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Microbiology, 9e (Tortora)
Chapter 23
Objective Questions
1) All of the following statements about septicemia are true except
A) Symptoms include fever and decreased blood pressure.
B) Lymphangitis may occur.
C) Symptoms are due to bacterial endotoxin.
D) It usually is caused by gram-positive bacteria.
E) It may be aggravated by antibiotics.
2) Which of the following pairs is mismatched?
A) Subacute bacterial endocarditis alpha-hemolytic streptococci
B) Acute bacterial endocarditis Staphylococcus aureus
C) Pericarditis Streptococcus pneumoniae
D) Puerperal sepsis Staphylococcus aureus
E) None of the above
3) All of the following grow inside host cells except
A) Babesia.
B) Brucella.
C) Dengue fever virus.
D) Leishmania.
E) None of the above.
4) Which of the following is not treated with penicillin?
A) Pericarditis
B) Tularemia
C) Anthrax
D) Listeriosis
E) None of the above
5) All of the following statements about tularemia are true except
A) It is caused by Francisella tularensis.
B) The reservoir is rabbits.
C) It may be transmitted by arthropods.
D) It may be transmitted by direct contact.
E) It occurs only in California.
Microbiology, 9e (Tortora)
Chapter 23
6) Which of the following is a symptom of brucellosis?
A) A local infection
B) Relapsing fever
C) Undulant fever
D) Pneumonia
E) Jaundice
7) Which of the following is not transmitted in raw milk?
A) Toxoplasmosis
B) Anthrax
C) Brucellosis
D) Listeriosis
E) None of the above
8) Which of the following is not a characteristic of Bacillus anthracis?
A) Aerobic
B) Gram-positive
C) Forms endospores
D) Found in soil
E) All of the above are characteristics of B. anthracis
9) The symptoms of gas gangrene are due to all of the following except
A) Microbial fermentation.
B) Necrotizing exotoxins.
C) Proteolytic enzymes.
D) Hyaluronidase.
E) Anaerobic environment.
10) Infections by all of the following bacteria may be transmitted by dog or cat bites except
A) Pasteurella multocida.
B) Streptobacillus.
C) Bacteroides.
D) Fusobacterium.
E) None of the above.
Microbiology, 9e (Tortora)
Chapter 23
11) Which of the following pairs is mismatched?
A) Malaria Anopheles (mosquito)
B) Dengue Aedes (mosquito)
C) Epidemic typhus Pediculus (louse)
D) Rocky Mountain spotted fever Dermacentor (tick)
E) Encephalitis Ixodes (tick)
12) The incidence of all of the following diseases is increased by unsanitary and crowded conditions except
A) Plague.
B) Epidemic typhus.
C) Endemic murine typhus.
D) Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
E) Relapsing fever.
13) Which of the following is not true about toxoplasmosis?
A) It is caused by a protozoan.
B) The reservoir is cats.
C) It is transmitted by the gastrointestinal route.
D) It is a severe illness in adults.
E) It can be congenital.
14) All of the following facts about Chagas' disease are true except
A) Causative agent T. cruzi.
B) Vector kissing bug.
C) Reservoir rodents.
D) Diagnosis serological tests for antibodies.
E) Treatment Nifurtimox.
15) Which of the following is not caused by a bacterium?
A) Epidemic typhus
B) Tickborne typhus
C) Malaria
D) Plague
E) Relapsing fever
Microbiology, 9e (Tortora)
Chapter 23
16) Septicemia may result from all of the following except
A) A focal infection.
B) Pneumonia.
C) A nosocomial infection.
D) Contamination through the parenteral route.
E) None of the above.
17) All of the following statements about puerperal sepsis are true except
A) It is transmitted from mother to fetus.
B) It is caused by health-care personnel.
C) It begins as a focal infection.
D) It is a complication of abortion or childbirth.
E) It doesn't occur anymore because of antibiotics and aseptic techniques.
18) All of the following statements about schistosomiasis are true except
A) The cercariae penetrate human skin.
B) A parasite of birds causes swimmer's itch in humans.
C) The intermediate host is an aquatic snail.
D) It is caused by a flatworm.
E) None of the above.
19) All of the following statements about rheumatic fever are true except
A) It is a complication of a Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal infection.
B) It is an inflammation of the heart.
C) It is an inflammation of the joints.
D) It is cured with penicillin.
E) The incidence has declined in the last 10 years.
20) Which of the following pairs is mismatched?
A) Rickettsia intracellular parasite
B) Brucella gram-negative aerobic rods
C) Francisella gram-positive facultatively anaerobic pleomorphic rods
D) Bacillus gram-positive endospore-forming rods
E) None of the above
Microbiology, 9e (Tortora)
Chapter 23
21) Which of the following can be transmitted from an infected mother to her fetus across the placenta?
A) Borrelia
B) Cytomegalovirus
C) Spirillum
D) Toxoplasma
E) Yersinia
22) Which of the following pairs is mismatched?
A) Borrelia relapsing fever
B) Yersinia plague
C) Streptobacillus rat-bite fever
D) Pasteurella cat-scratch disease
E) Spirillum rat-bite fever
23) A patient has the following symptoms: a papule, enlarged lymph nodes. Microscopic examination of the
papule reveals nucleated cells in white blood cells. The patient most likely has:
A) Anthrax.
B) Brucellosis.
C) Leishmaniasis.
D) Malaria.
E) Schistosomiasis.
24) Human-to-human transmission of plague is usually by
A) Rat flea.
B) Dog flea.
C) The respiratory route.
D) Wounds.
E) None of the above.
25) A characteristic symptom of plague is
A) Small red spots on the skin.
B) Bruises on the skin.
C) Rose-colored spots.
D) Recurrent fever.
E) None of the above.
Microbiology, 9e (Tortora)
Chapter 23
26) Which of the following pairs regarding the epidemiology of malaria is mismatched?
A) Vector Anopheles
B) Etiology Plasmodium
C) Found in liver sporozoites
D) Diagnosis presence of merozoites
E) Treatment antibiotics
27) A predisposing factor for infection by Clostridium perfringens is
A) Gangrene.
B) Burns.
C) Debridement.
D) Hyperbaric treatment.
E) An infected finger.
28) Which of the following is not a zoonosis?
A) Puerperal sepsis
B) Hantavirus infection
C) Anthrax
D) Brucellosis
E) Tularemia
29) Arthropods can serve as a reservoir for which of the following diseases?
A) Plague
B) Brucellosis
C) Epidemic typhus
D) Yellow fever
E) Malaria
30) Which of the following pairs is mismatched?
A) Cat-scratch disease malignant pustule developing into septicemia
B) Brucellosis a temperature of 40°C each evening
C) Tularemia a localized infection appearing as a small ulcer
D) Borrelia rash and flulike
E) Toxoplasmosis congenital brain damage
Microbiology, 9e (Tortora)
Chapter 23
31) All of the following can be transmitted to humans from domestic cats except
A) Toxoplasmosis.
B) Plague.
C) Chagas' disease
D) Bartonella.
E) None of these diseases is transmitted by cats.
32) Relapsing fever and undulant fever differ in all of the following ways except
A) Mode of transmission.
B) Presence of rash.
C) Reservoir.
D) Etiology.
E) None of the above.
33) All of the following are treated with antibiotics except
A) Plague.
B) Tularemia.
C) Lyme disease.
D) Yellow fever.
E) None of the above.
34) Which of the following produces a permanent carrier state following infection?
A) Borrelia
B) Cytomegalovirus
C) Spirillum
D) Toxoplasma
E) Yersinia
35) EB virus causes all of the following except
A) Endocarditis.
B) Infectious mononucleosis.
C) Burkitt's lymphoma.
D) Nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
E) None of the above.
Microbiology, 9e (Tortora)
Chapter 23
36) Which of the following leads to all the others?
A) Subcutaneous hemorrhaging
B) Presence of antirickettsial antibodies
C) Blockage of capillaries
D) Bacterial growth in endothelial cells
E) Breakage of capillaries
37) A patient complains of fever, severe muscle and joint pain, and a rash. The patient reports returning from a
Caribbean vacation one week ago. Which one of the following do you suspect?
A) Bolivian hemorrhagic fever
B) Dengue
C) Hantavirus hemorrhagic fever
D) Typhus
E) Yellow fever
38) Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched for Gram reaction?
A) Lyme disease gram-negative
B) Tularemia gram-negative
C) Anthrax gram-positive
D) Rocky Mountain spotted fever gram-negative
E) All of the above are correctly matched
39) Scrapings from a patient's rash reveal cercariae. The disease is most likely
A) Lyme disease.
B) Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
C) Relapsing fever.
D) Swimmer's itch.
E) Chagas' disease.
40) You advise your pregnant friend to give her cat away because
A) She could contract plague.
B) She could give the cat tularemia.
C) She could get toxoplasmosis.
D) She could get listeriosis.
E) You don't like cats and want to see your friend without one.
Microbiology, 9e (Tortora)
Chapter 23
41) Which of the following is evidence that the arthritis afflicting children in Lyme, Connecticut, was due to
bacterial infection?
A) Treatable with penicillin
B) Not contagious
C) Accompanied by a rash
D) Affected mostly children
E) All of the above
42) Which of the following is the usual cause of septic shock?
A) Endotoxin
B) Exotoxin
C) Lymphangitis
D) Septicemia
E) None of the above
43) A 62-year-old man was hospitalized with an 8-day history of fever, chills, sweats, and vomiting. His
temperature on admission was 40°C. A routine peripheral blood smear revealed ring-shaped bodies in the
RBCs. What treatment would you prescribe?
A) Hyperbaric oxygen
B) Mefloquine
C) No treatment
D) Penicillin
E) Streptomycin
44) All of the following are true about Group B streptococci except that they
A) Are present in healthy carriers.
B) Cause gram-positive sepsis.
C) Cause strep throat.
D) Cause neonatal sepsis.
E) None of the above
45) A patient presents with inflammation of the heart valves, fever, malaise, and subcutaneous nodules at joints;
the recommended treatment is
A) Anti-inflammatory drugs.
B) Streptomycin.
C) Chloroquine.
D) Hyperbaric chamber.
E) Praziquantel.