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Detoxification and Avoidance Diet
By Desmond Allen, PhD, ND
First consult your physician for approval; then after following the detoxification program
as outlined proceed with the avoidance diet.
Blood Detoxification and Colon Cleansing Program
Days 1 & 2: several small servings of raw fresh fruits and vegetables.
Day 3:
several small servings of juiced fresh fruits and vegetables.
Days 4 & 5: purified or distilled water only (at least 2 quarts / day).
Day 6:
several small servings of juiced fresh fruits and vegetables.
Days 7 & 8: several small servings of raw fresh fruits and vegetables.
Nutritional Supplements during Detoxification Program
Silymarin, 70 – 210 mg TID (from Milk Thistle or Grape Root); and Vitamin C (3 to 6
gms) - to assist liver in detoxing the blood
Goldenseal Root (as directed) - to support lymphatic system
A colon-cleansing product with Cascara Sagrada; use as directed
High-potency multiple vitamin and mineral formula
Lipotropic formula to assist metabolism (1 gm Choline; 1 gm L-methionine; 1 gm
Alternate Flaxseed oil and Fish oil, 1 TPS (or 2 to 3 capsules) / day
A gel forming fiber to prevent reabsorbing the toxins 1 – 2 gm HS (Psyllium seed, guar
gum, pectin, or oat bran)
Avoidance Diet
After the detoxification program continue the following diet plan
Exercise 15 to 20 minutes / day
Five SMALL meals daily to maintain a stable insulin level:
Diversify the meals with an assortment of fresh vegetables of each color, grains, nuts,
seeds, dairy, lean meats, fish, raw vegetables, juiced vegetables, bran, uncooked
vegetable oils high in omega three fatty acids such as olive or flaxseed, and a moderate
amount of fresh fruit or juiced fresh fruit.
Nutritional Supplements:
A high-potency multiple vitamin and mineral formula with potassium.
Lipotropic amino acid(s) to hasten the removal of fats in liver metabolism either 500mg
L-Carnitine or the following three amino acids to construct L-Carnitine: 1 gm
Choline; 1 gm L-Methionine; 1 gm Inositol.
Alternate oils high in omega-3 fatty acids - Flaxseed oil and Fish oil, 1 TPS (or 2 to 3
capsules) / day
Fiber supplement (minimum of 5 gm/day) or a gel forming fiber such as Psyllium seed,
guar gum, pectin, or oat bran.
Kelp (1 – 1.5 gm / day) contains balanced minerals and iodine for weight loss.
Lechithin (0.5 to 1 gm before meals) as a fat emulsifier.
Spirulina (as directed TID) as an excellent protein and to stabilize blood sugar.
Vitamin C (3 to 6 gms) for normal glandular function to speed up a slow metabolism.
Calcium 1.5 to 2.0 gm /day to activate enzymes that breakdown fats.
Avoid the Following
AVOID processed sugar in all forms (white, brown, powdered, processed, honey and
AVOID alcohol in all forms (beer, wine, liquor). It adds calories and inhibits the bodies
ability to burn fat.
AVOID artificial sweeteners. Use Stevia or Powdered Barley Malt as sweeteners.
AVOID all processed/packaged foods such as pasta, white flour, white rice, cereals,
breads, pastries, etc.
AVOID anything with preservatives.
AVOID margarine and all products with hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated
vegetable oils.
AVOID foods fried in any vegetable oil (corn, canola, olive, palm, etc). If you must have
an occasional fried food, use lard or clarified butter.
DO NOT let anything that does not rot pass your lips (expect for essential minerals).
Optional Nutritional Supplements:
Enhance Digestion:
Pancreatin 250 – 500 mg between meals, to supplement digestive enzyme deficiencies
and to promote a decreased food intake.
Vitamin B complex (50mg TID) for proper digestion.
Vitamin B12 (50mg TID) for proper digestion and absorption.
Cravings and appetite suppressants:
Chromium picholinate 200-600 mcg / day to reduce sugar cravings.
GABA (as directed) to suppress cravings and for antidepressant qualities.
L-Phenylalanine to suppress appetite and tell brain you are full.
L-Tyrosine (as directed) to suppress cravings and for antidepressant qualities. DO NOT
TAKE WITH MAO inhibitors drugs for depression.
L-Glutamine (as directed) to suppress carbohydrate cravings.
Vitamin B3 (50mg TID) to lesson sugar cravings. DO NOT TAKE with liver disorder,
gout, or hypertension.
Fennel to suppress appetite and to remove mucus and fat from intestinal track
Wheatgrass to calm appetite and for metabolic function.
A combination of 500 mg each of L-Arginine, L-Ornithine, L-lysine, to decrease body
Vitamin B2 (50mg TID) for efficient burning of calories.
Vitamin B6 (50mg TID) to boost metabolism.
Zinc (80 mg / day) to enhance insulin effectiveness and boost immune system.
Siberian ginseng helps to move fluids and nutrients through the body and reduces the
stress of adjusting to new eating habits.
Digestion and Metabolism:
Butcher’s broom, cardamon, cayenne, cinnamon, ginger, green tea, mustard seed.
Stimulate adrenal glands and thyroid function:
Bladderwrack, borage seed, hawthorn berry, licorice root, sarsaparilla.