Download Surgery Quiz 1 - Answers 1. Who did people go to for surgery in the

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Surgery Quiz 1 ‐ Answers 1. Who did people go to for surgery in the Middle Ages? Baber‐surgeon. 2. What two things were used to stop the bleeding in this period? Boiling oil Cautery iron 3. Who made important discoveries in surgery in the Renaissance? Pare 4. What job did he have that gave him lots of experience? Army surgeon. 5. What mixture did he use to cauterize wounds when the oil ran out? Egg yolk, turpentine and rose oil. 6. What did he use to tie arteries during amputations? Silk threads or ligatures 7. Why didn’t this influence most doctors? Because the increased the risk of infection as they did not yet know about germs. 8. What antiseptics were available to medieval surgeons? Wine. 9. What anaesthetics were available at the beginning of the 19th century? Natural drugs eg alcohol, opium or mandrake. 10. What were the problems in using these? Often made the patient very ill and were difficult to produce. 11. Who discovered nitrous oxide (laughing gas) as a possible anaesthetic? Humphrey Davy in 1799. 12. Who used nitrous oxide in dentistry? Horace Wells. He did a public demonstration in 1845 but the patient was unaffected and so he was ignored. 13. Why was speed needed in operations before anaesthetics and why was this a problem? Operations were painful so needed to be done as quickly as possible. Patients thrashed about making surgery difficult and assistants were needed to hold them down. 14. Who gave the first public demonstration of ether and when? William Morton 1846. 15. What were the problems with ether ? Flammable so risky due to candles and gas lamps. It was an irritant. 16. Who discovered chloroform and when? James Simpson 1847. 17. How did he discover chloroform? Experimented by inhaling various chemicals. 18. What were the problems with chloroform? Sometime affected the heart causing the patients to die suddenly. 19. Who developed an inhaler that regulated the dosage of chloroform and thereby reduced deaths? John Snow. 20. Why were the discovery of ether and chloroform important? They enabled operations to be carried out without the patient feeling pain. 21. What was the major problem with anaesthetics at this time? They encouraged doctors to try more complex surgery which lead to increased death rates as bleeding and infection had not yet been overcome. 22. What is this period sometimes known as? The Black Period of surgery. 23. What factors influenced Simpson’s discovery of chloroform? Individual genius and chance. 24. Why did some people oppose anaesthetics? Suspicious as they objected to anything new. Objected on religious grounds. Afraid of the side effects or overdose.