name of the surgeon who developed plastic surgery in World War One Answer Antiseptic Aseptic Amputations Anaesthetic Liston Laughing gas 1846 Simpson Queen Victoria Time The dark age of surgery Semmelweiss Carbolic Acid Hannah Greener William Halstead Blood groups Sodium citrate X Ray Gilles