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HOHOLOGY OF CELL COMPLEXES BY GEORGE E. COOKE AND ROSS L. FINNEY (Based on Lectures by Norman E. Steenrod) PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS AND THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO PRESS PRINCETON, N~d 1967 JERSEY l'orswo ra These are notes based on an introductory course in Copyright ® 196 7. by Princeton University Press All Rights Reserved algebraio topology given by Professor Norman Steenrod in the fall of 1963. The principal aim of these notes is to develop efficient techniques for computing homology groups of c omplexes. The main object of study is a regular compl ex: a C'-complex such that the attaching map for each cell is an embedding of the boundary sphere. The structure of a regular complex on a given space requires, in general, far f ewe r cells than the number of simplices necessary to realize the space as a simplicial complex. Published in Japan exclusively by the University of Tokyo Press; in other parts of the world by Princeton University Press procedure I orientation ~ chain complex And yet the ~homology groups is essentially as effective as in the case of a simplicial comple x. In Chapter I we define the notion of CW-complex, due to J. H. C. Whitehead. (The letters CW stand for a) closure f i n ite--the closure of each cell is contained in the union of a finite number of (open) cells-- and b) weak topology- the topology on the underlying topological space is the weak topology with respect to the closed cells of the complex.) We g i ve se veral examples of complexes, regular and irregular, and comple te the chapter with a section on simplici al complexes. In Chapter II we def ine orientation of a regular complex, and chain complex and homology groups of an oriented regular Prir,ted in the United Stat e s of America The defi nition of orient at ion ot a regular complex this diff icul ty we al ter the topology on the product. The pro requires ce r t a in properties of regular complexes wh ich we per notion is that of a compactly generated topology. In order cal l redundan t r es tri c t ions. to prov i de a proper point of view for this question we complex. We assume that all regul ar comple xes sa tisfy these restric tio ns, and we prove in a include in Chapter IV a d iscus sion of categorie s and func leter chapte r ( VIII) that the restrictions are indeed re dun tors. dant . The main results o f the res t of Chap ter II are : a In Chapter V we prove the Kunneth theorem. We also proof that d iffe r ent orientat ions on a given re gular complex compu te the homolo gy of the join of two complexes, and we yie ld isomorphic homology groups, and a proof of the complete the chapter with a se ction on re lative homology. un ive r sal coeffi oi en t t heo rem for regular complexes which have fini tely many cells in each dimension. s tate s that homeomorphic finite regular complexes have I n Chapter III we define homol ogy groups of spaces which are obta1 ned from r egular compl exe s by making cellular identifications. This te chnique simpl i fies the computation of the homolo gy groups of many spaces by r educing the number of cells required. certain ~ -manifolds In Chapter VI we prove the invariance theorem, which isomorphic homo l ogy groups. We also state and prove the seven Eilenberg-Steenrod ax ioms for cellular homolo gy. In Chapter VII we define singular homology. We state and prove axioms for singular homology theory, and show that We compute th e homo lo gy of 2 -manifol ds, if X is the underly ing to po logical space of a regular complex called lens spaces, and r eal and complex K, then the s i ngul ar homo logy groups of X are naturally pro j ect ive spaces . isomorphic to the cellular homo logy groups of K. Chapter IV prov ide s background fo r the Kunneth theorem In Chapter VIII we prove Borsuk's theorem on sets in on the homol ogy of the product of two regular complexee. Sn which separate Sn and Brouwer's theorem ( invariance of Given r egular compl exes K and L there 1s an obv i ou s way to m domain ) that Rand Rn are homeomorphic only if define a cell structu re on cells in X and in L. IKl)( lLl --simpl y take produ c ts of But the product topo logy on IKI X IL' is in general t oo coarse to be the weak topo logy with res pect to c lo sed cells. Thus KK L, with the pro duct topology, i s not in general a regular complex . To get a round m· n. We ahow that any regular complex satisfies the redundant restrict io ns stated in Chapter II, and settle a question raised i n Chapter I concerning quasi complexes. In Chap te r IX we def ine skeletal decomposition of a space and homo l o gy groups of a skeletal decomposition. We prove that the homology groups of a skeletal decompo s i t ion are isomorphic to the singul a r homo l ogy groups of t he underlying space . Barbara Duld, June Clausen, and Joanne Beale for typing and correcting the manusc ript. Finally, we use skeletal homology to George E. Cooke show that the ho. ology groups we defined in Chapter III Ross L. Finney of a space X obta i ned by identification from a regular complex are i somorphi c to the singular homology groups of X. We shoul d men tion that we sometimes refer to the "homo l ogy" of a space wit hout noting which homolo gy theory we are using. This is be cause all of the different definitions of t he homology groups that we give agree on their common domains of def inition. We a lso rem ar k t hat cohomology groups, which ws de f i ne for a regular complex in Chapter II, are only to uched on very lightly throughout these notes. We do not cover the cup or cap products, and we do not define singular coho mology groups. Finally, we wish to express our gra titude to those who haTe helped us in the preparation of t hese no t es. First, we tha.n k Martin Arkowit z for his efforts in our behalf--he pa instakingly read the first draft and made many helpful suggest ions for revision. Secondly, we thank the National Science Foundation fo r supporting the first-named a uthor dur ing a protion of this work. thank And finally, we wish to Elizabe th Epstein, Patricia Clark, Bonnie Kearns, June 2, 1967 Table of Contents Foreword Table of Contents Introduot ion i I. Complexe s 1 II. Homology Groups for Regular Complexes 28 III. Regular Complexes with Identifications 66 IV. Compactly Generated Spaoes and Product Complexes 86 V. Homology of Produots and Joins Relative Homology 106 VI. The Invariance Theorem 138 VII. Singular Homology 177 VIII. Introductory Homotopy Theory and the Proofs of the Redundant Restrictions IX. Skeletal Homology 207 239 INrRODUCTION One of the ways to proceed from geometric to algebraic topology is to. associate with each topological space X a se quence of abelian groups 00 (H (X)} q ,and to each co.ntinuous map q=O f o.f a space X into a space Y a sequence of ho.momorphisms f one for each q. q* H (X) ---;;;. H (Y) , q q : The groups are called homology as the case may be, and the morphisms morphisms of space f: X X ~ ---;;;. ---;;;. X or of of Y, are called the induced homo- q* f , or simply induced homomorphi sms. e;eometry map f grou~s Schematically we have ale;ebra homology groups H (X) q Y ---;;;. induced homomorphisms f q* The transition has these propertie s, among others: 1. If f: X ~ X is the identity map, then is the identity iso.morphism for each 2. each q If f: X........,. Y and g: f q* H (X) ---;;;. H (X) q q. Y ---;;;. Z , then (gf) q* g That is, if the diagram Y f / \,. g Z X gf of spaces and mappings is co.mmutative, then so is the diagram i q q* • f q* for If' H (Y) '1 I\ f •• H'l (X) f exists, ,-re say t hat lently, that is an extension of has been extended to a mapping h f to of X, or, e'1uiva into X y. There a r e famous sol utions of this problem in point-s et topology . gq. H (Z) --..;;.> h f The Urysohn Lemma is one . '1 The hypotheses are: but othenfise arbitrary; the subspace (gf) '1-)( X a.re d isj oint, close d subsets of of homology groups and induced homomorphisms , for each '1. In modern interVal parlance, homology theory is a func tor from the category of spaces and to [0 ,1) and the map Ao the space A h: A X is normal, the space U Al ,\-Ihere Ao and Al Y is the closed unit ---> Y carries A o to o and Al 1. mappings to the category of abelian groups and morphisms. The correspondence here between geometry and algebra is often cru.de. Topologically distinct spaces may be made to correspond to the same a l ge For example, a disc and a point have the same homology braic objects. groups. So do a o I- sphere and a solid torus (the cartesian product of a one-sphere and a diSC.) Despite this, the methods of algebraic topol ogy may be applied to a broad class of problems, such as extens ion Under these assumptions the Urysohn Lemma asserts that there exists a mapping f: X ---> Y such that problems. Suppose we are given a space * h of of A into a space A into x, If we let Y a subspace i A of x, i/ and a map denote the inc l usion mapping (Ao U AI) f hi X " l' '.:::.I. ~ [0,1] Y X, then the extension problem is to decide whether there The Tietze Extens i on Theorem is another solution. exists a map of X into Here, X is f , indicated by the dashed arr ow in the diagram below, Y such that h normal, A fi. set is closed in X, a nd h is an arbitrary map of A to the Y of real numbers. X i A " / h , f '.>I > Y *Unless otherwi se stated, the \{Ord space will mean Hausdorff space. The theorem asserts the existence of an extension ii iii f: X ---> Y of h. Path~~se x Let connectivity can also be described in terms of extensions. be the closed unit interval, and let is pathwise connected if, given two points mapping h: A~Y extended to a mapping defined by f: h(O) = (O,l} A Yo = Yo and and A space of Y , the = Yl ' can be Yl h(l) HCJ.(X) Y i·l "- " ¢ " "' CJ. CJ. X~Y Given the groups, the homomo~hisms homomo~hism If ¢= f o f cation with a prescribed two-sided unit in a space an extension problem. We seek a map m(l,y) Y X Y ~ Y and an element m: = m(y,l) = y Y can be phrased as for each y in Y ment that there be a two-sided unit determines a function space A and h*, does there exist a --7> H (Y) is a solution of the algebraic problem for each CJ.. On the Cl.* Furthermore, the problem of the existence of a continuous multipli Y such that i* such that i~ h*? CJ. is a solution of the geometric extension problem, then ¢: HCJ.(X) ¢ other hand, if in ~ H (Y) h* H (A) = (1 X Y) U (Y X 1) = YVY Y X Y into of Y. to the existence of a map m: does not exist either. of algebraic topology. on a subThe existence Let r etraction if stances, A map A be a subspace of a space X fx = x for each point in x A is called a retract of X A • Y X Y ~ Y such that mi = h • X can be retracted to n R {n-l)-sphere in A, then A. n-space ~ will denote the closed Rn , and Sn-l will denote the unit . :to ,. Y Corresponding to each Beometric extension problem is a homology extension problem, described for each is a Under these circum- X is a normal space which contains an arc unit ball in Euclidean m h X ~ A The Tietze Extension Theorem Throughout this and subseCJ.uent chapters, Y VY f: t,m-sided unit is now eCJ.uivalent ~ YXY '1 This latter implication is the principal tool in the proofs of many theorems implies that if of a continuous multiplication with f 1 The reCJ.uire h does not exi,s t, then CJ. by the followinB diagram: THEORD1: Sn-l ~ • is not a retract of Suppose to the contrary that there exists a map f: such that fx the identity map x for each x sn-l in h: iv v Then f ~ ~ Sn-l is an extension of En r i This l as t diagram shows once more that the transition from geometry "'"f n-l S If 1, the fact that n shows that no such f h to algebra may be crude. .. n-l S ~ homeomorphism, yet n-l H _ (S ) n 1 El is connected, while SO is not, n > 2 , a different argument is required. homology groups of En and of Sn-l are, as Assume that the '1 { 0 Hq (8n-l ) == : '12: 1 If f exists, then for each '1 {z '1 does not map X ~ X is a pOint maps n-l S x in fx = x. e H (Sn-l) '1 Using the fact that Sn-l is not a retract of onto En X for En we o O<'1<n-l ~ mapping En ~ En f: has.!:: ~ pOint . Suppose to the contrary that there exists a mapping f: r ~ En which has no fixed point. Then we can define a retrs,ction g : En ~ Sn-l For each pOint we let Rx x of En denote the directed line segment the following diagram is commutative : f """"':""'/ q f: i ~ is a can prove the Brouwer Fixed-point Theorem: 0, n - 1 H (En) For even though A fixed point of a mapping THEOREi,l: e onto Furthermore r will later show them .~ to be, VEi') is not one-to -one. n H _ (E) n 1 Sn-l ~ i: can exist. which If i* The inclusion mapping which starts at fx f or each En, since If f q. h* > H (Sn-l) identity q homomorphism tha t x x in lies in g and passes through Sn-l, then f x. Note that has no fixed pOint. gx = (x) n Sn-l = x. Let FLx is defined gx = Rx n(Sn.l_{fx) The verification is continuous is left as an exercise. n - 1 , however, the diagram looks like this: 4f~~ z h* > identity tit f n _1 , * Z Since the only homomorphism of the zero group into morphism, there is no ¢ such that after all. ¢i* = h-~ Z is the zero homo Hence f cannot exist Thus g is a retraction of En onto Sn-l. This contradicts the preceding t heorem, and completes the proof of this theorem. vi vii Chapter I COMPLElCES Complexes 1. If A is a subspace of f: (X,A) ~ (Y,B) of X into of pairs. X and of the pair Y that carries B a subspace of (X,A) A into to the pair B Y, then a (Y,B) ~ is a map One can compose mappings For each pair there is an identity mapping of the pair onto itself. A homeomorphism of X onto Y which carries (X,A) onto A onto B. (Y,B) is a homeomorphism of A more important concept is that of a relative homeomorphism. A mapping fj (X-A) maps f: X-A (X,A) f: Let (X,A) ~ (Y,B) to-one onto Y-B. (Y,B) is a relative homeomorphism if homeomorphically onto morphism need not map Exercise. ~ A onto Y-B. A relative homeo B • X be a compact space, and suppose that is a mapping such that Show that if fl (X-A) maps X-A Y is a Hausdorff space then onef is a r e lative homeomorphism. Exercise. space then 1.1. f Find an example to show that if Y is not a Hausdorff may not be a relative homeomorphism. The definition of a cOSRlex. A complex K IKI consists of a Hausdorff space of' subspaces, called skeletons, denoted by which satisfy the following conditions. 1 IKn 1 n and a se~uence -1, 0, 1, ••• , 1. IK_1 1 is the empty set, and I~I 2. Each 3. IKI '" UIKn I • 4. For is closed in IK_11 C IKol c IKll • . • c IKbI c If there exists an integer is called the dimension of If n n n al , a2 ,···, ai' ..• n > 0 , the components j~1 . are open sets in the relative topology of' the n-cells of of' 1Kn l - I'Kn_l l though They are referred to as IK /K' n n-cell a. of 1 = Ca~1 - a~) 1 . ln For each • -n a i denote that subspace of K let n a i which is the closure of rP1 IKI a~1 though it need not be homeomorphic to The topology of cells of' section 7. K: A there exists a relative homeo IKol is a discrete subspace of q _< n are called vertices of K The relative homeomorphisms f IKOI set of fls 0 E r K , even IKI . Its components, IK I n IKn I coincide: IK n I and the weak tOPOlogy defined i f and only i f and for each A of A IK I n is closed n a~1 is closed in The structure of ~ are not part of n,l The cells o K. To show fls is replaced by another. n-cell O~ of 1 actually home.omorphic to the not be homeomorphic to mo rp1.l~ wise, f . n,l of En K is irregular. relative homeomorphisms a subset . IK I , by (4). A complex is to remain unchanged when one set of n E - S n-l -n ai' then a~ If 1 . n,l K 1 need 1 there exists a homeo - --- - is called regular. is a cell of rP Its boundary • a~ If, for each onto f K, with the relative topology, is n-cell Sn-l other- K and if nOne of the is a homeomorphism, then a~ is called irregular. In order to be sure that the topologies in (6) and (7) are well- i defined, one must know that 1.2. The least such that a candidate for a complex satisfies (5) one need only exhibit some 1 The relative topology on for each of By (5), an is the ,~ak topology defined by the closed IKI in the relative topology of 1 En. IKI is closed if and only if each inter is closed in -n o. by the closed cells of' a~ -- A of a subset n -n 0 i for each q K is not defined as a collection of cells. The subspace ,rith the relative topology, n n-l) (-n.n n-l morphism f'n,l.: ( E, S ~ a., a.) which carries S onto 1 1 'n -n a For convenience, o. is called a closed i n-cell of K , even 1 6. IK I K. For each and let 11 K. which are pOints by (5), are also open sets of 5. q+ K, we will sometimes write is a cell of 0 such that K is said to be of finite dimension. q?: r , then IKI r IKI '" u a~ and that q, i complex. 1 IK I '" u n .1; q _< n a~ 1 These two facts follow, as they should, from conditions (1) through (5). A complex K is said to be a complex~ jKI ,and the underlying~, or the geometric rea lization of complex is one with finitely many cells. K IKI is called He leave their verification to the reader. A finite A complex is called infinite Exercise. s trQcture of if it is not finite. 2 Establish the following elementary facts about the K. 3 . 1. IKI 2. I f 3. = n -n U . cr i n,l U cr . 1 n,i q cr is a I~I q-cell of cr~ u 1 i; q:: n = q-cell cr q of 1 ;q q =a n (While the first three parts of this . 5. Let X be a space that is the union of finitely many disjoint let cr oi i - cr • i cr. 1 denote the closure of Suppose that for each k i) for some the dimension of cr. 2. Cr 1 cr i X cr. 1 a k k-l (E , S ) and onto k-cell and call sq spheres, is lies in a union of cells of dimension lower than that only if 7. f /0 If from /KI -q 1n cr. X is continuous if and into a space is continuous for each cell cr of K. K is of . finite dimension, then condition (7) implies S q ( q-l)-skeleton The sq , and cr~ , whose union and sq _ Sq-l 1 f , each f q,l E q -q ~ cr is the homeomorphism defined by vertical 1 projection: . X . n consists of a fl(x..., q, . 1. ... ,X) q are the cells of a complex on A function SO 1 SSe.·· e s into two (open) he.mi cri The map .) 0e q-sphere U sq • Sn Sq- l is the equator in 1 6. q>n sn , and pair of points. of cr. • Then the cr i Sn a Hausdorff space, 1S O-skeleton di vides (we call k. in i 1. There exists a relative homeomorphism of (ai' cr i S is closed in The Let q::n IKI '" Sn , and Let K be the q l sq '" {sn n R + n. Certarnly to require some moments of reflection.) cr , cr , .. ·,cr • l 2 m q-ske.leton of IKq_ll exercise are easily seen to be true, the reader may find this fourth part subsets let the -q cr. • U i; q:: n K. ° q ~ f or each then aqe IK I q K 4. Also, although this won't be used immediately, for each of Rn +l t (~"", xn+l)I~+2 = ... '" xn+l = OJ • (x...1.' ••• , x , (1 - q2)1/2 ) q 1L: x.1 A reversal of sign gives the homeomorphism for verification that the cr~ -q cr The 2 are the cells of a regular complex on sn 1 is now trivial by Exercise 5. 2.2. An irregular complex ~ Sn • condition (6). Let and let the 2. Examples 2.1. ~ regular complex For each k, ~ °< k < n IKI = Sn , let n , identify 4 k l R+ denote the point (0, ••• ,0,-1) q-skeleton IK I S crO q = { if O::q::n-l if q~n 00 Sn with the subspace 5 in Sn, Conditions (1) through (3) satisfied vacuously for q are satisfied, and conditions < For the one n now define a relative homeomorphism stages. P First, let = f: (4) and on Sn, and let coordinate set S = S ~ xn+l n-l E 0. (En, Sn-l) ---;;. (Sn, aO ) in two The mapping f gh then satisfies condition (5). As in Kxample 2.1, (6) and (7) are satisfied because the complex is finite . 2.3. A regular complex ~ n E (0, ... ,0,1) , the point diametrically opposit.e be the closed hemisphere of points of 3n ..ole start wi. th the regular complex for with contains E sn g: IKq I = sq Take 2.1. Then of pOints of a relative homeomorphism are (sn _ aO ) , we n-cell, O a (5) P, and has as boundary the xn+l O (E,S) ---;;. (Sn, a 0. ~le °< q < n - , IKn I described in Example = En , and IKq I = W To show that these are the skeletons of a regular complex q>n with coordinate for sn-l for OD define En it remains only to check the properties required of the one n-cell by doubling angles. ) ED _ Sn-l. It is certainly an open, connected subset of and the homeomorphism 1> f: n n-l n n-l (E, S ) ---;;. (E ,S ) IKn 1= W ' may be taken to be the identity map. E' 2.4. An irregular complex ~ En. We augment Example 2.2 by taking and by letting 2. 5. More precisely, for each pOint x in E, gx is that point of which is located on the great circular arc that starts at through x to O a sr (p, P and passes 2 . Lf.. (p, e and ¢ R3 whose coordinates origin, x) • The result of Exercise 2.1 can be used to show that g , which is clearly continuous, is a relative homeomorphism. To complete the definition of morphism h: f , compose (En, Sn-l) ---;;. (E,S) h(x l ,·· .,xn ) g with the homeo defined by (~, ... ,xn' 6 (1 _ ~ x~//2) 1 l 7 q > n , T. a > b , and let (x,y,z) for be the identity mapping. lie in the closed interval be positive real numbers with points of in such a way that origin, gx) b (En, Sn-l) ---;;. (En, gn-l) An irregular complex on the torus Let Sn f: IKq I = IKn I = ~ [0, 2rr] ,let T a and denote the set of satisfy the parametric equations (a + b cos ¢) sin e y = (a + b cos ¢) cos e x z = =b Thus 0 = f(O,O) 1 = f« a sin ¢ a2 O, 2'IT) X 0) 1 a = f(O X ( 0 , 2'IT)) l of = f«O, The mappings '( f f . n,l 2'IT) X ( 0 , 2'IT)) may be taken to be the appropriate restrictions of . x 2.6. A regular complex ~ T . Subdivide as pictured below: To obtain an irregular complex K on T, subdivide T into the cells shown in the following picture. ~ l1r .....-~----t ,.. f o 211" I 81 (0,0) ,. f 2-c.ell 1" ~ l- 0"1. ~. t 0'0. fl ~O'J. " ZlT (Y2.~ The cells can be described precisely by using the parametrization of which defines a mapping e ¢-plane 21r This subdivision of 1" induces a subdivision of T into the cells of I a regular complex: four vertices, eight edges (l-cells), and four 2-cells, for which f 2.,(. the ". onto f of the 2-cell T . 1" [0, 2'lTJ X [0, 2'lTl of !::!l irregular complex ~ ~ projective A point of T, ~+l R = induces the required homeomorphisms. pn is an equivalence class of points of (n+l . . . R - the oTlgm) under the relatlon 9 8 n-space, ? (~" " ,xn+l) ~ (rxl,···,rxn + l ) , where r i s a real number different from The t opology of 0 in the quotient space topology obtained from ?+l R ~ t opology is defined as follows: Let n l + p: map T: of pn is closed if and only i f Sn ~ pn 15 = plsn: p-l(A) f7\ is -pr.:.~ Recall that this pn formation which sends each point onto its class in A pn be the trans pn Then a subset "n+l R is closed in The Remark. - k a is a two-fold covering of pn. pl is the covering transformation of' For eac h > k with the mapping pn. define the po (1), to real projective k-skeleton of C Sl C uO po P 1 Sl. by a ttaching its boundary pP to be To obtain sl Attach a closed to pl po pk - P k-l to f : k Ek "P. • a onto the closed hemisphere g onto pk _ pk-l Pn-l , one constructs Give n -n (J to p n -l Pn by attaching the boundary Sn-l by the double covering map 2 . 8 . A r egular comp l ex ~ of g • pn u We start with the regular complex on the boundary 11 10 twice. 0 '· "'0 " denote the usual -k pl(= sl) 'P' is the union of two open ~ around 'P' is a cell. k Sl is homeomorph ic denote the upper cell, i.e., the one whic h has its last non Let (;2 Q) C pn k-cells, each of which is mapped homeomorphically by zero coordinate positive. 2-ce11 with the double covering map. • k-space, and we can exhibit relative homeomorphisms k l-cell The resulting space is p2 , adjoin a &' ~ (2), and (3) are satisfied, P by attaching g(Sk) . pk + g -l( Pk - Pk-l) = S k - S k-l E by adjoining its end-points to Observe that C Sn C pl C to show that each difference k po k-l This suggests an indu ctive construc 15 start with a point P g • • • projection of . has been obtained from This attaching operation amounts to wrapping 0 SO Conditions to pl (-Xl' . .• ,- xn+l ) T(xl , ·· . ,xn+ l ) uk k defined by (;1 Let P k-l P The involution tion for Sn ~ Sn The set to Note that i n+ l of the unit (n+l)-cube in n l R + r-dimensional faces The cells of the complex Qn i n +l of (O.::;r'::;n) On 3. L 'n+l I i n+ l i n+l (~, ~, ••• ,~) • into a regular complex on identifying diametrically opposite cells . Let we identify pOints that are diametrically opposite with respect to the center We thus transform the complex on A com;Elex ~at locally-f~i t.e. is not are the open pn by e i be the union of countably many regular, closed joined to a common vertex vertex of e'g To illustrate: IKII and e. IKI Give to l v's The vo e's For each i let v. l l-cells be the other the weak topology with respect to the and v's determine a regular complex on IKI that is not locally-finite. Each neighborhood of 2.9. A regular complex ~ meet each n R whose vertices are the points of Rn with integral coordinates. The n R • v E.~ercise. The reticulation of n R described 2.9 is locally-finite, although the complex is infinite. n R for any , and this subset is never empty 4.1- DEFHITTION. (in symbols (2) of ILq I K. of 3.1 cannot be embedded in n A complex L C K) i f IL l n IKq I (1) Subcomplexes L ILl for each is a subcomplex of a complex is a closed subspace of q,and(3) 13 12 i IKI Show that the space 4. is contained in the union of a finite number of cells of the complex . Such a complex is locally compact. e it must o Locally-finite Complexes A complex is locally-finite if each point has a neighborhood that in Example l e's: n-dimensional cubes cubes, with all their lOvrer dimensional faces, are the cells of 3. meets infinitely many of the in an open subset of e. be cause it cuntains We obtain this complex by considering unit vo each cell IKI of L K is a cell The proposition below gives a combinatorial cnaracterization of subcomplexes. In particular, it shows that the collection of cells of sub complex is denoted by its underlying space is 4.2. PROPOSITION. collection C of K ; it is called the q (Characterization of subcomplexes.) ~ ~ in 0' ~ of ~ C, ~ boundary in The cells of a sub complex a 11 I • (1 ) 111 L of K if (2) 11q_ll I1 I 11 q l The proof of this proposition occupies the remainder of this section. The cells of K q 1 C, and that 111 is a complex whose is closed in IKI C 11 q l , and each is closed in 11 q l n IKq I , the intersection of ILl 111 IKI because with a closed subspace of IKI (~closure of dim a • COROLLARY. consist of the space 1 is a Hausdorff space because it is a subspace of n (uIKql) (3) 111 (4) 11q I - 11q- 11 = ILl are those of a sub complex of ----- K . of IL q I - 11q- 11 Each pOint. = n IKql) u(ILI = (111 n whi ch is the union of the 4.3. Let We will show· that q cells are precisely the cells of a) lies in the union of cells of C of dimension IKI , minus less than K are 111 n IK q I . K , and q-skeletoIl of IK q I . ~ only if, ~ each ~ 0' This = 11 q I and the subspaces 111 < q of a complex K determines a sub complex of K dimension IKI , and let from IKq I) - (ILl q-cells of ul1 q I • n IKq- 1 1) = ILl n (1' Kq I - IKq 11) , Each C q-cell is a component because each is connected and no two have a common q.-cell is open in the relative topology of This 11 q l follows from the fact that This corollary is an immediate consequence of 4.2. We now begin the proof of the proposition. of C are those of a subcomplex 1 of K, let 11q I - a Suppose that the cells a be a q-cell of C , and let which is closed in closed in ~ (the closure of 0' in of dimension We know from Exercise 2.3 that union of cells of that a = cr 1 ~C 11q_ll of dimension less than and that q. 11 q- 11 is the It remains to show But this follows from the fact that 111 is closed in IKI Now suppose that each cell cr 0' of C satisfies the condition that (4) C of dimension less than dim 0' • that 11 q l ILl denote the union of the cells of 14 n (IKq I - 11q l , because 0') IKq I - , 0' is is the union of the cells of. C i that 11 -q , I1 I \~ q- 11 is the union of cells of ,and -q a i is the closure of f .: q,l C of dimension O'~ l in 111 . q (E , sq) ~ (IT~, o~) l be taken as the one required for .L • Let 1111 < q . relative homeomorphism lies in the union of cells of a = O'~ in IKI is , the closure of (5) For each q-cell O'~ l l q a U cr~ Now o~ C 11 11 by hypothesis together with the fact l l q- IT ~l ai 111 , and hence in n IKI • It follows from 111) - a • 111 f1 IK q I - ILl = C with the subspace topology 15 l < q. Therefore, Accordingly, the given for K may 80 far we have been able to avoid the ques"t1on of whether and ILl are closed in is closed in lies in IKI I t has been sufficient to know that ILl , and that if e is a cell of 0 IL q I its closure in ties ( 6) and (7). To settle it, and to sho., several related fact s , \'Ie only finitely 4.5. K be a complex. ~ cells of Each compact subset of -o ~ IKI f rom meets IKI . If ea ch K. be a compact subset of D IKI • He sh01f first that be a collec tion of cells of e, e the cells of ............... is A ~ ~~th complex of 0 K e . such that Let the relative topology inherited A such that ~ ~losed in A ~ for each cell 2! lei , subset e, then of 0 n0 is closed in In particula~> IK I • meets D cells of only finitely many different dimensions. 8upposetb..at this is q. not so. Let {o 1) be an infinite sequence of cells of strictly ascendq. ing dimension, and let X. be a point of (0 1 n D) for each i A \.le prove the le=a by showing that if An .. is closed. He assume that By the preceding lemma, .. .. is a cell of An ~ t ¢ , K, then and ~~ argue as follows . meets only finitely many cells of 1 given IK I finite. the contains q (Here ,Ie us e xi .) If (8 no) then is closed in {x.} 1 ~ qi C ({x.) n IKq I) IKI , and in D 1 D, because {Xi)' and if If 0 as well. 8 = D meets infinitely many an infinite sequence of points {x.}, and if 1 K , therefore, S is closed in {~) is a {x . ) - {a limit point) 1 (Xi) o D IKq I 16 of q-cell of {x.) 1 K, Thus whe re the first n of these are the ones that lie in 8 ~ n+h C U -',,-e Pi' 1 can have would still e. knov that n+h D. .. = .. n (U Pi)' 1 and theref'ore, 1 x. is a cell of IKq I IKI Pl ,P 2 ,···, Pn , Pn+l" " , Pn+h x2 , ... ) {o~) , then there exists q-cells with is meets only finitely many is either empty or consists of a single point. clos ed in the weak topol ogy of 1 It follows that But this contradicts the compactness of is a subset of n {x.) is finite, and therefore closed. 'de show next that in each dimension cells. q , so t hat to denote the entire set is a subset of B no limit point in be closed . only if Xi 1 in (D n o~) . 1 dim < q , then It follovs that If S S n D. ~ n lei = ~ n ( U It follows, Pi) n lei = ~ Since Pie Ie l , for n 1 Pi) <i <n .. n (u P. ) C ~ n IeI 1 n (u 1 1 0 is n n+h 8 By property (7) of the complex , and hence in Ie I IKI. ~~ in Let e Let LEMMA . the union of lei -be -----_ Let LEMMA . D, contradicting the The le=a is now proved. o ~.E: ~ \lJl.ion. of ~ of prove two lenmtas . 4.4. can have no limit point in 1 D. compactness of IKI The question must be settled bef ore proceeding to proper ILl {x.) as before, that ILql = ~ n n (u 1 17 1 n P.. ) 1 C ~ n (u P.) , 1 1 Since K, so that 4.6. Exercises. n 1. Tn (UP.) =Tn Icl . Let cr be a cell of a complex. Show that a lies in the union ~ 1 of f i nitely many cells of dimension less than dim cr • Accordingly, AnT n Icl AnT Since each n An P. AnT n (u 1 is closed in ~ P.) = T ~ 2. n n [U (A n 1 P. ) 1 of ~ 3. P.~ , their union (finite) is closed We now return to the proof of Proposition 4.2, and finish showing that cells of is closed in in a IL I) a is closed in On IKI Then cr is closed in and that An C. J Hence 'c . Now suppose that A n a A n a cells of is closed An application of 4.5 shows that A AC IL I q a a K K lies in the union K. a for any cell of IL q I This will be seen Show that any union of closed IKJ • is a closed subset of An immediate consequence of Exercise 3 above is that if IKI is K is locally finite. L. Now suppose that crC IL I q IKI . By applying Hence AC IL q K. implies that complexes are closure-finite. defined are the The result of Exercise 3 The complexes that we have CW-complexes of J. H. C. Whitehead [1]. I 4.5 with 5. A is closed in ILql . A final application of Lemma K is regular. of the cells of a finite subcomplex of ILl) is closed in that subset. Therefore, Icl = ILq I , we see that A is closed in the relative topology of dim a. A complex is closure-fi.n,ite if each closed cell lies in the union is closed in the relative topology of is closed for each K ~~enever locally compact then ILl ILq I the weak topology and the relative topology cOincide. A n (any subset of An cr of IL later to be true ILl . Then A n A is closed in is closed in that subset of' and hence in First suppose that Show that each compact subset of a complex number of cells of dimension less than is the weak topology with respect to the for any cell of for each cell (7) IL I First suppose that (any subset of H lies in the union of finitely many cells of is actually equal to (not merely contained in) the union of a finite The topology of ILl Show that H is a compact subset 4. Assume that K is a complex for which each cell boundary L is a complex. (6) K be a complex and suppose that of the cells of a finite subcomplex of IKI , so that AnT is closed. in IKI Let The Weak Topology for Skeletons The proposition that we established in the preceding section shows 4.5 shows that and the proof of Proposition 4.2 is now complete. ILl is closed in IKI 1 that the q-skeleton of a complex K. In exam ining the proof of the proposition to see how the proposition follows from known properties of 18 K is a subcomplex of K, one sees that property (7) of the defini tion of a complex is used in what may be an essential way in the proof 19 of 4 . )-\- . I t is us ed t here to show that a set S because i t is closed in the veak topology of IKI is c lo sed in liK q I. circles In this section 1' i conve r ge to -1 i a The °2 increases , so that as sets the 1:. decrease s as 0 °2 in the topol0t:iy of l at ° l d.iameters of the -1 "re consider an examp l e ,,,.hich may t hr o"\.J some light on the extent to .2 1 -1 , all of them tangent to the equator 1:. -2 cr 1 See the d iagram belm? which property (7) is really needed . A quasi comple x 1%1 subspaces of Q consi sts of a space IQI definition of a comp lex. eve~J and a sequence of satisfying cond i tions (1) t hrougb 5.6) '<T€ of t he qu~si Every complex is a quas i complex is a complex. presented belovr does not satisfy condition (7) . (Theorem (6) There are re gular quasi cO]llplexes , irreGular qua si complexe s , finite one s , and so forth . compl e x, but not IQI The qu~ si complex cr. 2 In Chapter VIII prove that each regular quas i complex satisfies con dition (7) (i.e., each regular quas i comp lex i s a complex). We sta rt vith the r egular complex Ie on E3 described in 2.1, and pictured be lovr . Subdiv i sion o f erG Each pair 0-;0 2 I 8. -1 a ( 1: i ' 02 ) 1: i (E\ So ) i s cons idered to be the image of r elative homeomorph ism. and the set s ~ The = (\ - o~) • l-cells of 1'111 - IQol IQ11 The space ar e 1 c'l' under 1 °2 ' is the union of the cl os ures of a ll these l-c e lls , "rLth the Euclidean subspace topology obt a ined from The qua s i comple x Q vrill have IQI IKI, but Q '.'ill have infinitely E3 . \,]e then let being the components of I ~ I = IK21 The 2·cell s of Q, I ~ I - 1'11 1 , are ? many cells. Q: IQo I = In dimension zero , there is no difference between o~ by subdividing U Ie and cr~ In dimensions one and t"l-I'O, ne'" cells are defined cri The cell cr~ will be inc luded in I~I 1) the crescent- shaped domains of 2) the single cell unchanged . ['he cons truction of 1: i ) , and 2 °2 Q is completed by letting The subdivision is canied out by constructing an infinite sequence of 21 20 cri - (U I~I equal I~I , for n > 3 each There is only one 3-cell in I~I definition, the topology on each IQI topology, inherited from IQI , In IKI = J3 the cell Q: A is the Euclidean subspace the Euclidean topology and the weak topology agree. IQ11 nor in Euclidean topology agree with the weak topology. I~I It does the This, in fact, is why J3. the eYBmple must be so elaborate as to contain the 3-cell ca=ot stop our construction with because neither ~ is a quasi complex. Q"'J. q-dimensional face s' of an s n~simplex is a simplex whose vertices are included among those of = E3 • is easily seen, however, that in neither or then topologized by this metric. By or with ~ s' is to 'be identified ,,'ith the pOint of on the vertices of zero ). s' Ql having the same coordinates This identification is an isometry of O-face of Each point of (the other coordinates of such a pOint of with which i t is identified. We s s. q-dimensional Each vertex s , and we identify s' A of s are with the subset of s determines a unique s A with the point of that O-face. The identification of vert ices with functions allows us to regard A quasi complex that fails to be a complex does so because one of its skeletons, as a subspace with the relative a simplex as a single topological space, namely, the collection of func topology, fails to have the weak topology with respect to its own closed tions cells. a simplex as a subspace of that simplex. Such a skeleton, by itself, must violate condition (6). a topologized by the metric d. in common they have points in common: Exercise. IQI Verify that the Euclidean topology given for IKI, If two simplexes have vertices the points of the common face that is the simplex determined by the common vertices. in the quasi complex just described, agrees with the weak topology defined In Rn+l, let A. = ( 0 , ••• , 0 ,1, 0 , ••• ,0) , with the 1 Q by the closed cells of We may also regard a face of place, let s be the simplex defined by the objects 1 in the .th 1 Ai' and, using vector addition, let 6. Simplicial Complexes a= n-simplex An s consists of a collection {A) of called vertices, together wIth the set of all functions such that L a(A) = 1. A n+l a: The functions are called points of of s . 1 n+I 111 objects, (A) ~ [O,lJ s , and the values of a function are called barycentric coordinates of the pOint. The point whose value is n+l [ a(A.)·A. for each o~ a in s. Because of the restrictions a(A ) < 1 , the collection i ~ = (a) convex closure of the vertices A. defines an isometry of s s and 1 of points of Rn +l The correspondence 1 The space . 1 ex III . SlIDP Rn+l Be1 ow ·1S a . t P1C ure f or 1 d(a,~) 1 s on each vertex is called the barycenter We define [>-:; (a(A) A as the distance between the pOints 22 a ~(A))2 f and ~. The points of s are n+l [a(A.) = 1 23 n 2 and is the a <~ a is called the standard i s called a simp li Cial complex . Since e ach subset o f a li s ted set is li s t ed , each face of a simp l ex of i s a simplex of K K The int ersecti on of two s implices of if not empty, is a simplex of secting s implices . Hext we ShOlf that an Use the i sometry to get xn+l of n-s:iJ:nplex is homeomorphic to the s Ef is a simp licial complex . En < n +l vertices . n l R + , project on to the hyperp lane into 0 , and , \li th a s:iJ:nilarity transformat t on, move = n - bal l Ra dia l projection from an interior poin t of s En for thus Kn which is a fa ce of each of the inter of simplices of K <n of dimension Take al l s implice s on the original list with This new' li s ting specifi es K n A weak top o l ogy ,,'i, th respect t o the s implices of t o the interior onto s The set K K, jKj ) the lUlion of t he simplices of K can be defined K, because each simp lex has a top·o logy . yie lds the des ired h omeomorphism . A metric topol ogy for Extend each point a of each simp lex the set of all vertices of on v ertices of can a l so be de fined i n a natural ,ray . jKj K 0 of K [0,1 ) which into 2 ) is sand s to that mapping a of 1) agrees with ex on the other vertices of K Le t K be the collecti on of such extended funct i ons, ,nth the metric p(a,(3 ) If a and ~ are distinct points of an line segment containinG (to + (l-t) ~ j O of p oints to + (l- t~ ) the function ~ OL s ex and . t0 In n 1 "R + 5t 5 ~ I) . 0f d G It is easily seen that for each s Rn +l on IKj . f'unc tion If' . ¢-lj s K ¢(a) = a ) induc es a metric IKI , defined by For t',IO points the s ame simplex, t I~ote that under the isometry G 'lS an or d'l nary l'lne segrnen t ·In ¢: K ~ The bijection s , the i s defined to be the collect ion is a point of th e llllage ' ( n +l)- simp l e x ~(A)2)~ [ L: (a(A) A d(a , ~ ) a and p(a,~) ~ of j KI , not necessarily from FOT e a ch s implex DEFnrrTION . vertices Suppose we a re given (1 ) a countab le collection of {A}, and (2) a fa.rnily of fini te subsets of' p r operty th'lt each subset o f a li sted sub se t i s listed. subset de t e rmines a simp l ex, and the collection 24 K {A} ,·n th the i s finite , t hat is i f Each listed of the se simp lices that each s implex of K of K, the is an isometry. K has fin itely many simplices , the weak topology and the metric top o logy agree . 6.1. s K The proof r e qu.ires sho'"ing is closed. i n the metric topology of IKI • If is infini te , the two topologies may differ, as t he foll Owing exa.'l1p l e sho''{s . Start •.nth the vertices Vi and t h e 25 I - simplices e. 1. of 2 .12. Here, ~I IK I n denotes the union of the simplices of K of dimension <n -Yo ~::: Conditions (1) and (3) present no difficulty. in . IKI be the poin:t in e sets of defined by i Since d(a:., v ) l 0 topology for (0:. } l IKI and o:.(v.) l l l/i • the n-simplices of Vo in the metric of However, in the weak topology for IKI , the set n-simplex = .J2/i the 0:. l converge to K to the do not coincide. open An example of a finite simplicial complex is a simplex with all IKn l is closed. its faces. Thus the two topologies for IKI We will usually use a single symbol to denote both a simplex If the topological boundary of as well as the simplicial complex con s sisting of' the proper faces of s s is a simplex, then s and the complex it determines. will denote (those faces of dimension less than IKnl ~ s n n- K: ~ ~ simplex, with in simplicial complex I~I 0: the~roperty that each face of a simplex of The interior ~ (A l ,··· ,An +l } = (s - s) of an n-cell of i'laPPiDBs the standard f: o s Each because its complement is closed in 5 lies in of It is easily seen that simplices of K is a collectiQn of faces of a sill81e are precisely the interior points of is connected, and is referred to as an open simplex. Each point is a closed 11 (0,1) interval IKn 11 is an open Thus n-cell of s =s n IKn- 11 K and that s K. (En, sn-l) --;.. (s,s) are provided by isometries with n-simplex. condition (5) and since An alternative definition of finite simplicial co~lex. is the union of IKn Ins functions from some listed set n-simplex is open in is closed is the union of a finite number of closed s 'K I - IK Since each simplex of dim s) • 6.2. n IKn I IKI The points of o:.(v ) = 1 - l/i l 0 K then is a simplex of s , so that faces of Let O:i s If Also, IKI K is a closed cell of K in the sense of has the ,-reak topology with respect to the K, condition (6) is satisfied. The proof of (7) is left to the reader. K is likewise K. REFERENCES Exercise. Show that 6.2 agrees ~~th 6.1. 1. J. H. C. Whitehead, Combinatorial homotopy I, Bull. Am. rvlath. Soc. 6.3. THEOREM. Let K ~ ~ simplicial complex. the weak topology, together with the subspaces --- ---- ----- --- The ~ IKI with vol. 55 (1949), pp. 213-245. IK I , determines a n regular complex. 26 27 In this section the ring Chapter II. i ntegers. HONOLOGY GROUPS FOR REGUIAR COl<lPLEXES 1. Redundant Restrictions on Regular Complexes. over Homology Groups. R He will sometimes l"Yite Z ". C If' 11 will allmys be the ring chain comple:0' for is a chain complex over 11 Z of cha in complex Z, its chain modules are abelian groups. In this chapter we describe the process of associating with any Given a regular complex K, we will define homology groups given regular complex an infinite sequence of groups called the homology f or groups of the complex. K by first givillg K an orientation. Any such orientation Fundamental to this process are the concepts of gives rise to a chain complex, and then the homolor;y groups for K chain complex and homology of a chain complex: will be the homology groups of this chain complex. 1.1. DEFINITION. A chain complex C over a ground ring R (R assumed to be commutative lvith unit) is a collection of unitary R-modules (e :qEZ Q dq-l dq o For every q, Cq or the qth chain module, and of C. He will often ,,'rite the boundary operator of C. 1.2. DEFINITION. If are zero. d for the collection 1-:e then write q },o) dq Z Bq q B C Zq q - DEFnU:L'ION. ( {C }, d) • and Bq groups of UZq},O) B( C) , is the . K the R-modules of q-cycles d qO q+ l O , • K, many different ways of Thus it ,rill appear that the homology K ..reI'e not wel-l-defined. h omoloGY groups of )-le will show, however, that the are independent of the orientation used to de f ine them. As 'ile have just remarked, an orientation on a regular complex He will see that only the boundary operators of the chain complexes so induced may vary as we v-a:ry ori entat ions. The chain groups, however, are defined independent of ori e ntation in the following way. 1. 4. of Hote that since K. will induce a chain complex. q and whose boundary operators 1m dq + l defining an orientation of and call d is a chain complex, then the and q-boundaries, respectively, of C. 1.3. as {c\} Z(C) , is the chain complex = Ker ((Bq},O), where For each q, we call we have C The complex of boundaries of C, l-.'ritten chain complex q, is called the qth boundary operator q complex of cycles of C, 1"Yitten Z q such that for every is called the R-module of q-chains of C, d C = ({C whose qth chain module is C ~ C 1 q q- d: q together with R-homomorphisms that there may be, for a given complex DEFIlHTION. K, written Given a regular complex K, the group of q-chains Cq(K), is the free abelian group on the q-cells of K . Thus for q ::: -1, C (K) q = 0 • In order to define a boundary operator: ve will assume that the regular complex Given a chain complex module of C is the factor R-module The homology chain complex of C Z q IEq C = Uc q },o) , the qth homology and is denoted by is the chain complex 1,Titten It will be clear tain restrictions. K satisfies cer At this time ve will state these restrictions --~----=~ H (C) • q H*( C) • and assmne that they are satisfied by all regular complexes. 1·1e wi ll prove later that this is the case by using the homology theory of simplicial complexes. Thus we will show now that the redundant 28. 29. restrictions for regular complexes are satisfied by the subclass of x simplicial complexes. hypotheSiS, Three Redundant Restrictions on a Regular Complex R.R . l: If r < q , and ~, then point of the r-cell taking . ~C ~ note that a q-cell of By ~C R.R.l, By the inductive 0 K is simplicial, we ~. S2 The only vertices of the complex ~. are the two vertices of This complex is of K is then the interior of a simplex of K. "r If a point of the interior of an r-simplex lies in a closed q-cell, R.R. 2: that is, in a q-simplex, then every vertex of the r-simplex is a If ~ and p the dimensions of vertex of the q-simplex, and the desired relation holds. p In a regular complex K, if is a cell whose 0 and closure contains the cell ~,then ~ is a face of ~ is called a proper face of 0, ~ we write < is called a face of ~ If 0 . ~< 0 f ~ and then 0 p If 0. < O2 < ~ K such that are two cells of and ~ are q there are precisely two (q+l)-cells DEFINITION. 0 and the conclusion follows. course irregular. l.5. Since to be a 2-cell whose boundary is collapsed to a point of 0 some l-cell To see that R.R. l is satisfied if contains a vertex. ~C 0 , r < q. with An example of a complex not satisfying R.R.l is obtained by is a q-cell whose closure contains a 0 ~ is closed, K ~ is a point of some r-cell and 0 q+2 and l p < ~ and respectively, then O 2 such that p < 0l <~ • If the dimension is zero, this means that a vertex of a q 2-cell is a vertex of exactly two l-cells contained in the boundary 0. of the 2-cell: l. 6. PROPOSITION. If K is a regular complex and then the collection of faces of finite by Lemma 1.4.4) for of is a sub complex (necessarily 0 o , and the collection of proper faces is a finite sub complex for 0 Proof: 0. PROPOSITION. then a Proof: If 0 R.R.2 states that an edge lying in the boundary of p 3-cell is the common face of exactly two 2-cells which also lie in the boundary of the 3-cell: is a cell of the regular complex 'r~ K, conta~s at least one vertex. The proof is by induction on the dimension of proposition is obviously true if 0 true for cells of dimension less than ; q = l, If a This proposition follows from Proposition 1.4.2. l. 7. Then a cell of K, 0 C K l - q- and 0 is nonempty. 30. is a vertex. q, and let If x 0 . R.R.2 is satisfied if The Suppose it to be and ~ be a q-cell. and dim ~ and ~ 0 is a point of 0 , then K is simplicial. to be open simplices such that q+2. Then p p < ~ Indeed, take ,with is a simplex on vertices is a simplex on the vertices of 3l. p dim p p q AO,Al,···,A q , and two other vertices A q+l and It is clear that we may take Aq+2 • plex on the vertices of vertices of 1.8. p and 0: cells a . on 1" Aq+l , and and a 1 to be the sim the simplex on the 2 [a:1") We extend If a C (K) q K, an incidence 1.10. LElIji,lA. ?P?p q q+l For all integers q, of by line °. K is a :function assigning to each ordered pair of K an integer :f-.com the set {-1,0,+1} denoted by Proof: Let T be a senerator of is an edge 1fith vertices + Cq+l(K) • Then, for q>l,we h ave 0: 0: ] ) o0: q 0 q+ IT = 0 q (2:[T:O a is nonzero if and only if [a:A] 1" is a face of A [a:B] = and (by def.) a of one B, then ° 2: h:o]oO:o a q (by linearity) 2: [T:O](2:[o:p]p) a p (by def.) 2: (2:[T:O][O:p])p p a < 1" and dim p = dim 1"-2 , and a l and a2 are the two cells with p < 0i < 1" for i = 1,2 , given by R.R.2, (iii) If over all of arity. 101fer dimension. ( ii) cPq To justify this de f .i nit ion, we have the folloving lenn:na: [a:1")o: (or [a:1"J for short) such that: (i) 1.3. 4 . terms by l€mma Aq+2 Given the regular complex DEFIIIJITIOE. £'unction p 0 P (by Def. 2.18 (iii)) ° Thus, by linearity, the result follows for all (q+l)~chains, q ~ 1 • then h: a l ]· [al:p] + h: 02 ][02: P ] [O:1"J = is called the incidence number of the pair K is oriented by the incidence fUnction orientation on °. If 00: q < 1 , then the map q This completes the is the zero map. proof. 0,1". 0: , or that 0: He say that yields an 1.11. DEFUrITION. If c is a O-chain, the index of c, written In c , is the sum of the coefficients of c. K. Remark. Remark on condition (ii) above. It follows easily from the definition of a regular complex that every I-cell has precisely two Using methods similar to the proof of the above lemma , it is easy to see that for a E Cl(K), In (o~a) = ° , as a consequence of Definition 11.1.8 (ii). vertices. 1.l2. DEFIl'TITIOJlT. 1.9. DEFTIIJITION. If 0: is an incidence fUnction on associated boundar"J operator defined as follows. cPo q 2: [0:1"]0:1" For a ?p, with K, the 2P: C (K) ~ C l(K) , is q q q- a generator of C (K) , q Note that this sum has finitely many nonzero TEK K is a regular complex oriented by the in cidence :function 0:, then the chain co~lex induced by CO: (K) , is the chain complex 0:, written The grOUPS of cycles and ({Cq(K) ,00:) K in dimension q are the SToups of cycles and boundaries 0: Ct of the cha in complex CCt(K) , and are written Zq (K) and Bq (K) , boundaries of r e spectively. 32· If The qth homology STOUP of K is the STOUP ZO:~)jBO:(K) , and is denoted by rf(K). q q q The collection of homology groups and the zero boundary operator form the homology chain com plex of i;(K). K, -written Notation and minor definitions: A q-chain of a regular complex is sometimes referred to as a chain on K if it is zero off of the cells of some subcomplex L, or to be a Chain on is often said to lie on zl and z2 we -write z 2 O. [O : T) those of < a as follows. If T ~ < q-l , we is of dimension is of dimension with one vertex, 0 If q-l, its vertices are A., say, omitted. 1 [a:T) We set (_l)i. Two q-cycles that the function so defined is an incidence function for We leave as an exercise to the reader the verification K. There is a practical procedure for defining an incidence f unction on a finite regular complex of dimension at most 3: The collection of q-cycles homologous to a is called a homology class and is denoted by We shall also say that two chains cl - c set ~ for AO, ••. ,Aq , we define incidence numbers L of K it -- that is, if their difference is a boundary -- and zl - z2 given cycle [a: ~) are said to be homologous if they lie in the same co B~(K) set of L. by the (ordered) vertices {z} • c 'c are homologous, and -write l 2 (i) Associate an arrow with each I-cell the value +1 to [o:A) arrow, and the value -1 for 0 of K, and assign A the vertex at the head of the to [o:B) B >o for B the vertex at the tail ' if their difference is a boundary. of the arrow. Next we note that for a finite regular complex K, oriented by the incidence function the qth homology group 0:, ~(K) 'A is a (11) Associate a circular indicatrix with each 2-cell o. For factor group of two finitely generated abelian groups and so is each I-cell finitely generated. T < 0 , assign the value ~(K) ated abelian groups, tions of the indi.c atrix on R.R. 3: The finite summa.nd is called the q if the torsion subgroup of -1 if (iii) R~(K) • [0: T ) 2 [O:T ) = +1 assign +1 0 To -1 if not. It is satisfied if If K is simplicial. 0 to [O:T) T < o. We if the orientation induced by the corkscrew agrees with the circular indicatrix attached to is a simplex spanned [a:~) = 34. 3 0; the corkscrew induces an orientation (indicatrix) on each 2-cell on K. -1 Associate a corkscrew with each 3-cell This restriction allows one to define homology groups for see this, order the vertices of [O:T ) "t'2, There is an incidence function for any regular complex K. all regular complexes. agree, l ~ is non The rank of the free summa.nd is called the qth Betti K and is -written T 't3 'tI ~(K) , and K is said to have non-trivial torsion in dimension number of if the direc [O:T) a and the arrow on not. trivial. to splits into a direct sum of a free abelian group and a finite group. torsion subgroup of +1 By the fundamental theorem on finitely gener +1 ~ in (11), a on a regular complex Once we have an incidence fUnction K , we may compute the homology of It appears at this point that the homology so obtained l-ce·l ls. a on K. a K, the homology groups of C~(K). C (K) In fact, the chain complexes same structure. Let It will turn out that this is not the case: given two orientations Sl q -f 0 • eo and two I-cells and TeO Ca(K) and C~(K) have the [el:e ] O We have presented a procedure for constructing homology Given a topological space X is the space of some regular complex del generated by 1 X, such HO(S ) K, we may define the We must of course verif'y that if X so We as follows: +1 = d Tel = e O - TeO ' ZO(Sl) 1 = coiBo "'" z . ~(Sl) ~ Z. zl(S) "'" Z , generated by Hq(Sl) k > = 0 for S2k+2.lS 0 , 0 q CO(Sl) "'" z EEl z , eo - TeO' s o e 1 + Tel' ~(Sl) =0, >1 bt· alne d fr om S2k+1 by a d ··· JOlnlllg can be realized two homology groups. Sl (See diagram.) eO' Teo,Bo(sl) "'" Z , generated by (2k+2) cells e L, then K and L have isomorphic as the space of another complex Tel' ITe :Te ] = -1 1 O +1 = Te O- eO' For K. and l [Te :e J 1 O -1 to be the homology groups of the X inter changing antipodal n-spher~. Then homology groups of the space e construct an incidence fUnction on [e :Te ] 1 O groups of a regular complex. Sl is the space of a regular complex with two O-cells are isomorphic to those of Computation of the Homology Groups of the --7 a,~, The precise sense in which this is true will be Example: Sl T be the mapping points; then explained in section 5. cOI@lex for K using the chain ccJmplex might depend upon the particular incidence fUnction that Hq(SO) = 0 The I-sphere is obtained from the O-sphere by adjoi ning two Ca(K). on 0 HO ( S ) "'" Z EEl Z • 0 BO(S ) = 0 , so In other words, we must demonstrate that the se + , 2k 2 Te + , with the following orientation: 2k 2 [e2k+2:e2k+1J = [e2k+2:Te2k+lJ = [Te2k+2:e2k+l J = [Te2k+2:Te2k+1J = +1 • quence of homology groups is a topological invariant for the cate gory of spaces which realize regular complexes. in a later chapter. AssUIIJ.ing topological invariance for now, we compute the homology of the space of a regular complex This will be done other incidence numbers K and by defining an orientation on K. demonstrate this technique with the n-sphere We For Sn. cells The O-sphere is the space of a regular complex with two O-cells; orientation is possible in only one way. cept when q 0, and CO(SO) "'" Z EEl Z • 36. Then Cq (SO) '" 0 o ZO(S ) = ex 0 CO(S ) S2k+ 1 are as in X by giving X the structure and k > S2k+3 0 e 2k+ , 3 Te is obtained from S2k+2 by adjoining two (2k+3 ) + ' with the following orientation: 2k 3 [e2k+3:e2k+2J = - 1 [Te2k+s:e2k+2J [e2k+3:Te2k+sJ [Te2k+3:Te2k+2J = +1 37. = +1 -1 The reader ~ check that the functions given satisfy the require ments for incidence functions. Sn n+1 . q-cells of III dilJlens ions Z2k+l (S 2k+2 ) n, Z2k+l (S Proof: H (Sn+l) ~ H (Sn) r r Z (~k+l) = Z (S2k) ~ Z 2k 2k 2k K THEOREM. I f is a finite complex and for n > 1, rank of X(K) = rfiimOK (-l)%: q= q K , then ~ Z Te 2k - e with generator 2k e 2k+ l + Te 2k+ l B q- is free since it is a subgroup of the free abelian group This implies that D = rBq-l ° - P q Te 2k - e 2k S=y: 1 q ~C q ~Bq- 1~0 Thus there is a homomorphis~ 11c(Sk+l) For = 0, n > oe 2k+ 2 e 2k+1 + Te 2k+ 1 q {z r: B q- ~ g ~ B 1 q- is the quotient of ¥ , compute where dim K. n b) z, H (¥) "" Z EEl l z, ~(¥) ~ Z Using a regular complex whose space is the projective plane 2 ,compute HQ(JP 2 ) ~ Z, 2 Hl(JP ) "" Z2' ~(]p 2) = 0 • But C\ +°2 2.1. DEFINITION. complex K The EuJ.er Characteristic The Euler character ist ic of a finite regular is defined by: X(K) = z:dim K( -l)qR (K) • q=0 q -° Z q by B q rank D q , so n- l+P -0 ) + (_l)np , n n n 3 + •.. + (-l)nO:n • Once we have proved that the homology groups are topologi cally invariant, we will know that We can compute sition of X(K) X(K) , as defined above, is B,y Theorem 2.2, so is IKI • For example, Z:(-l)%:q • using the theorem and any regular decompo X(Sn) n X(E ) x 38. B 1 q- where Po = ° 0 ' and the proof is complete. also a topological invariant. 2. Z ffiD q q = 1 . Everything drops out except Using a regular complex whose space is the HQ(¥) ~ Cq 0qr The rest is aritl1metic: + (_l)n-l(p PO- torus such that we have that rank f a) q C q-l Z:(-l)qRq(K) = (PO+ P -0: ) - (P +P -( ) + .•• 2 2 l 1 l for q = 0 or n o otherwise Z EEl Z for q = 0 Hq(SO) =Lo otherwise Exercise. 1 ~ C is a direct summand and q Since H (K) q q Z Rq(K) = Pq - (Oq+l - P q+ ) . l (k+l -1\.+1 S ) ~ Z R 1, H (Sn) = q is of course the °q Consider the short exact sequence O---;..Z (2k+l 2k+l S ) = 0 Thus q • o with generator 2k+l) Z , for each q Pq '" rank of Cq n+l: (S2k) = 0 oe 2k+ 1 let r of n, B ]P is the nurriber of °q so obtained is the same as in example 2.1, chapter 1. I t is clear that B Note that the regular complex for 2.2. (torus) 1 + (_l)n 1 = 0 y X(JP 2) 1 X( JPn) 1/2 + 1/2 ( _l) n 2 x _ 7x + 6X(M) is Symmetric about the .1 1ne 0: > 7 + x 7/2 , f49 - 24x(M) o - 2 · This last equality follows from the fact that the regular decompo sition of SO yields a regular decomposition of JPn The number on the right is called the 1:Ieawood number ·of the mani with every fold two cells of the same dimension identified. M and is written must have at least h(I"';). h eM) Any simplicial decomposition of M vertices . We will see later that the product of two finite regular complexes KX L plex of K and L can be given the structure of a regular com and K K XL A q-cell of T a cell of L such that Show that Exercise. regular complexes K and is a pair L. (cr,T) with dim cr + dim X(KX L) X(K) ' (L) cr a cell n 3. circles. each of Euler Given a simplicial decomposition of a space 0: 1 In particular, if 0:1 1 S ~(aa-l) K S (~l) 20:1 F2 IKI, with 0:0 Homology groups of a space are constructed in the hope that of the space. 'de find in this section that there is a characteri the Oth homology group . 3.1. If' We triangulate a compact 2-manifold '~,o M (with THEOREM. components of t hen ~Qr_ every If Etxo - tal + ta2 H (K) ~ the direct sum of the H (L . ) Proof: Clearly [cr :T] Cq(K) is zero if t hat boundary maps > tao - 0:0 (0:0 -1) • cr q is the direct sum of the and l C (L.) • q l Since T are not in the same component, we have C (L.) ~ C l(L.) q l ql for each i,q Thus the b oundary preserves the direct sum and the conclusion follows. 0:0 :::: 3 , and the graph of 41. 40. ~ , ••• , Ln' q, q Since of First we prove the following theorem. are ~he spaces of sub complexes IKI Then %- 70:0 + 6X(M) > o . te~ K is a regular complex, and if the connected 2 - simplices, tao - 20:1 Thus Homology and Connectedness zation of the number of connected components of a space in i s a finite 2-dimensional simplicial complex, 6X(M) = ,the binomial coefficient . out boundary) every I-simplex is the face of exactlY so h(JP2) they will provide some information about the topological properties edge s , etc . , we know that O:k Exhibit simplicial triangulations of these mani h(torus) = 7 . for any two finite characteristic zero, has Euler characteristic zero . vertices, Exercise . This show's, for example, that the n- dimensional torus, being the product of 6 . h(S2) folds with these least numbers of vertices. q T 4. Examples . 3.2. DEFINITION. vertices of K is a regular conwlex and If K, then an edge path from A to sequence of vertices o < i < n-l , such that A as vertices for each 3.3. THEOREJv!. conwlex AO' B = An' and B are is a finite B 0 < i < n , and edges (Ai)' A+ i l A and ai that i Ai The following three statements are equivalent for a K IKII (iii) There is an edge path between every two vertices of is connected. K. \<le > (iii). A be any vertex of K. lies in let K. IKII be connected, and U be the union of the cells of K if and only if one of its vertices does. U either contains T conwlex of U is open and closed in K, logy property. or is disjoint from IKII Since T is connected, and IKII So Rl U is a sub by the weak topo contains U A I-cell A and there IRlI. > (i). Proof that (iii) dim K let of > (ii). first prove by induction on dimension that (i) This is clearly true for a is connected for each cell fore all of Proof: is connected since we have now sho.m all edge paths connecting A with other vertices of T ( ii) IRlI Proof that (ii) let IKI is connected. lall and i (i) K contains cells of arbitrarily high dimension the same argument proves that (a ) , has If Since the union of the cells of Suppose it is true for 1 a path of edges is a connected set, (iii) implies at once that dim K < n let K be a regular conwlex of dimens ion n+ 1 is connected. that IKI is connected. Suppose IRlI Q, = P U Since every closed cell of We show that union of all cells of Q must be enwty. let pI Q' sets (finite chain theorem in Kelley's General Topology) to deduce that similarly. QI is empty, so is Q. If a a is a subconwlex of tion hypothesis, lie either in a 1;1 1 K of dimension (and P' and P or in Q. QI P' are disjoint and exhaust or in K. Q'. Thus It follows Moreover, P' Q') meets each closed cell a in the null set or in a and IKI, Q' is empty. Then so is B,y the connectedness Q, and so IKII IKI is connected. LE~~. 3.4. in If K. and Proof: If c c K is a connected regular conwlex, a O-chain on K, then c ~ (In c)A is a multiple of a vertex, say c = AO mAl ' then there AO B,y R.R. 3 we may choose an orientation on LBia i I-chain with the following properties: of the edge path from = Al -AO. AO Then to AI' K • let (i) the a i (ii) mAO ~ mAl ,so a i = a vertex O ex i sts, by the previous theorem, an edge path from d(Eaia i ) 42. is a connected space. B,y the tpduc (It is non-enwty by Prop. 1.7.) so is closed by the weak topology property. of < n-l. K is a connected conwlex K, (the I-skeleton of ~) is connected and must and all its faces must lie either in that is connected. In what follows we will say that is a cell of if then IKI P contains a vertex of a I-cell it contains that If I-cell, so if IRlI , we use an elementary theorem on connected be the P, and define K having a vertex in K is connected and con open, closed, P tains points of and non-enwty. IKII such to AI. be the are the I-cells .:t 1 , and (iii) c ~ (In c) AO If so that c = Lfl=O Ai - AO m.A. l join edge paths from each l bounds. Then I;(m.A. - m.A ) = c - (In c)A l C 'V l l o O ' A. to l 4· . 2 . AO The latter bounds. so b-y definition ' (In c )AO • 3.5. THEOREN. K be a connected. regQLar compl ex . K belongs geneTates for some l-chain = m(mP.) = Thus, the coset of A HO(K). c. rnA bounds fOT some to '-rhich m, then A rnA = dc Thus K Let Any cycle on mus t lie in some Lo;' Thus is a tree K in T ve rtex of HO(K) "" Z T {Lo;' The union and we may apply 3.3.- We claim that By the remark after Definition loll, O . In(dc) If BO(K) He must show that the set of connected, because any two vert ices of' be any A Then, by the preceding l emma, any O-cycle is homo l o- gous to a multiple of m Let K has a maximal K , ordered by inclusion, has t he property that any totally ordered set of trees in Let vertex of The p roof uses Zorn" s Lemma. ordered subset has an upper bound. K is co=ected if and only if HO (K) "" Z • Proof: Proof: trees in A regQLar complex Each co=ected reguJac compl ex tree . miAi - m/· O b01mds, and ' PROPOS ITION. L L 0; E A} be a totally of the tre es L Lo; is must lie in some Lo;' L , being a finite complex, is a tree . By Zorn's Lemma, there \'rhich is maximal i-Tith respect to inclusion. is maximal in the sense of 4.1. T, and l et B be any vertex of' Let A Since K . be a K is con nected, "e may apply 3. 3 to sho1{ that there exist s a path of edges If K is not co=ected, yre may apply the fir s t theorem of A this section, after noting that by Prop . 1.4. 2 a conne cted component = Al , e ,A ,e , ••. ,e , An+l l 2 2 n < u+ 1 larges t integeT of a regular compl ex is a subcomplex. then 3. 6. COROLLARY. is isomorphic to HO(K) is the number of components of 3.7. OOROLIoARY. Ho (K) IKI RO(K) of Z I{here k no. of components of K. That is , if is homeomorphic to K ILl, ,t hen and L are complexes such Ho(K) ~ HO(L) . maxil!lal tree in T Computation of Homology Groups Thus out effectively .rhenever K DEFllUTIOH. A has a finite or Ide order them in a silIIple sequence union of L _ n l {Ln} inductively by Let j be the If j < n+ 1 , A. J T, Which contradicts n+l B and is a ~ countab~ e number of {e } , and define a i e l , and L n is the and the closure of the first edge in the ordering with p recisely one vertex in If.1. contains contains T B. to The construction of a maximal t ree can be carried sequence of trees 4. T A K Remark . e dge s. such that ~rom is a tree strictly containing J the maximal ity o f is invariant under change of orientation and under homeomorphism. t hat K . copi~s k T U e. =B A tree is a co=ected regulae l -dimensional com L _ n l Then the union of the L n is a maximal tree. plex I{ith no non- ~oero l-cycles. A maximal tree in a regular' complex Given an oriented co=ected regular complex K a basis for of' K we construct is a sub complex 'o'hich is a tree and cont a ins all of the verti ces Zl (K) as follows. Let K. 44. ), " T be a maximal tree for K, rea' a and let e be the edges of A} connects two vertices in a B € in T. Since T T such that in a cycle. a, ~ f a , so the for Zl (K) span L.aaaea + d ,where the c If we set d Thus Z = is a chain on But T T, so T • n- cells" joining them; that is, a finite sequence of n-cells Za ' not in any z~ ao(T) za's Z can be written = ao(K) ~(T) Thus the right side Z1 (K). Since T = 1. But every vertex of K is za's 0o, al ,·· ., as is any regular complex If and Z if is isomorphic to a sum of K is finite. ~ (K) - ao(K) + 1 ' copies of We have shown, incidentally, that every l-cycle of K is a A simple l-cycle is a cycle carried by a simple closed curve -- a l-cycle whose coefficients are all +1 such that no more than two of the l-cells of the cycle have any vertex in We shall consider the analog of a simple l-cycle, the fUnda 46. as' and each pair (a., a l+ . 1) l An example of an n-circuit IKI such that is an n-manifold. Order the n-cells of so that each a k for choose such an (n-l)-cell, call it o~ k for ~ Tk • S , by induction as follows: i < k , define ° on ~ ~ is always ILl +1. cients of wbere 4.4. ~ d'Y Set The chaip multiple ~f 'Y = d'Y k > 1 for each ; ~, a O = 1 , and, given a i Tk aO' al , ... , 0k_l' ~=O~ak has is Note is crucial in K. K not among the IKI cons'isting of By Tk'S IKn 2 1 Prop . 1.4. 2 ., i ,s an (n-l)-chain on L, and since K is a face of exactly two n-ce11s, the coeffi are members of the set is an (n-l)-chain on ~~. i Define integers to be the subset of L is a subcoroplex of K. each (n-l)- cell of a This can always be done since t he computation of the homology of Define in a se quence K d(aOoO + ~ol + •.. + ~ak) so that Tk • Hn(K) has at least one (n-l) k > 1 dimensional face in common with a preceding and all (n-1)-cells of mental n-cycle of an orientable n-circuit. K there is a "rath of , always a face of precisely one n-cell among algebraic methods. common. 0' a' a 0' o as follows. 00,Ol, • •• ,a s This result can also be obtained using purely sum of simple l-cycles. and K is an oriented finite n-circuit, we compute Hn_l(K) that Zl (K) such that 0 bas an (n-l)-dimensional face in common. coefficient is ~ (K) - ~ (T) = ~ (K) - ao(K) + 1 Thus for any two n-cells LaaC a + d Z - L.aaZa form a basis for and the number of 2) e ach (n - l )- cell is a face of precisely two n-cells is K is finite in the above computation. aO(T) 1) such that An n- c ircuit is an n-dimensional regular complex za is a tree, and has no non-zero cycles. za's K DEFINITION. and Then Then 4. 3. ca We show that the K. T Laifa' as desired, and the is a tree, we have in A and for some In this equation, the left side is a 1-cycle on T. Suppose B-A For each a, Za = ea-ca ,then are independent. K , while the right side is a l-chain on is a cycle on = a involves an edge, Z be a l-cycle on as above. a Za za's Let de Thus T. is a tree, there is precisely one l-chain d C = B-A a For each T. not in K {-2,0, +2}. Thus L having coefficients If an n-chain has its boundary on 'Y. 47. d'Y = 2~ , +1. L, then it is a Proo:f: S let c = L:j =ObjO j , with and S=lbjO j b~ J o:f the only, so d (c -bor) d(C-bor ) b~ J and o:f no other cells o:f in Tk d(c-bor) OJ j > COROLIARY. Ii' c - bOr = +b ' on - 1 lies on k • °0 and °1 L , so Tk b' is zero. 1 Thus r ~=m ck Tk + d I on is a :face o:f Ok , k to a cycle j Also, i < m dam This is vacuously true :for j j = m , where T is zero. \ Thus bor • C +1 K has any non-zero n-cycles , they are all :for suitable zm- [0 K has some non-zero c 80 :T ] m m z - If' the chain K is said to be orientable. mental cycle o:f K. non- orientable . I:f r r is a cycle, then the n-circuit In this case r is called the funda is not a cycle, then. K is called (Note the di:f:ference between "oriented" and °m d" etc., and c~1,c~2 z which has coefficient zero on m Thus zm+l '" z to a cycle on on orientable, H (K) n If' K is orientable, is zero. Hn (K) "" Z • If K that z = dc c = br 4 .9 . is non 2~. T (We assume here that homology is inde with °i Tk' s , +C'T S 8 +d" ' We set zm+l For, if for some integer THEOREH. If' Tit s. a.nd all preceding m is eventUally z for some n-chain to be homologous sho.~ is an (n-l)-cycle on z c b, so K > , where < 2~ . (Note that K, then it L bounds in on z dc is non-orientable, then 2~ L K, then, by lemma such 4.4, dbr = 2b~ • K is an o~ientable n-circuit, then If 2~ < L • d' L. i s a multiple o:f Zn_l (L) . COROLIARY. Cm+l T m+l··· ' m m "orientable. " ) 4.7. z '" zm and of some c do € l!l Note that if an (n-l)-cycle of DE FU!ITION. Then and some Cn-l)-chain k is a :face of m 1. C dO and note that we have produced a cycle homologous to m m € O:f course is a cycle i:f and only i:f l<m<S. j Tm + t .erms involving no preceding . € Consequently the coe:f:ficient € which has coefficients Zj for some coefficients ~bk ' the Sign depending on orientation. b' < k We know that L • n-cycle. 4.6. :for Tk Suppose it is true for Tl , the Sign depending r multiples o:f is homologous for every ..heTe is In any case this must be zero, so 4.5. is a :face of < k , we have that :for Then j'[e show by induction that all Tl d(c-bor ) j L zero on know that But :for = 0 lying on L • has coe:f:ficient only on orientation. Given that lies on ~-le are zero. dc Hn_I(K) ~ Hn_I(K) "" Zn ~ l(L)/ > is the subgroup of zn_l(L) generated by Zn_l(L) '" Hn_I(L) . ) pendent of orientation.) Proof: 4.8. LEMMA. cycle on Each (n-l ) - cy cle of K is homologous to an (n-l) Thus let ~ where let d be orientable. is zero, since z be an (n-l)-cycle o:f is an (n-l)-chain on L. K • Then z-"s - ~=lb k Tk + d , We prove by induction that z --7 h omologous to a cycle n- as :follows. z, illg this theorem shows that both are on 48. Zl1_1 (L) r C I(K) L f : H _ (K) n l Proo:f: K on is :free. We define a homomorphism z An (n-l)-cycle L by lemma z, dr = 2~ = 0 • i s a cycle, so is unique. 4.8. K is The remark preced For i:f L , then their difference bounds in on z, "-' z" and K, and must be a multiple of A. But A is zero. in the homology class of to But then zl may set f({z}) z, z' a monomorphism, for if Moreover, starting with any z, we get a cycle ~ zi zl on 1 and so they are equal. Now f homologous Therefore we is obviously a homomorphism. o. f({z}) morphism because any cycle on 1 zl But so 2A bounds in A itself is a cycle. ator of z ~ 0 It is an epi We triangulate K. Thus f 20A = d2A = 0, lP 2 ]p2, a non-orientable as in the diagram and label the n is a member of some honology class i3Jld (n-l)-cells. on Thus A can be taken to be a gener- The projective plane Example. 2-circuit. Therefore 1. The corollary now follows. Zn_l (1) It is 4.11. then K and so is a cycle in H l(K) ~ Z 1(1), as is an isomorphism, and n- d"t n Note that the chain "I f 2AB + 2BC + 2CA = O. Thus ]p2 00 + 01 + ••• + 05 ' so = is non-orientable, and desired. H2 (]p 2) If O. = Zl (1) is a free group on < 2A > , the subgroup K is non- orientable, we consider one generator, A , so of multiples of as follows. find z, 2A. He define a map Given an (n-l)-cycle on 1 homologous to z z. f: H l(K) --7 n- on Z 1(1)/ < 2A > n K, we use Lemma 4.8 to Then z· Zl(1)/ < 2A > ~ Z2' ~ (JP2) ~ Z2' the coset of < 2A > morphism. 2A, so we may set in which z· lies. f( {z) ) As before, It is a monomorphism because if f({z}) f is homologous to a multiple of 2A is a homo and thus bounds. Since Exercises. f Hn_l(K) ~ Zn_l(1)/ < 2A > COROLLARY. If 1) K is a non-orientable n-circuit, HO ~ Z , and H2 = 0, 2) We may take a basis for C _ (1) • n l By H2 ~ Z, ~ ~ Z EEl Z the Klein bottle is ~ ~ Z EEl Z2' Z2 Hn_l(K) HO ~ Z , by tri L:GA the methods of this section. and a finite number of copies 5. all of its coefficients are fA Z • Show that the homology the torus is Z. Proof: J angulating them as 2-circuits and using is isomorphic to a direct sum of of ~ is zero, then is clearly an epimorphism, it provides the desired isomorphism 4.10 . HO(]p2) ~: A t r.~ Xft equal to of z Since is determined, up to cQ=ected, an addition of a multiple of Thus 2 lP is C 1(1) n- +1 which contains Z 1(1) n- a fundamental theorem on finitely generated abelian groups we ·can find a basis for the free group Z 1(1) n- whose elements is a multiple of a basis element of 50 . each of C 1(1) . n For this section we will need the notions of chain mapping A since is a subgroup of Change of Orientation in a Complex and chain isomorphism. ". 1 . C' DEFINITION. Given two chain complexes (fC' },o·) , a chain map q hOlDOmorphisms cp q : Cq --7 C'q is a collection <P: C --7 C' such that 51. C = ({C },o) q cP 0 q-l q O·cp:C q q q --7 and (CPq) of C' Q-l for each q. ~ is an isomorphism. q IS A chain map is called a cha:m isomorphism if each of the function The notion of chain map is important because a chain map is easily seen to carry cycles into cycles and boundaries into bound aries. ~ Thus a chain map defined by (~*)q(Z) If we are given a regular complex induces a chain map (~qZ) ~*: H*(C) ~H*(CI) As a matter of convention we shall dence function CO:(K) for K. be the chain complex for a on K. a The (we assume that o dim 0 ~ ~-incidence K except for numbers involving numbers involv induces the chain ~ is obtained from He define a chain map an orientation reversal. C¥ ~incidence 1). Then C~(K) • We say that C~(K) complex of Vie defi_ne a new inci is defined to equal ~ are defined to be the negative of the lng as the defining relation of the chain map ~. ~ incidence numbers involving of a chain map or to the boundary operators of a chain complex. ~ = dl~ Let given by the incidence function o Thus we write we may reverse the orientation on a given cello· Gil, K in the following way. usually omit the subscripts whenever referring to the homomorphisms K with an incidence CO:(K) by 1/r: CC¥(K) ~ CP(K) Note that isomorphic chain complexes have isomorphic homology groups and that a chain map ~: C ~ C' and only if there exists a chain map verse of and ~ such that C' respectively. qxp-l and ~ as follovrs. 1jr~ Thi s defines 1jr ~ for e\~ry cell ~ different from 1jro 0 =-0 is a chain isomorphism if cp -1 -1 cp : C' ~ C on all the generators of the Cq(K) , and we extend called the in 1jr are the identity on by linearity. It is easy to see that is a chain map and has 1jr C an inverse map which reverses the sign on once again. 0 Thus 1jr Here we use the fact that the composition is a chain isomorphism and induces isomorphisms of the homology of two chain maps is a chain map. The basic theorem on induced groups of chain mappings of homology groups is: 5 .2. THEOREl'l. If cp: C ~ C' and 1jr: C' ~ Cn and C~ (K ) . And so H~(K) "" H~(K) for every q. For our general theorem on change of orientation we will are chain maps then need to assume the following lemma: (1jr~)*: H*(C) ~ H*(C") • 1jr*~* CO:(K) 5. 3. The proof is easy and will be omitted. I.,E}oJl.1A. (n ~ 1) Any regular complex on the n-sphere is an This theorem, to orient able n-circuit. gether with the fact that the identity chain map induces the The proof of this lemma is given in Chapter VIII, section 4. identity homomorphisms of homology groups, shows that the assign ment to C of the chain complex H*(C) and the assignment to a At the present time we may regard the proposition as an additional redundant restriction imposed on a regular complex K chain complexes and abelian groups into itself.* In the future ve q > 1 is an orientable shall usually omit reference to the homology chain complex and talk (q-l)- circuit. of the homology groups or regard the collection of homology groups o as a graded group. implies that map *See ~: C ~ C' the map ~* is a functor from the category of Chapter IV. ')? and each q-cell 0 of K, the boundary 0 for each Notice that R.R.2 asserts that each (q-2)-cell of is a face of exactly two (q-l)-cells of 0 contains the ( q-l)-cycle 53· 0, 00 and that R.R.3 and hence is orientable. the same properties: Thus we are imposing additionally only condition 2 of definition 4. 3 on the existence of a path of va (q-l)-cells connecting any two (q-l)-cells. in the following way. In case K is simpli a sub complex THEOREM. fUnctions Given a regular complex ~ and a on K, then the chain complexes C~(K) are isomorphic. chosen so that ~a ~: The isomorphism for each cell +0 a ~ C~(K) Ca(K) of Ca(K) by starting at the chain group of dimension zero and working upwards. V: COCK) --) COCK) C (K) , let l oaa a El(A-B) va Set be the identity isomorphism. be a generator with vertices for a. I 2 E E o~a = ~ and E 2 B. on Now (A-B) = = ~l. Note that by linearity. a EVoaa for some E = Eo~a = o~Ea = o~ta where q is an integer isomorphism on each oa and C. (K) 1 > 2 a a generator of Cq (K). Ca(K) i < q 1 for and ~ va = :,+:.0 Then we extend V as defined is an 54. for each generator of each V over Cq(K) So We then set Z l(cr) ~ q- z a We do = Ea. C (K) , we have q Cq (K) , and Note that We extend va = +0 for each V is obtained by , a collection V in this way over all the K, and then the result is the desired chain iso ~ C~(K) • If K is a ,regular complex with two orientations , then H~(K) ~ H~(K) for each q. Homology groups are i < q, Proof: Isomorphic chain complexes have isomorphic homology groups. From now on we will write Hq(K) C (K) , commutes with the boundary operators i o~ , and satisfies for Suppose that C.(K) - is a V commutes with the boundary operators. independent of orientation. V has been defined on > 2. a This relation extends by linearity a Suppose now that Now by the pre- is a generator of V is an isomorphism on 5.5. COROLLARY. = -1 . Moreover, both a Then, if a EIE2 , and of the whole group. orientation reversals: namely, orientation is reversed on each cell such that +1 • =0 voaa Cq (K) , and extend by linearity over -morphism V is induced by a set of independent = q with are cycles on the is an orientable (q_l)_circuit, since chain groups of I t is clearly an Voaoaa = a on the (q-l)-cells of of orientation reversals. C (K) l o~a thi,s for each generator of Clearly for _E2 +1 over the whole group, and so aa = El(A-B) = E E E (A-B) = 0~va • I 2 2 Extend V over all of o~a ;jrOaa Then ~o isomorphism. Similarly, = ~:.l El We let To specifY A ceding lemma, and K o~voaa First note that regular complex on the (q-l)-sphere, may be We define a chain isomorphism V: Ca(K) --) C~(K) Proof: and we define a with the orientation induced by ~ have coefficients K and two incidence Cq (K) a generator of o~~a = 0 • Thus both o~a and voaa course 5.4. a where the sign is determined by comparing = :,+:.0 , cial, the condition holds trivially because any two (q-l)-faces of have a common (q-2)-face. For ex , etc. so as to have 55· to mean Ha(K) q for some ex 5. 4 has another important The lemma state d be fore Theorem consequence which relates to the possibility of defining, an incidence function on a r e gular complex In fact we have Given a regular complex THEOREM. defined on a sub complex of L K So the sum ex [a:Tl][Tl : P] + 1 d q- r on p, must be [a:T ][T :P] , which is the coefficient of 2 2 Thus (iii) is verified and ex q is an incidence function for zero. L U K 5.6. ex K. Cl q- 1 1 = 0 Now as a common face. K, any incidence function ex to all of K We continue this process and extend q By taking to be the empty sub complex we derive the third L can be extended to an incidence redundant restriction R.R.3· K . Proof: extend \ole ex If vertices A a ~ over L U Kl to be the following extension and ex K not in a, since lying in B 'vie define 1, [a : A] is homeomorphic to a [a:B] -1 is defined on all pairs of cells involving I-ce lls of incidence function K not in ex q L U K q a Since a. exq- 1 He extend as follows. We generalize the definition of from the set of q-cells of Cq(K) by considering functions K to an arbitrary R-module G. First If T is a (q-l)-cell of is (iii) of Def. 2.1.8. r has on exq Let (q-l)-cells of T • \ole +1 a , we set K choose a on the (q-l) [a:T] '[1,T 2 a • which are faces of By a ring R with unit, the qth dimensional R-module of chains of Given a regular complex with coefficients in K and a commutative K R.R.2 E is the set of functions defined on the collection of q-cells of K mapping into all but a finite number of q-cells. plication are defined as follows. functions, r E R , and a R so as to be zero on The addition and scalar multi If f and g are two such a q-cell, then (f+g)a equal Then the only pI'operty be a (q-2)-cell of DEFINITION. o so def.ined which we need to verify P 6.1. to an For any q-cell is a sub complex of a This generator has coefficients of the incidence function 2 2 • ex q _ . l Zq- 1 (a) ~ Z exq- l ' by lemma 5· 3, r. > q q l These will be zero unless the second cell of the to the coefficient which there are L U K , q on pair is a (q-l)-face of cells of K into ex _ we must define incidence numbers for- pairs of cells L a. oriented by All element of we make the following definition. defined on the sub complex generator In L including K, as the the integers which is zero on all but a finite number of q-cells. arbitrarily. Suppose no,," that we are given an incidence function of K. is then a function mapping the set of q-cells of Cq(K) a Cq(K) , for a regular complex free abelian group generated by the q-cells of L, then there are two K not in Cohomology. Homology with General Coefficients. 6. ex can be regarded as an incidence function f'or is a I-cell of closed I-ball. this way L U KO ' We have 'd efined We define L U KO inductively over the subcomplexes Clearly L U K , ••• l of ex = fa + go and (rf)a = r(fa) , wbere the addition and scalar multiplication on the right sides are in R The qth dimensional R-module of chains of cients in R is denoted by Cq(K;R). and have p 5'7· K with coeffi An incidence function ex on K induces a boundary operator the unit in R . a and oaa q {-I, ' 0, +l} TE Ca(KjR) q a C (Kj Z) Note that E 0 q a ~ Cq- l(KjR) elsewhere (1 and 0 are the unit and zero R [a:T] lies in the set chain complexes groups a C (KjR) . For example, if G is the group of rationals, there is no torsion. G is the group Z2' every n_ circuit is orientable, because r the boundary of the chain 6.2. DEFlliITION. Given a regular complex G over a commutative ring R-module of chains of orientation a that for the case where R, the qth dimensional module K with coefficients in This R-module is denoted by K and a unitary G is the R-module R 2~ is is Z, the homology groups with coef- coefficients ill a group Cq(KjG) . As in Definition 6.1, an the complex Cq(K jG) C l(KjG) for each Q. The qth homomorphism is .the mapping q ® 1 , where 1 is the identity mapping on G • The collection q If C = ({C q },o) and C' chain complexes then the direct sum (Oa q 6.3. ® I} form a chain complex which we will write as DEFlliITION. a C (KjG) • tively, of the chain c01llplex B~(KjG) , respectively. H~(KjG) of ({ C Ell C'}, d Ell 0') a C (KjG) , and are denoted by a Z (KjG) q The qth dimensional homology module K with coefficients in a j G) / Bq(KjG) a Zq(K • G is the factor module of C and are two C' is the whose qth boundary operator is q (d Ell d ' ) ( c, c' ) (dC, 0' c') • This definition can be extended to any finite or infinite number of chain complexes. We remark that the homology of is the direct sum of the homology of each q, C and of C' C Ell C' that is, for Hq (C Ell C') "" Hq (C) Ell Hq (C') • 6. 5· DEFINITION. over 58. q C Ell C' ({C'},d') q the mapping defined by K with coefficients in the R-module G are the qth dimensional modules of cycles and boundaries, respec and chain complex The qth dimensional modules of cycles and bound aries of the regular complex lie need the following definition. oa together with the boundary homomorphisms Thus homology with This is the main result of this section. K. 6.4. DEFINITION. {Cq(KjG)} Z . G does not give any new information about into of modules G can be calculated from the homology groups .rith coefficients in G It turns out, however, =0 . f icients in an arbitrary abelian group Cq(KjR) ~ induces boundary homomorphisms mapping The proof of these facts is are all isomorphic. Homology with general coefficients is useful in some cases. If as defined previously. a Hq(KjG) are isomoD'hic, and that the homology Ca(K jG) easy and will be omitted. With this boundary operator the form a chain complex denoted by = Ca (K) As in the previous section, one can show that all of the because of is the chain which takes K[a:T]T, where of elements of chain modules q More precisely, if the value 1 on of R) we set (/1: C (KjR) An elementary chain complex is a chain complex Z of one of the following three types: 59· i) (Free) All chain groupS are zero except ~or an in~inite ••• cyclic group in a single dimension. are o~ ii) (Acyclic) 0 -7 (All boundary operators d D q -7 Z q- 1 ~ 0 -7 ••• complexes we obtain are as follows : ~o~Z~o ~or in~inite All chain groups are zero except cyclic groups in adjacent dimensions, n n-l, ~or some and n , and all boundary operators are zero except d , which n q and (Torsion) d q-l For every p. l f than +1 or 0 6.6. rr c THEOREM. Elk ~ Z~()~ ••• Z such that each is a chain _complex over chain group is :free abe1ian and ~initely generated, then is the C direct sum o~ elementary chain complexes. Proo~: only the zero stricted to C q o~ D q Dq ~or eac.h q • We set is a monomorphism. (dl'···'~} respectively, such that for such that dd. l = p.z. l l C q = Zq Zq is a EEl Dq Since is a cycle, the boundary operator when re The image o~ the ~initely generated :free abelian group choose bases over and and (Zl,···,zm} 1 < i < k g 60. q Thus we may g-l for D is a subgroup q and q o~ we have an elementary chain com z. with l i >k there are integers Pi> 0 the chain complexes C q, which multiplies Pi we have free elementary chain of all these chain complexes is El The direct sum C. K with coefficients in an arbitrary abelian a be an orientation on K. group G. CU(K) satisfies the hypotheses of Theorem 6.6 as long as f i nitely Let mar~ cells in each dimension. (LA ) 0 G is isomorphic to 1 E(A 0 G) i splits into a direct sum chain complexes. The chain complex We will use the result that Now by Theorem 6.6, L~N. , where the N. l Then it is clear that K ha~ l are elementary = Ca (K)0G""E(N.0G) , l Ca(KjG) where the tensor product notation denotes tensoring in each diJllension. Ca(K) 0 G is the cbain complex For instance where (d 01)q (] 01 q UCq(K) 0 G},d 0 1) Therefore, by the remark following Definition 6.4, H*(KjG) "" E[H*(N i 0 G)] • Z g-l B,y our ~irst assertion Pi1pi+l is split into a direct sum over Z dD we have an We will use the theorem above to compute the homology groups Ca(K) From the proo~ o~ Theorem II.2. 2, we know that direct summand in For every Pi • of a regular complex ••• ~O~Z 1 q-l , and the boundary operator the mapping is multiplication by an integer other n Pi = 1 complex with the non- zero group in dimension q. The complex is the same as in the acyclic case except that For every plex of the torsion type with the non-zero groups in dimension by ... ~O~z~z~O~ The elementary chain acyclic elementary chain complex with non-zero groups in dimensions is an isomorphism onto. iii) We now split e a ch of these into a • direct sum of elementary chain complexes. course zero.) .•• -7 Computation o~ the homology of K is then reduced to the compu tat ion of the homology of the chain complexes N. 0 G l If Hi is free , then .•• -)0 -7G-70-7 ••• and so Ni €I G i s t he chain complex Proof: H (N. €I G) = G setting q ',rhere 1 dimension of the single non-trivi al chain group G of q is the ~(g) contains N. €I G = g 0 1 for all g v: whose groups are all zero except for two adjacent dimensions q, g E G, n q-l. verses of each other. is' acyclic, then Hi N. (19 G 1 The non-zero groups are copies of operator between them is an isomorphism. to see that multiplication by of elements of Also, k Then Hq (N.1 €I G) "" Ker G ' the subgroup k G whose order divides is q- leN.1 €I G) H Thus in all three cases direct summand. TEEOREM. G (= G/kG) k H*(N i 0 G) For each q, k LEMMA . If G contains ,where T CPO : G/kG -7 G 0 ~ ng , for coset containing ~O V and ~ are in- By the fundamental theorem for finitely generated abelian k(Gl EEl G2 ) ~ Gl EEl k G2 ' the second assertion reduces to the case where G is a cyclic group. G is infinite cyclic then is of order G is of order (n,k). If Thus Gk = and T0 ~ n, generated by are both zero. kG <===> n is generated by 1ll,kT kG ~ G0 ~ 6.9. G0 ~ Then gO ' be an integer. n kG divides kr r . (n, k) • So go and so has order and the proof is complete. Let COROLIARY. Tnen, for each G be a finitely generated abelian group . q, a Ha(K;G) ~ (Ha(K) €I G) EEl (T l(K) €I T) qq q where G/kG T~_l(K) is the torsion subgroup of t ors ion subgroup of G. 6.10. Let a H l(K) q- and T is the kG, k, is isomorphic to PROPOSITION. G be a torsion free abelian group. Ha(K;G) ~ Ha(K) 0 G G. q Proof: 62. E o I' kG n <===> "("i1,'k) divides in the direct sum decom G is finitely generated, then is the torsion subgroup of Let ~ 0 G Ha(K; G) "'" (If(K) EEl 2: kG where the q q G k If rg for which there is a chain complex of the ~. then ~ "'" G €I ~ • Thus H*(Ni ) €I G as a is an arbitrary abelian group then G €I V(g €I n) It is easily verified that • G • k is isomorphic to the subgroup of elements whose orders divide ® ~ E ~ Ca(K) • is isomorphic t o T This group is written G/kG , which we write as torsion type with qth boundary operator 6.8. k. We have therefore proved the following theorem. last sum is over all ~ The kernel of induces a homomorphism G 0 ~ -7 G/kG by Suppose that The only non-trivial complementary summand occurs in the torsion case. po s ition of In this case it is easy is of the torsion type, then N . 0 G is 1 G k -7 0 -) G -7 G -7 0 -7 ••• , where G is k. G. groups , together with the relation We show below that 6.7. G, and the boundary Ni the chain complex kG is the ch ain complex H*(N; 0 G) = 0 Finally, if ~ kG, and so E by 1 Define If ~: G -7 G €I ~ To prove the first assertion, we define For then kG = 0 q for all 63· k. Then Exercise. plane JP2 Compute the homology groups of the projective with coefficients in groups with coefficients in Z2. Z and in 2 HO(JP ) "" Z Z2 "" 0 The cochain complex associated with an oriented regular complex K is the cochain com plex gives: = ({Cq(K(G)},o}), C·(K) The the modules of co cycles and coboundaries, respectively, of coefficients in G. These modules are written The qth homology module of The Oth homology group on the left, Z, gives rise to the Oth group Z2 oq = (-l)qHom(d q ,1) • where modules of cocycles and coboundaries of this cochain complex form 2 HO( JP : z) "'" Z2 2 HI (JP ; Z2) "'" Z2 2 ~(JP ;~) "" Z2 Hl(:p2) "" Z2 ~(JP2) A tabulation of the homology Cq(K;G) , is the R-module Hom(C (K;R),G) • q on the right; and the 1st homology group on the left, factor module zg(K; G), K with coefficients in Zq(K;G)/Bq(K;G), and is written K with Bq(K; G) • G is the Hq(K;G) • Z2' If u is a cochain on K of dimension q, and c is a gives rise to both the 1st and 2nd groups on the right. q-chain on K, then for the value of u on c we write Given a regular complex K we define the cohomology groups of K by first associating with Note that (ou,c) = (-l)q(U,dC) • K a cochain complex. Exercise. 6.11. DEFIlHTION. (u,.c). A co chain complex C over a ground ring R 1. state and prove a theorem about decomposing cochain complexes over Z whose cochain groups are free and q (commutative with unit) is a sequence (C } of R-modules together q q with R-homomorphismP o q : C ~ C +l such that for each q, o q 0q- 1 of = O. The R-module C, and the homomorphism operator of denoted by C. zq , q C is called the module of q-cochains 0q is called the qth coboundary finitely generated into a direct sum of elementary co chain. com Deduce from the theorem that the cohomology of a finite plexes. i'egular complex with coefficients in an arbitrary abelian group G is determined by the cohomology with coefficients in The modules of q-cocycles and q-coboundaries, q B 2. are the R-modules Ker 0q and q 1 res C is the factor R-module complexes. Define a cochain map homomorphisms Shmfl that D = ((Dq},o') ~ q ~ : C ~Dq q ~: such that C ~D C and denoted H* (C) m 0 regular complex * * * ~ : H (C) ~ H (D) • The qth d:i1nensional module of cochains of a K with coefficients in the R-lIJOdule 64. - "'q+l q - induces a cohomology homomorphism Prove an analog of Theorem 5.2. DEFINITION. be two co chain to be a collection of C together with the zero boundary operators forms a cochain complex called the cohomology chain complex of 6.12 and Im 0 pectively. The qth cohomology module of q Zq/B and is denoted Hq(c). The collection of cohomology modules of ((Cq},O) C Let Z. G, written 65. o'm q"'q for each q properties (1) - (3) for CHAPTER III clude that i f REGUlAR COMPLEXES WITH IDENTIFICATIONS f: Accordingly, if 1. That is, if of equal dimension. a A homeomorphism called an identification on flo as 1.1. a0 carries o From properties (3) and (4) con we a ~:r and g::r ~ a are in F then g= f- l f: a ~:r and h: a ~:r are in F then h = f. The identifications Let K be a regular complex, and let of K F f and of a a < a o K if whenever ~ onto a (closed) face of ~ be cells onto a onto is ~ a "-' ~. ~ then there exists one and only one map in This fact will be used to construct an incidence 2.4. fUnction in the proof of the restriction The family of the same dimension points of F of F also determines an equivalence relation for K a o if a map in F carries x to y . x"-'y DEFINITION. A collection fawdly of identifications on 1. For each a lies in F 2. For each f 3. If f: ill in p~a p ~:r gf: 4. If f: F is a K K the identity homeomo!1Jhism F, f- and g: l The natural fUnction a~ a defines a topology for a ~:r ~ KIF in the famil iar way: a subset l is in F K. Throughout s implify notation. We define the q-skeleton F in X of F, then F is in KIF '( where sx is the class of x) this chapter we will omit absolute value bars whenever we can to are in (K/F)q of KIF to be the sub- is the identity homeo f sp ace a ~:r IKI F. s(K ) . q morphism. 5. If f: s: KIF is closed if and only if s-~ is closed is in ao < a , then and complex. fla0 The space KIF and the skeletons (K/F)q form point out only a few of the more important considerations. open cell of c'o mplex and F (K,F) a family of identifications on If (K,F) with K a regular K. Each is a complex with identifications, the relation a"-'~ if f: a ~:r is in F KIF is the homeomorphic image, under s, of at least one open cell of that s maps onto u K. If sa u, then the cells of are precisely the cells equivalent K. a Property (4) listed for F shows that no two points of the same cell of K are ever identified by a map of This follows from boundaries. 66. K t~ F. Property (5) guarantees that if two cells are identified then so are their is an equivalence relation on the cells of a The proof of this fact is routine, and we taket1me here to is in. F A complex with identifications is a pair IK I . KIF denote the set of equivalence classes of points of We let K if each of the following holds: is in a~ a of identifications on 67. KIF The complex need not be regular, but relative homeo KIF morphisms may be obtained for the cells of homeomorphisms given for by composition with K h (En,sn-l) s Let K The torus from a disk by identification. be a regular complex on the unit s quare with four vertices, four I-cells and one 2-cell: I y (li,D.) PI 'i" (s la)h (sla)h EXAMPLE. (a, a) ;:. homeomorphism The map 2.2. from any set of is a relative homeomorphism because B sla I The homology of x Define KIF f: i\ -..;;:. P2 by g(O,y ) = (l,y). KIF (K,F) be a complex with identifications. KIF to the homology of the space KIF D f(x"O) = Then take F (x,l) , and define KIF. We mean that well defined (see page 33 of Chapter II), and 1. the identity map on 1) the space 2) these homology groups are isomorphic to the homology groups of the chain complex that we are about to define. l -..;;:. a2 to consist of -1 and g l' -1 2. f, g, f 3. the restrictions of these mappings to bounding cells. An incidence fUnction invariant under F is given by the diagram bel ow (following the arrow-notation introduced on page 35 of Chapter II): Proofs of (1) and (2) c B appear in section 3 of Chapter IX. g: a whose homology is isomorphic does carry a regular complex, so that its homology groups are ca(K/F) by °1 --" Although is not necessarily regular it is possible to define a chain complex based on the cells of P2 is a relative homeomorphism. Let l' A 2. 9 °2 The justification for presenting the chain complex at this stage is the ease with which its homology KIF) (and hence that of 2.1. DEFINITION. under F [p:-rJa = A may someti:a!es be computed. An incidence fUnction a on K is invariant if whenever f: p ~ a is in F and -r < p, then 2 · 3· EXAMPLE. > ,D Real projective n-space pn from Sn by identi f icat ions. [fp: f-rJ a . Let We t ake F K be the regular complex on Sn described in I.2.1. to be the collection of maps obtained by restricting 68. fA. the involution KIF pn complex T (see 1.2.7) to the closed cells of has one cell in each dimension. K. a face of The The incidence :t'unction given on pages 36 and 37 of Chapter I I is invariant under F'. LEMMA. 2.4. complex K. Let F Then th~re e~ists is invariant under be a family of identifications for a regular an incidence fUnction on K that K. n a F. by induction on successive gl The argument resembles the proof of 11.5.6. As 0 al 1, choose a l-cell from each equivalence class Call the vertices of a Ao and Bo For each T a is invariant on cells of and 1 --;.. be q-cells of O 2 a2 T a to and Kl a, let f be the unique map in (Note that we allow Define identity. ) [T: B ] T = 1 A f-1A = T we set equal to zero. T that carries a , in which case = and a F BT f -1 f Suppose now that plex a a Kl Let a a as defined which is invariant under equivalent to If P We devote the next few paragraphs and the preferred cells is a subcom Kq 1 a K, and so by 11.5.6 Let K-L a, and let is a face of is invariant under by the inductive hypoth f: let be a face of P Thus To show that 1 is by construction since [02: gp ]a by construction. a fl = gf 2 F. satisfies propETty (iii) of 11.1.8, let a be a q-cell of K-L, and let preferred cell T. Suppose f: Pl a--;.. T identify and are {q-l)-d:iloensional P2 faces of a and are (q-l)-dimensional faces of 2 0 Then 1 h:f gp]a a is invariant under fP T equivalent to a with a with a common (q-2)-d:iloensional face (q-2)-d:iloensional face fP . 3 P . Then f P l 3 fa = T with the common Thus [0:P l ]a[P l :P ]a + [0:P 2 ]a[P2 :P ]a 3 3 L = [fO:fPl]a[fPl:fP3]a + [fO:fP2]a[fP2:fP3]a be the unique identification. [o:p]a = [T:fP]a' 70. 0 2 T be the unique preferred cell a--;.. T a, define can be extended over K with an identification [Ol:P]a ~ [T:flPja; F. can be extended to an invariant function on Kq be a q-cell of a By the remark on page 67 , we have T has been defined as an invariant K 1 q- The union of L of i = 1,2. [T:A ] =-1 Choose a preferred cell from each equivalence class of q-cells. = f 2g • is the Bo' and set It is easy to check that is an incidence function on to showing that F O , and so we have identification> 2 All other incidence numbers involving cells of incidence function on K 1 q The unique preferred cell '0.~ --;.. T, ~ fl equivalent to invariant under Before verifYing property (iii) we show that f .: of l-cells. Kq a Properties (i) and (ii) 'o f 11.1.8 are clearly satisfied by a also equivalent to For 'de assert that the function O. thus defined is an incidence :t'unction on Let skeletons of [a: p]a esis, we need only check incidence numbers involving q-cells of K. F. construct the function "\ole a , set If P is not because a is invariant under F. 71. The second expression is zero because ° L. proo~ o~ The Let we is a cell o~ de~ine a chain complex, which we sha~l denote by s#: CO(K) ----;;. ° K that is invariant under F . For cO(K/F) to be the free abelian group q KIF. on the q-cells o~ For each ~ be a co~lex with identi~ications, and let (K,F) q L, and 2.3 is complete. be an incidence function on each integer ~or is an incidence function s:\K\ ----;;. The q-th homology group o~ veri~ications in Chapter IX and de~ined C~(K/F) to HO(K/F) q as the q-th KIF. The homology We begin where Example 2.1 by o~ a torus with the le~ o~~, identi~ica- t ions and orientation exhibited in the diagram below: S~(6 aio~) "'" A boundary operator 0 ': q 0' q a.s(oq) • = 6 l i l cO(K/F) ----;;. COq l(K/F) q go is de~ined by C B sflq_l 0°0 q o'so q To show that re~er KIF induces a hollO 3. ----;;. c°.(K/F) is denoted by In the examples which ~ollow, we will anticipate the HO(K/F). q morphism Sllq: C~(K) Note that cO(K/F) is a chain map. homology group o~ the space q, the map cO(K/F). P is well-de~ined, let cr ----;;. ~ ~: be in ~P ~ A F. D 0 Then ° ~, 0qSO = s#q-l 0q 0 S#q_l 6 [o:p]op p < ()" sflq_l 6 p < ° The last equality holds because because sIP o , varies over the ~P equals = s#~p ° s#q-l 0 q ~ = Oneeasily P < ~or The complex 0 ~aces o~ these cells is a ~ P 0'0' varies over the ~aces 72. Thus sA, so, sp in the chain complex and s~ Each cO(K/F) : 0i(so) = s#oo = s#(D-A) = 0i(sp) = sloP = s#(B-A) = 0 0 o~ Thus , so the last expression o . cells: F, and 0' is trivial, so that H (oI) ~ Z , 2 that ~our O2(s~) = s#o~ = s#( 0 + ~p - go - p) = 0 [~O: ~p]( ~p) o's~ . veri~ies cy~le 0 is invariant under As • KIF has (C~(K/F), O~} H(K/F) ~ CO(K/F) ~ (.;) ~ Z EEl Z , is 73· and and Ho(oI) "" Z . o~ 4. We start with Example 2.2. cell seq 0' ~ The complex KI F Cq (pn) ~ Z for in each dimension, so that The boundary operator The co chain complex obt a ined from CO'(P[\:Z) The homology and cohomology of pn has one 0 < q < n is determined by is dimension 0 1 2 3 n Cq(JP n) Z Z Z Z Z (0',1) ro e Here, 2se d'(se 2i ) = s#oe 2i = s#(e _l + Te 2i _l ) 2i (_l)q· Hom 5' _ q 2i l q 1 I = 2 0' (se 2 i+l) s#oe 2 i+l = s#(Te 2i - e 2i ) = 0 . Co CQ'(pn) Cl e Z ~Z can be written C2 H'C!"') C 3 odd q e ven Thus, HO(pn) ~ Schematically the chain complex q Z ~r Z2 e ~ Z ~Z ~ for odd q < n for even q < n for even n Hn(pn) "'" l:2 where e2 t for odd Accordingly is multiplication by 2. Ho(pn) ~ Z H (pn) "'" q Hq(pn) 0< q = 2i + 1 n even n odd. 4 Z2 The homology of the Klein bottle and orientation shown in the following diagram: n n Z n (0 Z2 a --, even odd b pn ~ rJ ~b is "a dimension 0 1 2 3 4 n Hq(pn:Z2) Z2 Z2 Z2 Z2 Z2 Z2 The non-trivial chain groups are Co '74. with We construct the Klein bottle from a disk, with the identi It follows from 11.6.'7 that the sequence of homology groups of with coefficients in ~ Z2 . 5. 5 0 Z2 Compute the cohomology groups of <n ficat i~ns 3 0 Z2 coefficients in 0< q = 2i < n is 2 1 Z Z2 for pn The homology sequence for 0 for ~rZ H (pn) n dimension Exercise. n ~ Z , C "'" Z EB Z l and C "" Z • 2 p roduces The boundary operator is given by handle. 8. Each p a ir of consecutive edges oriented and ident i fie d as in the following di agram =0 °l(sa) sia °l(sb) s#Ob = 0 °2(sa) s#oa = s#(a-a-b-b) #" - - -2sb Therefore, , , HI "" Z2 EEl Z HO "" Z , and H2 "" 0 • produces a crosscap. h 6. Compact 2-manifolds without boundary that e ach compact 2~manifold as a 2-sphere with M 1 S2 , then 0 < h M without handles and bo~dary (for some 0 < k < 2 can be represented crosscaps. can, in fact, be obtained from a closed 2-cell M by subdividing '2 a into an even number of edges and by identi tying these edges in pairs in an appropriate fashion. Such a sub division determines a regular complex on ;2 , tions are carried out in such a way that M is a complex with identifications. If and the identifica A good description of the identification process may be found in Chapter h , and some Ii i th the letters cross cap-producing sequences k < 2). k ai' b i , ai, bi ' and we label the edges of the i-th crosscap-produ cing sequence with the letters s: ;2 ~ 2h+k M denote the projection. I -cells, and one vertex. indicatrix to Then c ' ci Let i M bas one 2-cell, Note that by attaching a circular 2 a , and using the arrows already given, we obtain --2 an incidence functiOn on a which is invariant under the i dent i fications. Computation of H*(I>f) Case 1 ) : Topologie. o'sa k 2 Als o, We have 0 si a2 In the process described there, each sequence of four diagram, into We label the edges of the i-th handle-producing sequence 6 of Seifert and Threlfall 's Lehrbuch der consecutive edges, oriented and identified as in the following M is obtained by subdividing a'2 Each handle-producing sequences and We will assume that the re ader is familiar with the fact -2 a ... " = o'sa . = eSb. = 0 . 1 1 morphic to a direct sum of Case 2 ): k 1. s#(Ea1. Thus 2h 1:1e -L:a~1 +Th.1 -Th~) 1 H (1,1) "" Z , and 2 copies of 0 Hl (M) is iso Z have 0.' I ofsa 2 s# oa 2 s# ( L:ai -Lai+Thi-Thi+cl+ci) .. , 7(). 77· 2sc l • H (1-1) ~ 2 Thus o. As in Case 1, every I-cell of The boundaries are generated by morphic to the direct sum of of f'! 2S(C ) , and so l 2h copies of Z X are G-equivalent if there exists a is a cycle . Hl(H) It is easy to is iso and a single copy ~ne v~rify 2. k \ole have K Let osa Again Thus H (I-l) ~ O. 2 Zl (M) 2 s#oa 2 2sc + 2sc l 2 . 2h+2 every cell of' is a cycle. xl G Another system of generators for Zl(M) Hl(H) is generated by 2h+2 K onto a cell of A group cellular if each is sCI + sc to the direct sum of 2h+l 2 (* ) elements and has a siugle is zero. So HI (l-1) a If of if K f K of the same dimension. G of homeomorphisms of IKI if Z and a single copy of Lens spaces F a family In this section we define, for each pair tively prime positive integers, a 3-manifold (p,q) L(p,q) of rela a < T , is called IK,I G on satisfies the a onto maps g K, and g in a, then G is such g is the g in G, and each a in K gFj' is an identi K, and the collection of these identifications forms of identific ations as is easily verified. KIF We specialize. in the complex plane is the space Let 2 C S3 The IKI/G. be represented as the unit sphere That is, family of identifications on the 3-sphere. X be a topological space and let X onto itself. lence relation on the points of It is G is an isomorphism. is a cell of identification space called a l-le compute the homology of lens spaces, using a homeomorphisms of maps Z2' fic ation on Let IKII is isomorphic Then for e a ch lens space. in g G, identity. copies of 7. x' • fo llowing property: that relation, that twice A homeo=rphi sm f Suppose that a cellular group sal' sbl""'s~, sbh , sCI' sCI + sc 2 . Thus be a regular complex. fa < fT the n sal' sbl " "'s~, sbh , sCI' sC 2 . = . clear that an isomorphism preserves the f a ce relation : generators g(l{) X by collapsing under the action of onto itself is called a (cellular) isomorphism of As before, everyone-cell of l-1 is free abelian on the G so that identification space whose points are G-equivalence classes is and is denoted by Case 3: in that G-equ ivalence is an equivalence relation. said to be obtained from Z2 g Then G determines an equiva X, as follows: 78. S3 G be a group of x and x, in Let f.. = e p and 27ri/p q = ((zO'Zl) E c21z0Z0 + zlzl I} . be relatively prime positive integers. , and define T: S3 ~ S3 by 79. Let T(zO,Zl) = (AZO,AqZ ) . l Then G of order p. The collapsed space ~ 1(p,q) • If 1(p,q) = 1(p,q') and ~,T3, •.. ,TP = 1 and its iterates T 1(1,1) q = q' mod p then If is the antipodal map. P 2 Thus and q 1(2,1) is called the lens Aq ' so T T' and of the whole 3-space P p q A= 1 similar argument holds for T The subset 1 , we have A -1, and n S3 is the half-2-space regular Complex on S3 = ((zO,zl) of o o o o and q be fixed. [(O,zl) in Set 2~/p) 3 8 10 < arg zl < E 831zo f 0 and arg Zo ((ZO'Zl) E s31zo f 0 and 0 < arg Zo < for k 0,1,2,3 are the cells of a regular complex on 8 and 3 = OJ n with 2~/p) dim ok S3 Zo k 1 f E is a regular 2-cell. Also, the TnOk Tnok with =0 03 defined as follows. I f _Zo = pe ie with o<e<~. Define E3 for n ie/p cr2 is the intersection of S3 with the E c21zo o or arg Zo 0) . Z ) onto 03 which carries the (-3 o ,0·3) , and similarly each l, .•. ,p-l, is a regular 3-cell. in a union of cells of dimension less than I.l., Exercise 5, then, the n·k T 0 Tnok k lies By the conclusion of are the cells of a complex on s3. The complex is regular because the cells are regular. Since ~(Tnok) ~Ok if and only if tion * set ((ZO,Zl) lies (zo' zl) ' 1 ~nok, it follows that of isomorphisms of the cellular structure. p A There is an Finally, it is an easy matter to show that each clearly form a regular complex on the circle The closed cell Thus = 0 or 0 ~ arg Zo ~ ~) s31zo is a homeomorphism of -11 (-3 ~ 0 , 0·3) • = k , we are disjOint and that their union is and is a 2-sphere. f: E3 ~ then = O,l, ... ,p_l , It is clear that the 0 The intersection T~ with n = l, ••• ,p-l . boundary sphere onto o·3 • Thus shall appeal to ExerCise 5 of 1.1.2. k E3 Then ((zO,zl) TnOk O. ei, ~2) 1 E yo S3 f ( zo'z ) = (pe 2 To show that the with 0, is a hemisphere and thus a closed disk. (0,1) 1 3 0 S3 G is cellular and satisfies obvious map p ~ as Euclidean 4-space, by constructing a condition (-K-). Let =0 p3 1(p,q) for which xo is a closed 2-disk, and E3 lie COmpute the homology of yo 2 C and regard Aq 1, then is xo + iyo then ~ P Zo form a cyclic group s3/ G In the special case = S3 If we set m = 0 mod p • Hence l-1oreover G is a group ~(~ok) G satisfies condi above. An incidence function a that is invariant under gi ven by: 80 . 81. G is [ra3 : Tn+lo2] [Tn a 3 : Tna 2 ]1 1 ['l'n a 2: ~al] 1 for all 1 [Tna l : Tn+la O] [ra l : Tnoo) and and , for -1 n O,l, ... ,p-l, m,n , If s3jG for -1 n = O,l, •.. ,p_l . has one cell in each dimension. s denotes the projection of S3 onto s3jG 0: 3 0: aries in C (S jG) = C (L(p, q)) are given by 2 b' s03 = s,i'Ja 3 " bsa 2 si bsa 1 " 1 s#oo Thus the homology of L(p,q) then the bound sio 0 - To ) = X Note that 1 "" Zp , 5.1. THEORill4. X be a space that carries a complex Let the property that for each q Sn H*( L(p, q)) is independent of X K with is iso K K is the irregular complex on Then 5.1 gives the homology of given in 1.2.2. ° and They the topological boundary of each For example, suppose that Sn immediately. The proof of 5.1 appears in Chapter IX. Let H2 "" 0 X. may in certain cases be computed from an irregular complex on is given by H But the ho=logy groups need not be computed from a regular complex on n C H3 "" Z . 2~1 denote complex n-space, and let sented as the unit sphere in HO "" Z , X agree with the Then for each q 2 Hq(X) q morphic to the free abelian group on the q-cells of' K ( p-l mi 1) 1 s# ~i=O ~ a = pso o of q-cell is contained in ° 2 sia - Ta ) = a2 defined for q cellular homology groups of t he complex. (All other incidence numbers are set equal to zero.) The collapsed sp a ce H (X) complex the homology groups an automorphism of s2n+l Cn + l Each )... S in Sl be repre CC defines given by scalar multiplication q . )...(z , ... , z) o n ()...z , •.. ,)...z ) . o n For an alternative description of lens spaces, and for =re information, the reader should consult Hilton and 1'l ylie's Ho=logy The space denoted by Theory, page 223. cpl 8. S2n+ljsl Cpn. is called complex pro,jective n-space, and is The space is a 2-sphere. CpO consists of a single point; The projection map is denoted by s : S2n+l ~ Cpn Complex projective n-space For k < n , we identify In this section we anticipate later chapters in order to {(zo, .•. ,zk' O, •.. ,O)} of state a result which allows us to compute the ho=logy groups of and the inclusion certain spaces very quickly. of 81 . S2k+l n+l C . C s2n+l Ck + l Then 82. X 2k+l k+l S = C 2n+l nS is consistent with the action Thus we have a diagram of inclusions and projections: In Chapter VII, we define ho=logy groups f'or arbitrary spaces in such a way that whenever a space with the subspace carries a regular 83 . Sl C S3 C s1 s1 cpO S5 C ... C s1 point S2n+l Cpn lies in precisely one s IE2k : (2k E , S2k-l ) s1 t he cells C Cpl C Cp2 C ... C Cpn Ok ~ a k Furthermore, since (_k . CY-, CPk .. l ) .1S a rela t i ve homeomorph1sm satisfy the conditions of Exercise 5 of 1 .1. 2 . They are , therefore, the cells of an irregular complex with skeletons For k>O E2k the subspace 'Cpq/2 2k+ll { ( zo"",zk ) E S ,zk is real > 0 ) S2k-l . . that He clalID is a closed 2k- cell with boundary . a relat1ve . . 1S homeomorph1sm of (2k E , S2k-l ) It is sufficient to show t hat for each point the open cell to x Let Zk ~ For Since x lies in q Hq(Cr) "" [ : S2k+ l _ S2k-l = IZk l /zk we have E2k _ S2k- l . Further, if I~! I 1 , and if ~!~ is real and non-negative in ~ ! x = (~!zo, ... ,~!~,o, ... ,O) , ~ ! /~ = ~ ! zk/ I zk I then ~ = ~! equivalent to x . to 1. So lTow let Ok C~ _ cpl~-l 0 , 0 is real and non- negative and hence equal and x °, = CP For each is the unique point in and for each k> ° a k k>O S2k+l _ S2k-l let is a 2k- cell, and each 85 . 84 . even q odd . 2k < 2n otherwise . s2k+ l _ S2k-l M = (~zo""'~~_l' Izkl,o, ... ,O) , which lies in q ltTe may now apply 5 .1 to obtain Sl, and this we show as follows: = (zo" ", zk'O, ... ,O) . ° in = { cp (q-l )/2 contains exactly one point equivalent under the action of x f- E2k _ S2k-l s IE2k (CP k , CPk-l) onto k IKq I K on Cpn composition of two morphisms is the usual composition of functions. :r The category CHAPI'ER IV of all topological spaces (objects) and continuous maps (morphisms) between them. COMPACTLY GENERATED SPACES AND PRODUCT COHPLEXES The composition of morphisms is the usual composition of maps. In this chapter we introduce the concepts of compactly generated spaces and of the product of complexes. Sections 1-6, 8 are in Professor Steenrod's course in the fall of 1963. DEFINITION. 1.1. together with a set ~ . M(A,B) For each triple from the cartesian product If f f E H(A,B) g A and f o (goh) 2. For each object H(A,B) in in = H(A,B) X H(B,C) to the set H(A,C) (X,xo ) ~ (Y,y0 ) . classes of maps 2. of 2.1. DEFINITION. Let f from C to i) an object FA ~ and Functors JJ be categories. A flIDctor is a function that assigns to each object inJ) and to each morphism F in A ~ f: A ~ B a morphism Ff , so as to satisfY one of the following two sets of conditions: A in ~ , there exists an element such that folA = l!3"f = f for each H(A,B) • If is called the set of morphisms from f: A ~ B to indicate that f A to B. is a morphism in gf M(A,B). for 1. F(lA) IFA' 2. ~A' F F(lA) satisfies (2) then The and F(fog) FfoFg Ff: FA ~ FB and F(fog) FgoFf F F is a covariant fUnctor. F is a contravariant functor. The functor morphisms Hom(A, G) ~: A Hom. Let A and G be abelian groups, denote the abelian group consisting of all homo- ~ G , with addition objects are the sets, the morphisms are the functions, and the 87. 86. If or 2.2. Examples of functors and let ~ of sets and functions between them. Ff: FA ~ FE satisfies (1) then gof. Examples of Categories The category are the topological spaces with base point, and the morphisms are homotopy M(A,C) . (fog)oh . M(A,A) (x,x o ) of objects there exists a function When no conf'usion is likely to result, we shall write 1.2. B in go f , aod is called the composition of 1. f We write for every two objects Two conditions are imposed: lA The set The category~ , in which the objects g E H(B,C) , then the image in is denoted by X g and and of groups and homomorphisms, with the usual composition of homomorphisms. ~ is a non-empty class of objects, A,B,C .1J The category Categories A category of abelian groups (objects) and homomor phisms. The composition of homomorphisms is the usual one. based upon notes prepared by Hartin Arkowitz for lectures he gave 1. (Q The category ~1+~2 defined by (ll l +1l2 )a If a: A' ~ A and correspondence Il ~ then guarantee = Illa + 1l2a • H The cohomology functor '1: G ~ 'Ylla is a homomorphism G' rf(X) If '1': G' ~ is the identity map of Gil f*: rf(y) ~ rf(X). a': A" ~A', be a contravariant functor iTom Hom(A,G) • '1: G...-;:. G' ::J to )t define For each homotopy class (f} of maps from Hom(a'a,'Y'Y') = Hom(a,'Y)Hom(a' ,'1') define G the correspondence is a contravariant functor iTom fore CQ CQ . For to TIl A, the G ~ Hom(A,G) 1. group is a covariant functor iTom The homology functor. o (Y,yo) , f# depends Qnly on the class (f g )# ~ f#g# is the identity and that There G is a group, let [G,G] denote the commutator Show that the assignment to each group 2. G of the abelian induces a functor iTom}j to () • t-1ake up a functor us ing @. a to Q . For each space be the nth singular homology group of homomorphism If G/ [G, G) ~ (Hom(lA''Y): Hom(A,G) ~ Hom(A,G'» For each map to x is a covariant functor iTom ){ to.Jj • subgroup. G. o in o Exercises. fixed corresp.ondence group It is known that i~ f , that (X,x) Hom(A,G) (a: A' ~ A) ~ (Hom(a,lG): Hom(A,G) ~ Hom(A',G» ('1: G ~ G') f (X,x ) to rf f#: TIl(X,xo ) ~ TIl(Y,yo) to be the homomorphism induced by of ~ A TIlf For each pair to be the fundamental group of X at TIl(X,x ) o be The properties to a. The fundamental group functor. and are all homomorphisms, then Therefore, for a fixed Hn( f) be established later about co~omology groups then guarantee ~A, a: A' a. X with respect to f: X ~ Y , let For each map the induced homomorphism It is easy to see that 2. G. to X in ~ let For each space be the nth singular cohomology group of some fixed group Hom(lA,lG) Hn. :3 are homomorphisms, then the Hom(a,'Y): Hom(A,G) ~ Hom(A',G') 1. to be a covariant functor iTom n X f: X ~ Y let f*: Hn (X) ~ Hn (Y). X in 'J" 3. let H (X) n 3.1. DEFINITION. with respect to some fixed H (f) n Products in a category be the induced The properties of homology groups (established later in these notes, and independently of this example) category the Aa ~. Let An object {Aa} P be a collection of objects from a of ~ if t .h ere exists a collection (Pa: P ~ (called projections) with the following property: 89. 88. is said to be the product of Aa} of morphisms Gi ven any object X in 'c and any collection of morphisms f: X ~ P exists a unique morphism each r:t 3.2. DE.FINITION. (fa: X ~ Aa J such that Pa f 4.1. A category ~ (Aa) is a category with products if t' of objects of exists in If the product of any finite family of objects exists in equivalence if there exists and f' f = lA • If equivalent. In f': B --;;:. A f: A ~ B '1, ~ in 'e., t:. is closed in ITAa X. Exercises. B 'e 1. is called an such that is an equivalence We call ff' = IB generated. 2. A and for example, "equivalent" means "homeo Show that the product (if it exists) of a collec of objects in a category is unique up to equivalence. for Exercise. defined in 1. 2 . P H of Cle arly, "closed" may be replaced by "open" in 4.1. Show that if K is a complex then is compactly K (Hint: use 1.4.4.) Show that a function from one compactly generated space into another is continuous if and only if its restriction to each 4.2. PROPOSITION. P Proof. closed and Give examples of products, using categories Show that 'J Let He X X be a topological space. is compact, then F Let Be cause H of X x. x be a limit point of H Fe X is H. To complete the proof, we show that if t hen there exists a compact subset If n H is closed in H by definition of the relative topology of is a category with products, with the cartesian product with the product topology. Each locally compact topological space is com pactly generated. The uniqueness of products up to equivalence allows us to write H for each compact subset X if and only if A n H compact set is continuous. Exercise. (Aa) A is closed in following property: a set then morphic." tion Conpactly generated spaces A space X is compactly generated if it has the DEFINITION . is called a category with finite products. In a category (; a morphism f: A B 4. fa' for • the product of any family t; , there of F Fe X X with H is not closed, n F not closed. that does not lie in F. is locally compact there exists a compact neighborhood The set F n H is not closed in H because it does not contain its limit point Remarks. x For Hausdorff spaces, 4.1 can be stated in a slightly sillIpler form because If closed in 90. 91. H If can be replaced by n closed" (meaning" closed in X") . With cOIIITlactly generated space defined as it is in 4.1, Proposition 4.2 holds for any X in ~ To preserve this gener ality we shall assume in sections 5 and 6 which follow that X is any sp ace in ~. The results of these sections are of course applicable to Hausdorff spaces. In later The topology of k(X) compact subsets of is called the weak topology with respect to X k(X) ~ X The identity map X is closed in k(X) tinuous because e a ch set that is closed in If X is a Hausdorff space, then so is 5. 1. X and LEl-lio1A.. k(X) is con k(X) have the same compact sets. sections of this chapter, as well as in the other chapters of these Proof. notes, we shall revert to our assumption that spaces are HausdQrff Let PROPOSITION. If X is any topological space satisfying the first axiom of countability, (for example, if X then H is compact in X because the topology of k(X) spaces. 4.3. If is a metric space) X is compactly generated. Proof. Let A be a subset of X k(X) then is finer than that of H be a set that is compact in a covering of H is compact in H by sets open in k(X). X, and let k(X) , e a ch many of the Da n H cover H, so that {Da} be By definition of the Da n H is open in H. topology of X • H Thus finitely is compact in k(X) • such that for any com The following two corollaries are immediate. pact subset H of limit point of X, A. A Since n H is closed in H sequence {x } n Therefore sequence in The set x {x } n is closed in x A of points of A - {x} is a compact subset of But Y {x } , whose closure in n A and be a which Y consisting of the points of the together with Any x X satisfies the first axiom of counta bility, there exists a sequence converges to Let A X . 5· 2. x. Thus x is is closed. 5· 3. COROLLARY. k(X ) are homeomorphic. to f: For each space is the underlying set A The functor k X in X and Y then f is also a function from X ~Y , let k(X) denote the space that is closed (open) if and only if of H Y be spaces. is continuous, then Since f A n H is r estriction of f X f k(X) to to each compact subset of and by Exercise 2 of the preceding section for each comp act subspace 93· k(Y). X If is continuous, X, the restriction of is continuous . continuous. X and is a function from f: k(X) ~ key) X. Q2. If is continuous on to each compact subset of X with the topology defined by closed (open) in H ~ is compactly k(X) X is compactly generated if and only if Let as follows: 5. j, X in generated. already contains the Y includes For e a ch COROLIilRY. f Thus by 5.1 the k(X) is continuous, f: k(X) ~ ke y ) is '0 k !tIe shall denote by the category whose objects are compactly gener ated spaces and whose morphisms are continuous maps. 5.4. DEFINITION. The funct or functor that assigns to each 1': X ---...;. Y the map ~'j k: ' ) is the k X the space k(X) If and X Y are compactly generated spaces then their cartesian product '3" i s not necessarily compactly X X Y in generated, as an example of C. H. Dowker [1] shows (see Section 8 and to each map f: k(X) ---...;. k(Y) • of t ·h is chapter). in j k In contrast, their product X X k Y = k(X is (by definition) always compactly generated. X Y) I t will be important to distinguish between the two kinds of product when 6. 6.1. PROPOSITION. we consider products of complexes. Products in ) k The category Jk is a category with products. 7. Proof. If [X.}. l lE I lection of objects of ~k' (I let . III(k) Xi ' the product of the 'r lE Xi in ~k' is defined to be the space k(.II Xi) ,where .II Xi lEI lEI is the product of the X. in We show that . III(k) Xi is a l lE . I f f.; :z. ---...;. x. product in k are morphisms in k ' then l l the fi Z to X.l in ~. Since for which are the projections Pif = fi unique morphism i in The functor l l kf: Z ---...;. k(II x . ) l such that kpiokf kp. kZ~k(IIX l. ) ~kX. l 1 f Z ~ k( II Xi) IKI to be the space L IIX. then and with a = kfi Xi > X.l in .J'k ~ILI K X L together with the sub- n (K X L) n = U (Ki ~ L _ n i i=o ), IKI s ian product of two complexes X IL!; K In Section 8 L which insure that the carte be a complex. and 0,1,2, ... n K X L is a complex. In this section we show that We also given an example L whose cartesian product is not com pactly generated, and thus not a complex. 7.1. The space LEMMA. s atisfy conditions Proof. Pi l is the product of the k We define the product spaces I , where the [kp.: k(IIX.) ---...;. k(X.)} l Thus, and K we discuss conditions on K and for each II Xi ......;;. Xi. furnishes us with morphisms be complexes. L j' is a category with products, there exists a unique morphism Pi of J are also morphisms !'rom f: Z ~ IIXi and K then j. J The product of two complexes an arbitrary index set) is a col 1) ~ILI IKI and the skeletons (K x L)n through 5) of Definition 1.1.1. The spaces (K X L) sequence of closed subsets of IKI n clearly form an ascending ~ I LI whose union is IKI ~ILI. we have (K n X L) n - (K XL) n- 1=. U [(K i l=O 94. 9'5. - K.l-1) X k (Ln-l. - Ln-l. 1)] • Thus the Components of .(K X L) form a i n-i XT ,where (n-i)-cell of L. a i - (K X L) n n- 1 are products of the is an i-cell of K 0i To show that each cell n-i T and X Tn-i is an is open in (K X L) n ,we observe that (K X L) - a n i C j# XL.)) U ((K _ oi) X L . ) i 11: n-J 11: n-~ j :r COROLlARY. ~ (K X L) The right hand side is the union of finitely many closed sets and so is closed. f: ( E i ,S 1-1) ~ (a,a.) If and K X L are easily g: (n_i E . ,S n-i-l) ~ (_.) T,T are given, then H be a compact subset of· (K X L) H.~ = H n (K.~ X L.) k n-~ plexes. Then K.~ X L .k n-i a X T is a X T - a X T = aX ~ U ~ x :r, f xg space IQI 7.4. Exercise. Shov that the product of two relative homeomor K and L LEMMA. Q., ~ Suppose that are com . n-~ H = U H. IQI is ~ (K XL) n Q. ~ satisfying the first IQI together with satisfies conditions 1) through is compactly generated and that, in addition, each compact subset of IQI is contained in a finite Then Q is a quasi complex. lies in a union of finitely many closed cells of Proof. closed cell of Let H be a compact subset of be the projections of Then i = 0,1, •.. , union of closed cells. IKI '1t/ L I pectively. L are complexes, then each compact sub KXL. q Thus Suppose that the Hausdorff space the subspaces 5) of 1.1.1. ph1sms is a relative homeomorphism. and and Q consists of a Hausdorff and a sequence of subspaces This completes the proof of 7.1. Proof. Ki Ki '1t L _i . n Recall that a quasi complex six conditions of 1.1.1. set of 1.4.3, By H and so is a 7.2 implies that Hi is contained in a union of Thus is the required relative homeomorphism (see the exercise below). If is closed in ~ Since n Set contained in a union of finitely many closed cells of Since the boundary LEMMA. H is closed. H. finitely many closed cells of n-i i n-i-l i-l n-i) (_ _ _ . ._) i fXg: ( E XE ,E XS Us XE ~ aXT,aXT U a X T • 7·2. lies in a union n (K X L)n . is a Hausdorff space, n compact subset of Relative homeomorphisms for the cells of obtained. Let (K X L) . _ Tn-i)) n-~ k Each compact subset of of finitely many closed cells of Proof. U (K. X (L ai :r 7.3. n i X T - = ( U (K m union of their closures: pH Similarly, qH lies in a U i=l n j U finite union of closed cells of L . Thus H lies ill the j=l j U (j'i X finite union of closed cells of KXL i, j pH IKI '1tILI is compact in onto IKI tained in a union of finitely many cells of By IrKI '1tILI IK/ 1.4.4, and pH Let P ILl res closed. show that Let A be a subset of Q in a closed set. That is, since IQI which meets each We have to show that A is is compactly generated we have to A meets each compact set in a closed set. is con K, and hence in the 97· 96. IQI Let H be a compact subset of cell of Q. IQI . Then C H n U . where each (?- i=o i is a n H A nHn n . U c?) H n n is closed for each i, n ;;l)) A n H is closed. 7.5. A closed subspace of a compactly generated space is 8. closed subset of that B ~ show that Then X be compactly generated, and let A be a C is closed in a subset of H n A is closed in X Let sp ace. We H be a compact subset of H, and so is a compact subset of H n B = (H n A) n B is closed in H n A Thus has the weak n K XL satisfies X. 8.1. THEOREM. plexes, then 8.2. H. Thus meets every compact subset of X in a relatively closed set . IKI X ILl 7) (Milnor [2]) IKI X ILl THEOREM. (J. H. C. If K and L is a compactly generated We now give two results which show that Since H n B is closed in of two complexes pactly generated for a large class of pairs A A is closed, it follows that IKI X ILl is a complex if and only if A such C CA C for every compact set B is closed in By hypothesis, B is Suppose that (K X L) The cartesian product IKI X ILl t h at the cartesian product X That is, It follows from Exercise 1 of Section 4 and Theorem 7.6 compactly generated. Let is a quasi complex. n Finally, by 7.3 and 7.4 is compactly generated. A Thus IQI, which completes the proof. Proof. n and the proof is complete. is closed in LEMMA. (K X L) topology with respect to closed cells. . U (A i=o i=o A n;;i that (K X L) Then A Since a K and IKI ILl X is com (K,L). L are countable com is compactly generated. ~~itehead [4]) If K and L are B complexes and L is locally finite, then IKI X ILl is compactly generated. Since X is compactly generated, B is closed in A and so B is closed in X. A is compactly generated. L are complexes, then Therefore For a definition of " locally finite" see 1. 3· If 7.6. THEOREM. If K and KXL X is a topological space, a collection sets of subset of By 7.1 we need only verify conditions 6) and 7). 8 .3. By 7.2 and 7.4, K XL is a quasi complex. That is, K XL 6). LEMMA. Since If K is a complex, then CB . K is countable if and K has a countable base for compact sets. Note that condition 7) merely states that each skeleton of a complex has the weak topology with respect to closed cells. X is contained in some member of satis only if fies condition of compact X is called a base for compact subsets if each compact complex . Proof. LB is a (K X L)n is closed in IKI ~ILI , we know by 7.5 Proof. Let for compact sets of of closed cells of K be countable. By 1.4.4, a countable base K is given by the collection of finite unions K. 98. 99. Conversely, suppose compact sets. &:>. By Every point of Thus for ' '0 set K is contained in some member of 1.4.4, each member of of cells of K . ~ K has a countable base S open in Assume, by induction, that vn The following theorem thus implies 8.1. (Weingr8lll [3]) If X and Y are Hausdorff compactly generated spaces each having a countable base for compact subsets, then X X Y is compactly generated. Proof. V n is a countable union of finite unions K y, such that Vo xwOCu n (Ao X BO) . Bn ' contain THEOREM. and containing is cQnt ained in a finite union of cells, and is therefore countable. 8.4. BO X x and The set Vn as in A n and is therefore compact in compact in Bn+l . There and \{n ' open in An y, respectively, and th at Wn C U n (An X Bn ) exist* , and Also, An+l U n (An+ 1 X Bn+ 1) therefore, sets Wn ' and open in An+l is closed . in Vn+l and Wn+l An+ 1 as well Similarly, is open in W is n An+l X Bn+l containing Vn and Bn+l ' such that and The proof is a restatement of Milnor's proof of Vn+l X Wn+l C U n (An+l X Bn+l ) 8.1: 1': X We know that the identity function is continuous. To show that l' Xk Let Y~ X XY V U V n and W U Wn Then is a homeomorphism, and hence that X X YEV X WCU X X Y is compactly generated, we need only show that if U is X open in Xk Y , then Suppose that neighborhood V of U is open in f(U) x Xy is a point of U Furthermore, XXY . We will find a x, and a neighborhood W of y, such that ~le may also assume that x E AO x ... CAn C ... X y. and X and {Ai} = U Ai and that Y = U Bi ' with BO C Bl C ... C Bn C ... and {B } i all compact. of U n (AO AO and BO X Bo) is open in Vo open in AO K is called locally countable if each point 8. 5. COROLLARY. t hen IKI X ILl If K and L are locally countable complexes, are bases, and that is compactly generated. .. AO X BO ' afid contains are compact Hausdorff spaces and hence regular. Thus there exists a set This K has a neighborhood contained in a countable subcomplex of K. y E BO . Now, Y, since they concludes the proof of 8.4. A complex We may assume that X and W is open in meet e ach set of a base for compact sets in an open set. VXW(U. AO ( Al ( V is open in and containing x, and a *See the theorem of Wallace on p. 142 of J. L. Kelley's General Topology. 100. 101. Proof. Let compact subset of (x,y) in y IKI X ILl be a point of A. IKI £ V A be a subset of and K' Then L. open in V Now Therefore, n (IK' I A In particular, A n (U X V) of IKI X ILl . (x,y) in U £ IL I IK' I X IL' I meets every compact subset of set. x c IK'I ,where and K. L' X IL' I) hood of each of its points, is open in W2 Z, belongs to Let Yl Hn z . be a point of X Yl CU. The set U inter V X H in an open set, by hypothesis. V and A open in By B open in H with X Yl C A X B W2 A But this implies ilIImediately that IK'I X IL'I • A is a neighborhood Xo ~ Z is open Thus A, being a neighbor It follows that Yl Wallace's theorem there exists Similarly, in a relatively open is open, so that H C Y be compact. sects the compact set U is open a countable sub is open in Let Then, since Let is compactly generated, and IK'I X IL' I open set. meeting each in a (relatively) open set. is a countable sub complex of C I L' I ,with complex of IKI X ILl lies in W 2 (xo'yo) BC yo Z, lies in and so is open. X H) z / and so H n By construction, Y. and C U n (V Z W X Z CU. 2 is open. Since U is a neighborhood of This completes the proof. IKI X ILl . We conclude this section by describing an example due to 8.6. (I-leingram [3]) THEORTh1. If Let X U is open. Suppose that is locally compact, is compact. (V xyo) The set nU neighborhood Xo V X yO W l in of Xo neighborhood v1 is open in to show that Y 'V Since whose closure X V with The complex l - cells, where The Ai such that W X YO C U l and W C W . Xo y in Y such that 2 l Let W X yC 2 U z W C V. l be the collection We assert that Z Y is compactly generated, it will suffice Z meets each compact subset of erable collection a common vertex, val o < Xi each Yj B. (A.li £ I) IMI X INI at O ' The complex (B.lj = 1,2, ... ) N is a denum of closed l-cells, all having J vO' ,with Xi A.l =0 is parametrized as a unit interat u o Likewise, we suppose 0 < y. < 1 , with - J vo We now identify (il~ i2""') of closed l to be parametrized as a unit interval J 0 S1 u I with the set of all sequences of positive integers. Y in a (relatively) 103. 102. N for which is an index set with the power of the continuum. We suppose that each is regular, so there exists a of I M is a collection have a common vertex, Therefore, there exists a 2 Since We must show is a point of U. M and is not compactly generated, and thus not a complex. is a compact subset of X X Y • so is open in The compact Hausdorff space of all points (xo'YO) lies in an open set V X Yo C. H. Dowker [lJ of two complexes X X Y which meets each U be a subset of compact subset of X X Y in a (relatively) open set. that Y X X Y is compactly generated. is compactly generated, then Proof. X is locally compact, and Thus, if (i,j) is a pair of indices, with an integer and with j of positive integers, we may define dinates (l/L, l/i j J in ) P n (A. X B. ) Then p.. lJ X INI Let Thus P is not closed in IMI X INI ,and IHI X INI is not compactly generated. p = (Pij} . Exercise. If K 8cnd 1 are regular complexes, then is closed. H is a co~act subset of If to be the point with coor C li.ll A. X B. l J Pij J l i = (i ,i , ... ) a sequence l 2 then IMI X INI n H is P IKI X 111 is compactly generated if and only if one of the follow ing conditions holds: finite because (7. 2) • M X N H lies in a union of finitely many closed cells of In particular, in a finite, and hence closed, set. Therefore, P is closed in I{e show now that For each a and i borhood of i b. is not closed in P o in IHI Vo in Ii'll of P in IMI will follow that l/i~ J Tj > larger than l/I-j o Prr j and l/~ l i is locally finite. K and 1 are locally countable. J "t:J. We then choose 1-lith these chOices, lJ X V PrJ fails to be locally finite at a point Dowker's example j = l as a closed subset of (x, y). Suppose 1141 X INil and this we know to be false. X 11 ,1 X 111, compactly generated. would be compactly generated by 7·5, The contradiction establishes BIB1IOGRAPHY 1,2, ... [1) Dowker, C. H., and Topology of metric spaces, Am. J. 14ath., vol. 74 (1952). Construction of universa'i bundles I, Ann. Math., vol. 63 (1956). [3] We ingr am, S., Bundles, realizations and k-spaces, doctoral dissertation, Princeton University, 1962. [4] Whitehead, J. H. C., Combinatorial Homotopy I, Math. Soc., vol. 55 (1949). 104. 1KI IKI Embed necessity. ) [2] folilnor, J., a-:- ,INI X That to be an integer 1/T...,.J < J/1 < 11011 y . i, j To accomplish this 1 1 P, it (UXV). so that for each and that Then K fails to be locally countable at a point x The closed subset The pair n To show necessity, suppose neither condition obtains. J is a limit point (A. XB.) l J 2 lib. . J IMI X INI IMI X INI aT or < b-:- , so that P7.,.. lies in U J Both based on the point y. < b. is not a point of (iI' i ,· .. , i ) Tj > in Uo X Vo X YO is a point of is smaller than either we pick a sequence both U V l of indices for which i,j is not closed in P is chosen so that is, Since lEI X l Uo X Vo This will imply that U X V • U be the neigh- Let that is given by We shall now choose a pair lies in b) K,1 we may assume that j, x. < a. , and let that is given by is a neighborhood of U X V 8.6. IINI X IINI • I , and for each positive integer be positive real numbers. J u in be the neighborhood of Then One of {HINT: The sufficiency of these conditions is given by 8.5 and IMI ~INI . let a) meets each closed cell of !-l X N P 105· Bul. Am. ~ where the is=orphism 5 Chapter \)rm is defined by the correspondence THE HON:OLOGY OF PRODUCTS AND JOINS aX'''''a®'. RELATIVE HOJ.'lOLOGY The homology of 1. Let K and L be regular complexes. the product complex K X L. is the computation of regular complexes H*(K K .and If K x L In section IV. 7 we defined . The main result of this section (see 1.5) x L) in terms of H*(K) and H*(L) for L that are finite in each dimension. For lL' a X T K and L are oriented by incidence functions KX L we may orient of KX L is a cell in the following way. a' X,, with K and L to be arbitrary regular c = [a plexes. Since m-cells of K and KX L L are regular, KX L is regular. X ':a' i U (K . - K. 1) X (L. - L. 1)' i+j= 1 1J J- (ii i) of 11.1.8, let ated spaces. T, A face + dim T = m. f orms: a If is a cell of K, T is a cell of A is an arbitrary set, let group generated by the elements of any sets A and m-cell has the form and dim ~ X a' X,, of a X T be an aX T m-cellof of dimension a) a X " dim " It is easy to show that for b) a' X " dim a' i-l, c) a' X , dim a' i-2. B ,'< if a a'. We call the m-2 K X L with dim a = i. is of one of three =m-i-2 dim " =m-i-l m case a), we have F(A X B) "" F(A) ® F(B). L [aX ':aX p][ax p:a' X,,] T'<p<, From this it follows that L \)rm: C (K X L) "" m L C.(K)®C.(L) i+j= 1 J T. T numbers are defined to be zero. denote the free abelian F(A) A. L a and To verify that the product incidence function satisfies property in this chapter, are carried out in the category of compactly gener Each A face of a cell incidence function so defined the product incjdence function. The products on the right, as well as all other operations considered (See Chapter IV.) if,' (_l)dim a [,:T'lL All other in€ i dence where T'l X The are the components of (K X L)m - (K X L)m_l and Accordingly, we set ra: a' lK the moment, however, we allow a' < a lK ,'<p<, (_l)dim a [~:pl L [,:plL[P:,'lL = O. -106 -107 L . (_l)dim a [p:,'l L Proof: In case b) we have Vm an i somorphism ,'J [ax ':aX ,'][aX ,':0" X , = (_l)dLID + [aX ':0" a [,:,'lL[a:a'lK + d' (-1) LID '][0" X , X ':0" X "l e(K) @ eeL). of the mth chain groups of defines @ ' e(K X L) and Thus we need only show that these isomorphisms commute with the boundary operators. [a:a'lK[':"]L a aX, ~ a We know that the corre-spondence Let a X, be a generator of em(K xL). Then 0, since dim a dim a' + 1 . dKxL ( a X ,) E [a X K X L. 1.1. D = e(K x L) Given two chain complexes R, «(Dq},OI) over a ground ring the chain complex whose K Under the is omorphism ~ X L' and we E [a:a'JKa' e = «(e q },o) and the tensor product e ~ E e, 1 D is 00' @ d) = It is easy to see that 1.2. THEOREM. Oc @ 00 isomorphism of chain complexes: T) maps t o E (-1) d'LID a[,:T'JLa ,'<T dim @ T' a a@( E [T:,'JLT') ,'<, @ '). I'hus d + (_l)dim c c @ o'd. 0(*m(a = O. The correspondence X d' E (-1) LID ar,:T'lL(ax T'). T'<, @ T + (_l) dim a a @ O'T o( a j and whose boundary operator is defined by o(c X,,) 0"<0' 60_ D n @T + 0KxL (a (E [a:a'lKa') @ T + (-1) mth chain group is i+j= 'lrm_l' 0"< 0' «(em (K x L)},~ X L)' t o be the chain complex DEFINITION. 0"<0' We denote the boundary operator associated with the product incidence functi on by define ,,](0" E [a:a'JK( a' )( T) + Thus we have associated with each pair of oriented complexes L the oriented complex X T'<, Properties (i) and (ii) are easily verifi ed . and ':0" 0"<0' Case c) is similar to case a). X T» 1Vm- l (0KxL (a X ,» and the proof is complete. aX, ~ e(K X L) "" e(K) -108 a @, @ We now turn t o the problem of computing induces an eeL). H*(K) • and H*(L). in terms of Because of 1.2 we may consider the problem in an algebraic sett ing: given chain complexes in terms of and H*( e ) H*(K X L) H* (D). We wish t o define a homomorphism -109 e and D, compute H*(e @ D) H*(C) (8) H*(D) ~ H*(C Q9 D). a: Let zl and z2 be cycles in C and We now assume that D respectively. C and D are chain comple xes over that are free and finitely generated in each dimension. Then in Theorem II.6.6 and write C ® D we set C and Z We apply D each as a sum of elementary chain complexes of types i (free), ii (acyclic) and iii (torsion): a( {zl} Q9 {z2}) = {zl (8) z2}· ~l: First we verify that this definition is independent of the choice of cycles : C ~ D-ii ~2: and D ~ D-l j . Using the fact that the tensor product of direct sums of chain com a( (zl + OC l } {Zl (8) (z2 + (8) OlC 2 OIC 2 }) + OC l (8) - a( (zl} z2 + OC l (8) Q9 (z2}) plexes is the direct sum of the tensor product of chain complexes, O'C 2 }· we have But this latter cycle is the boundary of (-1) ~l dim zl zl Q9 c 2 + c l (8) z2 + c l @ OIC 2 , Q9 ~2: C @ D L: ~ . H. . @ l l,J N .• J By the remark follOWing rr.6.4, so that H*(C @ D) ~ a((zl + OC l } @ (z2 + OIC 2 }) = a((zl} In order to complete the verification that a j is well-defined, we H*(C) @ H*(D) ~ H*(l1\) @H*(rn ) j and similarly that ~ (LH*(H )) @ (LH*(N )) i j a is linear in the second component. Thus a: H (c) r @ (i, j) For each pair H (D) s H*(C) @ H*(D) "" a is a well-defined homomorphism to @ N ). Also, a( {zl} @ (Z2}) + a( {Z3} @ (Z2}) = a((zl +Z3} @ (z2}) a i @ (Z2})· need only note that We extend H*(H L: i,j ~ H (C r+s @ D). by linearity, and obtain a degree- a ij : L: i,j H*(H.) @ H*(N.). J l we have the homomorphism H*(M. ) @ H*(N.) ~ H*(K @ N. ), l J l J "hiGh extends by linearity to give the homomorphism preserving homomorphism ID ij a: H*(C) @ H*(D) ~ H*(C @ D). : L: .. l,J H*(N.) @H*(N.) ~ L: H*(l,L @N.). l J .. l J l,J -111 -110 1.3. THEORE],'!. The following diagram is co=utative: ~ H*(C 0 D) ) .. ~) ,f, 'fl* J l func tors. IIDil ',J "1 We remark in pas s ing that E R* (N.. 0 N.) (¢l 0 ¢2)* r1*(C)0H*(D) and the proof is complete. f: That is, given chain complexes ~ C' and g: :> D', D This theorem will allow us to replace Let zl and z2 f a be cycle s of by the homomorphism where each x. l lies in Z(M . ) l l then the diagram below is C and and D respectively. ¢2z2 = ~ Yj * ® g*. . . H*(C') ® H*(D') lJ 1" H*(C ® D) x. and maps ~ ... We have ¢1 Z 1 = Ei C, C', D, D' .. H*(C) ® H*(D) Proof of 1.3. is a natural transformation of commutative EH-l(.(M.)0H*(N.) l J f2* l,J 0'\' C a (f ® g)* :> 1" H*(C' 0 D') The proof i s easy and is left to the reader. J and each y. J lies in Z(N.). J We now investigate the homomorphism Then ~ij This homomorphism is completely determined by the individual (1) (¢l ® ~2)(Zl ® Z2) Ex.0y .. . . l J l,J H*(Mi ) 0 H*(N j ) ~ H*(Mi 0 Nj ), a ij : Thus and each (¢l ® ¢2 )*a((zl) ® (z2)) shall see that (¢10 ¢2)*[zl ® z2) (by def. of E' [x. ® y.) i,j l J (by (1) above) lJ i, j a) and N. J l (by def. of J (~ .. )( (E (x.)) ® (E [y.))) lJ i l j J (~ij )(¢l*[zl) ® ¢2*[z2)) (~ij)(¢l* ® ¢2*)([zl) ® (z2) )' -112 in turn depends only on the type of a lJ ~hain and N.. is an isomorphism except in the case that ij In this case we shall prove that not relatively prime. a .. ) Mi We J Mi are both of the torsion type with torsion numbers which are monomorphism. =(Ea .. ) E [x.) ® [y.) i,j a ij a ij is a To reduce nine cases to four, we say that an elementary complex is of type (ii)' if it is of type (ii) or (iii). Case (1) ® (i). That is, for some Let M and p, q N be free elementary chain complexes. we have -113 Ci (M) "'" Cj(N) "" Then J-1 181 N r r generated by a, i if' = Case (i) 181 (ii)'. P one generator 0 if i f b, if i = c r ~ in dimension for some H/N) "" O. and d in dimension q, We show that is an is=orphism. We have if' i f q. a 181 b, if' r = p+q k [, [0 r r f P-Kl. generated by a i =p if j if' M, N and M181 N are all zero, and so generated by f {a} if Thus i =P H*(M) 181 H*(N) p + q, e rated by {b} if j {d} =q has a single generator, and of order a 181 c q {a} 181 {d}, of dim- n. M 181 N is elementary and of type (ii)', gen in dimension P-Kl.+l and a 181 d in dimension P-Kl., =q vith 0 f f j The chain complex p generated by j generated by 0 ens ion i f p i H/M) "'" n 0 t N be a chain complex with q + 1, a: H*(M ) 181 H*(N) ----:;.. H*(M 181 1'1) generated by Z ~(M 181 N) "" f n Let q ' The boundary operators in Hi (M) "" p. Hi(M) "" 0 k o(a 181 c) = a 181 nd generator, {a 181 d}, vhich maps {a} 181 {d} = n(a 181 d). of dimension Thus P-Kl. H*(M I8IN) has a single and of order n. So a, q generated by {a 181 b} if' to {a 181 d}, k = p+q Case (ii)' 181 (i) is like case is an isomorphism. (i) 181 (ii)'. 0' k f p+j Case (ii)' 181 (ii)'. a {a I8Ib} , nd M be a free elementary chain c=plex with in dimension is also a free elementary chain c=plex, with c,(M ®N) a: de with generated by 0 z Thus a two generators, p Let H* (M) 181 H* (N) ----7 H*(M 181 l'!), which maps {a} 181 {b} in dimension p+l Let and M be a chain complex with two generators, b in dimension p, Oa with = mb, m f O. to Let N be a chain c=plex with two generators, and d is an isomorphism. in dimension q, with de = -114 -115 nd, n f O. c in dimension Then q+l ~zm' (b) , generated by if i = P In order that Next we compute Hp+q+l (M 181 N). H. (M) ~ 1 o Hj(N) ~ [, d(x(a 181 d ) + y(b 181 c)) = 0, f. i P it is necessary and sufficient that generated by (d), if·j='1 xm + (-l)Pyn = O. on j f. '1. Dividing bye, The tensor product Z 181 Z m n is cyclic and of order (m,n), the (b} 181 (d), n. Thus of dimension H*(!<t) 181 H*(N) p+q has a e. and of order (_l)P+l Y ~ m x greatest common divisor of m and single generator e mle Since and nle e e are relatively prime, there is an integer k such that The chain complex ension p+q+2, of dimension M® N has four generators, a 181 d p+q. and b 181 c of dimension a 181 c p+q+l, and of dim b 181 d x ~ and e y ~ = k e The boundary operator is defined by Thus the d(a 181 c) = da d(a 181 d) = m(b 181 d) deb 0 c) = 181 c + (_ll+l a 181 de = m(b (p+q+l)-cycles are generated by 181 c) + (_l)P+l n(a 181 d) (_l)P+l(~)(a u '" The (-l)P neb 181 d) deb 181 d) = 0. 181 d) + (~)(b 181 c). (p+q+l)-boundaries are of course generated by eu. d(a 181 c) Thus We first compute H (M ®N). p+q are generated by ( -1 )p+l k m(b 0 d) and The boundaries in dimension p+q As vary (-l)P neb 181 d). x and y Hp+q+l (M 181 N) ~ Ze' generated by (u) . The homomorphism over the integers, e (m,n). Since Thus the b 181 d xm + (-l)Pyn describes the subgroup generated by (p+q)-boundaries are generated by e(b 181 d). 0:: H*(M) 0 H*(N) ---?- H*(M 181 N) generates the cycles, we have (b) 181 (d) IIl&p S Hp+q (M 181 N) ~ Ze' generated by (b 181 d). (b 181 d) is an isomorphism in dimension 0: : -116 to ° ~ Ze in dimension p+q. is a monomorphism. p+q. Thus In dimension In dimension isomorphism because both the domain and range of -117 Ze 0:: ---?- p+q+l, p+q+2, 0: are 0: O. is an Ze H (K X L) "" ~ H (K) @ H (L) $ ~ T (K) @ T (L), m p+q~ P ~ p+q=w.. l p ~ We are now ready to prove 1.4. THEO~l. If C and D are chain complexes of abelian groups that are free and finitely generated in each dimension, then a monomorphism of H*(C) @H*(D ) onto a direct summand of The complementary sUIllliland, in dimension ~ T (C) @ T (D), ~+r~-l ~ r the homology group of ~th T (C) where m, a H*(C @D ). is isomorphic to D are elementary chain complexes. phism. 1. 6. Z This follows immediately from 1.1 and 1. 4. COROLLARY. for a prime 11' p K and L are as above I and we have shown that a is an isomor in each case at least one of the chain complexes has torsion-free In case (ii)' @ (ii)' we know that a is a mono morphism onto a direct sUIllliland whose complementary summand is Proof. Apply 1.5, 11.6.9, and 11.6.10. Exercises. in H*(N) is H Zn in dimension Zm in dimension ~. p. 2. K~eth relations for cohomology. to n*(c') and H*(D·). The only torsion E H (M) @ H (N). 1 (M @ N) ~ Ze ~ Z @ Z "" . m n r+s=p+q r s The proof of the theorem is complete. complexes with finitel~ If K and L Using the results used in the proofs of 1.3 and 1.4 obtain a formula relating Thus COROLLARY (the KUnneth relations). P X P . of the exercise at the end of chapter II, and ideas similar to those p~+ 1.5. 2 Compute the homology of U*(C · @ D') is 2 1. l(M @ N) ~ Ze' p~+ H*(M) is either or the group of rationals, then H The only torsion in G In cases (i) @ (i), The statement about the complementary summand is true because homology groups. p H*(K X L;G) ~ H*(K;G) @ H*(L;G). C and (ii)' @ (i) H (K ). denotes the torsion subgroup of C. By 1.3 it is sufficient to show that the theorem is t rue if and Proof. p Proof . (i) @ (ii)' p is denotes the torsion subgroup of ~ T (K) where are regular many cells in each dimension, then -118 -119 2. Let of and X Y be compactly generated spaces * and X Y Joins of Complexes. is the identifications: for all x,x' E X and (x,O,y) - (x,O,y') The projection map tion X a subspace ,of X 0 0 Y. Y i(x) is denoted by = p(x,O,y) p. embeds The func ex. and is written Y as embedded in X E X and y E Y then the line segment from x to y in 0 Y with t [(x,t ,y ) t f: Y that includes all line segments Y. The join X °< t I XX ~ XC ex embeds X as the A space is contractible if there exists a map FO X with the identity map and The constant. Fl 0 X of embedding X in a contractible space. 2 .1. The j oin of a closed < 1). lies on a uni~ue 0, 1 TIie mapping cylinder of a map with the pOints of F:, The natural inclusioJ;! X, cone on any space X is contractible, and provides the simplest way Y is the subset X X is called the cone on The join of a point and a space X as base of the cone. Each point of 0 0 Similarly, we can regard [x,y] X y,y' E Y, Y. If X 0 Y defined by 0 y Y (x,l, y ) ~ (x ' , l,y). and X X I X Y ----?> X X ~ X i: 0 X X I X Y "lillder the following space of ~uotient X The join ~ a closed is the subspace of Y [x,fx], [x ,y]. x E X, LEMMA. together (p+q+l)-cell. ~ -c e ll is a closed p-cell and a closed The join of a (p+q)-c e ll. q-cell is (p-l)-sphere and a closed The join of a (p-l)-sphere and a (q- l)-sphere is a (p+q-l)-sphere. Y is homeomorphic to the space obtained by identifying the two copies of Proof: X X Y in the disjoint union of the mapping cylinders of the projections XXY~X and X X Y ---7 Y: Let (A ' ••• ,~) o (Jp (Jq = (Bo ' .•. ,B~) and be simplexes. (Ao ' .•• ,~,Bo' ... ,Bq). (Jp+q+l be the simple x on the vertices We define a map ~: (Jp X I X (Jq, -----;.. (Jp+q+1 by setting Let [¢(f,t, g )]A1. = (l-t) f(A.) 1 *Recall t hat throughout this chapter we work in the categorJ of com pactly generated spaces. [~(f,t,g)]Bj for -120 f EO, ~ (f ,O,g) p g E (J~, = ¢(f,O,g') a c ont inuous map one and onto. ¢: Since and t eo 1- ¢(f,l, g ) and = tg(B j ), If f' 0 (Jq -----'? (Jp+q+l· (J 0 cr q and (Jp = ¢(f',l, g ). (Jp p E E ¢ Furthermore, is c ompact and -121 Thus g' (Jp+q+l (Jq , then induces ¢ is one - Hausdorff, ¢ is a homeomorphism. P E let (x = € If I IIxll ~ Sp-l X I X Eq 11': define a map This proves the first statement of the ~emma. I) RP. We denote the unit ball in ~ If+<l by setting We define the augmented chain complex Cq (K) = the K by setting ~ (0) and by defining C-1 (K) = Z, 1I'(x,t,y) = for x € 1I'(x,0,y) SP-l, y q E , € = W(x,O,y') 11': a continuous map culation shows that onto EP+<l. onto SP+q-l. t € I. ((l-t)x,ty) ((I_t)2 + t 2 )1/2 If and 1I'(x,1,y) Sp-l 0 q E x' SP-l, € = 1I'(x',I,y). ~ If+<l. Eq , € Thus ~ induces A straightforward cal -W is actually a homeomorphism of The restriction of 11' to Sp-l Sq-l 0 Sp-l 0 Eq defined in II.I.ll. for any H*(K) I-chain chain map is a homeomorphism for This completes the proof of the lemma. q op 0 Exercise . 0 q ~ 0 P+<l+1 carries aP 0 0 q U 0 aq 0 p IO~J onto 1. P+<l+ 0 Show that the join of two spaces is arcwise connected. e • K = C(K) C(K) de = (In c)e , K c. cp* C(K) in dimensions ~ 0, where In c Iio (K) and if C(K) complex. We adjoin to the collection of cells of eK of dimension of K. -1. Since every We stipulate that e K K be a regular K an ideal cell be a face of every cell I-cell has precisely two vertices the redundant restrictions are all satisfied. Given an incidence function on we define additional incidence numbers involving ~ by K, [0:"1<:] if dim ~if 0> ° class of K. The obvious Iiq (K) ~ H (K) q isomorphically onto a direct :summand of v, where v is any vertex in K. H (K) ~ Z EB o Thus 0 0. H0 (K). For a categorical definition of reduced homology, see the exercise at the end of VI.4. K and e 1 1 j: i(x) of dimension 111 t:; =x 0 IKI 0 e = 1 an inclusion be regular complexes, with ideal cells of K and -1. 111. x K m 1 e 1_1 0 0 We have inclusions 1 i: IKI C n- j(y) = e and IKI 0 111. to be the space K = K_l • y IKI 111 0 0 y. and and Thus we have We define the j oin complex IKI 0 111 K 0 1 together with the subspaces m (K 0 1) = m. U (K. 1 -1 0 1 . ). m-l-1 We leave to the reader the job of verifying that cells of K t:; K For notational convenience we write (1) is a complex. dim ° are denoted by induces an isomorphism 1= fO = In de c, A generator for the complementary sunnnand is given by the homo let let c is the index of II.l.11 that The homology groups of maps is a chain We now introduce a gimmick that will simplify the computation of the homology of the join of two complexes. K Thus O. To show that We remarked following C(K) ~ C(K) cp: > 0. o The reader should note that the homeomorphism q-cell and are called the reduced homology groups of H (K). ~: and is generated by is a zero-chain, then then for any q-cells of "!"€K complex, we observe that y' of the oriented complex free abelian group on the = ~ [O:T]T q C(K) 0 We write 1 ~. e 1 K and 1, 0 1 for the ideal cell of are then given as follows. ibly ideal) cells of K Let 0 and thus de fined K 0 T respectively, of dimensions -122 -123 1. The be (poss m and n respectively. of dimension m+n+l, K open cells of a write a Then by 2.1, T < a 0 Int(~ T to denote the (open) cell 0 ar is a face of T or T' T - (a U T). 0 are not joins of open cells. following 2.1, the boundary of so a with interior L 0 is a closed cell of K T 0 < a' a and a a 0 < a' and K and on K By the remark a is the union a or on ~ 0 We will, however, 'j" ~ a' < on T Ua 0 a only when either T' Given incidence functions an incidence function T 0 Tt 0 T a for the chain 0 T, H*(K of if a a, a' for all cells a and e , K [e e P K 0 of K T:e D = ((D.},O'), K define a new chain complex d ator 0 0', and a' p T, T' = (-1) a 0 and (C complexes and K of L K L, we define (0 of if P a (1) of l+dim e then a is a generator of dao~~~a 0 T) = oa 0 CoD, and with boundary oper D) 0 C ®D E q j i i+j=q-l 0 0' Hc Oc ® d + (:'ll+dim c c ® Od. ® d) CoD in terms of the homology of C and If C = ((C.}, 0) is a chain complex, define the suspension of l written sC, with boundary operator cl, by (sC)i = eSc Oc 0 IEMMA. 2. 2. [T:T' ]~. a and = The function q H that C (K 0 q L) "" E i= -1 C(K c. (K) l 0 L) a l+i a 0 CT. cp: C E CoD ~ C _ • i l d¢ ® D) defined by is a chain isomorphism. is ~ 0 Proof; Let It is clearly sufficient to show that c E Ci ' cp is a chain map. d E Dj ® C q- l ' (L). -l (s(o ® O'))cp(c ® d) is given by (2). . Here we wrlte Cj(L), a 0 (s(o (81 o'))[( _l)dim d(c ® (_l)dim d(o ® o' )(c (81 a)] d) (_l)dim d ( Oc ® d + (_l)dim c c ® T -125 -124 (sC).l H C.(K) and T is a generator of l T + (-1) for on the sub- ~ The verification that L. Ci _l Note that if we set L. K [T:T']~ The boundary operator in the chain complex If = ((C.},o) l D. T' 0 indeed an incidence function is routine and is left to the reader. It follows from C 'j"'. T 0 extends the incidence functions ~ L). by ep( c ® d) = (_l)dim d(c ® d) Thus 0 J then T'] 0 Cl+J+ .. l(K otherwise K T', 0 of is reduced to the following alge- Given two chain complexes C, o ® C .( L) J L by setting (-1) l+dim a [T:T']~ [aoT:P]ao~ (2) L) 0 b raic problem: Describe the homology of [a: a'}. C.l (K) in the sUlll!llaJld a ® T Thus the computation Thus the T). 0 L 0 oa). cp(o 2 . 3. 0' )( c 0 Q9 = cp(2lc d) COROLLARY. Q9 Thus d + (_ll+dim c c Q9 Ocl) od = 0 and 2lc ( _l)dim d(2lc Q9 d) + ( _l)l+dim C(_l)dim od c Q9 6:i boundary of the (_l)dim d(2lc ® d + (_l)dim c c Q9 Ocl). acyclic . Let K and ( _l)q+ld. q E i+j=q-l H.(K) Q9 H.(L) + J 1 2: i+j=q-2 T.(K) ®T.(L) The join of a complex J 1 suspension of Proof : DEFDUTION. H*(K) = O. K, THEOREM. 0 L is The homology of K with a SK O-sphere is called the and is denoted by SK. In this section we prove K is a regular complex then If A regular complex K is called acyclic if Equivalently, any cycle in C(K) bounds in H*(SK) "'" sH*(K). K. If 2.5. K This follows from 1.4 and 2 . 2. 3 .1. 2 . 4. and so L, 0 is the Then 3. L) 0 (-1 )q+lc (q+l ) -chain z L be regular complexes with finitely many cells in each dimension . R (K It then follows that PROPOSITION . Let K be a regular complex, and Jet K is finite in each dimension this result follows from L be a Corollary 2 .3. point. Then K L, 0 the cone on K, is acyclic. To give a proof for general Proof: If arbitrary . K is finite, 2 . 5 is a corollary of 2 . 3 . Let be a cycle on z linear combination of cells of complex K' of must bound in K such that K' L, 0 K K 0 L. L, 0 Since z =c o = 0 0'; e z lies on K' and therefore in K = L + doL, o(c e 0 2lc 0 e 2lc 0 e L L L where € C K be is a finite L. 0 Applying 2 .3, + Od 0 C(K) ~C(SK) Cq (K), that raises dimension by an isomorphism of homology groups . d € z Zq(K € Cq - l(K). FQr each chain 0 We have L). where = (-1) dim c (A 0 deL + od L + (-l)qd -126 0 e L L + (-l)qd 0 . 0 ot c - B A and B are the vertices of the is joined. Thus if c = e K we have o~(eK) ~(c) = (_l)dim c(c _ A 0 and that induces c on K we define ~(c) Suppose 1, z L. 0 + doL) + (_l)l+qc ~: there exists a finite sub Alternate proof of 2 . 5 which does not use 2 .3: Tnen z Let K we define a chain map (_lfl+dim c(A = ~(2lc). -127 0 0 0 c) O-sphere with which If = O. 2lc - c +B 2lc - B 0 2lc) 0 dim c > 0 2lc) K then ¢ Thus of induces a homomorphism K with a vertex of L. In general Kv L of vert'ices, but it is easy to show that if ~* : i m(K) Hm+l(SK), m> --? ~* is a monomorphism, let To show that c K and d = A 0 + B ~ Each chain d 0 2 + e d d , o e od + 1 e ad + e -A 0 2 C ~+ with 3 element of t he ~sphere, and dd in regular then ~-chain on be a K odd - Aaed - Badd 3 1 ~ C (K), in d2 C~+l (K). in ~ ~, ~ e Let (-l)~(Aoc - Bac' ). ¢(c) X To show that is a ~-cycle Also Od l = 0, Od (-l)qA l so that SK. Then so that d Cd. d = Aoa 2-cell :ry of a A (-l)~( dl) - d -B B d 0 -B - B l 0 d 0 (d 0 = e(B ¢( (-l)~dl) ... d, - B l 1 d~ a + 2 + dd 3 + e ad O. H.(X ) "" l 2 .) a 2 d aeL, - e d ) - e a S~ If d '.ledge L", and L denotes the P S~ iv-ely by P p 0 is an integer greater p Then the homology groups of {:p p p l .) ¢.,. is onto. Thus ~* X p is fre e abelian of rank > are complexes, we shall use groups, prov ided otherwise. xp p ) "" t: p (defined induct- then i = k+l i '" 0 otherwise. G be a finitely generated abelian group. G "" F EB L: Z , where 1 Pi k+l S V' F is free abelian. Sk+l v . .. '" Sk+l v Sk. SkX -X , v Pl P2 v Let Then Y denote the space k v S X , where the Pn 1. number of spheres equals the rank of K v L, read "K to denote a complex obtained from identifying a vertex -,128 = 0 is Let homol o ~J i p o so that 1 Sk+~= S(S~ )), SX, H.(S~ 3 i k-th suspension of 3 d.,). complex with prescribed finitely generated K where o As an application we show that it is possible to construct a If 2 3 l d 0 - e 2 n Ho I X 1 = p2. For example, Therefore d 0 + Bod an isomorphism, as desired. that the given s1, ti:mes around p is a boundary. 1 ~ + d so that 0, is a cycle. l (-l)q~(dl) c > are given as follows: ¢* is onto, suppose that on This s.ays that c, a ~ be a regular complex obtained from wrapping the bound p than one. This implies that '~q H0 (Kv L) 0 IDZ "" H (K) EBH (L). 0 the ideal Accordingly 2 are both is regular and K '" L is a sum 1 (SK) L O. H (K '" L) "" H (K) EB H (L), ¢(c) = Od. with depends on the choice -129 F. It follows that fli (Y) ~ if i = k+l i f i = {: Cq (K)/C q (L ). 0 set of otherwi se . Given a sequence set W = Y G ,G , ... l 2 of finitely generated abelian groups , l V Y 2 v... v Y j v ... , where for each j, Y. J has q (K). C l (L). ~ " i(Y j ) i r :J if i = q H. (I·n "" G, l i > 0, if l abe lian group of rank l ogy r-l Hi "" G , i i > 0 and r > 1 ° " oo[c] K. [c] the co c. denote the boundary ° Let \ole define a homomor phism "o[c] by setting [Oc] is well defined because = ~[Oc] = [oOc] O. = for any 6 maps C (L) q to Thus the collection forms a chain complex, written C(K,L). = 0 otherwise. Then and in The map " ( (C (K,L)},o) j L Also, q if which contains C (K,L) ~ C l(K,L) q q C € C been constructed so that we denot e by K, be an oriented pair. (K,L) operator both in "0': is a chain on C (K) q in Cq (L) Let c If H (W) "" Z. 0 If G is a free 0 we can construct a complex with homo by f orming the disjoint union of 1'1 4.1. DEFINITION. pair (K, L), chai n complex the pair The written C(K,L). qth (relative) homology group of the ori ented is the H (K,L), q h omo lo~J group of the If we wi sh to stress the orientation we shall write (K,L), qth C'Y (K,L), of 'Y H'Y(K,L). q with 4. 2 . points. LEMMA. The inc lusion map The projection map Proof: j: C(L) ~ C(K) i: C(K) ~ C(K,L) is a chain map. is a chain map. The first a ssertion is precisely the statement that L is a subcomplex oriented by r estrict i on of the incidence function on 4. A pair (K,L) and a subcomplex To prove the second assertion, l et of regular complexes is a regular complex L of K. by an incidence function, tion of Relative Homol ogy . The pair is oriented if 'Y say, and L K "OjC = "o[c] = [Oc] = j(Oc). is oriented by the r estric We thus have the f ollowing commutative diagram: C (L) q i: C (L) ~ C q the pair q (K, L), (K,L), (K). ~ C (K,L), q -130 q-chains of to be the quotient group C (K) + q j . -1jr we have an inclusion homomorphism We define the group of relative written Then C (K). q € K is oriented 'Y' For each pair C 1° ,,-- - ~ ~ C (K,L) q l~ Cq- l(L) ~i Cq- l(K) ~ Cq l(K,L) J -131 K. By 4.2, i and j induce homomorphisms j*: H (K) ~ H (K,L). d*: Hq (K,L) ~ Hq- l(L). q some vle q C E C (K). in fact a cycle, on chain on L, The map d* L. we vary Let z Then z E Zq (K,L). We set ex: chain and so o*(z} = (ex:}. d* c L. Thus ker d* Suppose that is well-defined. ~: ~: and THEOREM. (K,L) . , 7 7, y' C7 (K) ~ C (K) are orientations of the pair L to chains on C7 (K,L) ~ C7 '(K,L). i* ~ H (L) ~ (1) ... q Hq (K) j* d* ~ H (K,L) ~ H q- l(L) ~ q Then ¢ ~[c] then = a[¢c] A Thus is a chain isomorphism, and ¢ Hq7 (K,L) ~ Hq7' (K,L). i nduces an isomorphism ¢*: i* Let L and so induces c E C7(K), q If A d* (K,L). be the chain isomorphism of 11. 5.4. [d¢c] = [¢ex:] = ¢[ex:] = ¢d[c}. The sequence of groups and homomorphisms He have The proof of 4.3 is complete. A 4.3. (z} = j*(c-d). (1) is called the relative homology seguence of carries chains on (K,L). d(c-d) = 0 ill j*. the oriented pair by a is called the boundary or connecting homomorphism for the oriented pair on The sequence is a chain, If we vary by a boundary, and so for [c] ex: d shown that wish to define a homomorphism j ex: = djc = ~ = 0, He have q Hq (L) ~ Hq (K) i*: groups are independent of orientation. Relative homology Furthermore, the triple A ( ¢ , ¢ IL, ~ ) is exact. induces an is omorphism of the exact homology sequences a ssociated with the orientations Proof: (i) Exactness at c E Cq+l(K). Then ker i*:?ill d*. H (L). Let q z E i*d*(Z} = i*(ex:} Suppose Z l(K,L), q+ z = [cl, (iex:) = (dic} = i*(z} = 0 for z E Zq(L). o. c E C l(K). q+ Then It is then obvious that Exactness at (ii) So ker j* :? ill i*. Let ~[c] = [ex:] = liz] = 0, Also, d*([C]} = (z}. Let Hq (K). Thus i* such that z E Zq (K) j*(z} q , q (¢,LI·l · j*i*(z} = (j i z} = Then = O. ¢* ~ ¢* 11 ~ A 1 o. (¢,LI·l" ~ Hr ' (L) ~ H'" (K ) ~ H7 ' (K,L) ~ Hr'l (L) ~ q 1* q J* q * q- A jz = d[C], z d* q [c] E Z l(K,L). q+ A so j* ~ Hr(L) ~ Hr(K) ~ Hr(K.L) ~ Hr l(L) ~ z = ex: so Then That is to say, the di agr am below is commutative: ker i* = ill d*. z E Z (L). q 7'. Thus q for some rand CEC q+l(K). He have is homologous to a cycle on ker j* j(z-ex:) =jz - jex: =jz - d[C] =0, L. Thus Z E im i* and The proof that this diagram is commutative is routine and is left to the reader. ill i*. Remark: (iii) Exactness at H (K,L). q d*j*(Z} = d*(jZ} = (m} = O. be such that d* (z) = o. If Thus Let z E Z (K). q Then dill Let z then ex: ker d* z = [c], j*. C E C (K), q € Zq (K,L) The pxact sequence o~ C (L) ~ C (K) ~ C (K,L) ~ 0 q q bOlJUds a -133 -132 q is of course split exact . h Cq (K,L) ~ Cq (K ) k: and Thus we have maps restricts chains on K be de fined as follows. where d of K not in k, we could If is a chain on L. Then L such that L. is a chain on and k([c]) define a map = 1, hi to the cells of c ~: c' cq (K) h: jk ~ = 1. then k c of chain complexes and chain maps such that for each d+c ' , Using the splittings C (K,L) ~ C q q- l(L) h ~ by O~L~K~]'!~O (1) to is a chain involving only cells = c'. short exact sequence of chain complexes to be a sequence q The map We may take K, C (L) Thus ~r O~Lq ~Kq ~Mq ~ O (2) = hdk. is exact. We may proceed as above to define a connecting homomor d*. 1jrd -dt. phism d*: Hq (M) ~ Hq- l(L) carries cycles to cycles and boundaries to boundaries, and H (K,L} ~ H l(L). q q ~r*: induces a map 1jr* A tedious calculation shows that Note that the splitting maps It is easy to prove that h and are not chain maps. k j is onto, we have for some Let vertex of L. K and L The complex be complexes, K \/ L, v a vertex of obtained by K, identi~Jing K U L, v' a the vertices v and v' of the disjoint union is called the wedge of K and L. The wedge can be regarded as the subcomplex Z d = is a cycle. de + did' c of K X L. l ogy of a pr oduct, compute Using the KUnneth relations for the homoH*(K X L,K v L). sH*(K X L,K v L) "" R*(K using the res ults in section 2 concerning Show that R*(K 0 We set = i(d+dd l ). id' Since = Cd}. for some d since q j is a (2) , and since d*CZ} Thus Z (M), de = id i is a To shuw that d ' E L. q d* Then varies by a boundary. We receive a sequence j* d* (3) .•• ~H q (L) ~H q (K) ~Hq (M) ~Hq- l(L) ~ ... which is calle-d the homology sequence of the exact sequence (1) . One proves just as in 4.3 that the homology seuqence (3) is exact . L), 0 c E K . q Z E By the exactness of by i* K X v' U v X L If q. ida = did = dde = 0, is well-defined, we vary d(c+id') = o. dZ dEL l' Then q for each for some jc = djc = jde chain map, monomorphism, Exercise: the sequence and A (See diagram p. 13 ~) q L). If 0 ~ L' ~ K' ~ M' ~ 0 is another short exact sequence of chain complexes, then a homomorphism of short exact seIn defining relative homology groups we had occasion to refer to the exact sequence o A quences of chain complexes is a triple (~,~,~) of chain maps such that the following d iagram is commutative : ~ C (L) ~ C (K) ~ C (K,L) ~ 0 q associated with any pair q (K,L). q More generally, we may define a O~L ~K ~M ~ O 1~ "' l~ ., l~ O~L ' ~K' ~M' ~O -134 -135 4.4. PROPOSITION. A homomorphism of short exact of chain se~uences A = cCt(L), B = Ca(K), C = cf(K,L). complexes induces a homomorphism of the associated homology sequences. the relative homology group with coefficients in In other words, the following diagram is commutative. H (C;G). <\ i* ----?>- H (K ) ----?>- H (L) ~l·* Cli j* ----?>- H (tIl) "1·* i~ q-lq;* ~ H (L') ~ H (K') ~ H (W) ~ H q q i* Exercise: ~ q q- Cjl*i* (Cjli )* (~j)* = = (j~)* The third square is more complicated. C € C (K), by definition. Thus be = id = is exact. G A ----7 B ----7 C ----7 0 be Prove that the associated Hom(A,G) ~ Hom (B,G) ~ Hom(C,G) ~ 0 d Cl'cpc Z Z (1<1). € Z € q- l(L). Then jc Cl*(z} = (d) , Cli(~} = (cpd). and so i'cpd, z Then q (cpd) = Cjl*(d} = Cjl*Cl*(z}. Verify that the following constructions are valid: G be an abelian group, and let 0 ----?>- A ~ be an exact sequence of free chain complexes. Define coboundaries in these cochain complexes as in II and verify that (Relative homology with coefficients in an arbitrary abelian G.) Let s equence l(U) ----7 j*~* Let for some ~ = j 'cpc, He have Cli~*(z} = Cl~(~} Exercise: group q G.) (iCjl)* = i*Cjl*. ~*j* for some 0 ~ an exact sequence of free chain complexes. i~ o~ Proof: to be the group (Relative cohomology with coefficients in be an abelian group, and let Cl~ G, q ~ '\ ----?>- H 1 (L ) "1 "* ji H (K,L;G), Then we may define B ~ C 0 5*: ~ are chain maps. Finally, define a Hq(A;G) ----7 Hq+l(C;G). Obtain a se quence * Hq(C;G) ~ * Ifl(B;G) ~ * Hq(A;G) ~ * Hq+l(C;G) ~ * ~ Prove that this sequence is exact. If (K,L) C =£f(K,L). group of Then and connecting homomorphism Let ~ Cjl Cha~r is a pair of complexes, set The group Hq(C;G) A =c?(L), is called the (K,L) with coefficients in B =cf(K), qth relative cohomology G and is written ~(K,L;G). It f ollows from the exactness of the sequence above that we get an O ~A®G~B®G----7C®G----""'O is exact, and, as in the case ~ Z, e xact sequence: we have a relative homology ----7 Hq(K,L;G) ----?>- Hq(K;G) ----7 Hq(L;G) -----7 Hq+l(K,L;G) ----7 sequence Tnis sequence is called the exact cohomology sequence with coefficients ~ H (A;G) ----?>- H (B;G) ----7 H (C;G) ----?>- H q which is exact. q q q- l(A;G)----?> For an arbitrary oriented complex pair -136 (K,L) in G of the pair (K,L). set -137 Chapter VI. 1. Let THE DWARIANCE THEOREM a complex Remarks on the Proof of Topological Invariance. and K be regular complexes. K' Suppose that is a continuous mapping with the following property: of K, there is a cell fa ; T. (We say that T f (as long as f: K ----;;.. K I for each cell a of the same dimension such that K' maps cells onto cells . ) K'. dence function for of ~ Let Define an incidence function 0 K be an inci K by for [o:T10 = [fo:fTl~ KIF a and ify that cp: and d~ ~ as follows; = Ea.foi • Then ~ cp if Then it is easy to ver K. is an incidence function for cp(Dl..o.) ~ K. are arbitrary cells of cf(K) ~ C~(KI) then dO 0 T We define a chain map L.a i °i is a is a homomorphism. Moreover, if are the boundary operators associated with respectively, and if C (K), is a generator of a ~ 0 ~, and then First, in section 2, we extend it to mappings TEl{ is acyclic * f-image of any cell Such mappings we call proper mappings. Then, in sec 3 and 4, using the notion of subdivision, we show that an arbi trary mappi~g K ----;;.. KI f: by f of finite complexes can be factored He define the homology homomorphisms induced to be the composition of the homomorphisms induced by the fac tors of f. Returning to our first topiC, we note that if the identity mapping then H (K) ----;.. H (K) f*: ~ f: ~ K ----;.. KI gf, and in homology theory. E [fo:fTl~fT which have the prop tions so does 0 f erty that the minimal subcomplex containing the if cpd0: a = cp E [o:Tl T by identification K In this chapter we extend this definition of induced homomorphism. K, of ~-chain obtained from is regular). into proper mappings. where KIF to the complex and (gf)* f f: maps cells onto cells, and is the identity isomorphism for each g: is K~K KI ----;.. = g*f*. K" Also, ~. map cells onto cells, then These two properties are fundamental In section 4 we show that they hold for the induced homomorphisms of arbitrary continuous mappings of finite regular com TEl{ (4.9) is a corollary of this result. d~fo plexes. The invariance theorem d~ cpo. We emphasize that in this chapter we prove the invariance theorem only for finite regular complexes. By linearity, this relation holds over all of chain. map. cp*: Consequently, H (K) ~ H (K') ~ phisms ~ cp* cp C (K). ~ Thus cp is a 2. induces homomorphisms for every ~. are induced by the mapping Suppose we are given two topological spaces ..,Ie then say that the homomor f and write them as f~. Examples of mappings satisfying the condition given above are Chain Homotopy, Carriers, and Proper Mappirlgs. continuous mappings *See fo and fl from v.2.4. for a definition. a) the inclusion of a subcomplex in a complex and b) the projection of -139 -138 X to Y. X and Y, We say that and two f o is homot9pjc to f , l written I X X~ Y F: =f l , fo such that F(O,x) PI from into X Then two mappings I X X fo and by fl o fo We define mappings Po 1): q F(l,x) and = (O,x) X I X X F: We and X to from only if there exists a mapping and P = fIX. fox can reformulate this condition as follows. and 2.2. if there is a continuous mapping PIX Y such that Fpo that we are given two chain complexes fo and fl cr. C to from Let I closed unit interval consisting of a I. and Let I I 0 C 0 defined b y fl o fo Proof: I-cell I 19c q Suppose and two vertices I - I 0' =fl fo F and for c € o'~c =I d'f)q C. q to C. (8) = Feplc with the d' ,$q c 19.q-l Oc ~) q a chain map 0 Oc, + CPo and Cj)l from 0 and for each C' q, respect f o and f , l set F: c - 00 c - I 0 Oc) j}q- lOc - FCj)oc - = flc - f c. 0 is given satisfying the conditions of the Lemma, define 10 C ~ fOC' by C' = flc, F(I0 c) and F(I 0 c) = c a C. q-chain of Then F clearly maps J)-;, q q-chains of I 0 C C into q-chains of C' , and c) d'£)C 1 0 C by O'F(I 0 =0 DEFINITION. 0 c and Two chain maps CPl(c) =1 C fo,f : l homotopic if there exists a chain map F: 0 c. ~ 1 0 C fo and and we write FCPl fO = fl· =fl F C' = are chain ~ C' is called a chain homotopy of to indicate that fo and = f 1c - f c 0 -,e Oc F(I0 c) - F(O 0 c) - F(I 0 Oc) fl F( o( I (8) c)). such that Thus Fepo C 10 c - 00 c - I 0 Oc, We define chain maps Cj)o(c) 2.1. = fl - f Then = F(1 for a chain of c Then d' ,F(I 0 c) 0 F(O 0 c) for 19q- 1 0 + is a chain homotopy of and 0(1 0 c) cr. Fd(I (8) c) If d(1 0 c) C to be chain maps from are the boundary operators of F(I (8) c) The n in the chain com 0. fl such that C' 1 q+ be the cell complex for the 01 00 Oc, and If we have 0(00 c) and are chain homotop ic if and only if there are homomorphisms ~ C q fo and two chain maps C' , also represent the chain complex for boundary operator plex and C Let ively. Fpl = fl· We define in a similar way the notion of chain homotopy. and where (l,x). Yare homotopic if and ~ ~~ . fO and f l F is a chain map and provides the desired chain homotopy. , The collection are chain homotopic. deformation for f o L) and of homomorphisms f , l E q is called a chain and is said to exhibit a chain homotopy -140 -141 of f 2.3. f o and CD fl· Let f THEOREM. and fl chain homotopy of o and fl be chain maps from C to C'. I:f f l ® 1. and (f O )* H*(C) ~ H*(C '). (f l )*: = fo 0 1 and o f l , J) then o is a chain de formati on ® 1 {(-l)q+~omvC1q , l)} Furthermore, Hom(f ,1) cochain deformation for are chain homotopic, then (f O )* for f (f l )*: H*(K;G) * (f l ): H* (K';G) It follows that Hom(f , 1) . l and -----'? is a H*(K' ;G) and Proof: topy of Let f o 1) = (j)} q and (f o )* be a chain deformation exhibiting a chain homo Let fl· z be a q-cycle of C. = (flz - foz) + [}q- lClz) {o,nz} since q z sub c omplex is a cycle Analogous.ly, let fo,f : l C· ~ C· and (K,.L) D· be cochain maps. homomorphisms ,[) : q Cq ~ Dq - l A collection f) = r1}q) 1 - f 5fJ+ f) 5 a cochain deformation for the cochain maps (fo) * * = (f l ): Now let fo,f l : that group. Then fl o fo,fi: ~ C· D·, is then H*. (D ) ~ H* (C . ). K and K' fo and fl If ~ Suppose that cr < T then X(cr) X from a pair of complexe s is a carrier from K to K' which 1{hen L is a carrier from L to f: K~K' is a carrie r is a continuous functi on then a carrier f or X such that for each cell cr of K, fa C X( a) . Carriers for a map always exist -- set X( cr j = K' a. The minimal carrier for f or each assigning to each f is the carrier a in K the smallest subcomplex in K' contain f' a. A carrier the subcomplex X from X(cr) of K to K' K' is acyclic if for e ach is acyclic. A map f f: cr K ~ K' is acyclic. K in is We may r e lativi ze the s e notions in the obvious way, noting that if f 0 and is a chain deformation exhibiting a -142 A carrie r c alled prope r if the minimal carrier for and cochain maps C· (K'jG) ~ C·(KjG). are chain homotopic. G be an abelian induce chain maps C(KjG) ~ C(K'jG) ,1), Hom(fl,l): Let in such a way that if f. ing are chain maps. (K', L') cr of K a non-empty X is said to carry be oriented regular complexes, and suppose C(K) ~ C(K') fo ® 1, fl ® 1: Hom(f £) One proves as in 2.3 that if is called a cochain deformation. to a pair I:f satisfying 0 K' K' L' of f f of r egarde d as a function on the cells of be cochain complexes, and let D· X( cr) is a sub complex of X(T). O. K to a regular complex X which assigns to each cell i s a function {o',Qq z H* (K;G). Then A carrier from a regular complex (fl)*{Z} - (fo)*{z) ~ f: CK,L) ~ (K' ,L') is given, then the minimal carrier for flK is automatically a carri er f rom (K,L) -143 to (K',L') . The c oncept of a proper mapping is fundamental in cellular homology theory because a since proper mapping from one regular complex to another can be shown to o''P0o induce homomorphisms of homology groups. n-chain Finally, we call a chain map for each O-chain c on K and C(K) -----;.. C(K' ) rtl: In q;c K, proper if oa a. is a chain on rv00a c = O. on X(o) such that C (K) n . erators and is carried by o'c 'Pda. 'P and then xC a) We set rtla Let KI be oriented r e gular complexes, If to K then there exists a proper chain K' acyclic carri er map C(K) ---""" C(K' ) rtl: such that for each c ell a of K commutes with the boundary op- rtll X( a). (We say ------ X carries rtl.) Fu...-rthermore , i f rtla are any two proper chain maps carried by there e x ists a chain deformation X, then cP C(K) C(K'), into 0 rtlo and CPl K, 'PoA - rtllA f) A equal to a is a vertex of rtlo -:: rtll and A of We construct. K, of KI. We set X. by induction on dimension. We then set l-cell_ In rvOa = In Oa c on X( a) I-chain on a c of = O. a rtlOa is a X(a) Since and O'rtla C (K) o In q;c O-cell K, X(a) , O-chain on 0' c 0 and 0'. We set 'PO a rtla = c. cP so that We extend Then cP by I-chain on X( o). has been defined on C (K) q a be an n-cell of K. Then -144 cpO a is an f) exl1ibiting If A be an - ,8Oc X(A) having Co (K) . 'PoA - 'PIA Then if is a c since the last term is zero. has been defined for all dimensions less than n-cell of K. X and satisfies Then 0',9 = CPo - CPl - rtloo - 'PIa - j} oo Eo. is a chain on \.Je have o'rtloa - o'CPla - or/do a 0' (cp a - cP a - jj o cr) o 1 'Pooo - rtll Oa - CCPo - CPl is a -/Jo)oa = O. commutes with over C (K) l Then since by for all q < n-l so that it commutes with the boundary operators and is carried by Let a I-chain X( a) rtl a and 'Pa be has index zero, and thus bounds in 'Poc - 'PIC so that it is carried by Let linearity. Suppose that o,f) c Suppose that n In c. is acyclic, there exists a o'c = rtl0a. the boundary operators K we have O-chain of K, such that X(a) and extend over all of 'P(A) = B, Then for For each B of the non-empty subcomplex X(A) we select a verte x linearity. Given a rtl 'PI both carried by the by induction as follows. exhibiting this chain homotopy O-chain on Proof: and n. and as boundary and extend by linearity over which is also carried by for all is X{ A). £J rtl CPo ;;( . We construct a chain deformation a chain homotopy of a chain on We extend X two proper chain maps of is an acyclic carrier from c. In this manner we define X. because we may choose an To prove the second assertion of the Lemma, let LEMMA." 2.4. X(a) is a cycle on Thus by the acyclicity of by linearity over In c. rvOa ALso, (n-l )-chain on X( cr) is acyclic we can choose an whose boundary is tend by linearity over X. X(o) rtlocr = 'PIa - E ocr. C (K). (n+l)-chain We set Eo = c, c on and ex We continue in this manner for all n. n ~o defined is carried by X and exhibits the desired chain homo topy of 'Po and 'Pl' The proof of the Lemma is complete. -145 Now suppose that X is an acyclic carrier from (K,L) to ~ H (K I.G ) Hq (K·G) , q ' * cp: Hq(K';G) ~ H~(K; G) cP*: Hq(L; O) ~ Hq(L';G) -* cP : Hq(L 'j G) ~ Hq(L;G) "cP*: "* ~ : Hq(K',L';G) ~ Hq(K,L;G) cP*: By L2mrna 2.4, (K' ,L' ). x, ~: carries a proper chain map cP to C(L) as an acyclic carrier from C(K) ~ C(K '). ~: is a proper chain map [qc], C map. = [ Cq:c ] = [cpOc] = ~o ' CPl Furthermore, l et E ~o Thus if' Cq (L), c E ij [c] = ESc] and f or CPl' ,G c c be proper chain maps carried by € Cq+l(L'). C (K ), q then for any coefficient group j} i s carried by X. C (K, L) q ~ C'1.+ l(K',L ') ~homomorphism_of' defines (K,L ) The triple of homomorphisms ~* ' cP*, and (K' ,LI ). the r elat ive homology sequences of t he In other words, the diagram below is commutative: '0* i* j* '0* i* ••• ~ H (L;G) ~ H (K;G) ~ H (K,L;G) ~ H l(L;O) ~ •.. q '1. q q- l~ exhib iting a chain B G. ,.. X. It follows that if we set S: Hq (K , L·G) ~ Hq (K'' L'·G) , , pairs C (K,L) ~ C (K ' ,L ' ) . q '1. ~[Oc] = ~[c], ~ is a chain and we may suppose € Thus if we set Cq (K), Then by 2.4, there exists a chain deformation homot opy of L'. - which is ~: 1{e obtain a well-defined homomorphism ~[c] = ~[qc] to K', CfJ* ~[c] Since L to The restriction of C(L) ~ C(L') X as an acyc l ic carrier from carri ed by K 'o! l~ i~ iI~ j! 1 Cf'* '0' * i' * ••• ~ H (LI; G) ~ H (K';G) ~ H (K',L';G) ~ H (L'· G) ~ q-l ' '1. '1. q A similar result holds for cohomology. is well - defined. PI·oof : "" (/3 '0 ,,/'-.. + 'O ,,.e)( [c]) L$'Oc + 'o',8c] and that follows from v.4.4. [~oc - ~lcl " " 2 . 6. = cpo[c] - CPl [cJ. Thus CPo and CPl are chain homotopic . the triple of chain maps ( ~,~, ~) , Everything but the commutativity of the diagram has been proved, and In othe r words, X ind:uces defined uniquely up to a chain COROLLARY. ~ If (K,L) ~ (K',L ' ) f: are any two acyclic carriers for l ogy and cohomology homomorphisms for that f Xo f, and is proper, and if then the associated homoXl homotopy. 2. 5. COROLLARY . An acyclic carrier X from (K,L) to (K',L ') induces a unique set of homology and cohomology homomorphisms coincide. induces these homomorphisms and write them as f*: H (K,L;G) ~ H (K' ,L';G) q q (f!K )*: Hq (K;G) ~ Hq (K' (f!L)*: Hq (L·G) ~ Hq (L''·G) , and s.imilarly for cohomology. -146 -1 47 Xo jG) We say Proof: Let X(o) C then <p 'S. X be the minimal carrier for Xo(a) n ":t(a). is also carried by as carriers from 'S. and 2·7· Thus, if are <1'*' COROLLARY. *, X o K to K'. f. Then for each 0 of b) K, ~ is a proper chain map carried by X, 'S.; and here we are regarding X, Xo ' a The unique homomorphisms induced by x Automorphism of a complex: Exercise. for X E Let K, ~*' etc. If X is an ac~clic carrier from the dimension of X(a) K to T. such ~at 11' is also carried by X. a collection of homomorphisms =11'. I f So .l) q 0, is a q-cell of 0 ~q carried by K, then which is a (q+l)-chain on is zero and <p x( o) Show that q:>(c 0 d) 'fCc 0 d) =d Let ® c (-l)pq(d ® c) = defined b y a, is at most that of ~ in c E Cp(K), C(K) 0 C(L) ~ C(L ) ® C(K) t: is not a chain map. n l n l R + -?>- R + T: for be given by a diagonal matrix, X. By the Lemma, there is at least one proper chain map <p (y, x ) is proper, and the minimal carri er T Note that the mapping with SUPFose that Then L. dEC (L ). q K' Exercise. X. E T( X,y ) preserves dimension, so, by 2.7, there is a unique chain map duced by ~ then there is exactly one proper chain map carried by by Y K X L ---? L X K be defi ned by o for each cello£! K, Proof: T: <p carried plus ones. c) Then by the Lemma there is X which gives a chain homl is of dimension at most X( a), mus t be zero. Thus each q. tlJ q minus ones starting from the upper left, and then k f: Compute in T* H (Sn) . n Projection of a product onto its factors: K ],i, L -?>- K be the projection mapping. X for f X( a satisfies a unique chain map X T) = a. = 11'. 0(0"<)" Thus f Let The minimal carrier is proper and induces Note that by 2.7. ~, n-k+l G if dim T> 0 if T Let K and is a vertex. Examples of proper mappings: We assume throughout that a regular compl~ on a closed cell is acyclic. This will be proved in section 4 of this chapter. d) Then f: Simplicial mappings: K -?>- L of each simplex of (a) Inclusion of a subcomplex: Let (K,L) is a simplicial mapping if i: and so i i L -----> K denote the inclusion map. assigns to each cell is proper. a of L the sub complex The induced homomorphisms the homology and cohomology sequences of the pair L and is linear i* and i * A mapping of the vertices of K The minimal 0 of L can be extended to a simpliCial mapping if K, and only if it maps vertices spanning a simplex of K onto vertices are those of s panning a simplex of L. opposite a vertex then If a is a simplex, and T is the face (K,L). by V.2.5. map ~: A, a is the cone on T. Thus a is acyclic It follows that a simplicial mapping induces a unique chain C(K ) -?>- C(L ). -149 148 carries the vertices K into vertices bf a simplex of into the vertices of carrier for f be a pair of regular in terms of barycentric coordinates. complexes, and let L be simplicial complexes. 3. Subdivision of a Regular Complex Proof of Theorem 3.2: 3.1. DEFINITION. Let K be a regular complex. We define a homeomorphism step wise extension over the sub complexes subdivision of K, written Sd K, A K K form the vertices of a simplex of h: o order so that each is a proper face of the next. 0 Sd(K '1- Sd K is a simplicial complex. is a s implicial subcomplex of to ooSda. L is a subcomplex of Sd K. K, then Hote also that in general Sd L Sd(K ) '1 (Sd K) . '1 If TREOREI1. K IKI is homeomorphic ISd KI. Let '1-1 o to a homeomorphism o be a '1-cell of We choose a homeomorphism a -----> Sd '1-1 Sd onto 0 Sd so that K. E'1 to be 0 h a~ K. f: E'1 ~> S We extend f -1 h '1 1 which sends the vertex '1-1 • a. fg. extends We note t hat on h '1 E'1 is f-lh g into the origin. Sd IT of '1-1 By hypothesis, to a homeomorphism 0 h Then, by Le=a 3.3, is a homeomorphism and so the mapping IT is a homeomorphism. on is a regular complex then K h homeomorphic to the join of the origin -with h Note that if 0 onto 1) ISd K I b:y giving it the weak topology with respect to is not equal to Sd K, Suppose that we have extended Sdo It is obvious from the definition that closed simplices. is also a vertex of Sa(K) - - > K • Sd K if and only if the cells of the collection can be arranged in 3.2. K and whose simplexes are defined as follows : finite collection of cells of We topologize Sd(K ). In dimension zero, every '1 so we have the obvious homeomorphism is the simplicial comple x whose vertex of vertices are the cells of - - > [K[ by h: [Sd K[ Tne (first i t e rated) we have h : Sd '1-1 mapping We define 1 ff -1 h '1 1 = h 1 '1'1 We proceed in this manner for every '1-cell of g fg a -> h extends h and is a homeomorphism since a '1-1 '1 function on a regular comples is continuous if and only if it is continuous The resulting mapping h In the proof of this theorem >Ie ..!ill use the following le=a. on each closed cell of the complex. m'lMA. 3.3. If is a ce l -l of a regular complex, then 0 a complex is the join of the vertex Sd with the subcomplex 0 as 0, Sd a. a function h: [Sd K[-----> [K[. The collection of mappings The inverse of it is continuous on each skeleton of h A cell , of Sd is a collection of faces of 0 be arranged in an increasing order: Ok = 0 or , of the vertex k 0 then , is a cell of a 0 0 Sd o. with the cell is the vertex If ~ 0 1 < .•• < ok' = a, < ••• <ok_l' 00 o. < o wlion of subcomplexes Either L, 0; K. The function then the topology on ",ith respect to the closed subsets , then which can [Lo;[. Thus h L [L[ h is also continuous. is expressed as a is the weak topology is a homeomorphism and is the join the proof is complete. unless Thus the cells of Sd k 0 O. If Note that the homeomorphism h of i[ Sd K[ onto [KI given in are those the proof of 3.2 preserves the cellular structure, in the sense that of the join of the vertex 0 with the subcomplex -150 Sd o. defines is continuous because This follows from the fact that if a regular complex Proof: (h} '1 sq· h carries Sd cr onto of the homeomorphism cr h for each cell K. of cr The construction involves choosing, f or each cell omorphism with the Euc lidean ball of the sazne dimension. call a function homeomorphi sms if a) cell h ISdKI. ~ IKI h: h of K. b) If K a home He shall h- 1 and its inverse subdivision satisfies the following two properties: is a homeomorphism which carries cr cr, Sd ~ onto cr for each R2q+3 R2q +l which c ontains 2q l R + • of K, h carries the vertex of cr , of Sd K onto the barycenter Sd cr, terms of bar yc entric coordinates, into h maps , One easily embeds each ISd KI ~ IKI n COROLLARY. such that IK I cr IKI can be embedded in K , there exists DEFDUTION. The Oth iterated subdivision of a r egular complex K itself. The (n+l)si iterated subdivision of is for the Sd% nth iterated subdivision of nth iterated subdivision of K is the is homeomorphic to Sd K. If n ISd K I by 3.2. Sd K Thus K is a finite all of its iterated subdivisions. Let Choose a subdivisi on homeomorphism n Sd K ~ R g : o He write K be a finite regular complex. Sd K, metric on then can be embedded in Euclidean Sd K. (It suffices to embe d n+l and K.) ISd K I, The embeddings vertices, where -1 hlg o us ~ the metric on morphisms ~: Sdk+~ ~ Sd~. t e rms of the metric on We metrize and ~, hl n+l For each R2n+l. [Hint: ( Cl+l) -cell cr of -152 Suppose that K, K ~ k > 2, q choose a hyperplane go: p In the future we shall always regard a finite complex cr Sd K ~ K and of the embedding in -153 h : l in be an iso K and \{e note that the metriza n is embedded in is define a tion depends upon the choices of the subdivision homeomorphism can be embedded in as a in the obvious I.Sd~ I, Sd K by demanding that each its subdivisions as metrized in this marmer. Prove that a c olmtab le regular complex of dimension Sd K By the remarks preceding 3.4, we have uniquely defined homeo metry. K. IK I and an embedding SdK~K which is linear, in t e rws of barycentric coordinates, subcomplex of the standard simplex with way. on all of the cr is the number of vertices of Rn l K. K. Rn. space of dimensi on one less than the number of cells of R2q+l cr, 3.5. h : l Given a finite regular complex can be embedded in Exerc ise : . He nm. describe a way of metrizing a finite regular complex and satisfying a) and b ) above. simplicial complex, a subcomplex of the simplex vertices of P 2q 3 R + .] the number of cells of Proof: in in on each closed simplex of 3.4. cr Kq+l cr. Simplicial complex, there is one and only one homeomorphism 8. except linearly, in He leave a s an exercise t o the reader the verification that if K is P,'s, is itself a Simplicial complex, then for each simplex and f'or each simplex cr, contains cr 2q so that cr n R +l cr and then one must verify that the result is indeed an embedding of in first subdivision of the of P a limit point of the set consisting of all the other K cr in such a way that no Sd K ~~. 3.6. Given a metrized finite regular complex DEFDIITION. mesh of K K, is the maximum of the diameters of the cells of vertices the K. °1 and °1 and °2 are mapped int o the barycenters of the simplices °2 To compute the l ength of the edge r es pectively. compute the distance b etween the barycenters of It is obvious that the diameter of a triangle linearly embedded in Euclidean space is the length of its longest edge . f ollows ° that if space, and x is an and y From this it i are two points of ° then ne ither 0, x nor y 0· Thus and ° is the length of its longest edge. and so the diameter of 0, j E Bi vector s in x k E Bi ~ and j+l i=O lies in the interior of a straight line segment contained in must be vertices of ~ such that the distance Rn ). 3.7. ~ j j+l i=O Lim j+l K be a fin i te regular c amplex. k+l i =O k . Then j E B -J Mesh(SdrK) = O. j It is clearly sufficient t o show that if plicial complex of dimension L k-j)(~ E B. (k+l j+l i=O ~ is a finite sim linearly embedded in '1, n R , then Mesh(Sd L) < ~1 Mesh L. - '1+ ' Sd L homeomorphism h: inverse of e e ISd LI ~ ILl L be an isometry. b e the longest edge of k ~ q. are those of and °1 assume that the vertices of °2 as 1 k E Bi - - 1 k E B k+l.. l=J+1 i 1 k k-j . E B.). ~=j +l ~ 1 g-image of i s the barycenter of E Bi 01; the j+l i =O . k E Bi is the barycenter of the simple x of k-J i=j+l is defined by requiring that the subdivision are the simplices tice s of !..- g -image of spanned by c l osed simplex Let B.~ j The inverse The metric on int o the pOints °2 k+l i=j+l (j+l )(k+l) ~=v . -.f> i r-4OO Proof: into a k E B. i=O l 1 j _ _ ) E Bi ( 1 Let ~ The This vector i s : 1 k+l EBi l-simplex. THEOREM. A. (Here we add the complex linearly embedded in same Euclidean space is the length of its longest °2· we ·The di stance between these tw o points is the length of the vector joining them. Therefore the mesh of a finite simplicial and °1 respectively. k+l i=O and carries each vertex and the barycenters of B , n-s1mplex embedded in some Euclidean b etween them is the diameter of y point n L ---7 R g: linear embedding °1 e °1 01 Sd L. °2 are of Suppose that the vertices L, with Ao,~,···,Aj' t ogether with Under the subdivision homeomorphism -154 h: 01 < 02· We may and that the ver- Aj+l,Aj+2' ••. '~' [Sd L[~[L!., where the Aj+l,Aj+2'···'~· °2 and so the distance between them i s at most Thus the length of the edge times the mesh of These barycenters b oth belong t o the L. e i s at most Me sh L. (k-j)/(k+l) ~ k/(k+l) ~ '1/('1+1 ) Thus , by the comments after Definition 3.6, the proof of 3.7 is complete. -155 We are about to prove the main theorem of this section. a mapping each r f: K and ~ s, into a c ompact subset of the positive real numbers. Given of finite regular complexes, we have, for K' bounded a:<tIay from zero by some o< the following diagram: < 5 Let E. W be a set of W is contained in t he open K f Thus for some jg' division homeomorphisms. and g ~ K and g'f'g. is the mapping f' We shaJ.l sometimes write f We say that as a mapping of for f f induces SdsK into -s pace and let is proper as a map of The complex Proof : f l a> Then there exists a number covering - l( St A.)'*1 i For each x X where be a compact metric X. X of diameter less than a l E X and every i, let d(x,i) contained in x Ui · be the radius of Aj for the covering t than s > N, f: Given 5. c omplex of a Then d(x) is finite for each d: ~ R x since X is bounded. We sbow that a is continuous. dey ) I < is positive for e ach d( X). ::: and K' , f a a positive integer. r s > N, such that for each the map into SdrK '. of open sets SdrK '. Since varies over the vertices of "\,e t may by 3.8 choose a Lebesgue number N be such that the mesh of SdNK K ° is less we show that the minimal carrier for is acyclic . We note first that the smallest sub- X is the union of containing a given point set fa Thus E x, Letting whenever p be the metric on p(x, y) < since the -156 U. l E. cover X, d(x~ X. X Thus d maps 'r A of c;: StA. BdrK' '* 1: which have a non-trivial inter be a cell (open simplex ) of ~, 1) If so that fa aC f -1 We can thus write1: opposite contai ning StA A: fa is ~ SdsK. Then the diameter of for some vertex ~ meets a cell we Next we note that SdrK ' X. is less than vertex of !d(X) SdrK' section with Let i have N SdsK Let SdSK ~ SdrK' Define = l.u.b . d(x,i). X € be finite regular complexes, K into the closures of those cells of the largest open ball around d(x) < "I. U.. is contained in some Proof: 8 € is a Lebesgue number of the 5 is covered by the collection K J call ed a Lebesgue number of the 0, such that every set of (U ), Let be an arbitrarily indexed open covering of (U.) But SdrK '. is a compact metric space, (Lebesgue Covering Lemma ). LEMMA. x. x f' prove the following lemma from general topology. 3.8. about V Choose f' Before stating our theorem we f'. So K' continuous function mapping 3.4. ) The mapping f or that 0, such that i Then there exists an integer f < are the iterations of sub (See comments before is defined by the relation a of diameter o-ball wCvCU.. l i, 3.9. THEOREM. g' X Choose any is (U ) . covering f ' ) SdrK' In this diagram the mappings > O. d (X) K' ) gl Sdl K € So of SarK', as the join of A of then A r Sd K' . is a A with the face A· ~A' Thus the smallest subcomplex of U1: fan.--/4J U A ~ 0 ~A A 0 Ij ~ 1:A , Since the I f A is a vertex of a regular complex K, the ( open) star of A, written st A, is the union of all (open) cells of K having A as a vertex , join of a vertex and a complex is acyclic , by V.2.5, the smallest subcomplex containing fa minimal carrier for f is acycli c for each i s acyclic, and f a of SdsK. 4. The Indu.c ed Homomorphisms and the Invariance Theorem. Thus the In this section i s proper. describe the process of associating with each we continuous mapping of one finite regular complex into another a sequence of homomorphisms of the homology groups of the complexes, and similarly for cohomology. We have already shown that a proper Thus Theorem 3.9, which asso mapping induces such homomorphisms. ciates with an arbitrary mapping of a finite regular complex a proper mapping, will play an essential role in all that follows. 4.1. Each continuous mapping THEOREM. (K,L) ~ (K' ,L') f: pairs of oriented finite regular complexes induces f*: Hq (K , L·, G) for each a) each Hq (K'' L'·, G) and *: f homomo~hisms Hq(K' ,L'; G) ~ Hq(K,L; G) q, such that the following conditions hold: If f: Hq(K,L; G) (K,L) ~ (K,L) is the identity mapping, then, for Hq(K,L; G) ~ Hq(K,Lj G) q, f*: b) ~ of q f*: and H ( K, L; G) ----;. are the identity isomorphisms. If f: (K,L) ----;. (K',L') and g: (K',L') ~ (K",L") are arbitrary continuous _mappings, then, for each (gf)* g*f*: q, Hq(K,L; G) ~ Hq(KI,L"; G) and (gf)* Pr oof: Let A n * f g *= q q H ( K" ,L"; G) ----;. H ( K, Lj G) be the statement that the theorem holds for all finite complexes of dimension at most s t atement: -158 dimension of If n. Let Bn be the following a is a cell of an oriented regular complex and the a is at most n, then 159 a is an acyclic complex. Then EO' AO' and Bl An _l ~ Bn" Let 0 be a cell of a regular complex and let dim 0 m < n Then the dimension of 0 is < n-l. He have a m-l . f: o ~ S ,where Sm-l is the regular complex homeomorphism on the are all obvious. em- l) sphere given in Section 1.2. Then by from B n 4.2. LEMMA. ~s at most n are induced homomorphisms f *: H (0) ~ H (Sm- l) q q l (f) -)E- : Hq\ISm-l) ~ Hq (0) for each q. From b ) and a ) ~~ derive \ a) g and b) g* induced by -1 flC_(f Similarly, (f- l f* ~ )-)(_ (ft' -1) c) * Thus {z f* if 0 q g: g and g are proper maps. * , the homology and cohomology homomorphisms given by 2.5, are independent of the choice of g g* -1 g* and is By 3.3 and V.2.5, if or 0 m-l otherwise. then Sda cell o of proper. is acyclic. Tbe minimal carrier K into the subcomplex Next we show that SdK ,then C (a) ~ C lea) ---;;. ... ----;. C (a) m m0 a 1eqUalit y is mapped by m- l( 0) ---;;. ... ---;;. C0 (cr ) C ~_1 ( 0) ""Z cell of o. is generated by The cycle 0 Z l ea) = m- dO f 0 J so trmt dO actually generates Zm_l(a) Hq (a) zm l( 0) = 0 Bn that is zero for o 1 < q _< m-2 J ~(a) =0 so that by the above diagram. 160 q Thus If 0 is acyclic. g B ~ J and All of ~ B and by g. This proves b). Now let and 'P2 Let 0 of q 0 is K containing go o q n , we have from X_ - ~ for g is for g -1 and B are it follows that the homoloBY and of the choice of respectively. is We have proved a). cohomology homomorphisms induced by 'Pl -1 The vertex Thus the minimal carrier is proper. g 0 is a cell of is a cell of dimension at most q maps a K which can be arranged 0 < 0 < ... < 0q 1 0 i ndependent of the choice of X 2 SdK. of , so the smallest subcomplex of Since 0q g into an interior point of g -1 ~ for is also proper. g Since the minimal carriers is acyclic. rle first derive some preliminary results, 'wh ich follow q o acyclic and so dO has coefficient + 1 on each (m-l) He have therefore shown that Bn ~An He have This implies f irst that and secondly that 11 -m- lea) o. is Sda is a collection of cells of a mapped into jequality C (a) m is a cell of a regular complex, a in an increasing sequence: Here g are isomorphisms. is an isomorphism so that Consider the following diagram: z "" (K, L) is a subdivision (SdK, SaL) ~ 1 . 1 _)E- Proof: 1 . H (0) "" q )-)( and if K homeomorphism, then A I ' there n- and that If the dimension of the oriented regular complex g -1 are independent be proper chain maps carried by 0 be a cell of 161 K. Then cp]O ~ and is a chain L: aTT ~(a) = SdG on For each cell a closed cell contained in The carrier X acyclic by En 1. X Since X -1 )* =1 ~2~1 is a (gr, s) a is a chain on (g r,s a is to and also the identity chain map If > r * >* = (gr,r+l) * ( gr+l,r+2) * This of course implies that ~2~1 = 1 (g-l)*g* and a be a cell of ao <O·l < •.. <aq ~2(a) (gr,s)* 1 . SdK. a a If of cells of is a chain on K For each cell q x2 (a) then we have T of a Gq * * * (gr,r-l) (gr-l,r-2) ..• (gs+l,s) * Proof : q is then carried by the acyclic carrier which sends each cell is a chain on minima l carrier X for acyclic by 4.3. Thus IT Qr,s is proper . map carried by the minimal carrier < aq SdK ~lcp2 ~ 1 map, and so g *(g -1)* of 1 Thus into by 2 .4. g* and SdG But so is the identity chain q It follows that g* (g -1 then )*g* =1 and K If K of dimension at most a n, then Bn . Sdra For -) "'" H (Sdr+l-) H ( Sd r a a , by Lemma 4 .2. q r > q for g. a, and so is is a proper chain . l' r l,l+ Sds -ra . r ~ is acyclic for every 0 ,and Thus Sdra q > r arbitrary, Also, by Corollary 2.5 and the exercise at the end of Chapter II, is acyclic for For each pair of no=egative integers g r,s we may derive analogously that rand for all r, s If -- K Now suppose that (SdrK, SdrL) ~ (SdsK, SdsL) If is of dimension at most r < s , then n, then r gr,s g r,s is proper Each gi,i -l ' for s+l > s. )* We have gs+l,s gs+2,s +1 ... gr,r-l . < i < r , maps cells into (open) cells since 163 162 (gs-l,s s obtained by composinG subdivision homeomorphisms. rn,·u-1A • By Corollary 2 .5, (gS-l,S)* ... (gr,r+l)* 0 ( gr , s) * = (gr r+l) * NOTATION. < i < s -l , - (~s-l)* ..• (CJl)* 0 we have a homeomorphism 4 .5. cpi s-r- (cpS-l~s-2 ••. CJlr )* , 4 .4. If The and by Theorem 11.5.2, a is a cell of is a regular complex and is acyclic by l is a chain on (gr,s)* COROLIARY. Proof: ~r(a) X. Sd SdrK are isomorphisms and the lemma is proved. 4 .3. CJl _ CJl _ s I s 2 a to sends gr,s SdG q a be a cell of r < s , and let Suppose that ,we have ~1~2 cpl~?(a) Consequently, ( gr,r-l )* (gS+1,s)*(gs+2,s+1)* Thus = Sd-:r C SdGq O )* is the collection Xl (T) a < (gs-l,s s , then ( g r,s) Let (gr,r+l)* (gS-1,s)*(G S -2,S-1) * does not increase dimension, we have from Corollary 2.7 the fact that g* ( g saG, X (T) 2 sendinG each cell a K carries of ~2~1(a ) Thus K to from T it is a subdivision homeomorphism. and so is proper by SdrK Thus More explicitly, let B n There are uniquely determined cells with 0" 0" r The minimal carrier 1 for X. 1 sends each face of then qli(c) that qls+lqls+2 .•. qlr 0" g r,s relatiou ~ go,s i Sd K , s < i < r in sends gi,i-l is a chain on Xi' and (g is a chain on r,s )* to O"i_l. Thus if O"i_l c Also , is a chain on CPi O"i From this it follows immediately 0i_l 0" carries the proper chain map .'.nvolving O"i In this diagram Thus the minimal carrier S ql s+ (g )* r,s and ql 1 • r The desired morphisms and g o ,..s and , f' f gr,o f' > (SdrK', SdrL') COROLLARY. g' r, o Go,s are iterated subdivision homeo' go,s' fT , g r,o . The mapp1ngs ar e all proper, and vie make the following definition. 4 . 7. DEFnUTION. If f: (K,L) ----?> (K' ,L') regular complexes- of dimension at most cohomolo~ is a mappinG of finite n, then the homology and f , wTitten homomorphisms induced by f* and f * respectively, are the compositions follow immediately. f* 4.6. i g~, o 1 t SdSK, sasL) s+l < i < r . for to a subcomplex of 0". 1 is a proper chain map carried by for 0". 1 be a cell of 0" > (K',L' ) f (K,L) and (g 1,1. . 1)0"·1 C - 0".1 1 X. maps cells into cells gr, s Given nonnegative integers r, s , and = (G~,o )*(f ·)*( go ,s)* t, and (gr,t)* (gs,t)*(gr,s)* f and * ( go , s) * (f') * (g~,o) * . In order to justify this definition, we prove: (g Proof: r,t )* (gr,s) * (gs,t) * This corollary follows immediately frcrm Lemma 4.5 and the fact that [(gi+l,i)*]-l , proved in Lemma 4.2. (gi,i+l)* i·le proceed with the proof that (K',L') B n ==9A n Let (K,L) ----?> f: < n Let r be a positive integer. 3.9, there exists an integer N such that for as a mapping of (SdsK, SdsL) into the following diagram: 164 Then by Theorem s > N (SdrK', SdrL') . f of rand Proof: be an arbitrary mapping of pairs of finite regular complexes of dimension LEMMA . The induced homomorphisms 4 .8 . Let such that into and f* are independent s r be given and suppose f , as a mapping of both (SdrK', SdrL') , is proper. are induced by saud t , with (SdsK, SdsL) and In the diagram below, f : is proper 165 Thus we have f* s < t , are (SdtK, SdtL) fO and fl (K,L) go,s 1 Thus = (g 0, t)*' and similarly for cohomology. (fO) * = (gs,t) * (f l ) * . Let cr be a cell of for fO' fl Then ~la fOa , so XO' ~ be the minimal carriers for and let ~ ~, ~O' ~l If Sdt-s If T € on Xo ( cr) Sd s K , then Sdt-s Ci , and is a chain on a , then and so gs,t' fo ' and be proper chain maps carried by i s a cell of a fl -r: ~l cP ,0 i g~"r (Sdr' K', Sdr'L') (f O)* = (g~, ,r) * (f l )* ( fO ) * = CPl cpa ~ fo X() a a~ Xo( cr) Thus 1" Sd sK . ~(a) is a chain on Sd X ' ~ O be the minimal carriers CPO' CPl proper chain maps carried by XO' and rr_r Let Xo(a) . xO (cr) ~ . is a subcomplex containing is a subcomplex of Sd r' K' containing flcr Thus X, Xo ' and Sd t-sa i s a chain on fl ' € U Sdt-s cr CP1CPcr Xl ( cr) ~ Sd cpa So ~ (1") is a chain Thus CPCPl cr if cP r '-r Xo ( cr) ,and g , r ' ,r (~ ( cr» ~ Xo ( cr) . is a chain map carried by the minimal car:rier for is a chain on equalities follow . The desired equalities follow. :::: CPO . (f l ) * (g~, ,r) * (fl)*(gs,t)* and that x, gr' and (f O)* Let ~ By 4.6, we need only prove that need prove only that we (SdrK ', SdrL'») ~ (SdrK', SdrL') /r1 (Sd t K, Sd,t L ) By 4.6, (g s, t)*(g o,s )* f (SdsK, SdsL) ~ gs ,t \ r,o go,s f ~ (SdsK, Sd s L ) go,t 1 i g~,o 1 jg. > (K',L') I (K,L ) > (K' ,L') f Xo ( cr) Consequently CPo :::: ~l " ' ,r Dr' ' and the des ired The proof of the l emma is complete. We show now that the induced homomorphism satisfies properties Let rand r' be given, ~~th r < r' , and suppose s is a) and b ) of the theorem. chosen so that f is proper as a mapping of r r (Sd K', Sd L') and into (Sd r' K', Sd r' (SdsK, SdsL) To prove a) we note that the identity map into is proper by L'). En If f: (K,L) ~ (K',L') is an arbitrary pr oper In the diagram below, mapp ing of finite regular complexes of dimensi on f O and fl a re induced by < n , then by an f : argument similar to the proof of Lemma 4.8, the induced homomorphisms 166 167 , f* f* and given by Definition 4.7 coincide with those previously defined (Corollary 2.6) for f as a proper mapping. of Property a) (K",L") < n. B and so X (-r) Cst B. 2 gl(~) , can be written in the form (K,L) ~ (K' ,L ' ) f: and (K' ,L') g: ~ plex of SdrK" Let r be a positive integer. SdrK" A is a vertex of such that We subdivide (K',L') depending on B 0 M~ ~ E ~ (0) SdsK ' , then there is a vertex g(St A) C St B. For, if' 5 B B 0 M ~ B Thus -r . a U M.r ~ E ~ (0) S Sdr ](" ) , If s t>1esh(Sd K') < so large that order to ensure that stars of verti_c es 01' is a subcom ~(~) U is an acyclic sub complex of st -B U X2(~). ~ E ~ (0) 4 then it suffices to take ~ is a Lebesgue X ( 0) a vertex of 1>1 We define number of the covering {g -1 (st B) IB -where T E ~ (0) U so As in the proof , which is the minimal Subcolllplex containing be mappings of pairs of finite regular complexes of dimension finely that if of C st ~ ( ~) of Theorem 3.9 ,_ follows as a special case. To prove b), let ~(o), g'(~) SdsK' ~. In a ' < a then ~(a') C >S.(a) is an acyclic carrier. Since is a chain on So are acyclic , we X (a). 4 ~la X4 x4 (a') C x4 ( a) so is a chain on . ~ Thus ~ (a), ~2~1(a) is an acyclic carrier for ~2~1 . But s > 1. also require that is a cell of Then we take SdtK , there is a vertex t and g' are the mapping;'! induced by f 1 g's,o glf'(a) such that and respectively: g (K" ,L") 11 and g'f' are all proper. ~,X2' and X , carries a proper chain map ~i a cello Xl (0) C st of Sdt K, f' a A , and for some vertex B ~l 0 of Xi C st A for some vertex is a chain on r Sd K" U gl(~) ~ (a) C ~ ( 0) X A But of ~ E ~ (a) X2( ~) X4 and so we have CP2~1::: ~3 CP2~1 and X ( a) 4 CP3 are both carried by Consequently, and (g'f' )* (f') * (gl) * • 1 . Thus Given Sd s K' . g'(St A) 4 carries g'f' . Thus (g~,s)*(g~,o)* 3 Thus C st This implies that for each cell 168 E Fr om Lemma 4.5 and the proof of Lemma 4.2, f', g' Then each ~ (g'f ')* = (g')-j'(f ' )* Arguing as in Theorem 3.9, 'we show easily that Let their minimal carriers be so 1g~,o g' 'a,s (Sdt k , Sd t L ) ~ (SdSK', SdSL') ~ (SdrK", SdrL") respectively. C gl~(O) In the diagram below, (K' ,L') (K,L) go,t SdsK' A of faC St A , as in the proof of Theorem 3.9. f' a so large that if ~ B g*f* (g~,O)*(g')*(g~,S)*(g~,O)*(fl)*(go,t)* (g~,o)*(g' )*(f' )*(go,t)* (gr" , o)*(g'f')*(go ,t)* (gf )* • 169 .,.. .,.. A similar argument shol{s that (gf )'" He have t hu s shol{l1 that A n morphisms lead to the same result. (K,L) --.;;. (K' ,L') then for nand n' Thus is true for all n the processes used f or different f': f g > An B n n We note that in defining the induced homo is a mapping of finite regular complexe s, both greater than the dimension s of the com A n and An' coincide. Also, the properties a} and b) follm{ since in anyone instance vre may take n large enough and apply A Theorem 4.1 is proved. n It is important for later considerations to note that in our proof ve .d o not assume Lemma I1.5.3. that K and K' K and K' Stated another our proof yields the fact (see belo\{) t hat their homology groups are isomorphic. This is one ,ray to prove, incidentally, that homology groups are independent of orientation! regular complexes, t h en q (The Invariance Theorem). If and homomorphism. 4 .10 . H (K f *: Hq(K' ,L'; G) L' G) ~ f: " H (K' q" L" Thus f* = (ff -1 )* = is an isomorphism. 1* = K' induces into those of K' Similarly, ,ore have hOmOmOIllhisms f*, (fIK)*, (fIL).:, ,re which (f IL)* defines a (K,L) have The exact homolog y and cohomology sequences of' a ~ Hq(K,L; G) • 1 . Similarly, By similar reasQning, (f (Reduced homology groups.) uni qUe map f: ~ (K) ~ g: H* ( Kl ) L f* = ker H.*(K) is a continuous map, then --.;;. H* (IS: ) . K, the is induced by Hq (K) _1* f?:. o· to Shovr that if i ndu ces a map Shov that the sequence beloy; is exact, K ~ Hq (L) ~ Iiq ( K) ~ i: L c: K, Hq (K , L) 3'* > Hq (K,L) ,,-,here j: g* > Hq-l (L)----> is giVen by the compos it ion K r'::., (K,L) is the inclusion, Cl* is i n duced by the boundary homomorphism of t he ordinary h omology sequence. -1) Set is a subcomplex of i* For each comple x K --.;;. point induces homomorphisms H*(point) . ~ y~ Kl Hq (K) :,.r G) Thus t he h omology and coh omology groups are topological invariants. -1 f*(f )* Thus COROLLARY. Ex e rcise. and Proof: into pair are topological i nvari ants . Here q ( f IK)* K K (K' ,L') , using Corollary 2.5 and the dsfinition of- the induced (K,L) ~ (K',L') f: i-l~have * as a mapping of of oriented f inite homomorphism of the exact homology sequences associated Mith is a homeomorphism of oriented finite regular complexes, then for each f I t is easy to see that the triple g* : (See Chapter VIII, Section 4 . ) COROLLARY. (K,L) ~ ( K ' ,.L ' ) f: homomorphisms of the homology groups of if 4.9. a re g iven a map He only assume, in effect, satisfy the redundant restrictions . '.fay, no matter hoy vre orient Vie we shall writ e ),jore precisely , if plexes, the induced homomorphisms given by If Hq (K, L) ~ One mu st sho'.-I' that the composition II q- l(L) ----> Hq- 1- (point) More generally, let t: is zero. be a category vrith a m2.xilrlal object *f* =' 1 . sati s f'yirlg is also. (i ) For each object 170 morphism f'A E A € r:: , M(A, p) . 171 there is one and only one P , (ii ) then fB 0 A and f fA ?; -.;> F: Let If a B are objects of and f € 5. 11(A,B) , be a covariant functor from <:: to the category In this section we state the seven basic properties of cellular homology peA) f € peA) M(A,B) , since into a sequence of homology groups and t o each continuous mapping of pairs of regular complexes induced homomor phisms of the homology groups. * Define the reduced functor by setting If The Properties of Cellular Homology Theory. Cellular homology theor'J assigns to each pair of regular complexes of abelian groups and homomorphisms. F r:: , fB Thus F(B) ker F(fA) we A € theory . <::. fA' it follo~~ that f 0 for It turns out that these properties charac.terize cellular homology theor'J. F(f) maps A description of the precise sense in 'iThich this is true and a proof of the characterization may be f ound in Foundations of Algebrai c Topology. by Eilenberg and Steenrod. may define He keep the coeffi cient group F(f) for to f ~ functor € l1(A,B) Verify that = fixed throughout this section. G F(f)lker F(f ) A F is a covariant functor from ~ I. If f: ( K, L) -.;> (K,L) is the identity, then £' * is the ident ity isomorphism in each dimension. Carry out an analogous definition for a contravariant F: t: -.;> ~, II. using cokernels. f: If (K,L) -.;> (K' ,L') and arbitra.r y continuous mappings, then Ill. If Let ~* f: and (K,L) O~ -.;> = (fIL)*O* Corollary IV . 172 -.;> (KI! ,LI!) are g*£'*. be an arbitrary continuous mapping. (K,L) and (K',L'), respectively, then Property III follows from the remarks after 4.9. The homology sequence of a pair is exact. proved in Chapter V. * (gf)* (K' ,L') are the boundary homomorphisms of the exact homology s equences associated with O_~f* (K' ,L') g: Property IV ~~s We note that properties II and III imply that We restrict ourselves in t h is section to finite regular complexes. We will use s ingular homology theory in the next chapter t o extend our results t o infinite complexes. 173 It is easy to show that homotopy equivalence is an equivalence relation. the induced homomorphism is actually a homomorphism of the exact property which, "hen possessed by an arbitrary space homology sequences. sessed by all spaces homotopically equivalent to V. If then f and are homotopic mappings of g (K,L) (K '/ L') , into f* = g* . Let PO and Pl mapping K, into I XK be the embeddings defined in the first paragraph of Section 2. and Thus Pl Po Then are proper and their minimal carriers preserve dimension. and. Pl CPo and Note that Section 2. Properties I, II, and V imply that homology induce unique chain maps and CPo CPl Now, since f and then f *: If (K, L) ~ (K' ,L') f: Hq (K,L; G) "'" Hq (K' ,L ' j G) = F*(PO)* (Pl)*. (po )-* J!)(c) for d' Consequently, of CPo and f) f) : and If e(I X K) J9 (c) ~ Cq+l (I d and Let g be a homotopy inverse for I = CPlc - CPOc - c - (5 d' X K) Simil arly by are the boundary (po)* (Pl)* (8) c - I (8) ~ (dc) f*g* 1. f* invariance under excision. By p r operties II, f 1 . 1_)(, is called an excision if • VI. If i*: Hq (K,Lj G) "'" Hq (K',L'; G) i: (X,A) and K L ~ (K,L) ~ (K',L') Proof of Property VI: and our proof is complete. is an isomorphism. An inclusion mapping dC Two pairs of topological spaces DEFINITION. (gf )-;:_ Thus i, (K,L) ~ (K',L') K' - L' . is an excision, then for each q . It is only necessary to observe that if an orientation is chosen for 5.1. Homotopically The sixth property of cellular homology theory is called is a chain deformation exhibiting a chain homotopy CPl • Thus q. V, and I, in that order, we have g*f* respectively, we have = (8) for each ' and we must show that eq(K) eq (K) C E e(K) = F*(Pl)* g* He define I (8) c operators for and is a homotopy equivalence e quivalent complexes hav e isomorphic homology groups. Proof : are homotopic, there is a mapping g THEORElvI. respect.ively. are the chain maps defined at the start of CPl 5.2. Fpl f* X, i s called a groups are homotopy invariants. Proof of Property V: Po homotopy invariant. X, is pos K, inducing orientations on L, K' , (Y,B) and L' , then C(K,L) e(K ' ,L') • are said to be homotopically equivalent if there exist mappings f: (X,A) ~ (Y,B) (X,A) F: for and fg ~ 1 and on g: The map homotopy inverse f such that gf ~ 1 on VII. If K is a complex wh.ose only cell is a single vertex, then This means we can find a homot opy (Y,B) (I X X, I X A) ~ (X,A) (Y,B) . (Y,B) ~ (X,A) of fg and the identity, and similarly Hq (K) "" [G0 is called a homotopr equivalenc e with 175 g . 174 if q=O otherwise. A Thus, a point is an ac yclic complex. Chapter VII. Exercise : SDWULAR HQIvlOWGY THEORY 1. state and prove the corresponding seven basic properties Direct Spectra. Up until now, we have defined h=ology groups only for regular of cellula r cohomology theory. complexe s and induced hom=orphisms only for mappings of £inite regular complexes. The process of direct limit, introduced in this section, will enable us to extend our domain of definitions over the entire category of topological spaces and continuous mappings. "He will define the singular h=ology groups of a pair of spaces (X, A) in terms of mappings of pairs of oriented finite regular com plexes (K,L) into with each mapping of (K,L), (X, A). (K,L) ~ (X, A) f: the qth homology group and the collection of these groups will form a direct spectrum of groups. The limit group of this direct spectrum will be by definition the DEFD~ITION. 1.1. l-lore specifically, we will associate qth singular homology group of the pair A directed set (class) is a set (class) gether with a binary relation < on A. The relation < (X,A). A to is re quired to be reflexive and transitive, and to satisfy the following property: For any such that m< p 1.2. and DEFINITION. ~ = ({G }, A,< ), a m and S p. in A there is an element The ordering {G} a a < ~ (ii) (a,~) For each pair (A,S), G a into Whenever A is said to direct A. G~ ; satisfying the following of elements of there is given a nonempty collection mapping 176 (i) € is a collection of abelian groups in- dexed by the directed set ( or class) conditions: < p A direct spectrum of abelian groups is a triple where - n n { a~~} A such that of hom=orphisms these h=omorphisms are called admiSSible; a~~: Ga--;;"G~ and 177 a~,.: G~--;;"G,. are i If r °a!3 J and are admissible, and °a!3 k and an admissible homomorphism i j admissible, then so is t he c omposition G. (iii) G g EGa' then there exists a a k such that °!3r ~ °!3rOa !3 : r i ' k j g °!3roa !3 • °!3roa!3g Then g2Rg3 ' and and 81 have a common successor g3 the common ancestor g2' for any pair °a!3 Note ; ./:J = of some o~!3g 8 is called a direct s ystem of abelian groups . He do not re'luire in this case that Let g (a, !3 ) a G, a °a,a be a direct spectrum. Given an e lement and an admissible homomorphism ~-successor is a is a ([ G }, A, < ) be t he i dentity. ~-ancestor ° i A' we say t hat a~ ( or successor, for short) of g, and that ( or ancestor, f or short) of g °a!3 • that two e l ements of the same group which have a common ancestor common ancestor g~ E j G • r and G 's for s ome both elements of gl and 5. GE>' The elements By conditions Ga g2 84' R g2 have t he G!3 E J g for s ome °a!3 3 = k i °aE-° ,erg 3 (ii' k' j and The element g6 is a common successor we den ote the R-equivalence class to which gl {gl) • Given a direct spectrum of abelian groups DEFn~ITION . ({G } ,A,< ), a the limit group of ~ is the abelian group whose R defined elements are the e'luivalence classes of the relation Gi ven two equivalence Addition is defined as follows. classes {gl} and {g2 } represented by there exist admissible homomorphisms {gl} + {g2} i °a?, {O~rgl + O~?,g2} ' gl E Ga L~ o~r and 8 2 E G!3 ' for some r· where the addition in the brackets on the right is the addition in is written and G , r The limit group Ga , k To justify this definition, one must show that addition as are g and (iii), these elements g4 is a common successor def ined is independent of the various choic es made and gives a group structure on the R-e'luivalence classes. an exercise to the reader. This we leave as 'de note that the zero of Lim G a a is the G'S. a on the set theoretic disjoint uni on Given and Given an i .s an equivalence relation. R °a~ °!350r!3 3 gl E G a and g2 € G , 13 gl and 8 2 have a common success or. gl' g2' g5 have Now, since the indexing set But then clearly reflexive and symmetric. suppose elements 1; = g6' R-e'luivalence class containing all the zeroes of the as follows. if and only if' belongs by 1. 3. Thus g3' gl EGa' We define g2' He define a relation of the j ora' °r!3' have a common successor of and is directed, there are admissible homomorphisms a k' °!35 gl E Ga - i '" gl = Gra°3' Thus i admissible homomorphisms of the Let element above. He note first that condition (iii) of 1. 2 states must have a common successor. and gl and g4 g2 i i-re show that any tiW elements having a common ancestor have a c ommon successor. of But then g5' and g4' so by what we proved above, t.hey must have a common successor A direct spectrum which has at most one admissible homomorphism have a common successor g2 To show that g3 R then Then 8 R 1 Rg2 is is transitive, are given such that g Rg l 2 We prove now a theorem which gives an interesting application of the direct limit process. r e gular complex. Let ~ Let K be an arbitrary oriented be the collection of finite subcomplexes and 179 178 of ordered by inclusion. K, be a fixed integer. q Then t is a directed set. lies on some finite subcomplex Let We define a direct spectrum of groups by L' containing L. iole then have =0 i(L,L')u setting G(L) iolhenever H (L) L \: L I , i(L,L' q ») = Hq (L) for each L E and so ~. U The collection q inclusion homomorphisms (i(L, L' ») together with the (H (L») q forms a direct system of abelian groups. 1. 4. of For each q, q (K ). O. If Thus z qJ z To see that is a cycle representing as a cycle on DEFJNITION. direct spectra. Lim H (L ) "" H (K). LE t q q is one-one. L. L, = u. qJ(u') JJ Let Let The collection He define a homomorphism whenever qJ: An element (u) Lim H (L) ~ H (K) . LE ~ q q of Lim H (L) L€ t L C K. some qJ(u) = i*u. is represented by To show that qJ L C K by o E Hq(Lt) is another representative of (u). L" It follm.'s t.hat if such that i ': H (L) € L' for f: = ((Ga),A,:s:) A ~ Thus qJ is an isomorphism and ]..l ((H(:)) ,B,:s: ' ) = i(L,L")(u) i, collection be an order preserving function. B C K and i": LU E H (L"). q C - K, then Thus if i!. Uo Suppose qJ( (u) z = O. is well defined. T'nen z bounds in K. Suppose Ga " E then a I(Y ) qJ is an .1f ----:;..']1 qJ: to indicate that the 'JJ = ((H(:)) , B, :s:') (B,:s:' ) (2) for all = ((G) e ,A,<) x- if (1) aEA, is contained (A, :s:) Ga=Hex' is a subset and (3) - admissible homomorphism is an 'JI-admisSible homomorphism. J; is contained in U € z If is a homomorphism. qJ H (L) such that 2x:. The chain q )J c J; W, is contained in)J, the inclusion ) J \: J.J is a we say that ,J; is cofinal in if the following two conditions are satisfied : (a) ~-admiSSible 180 y homomorphism of direct spectra. It is clear that is a cycle of a homology class #(l,-successor (qJ) in the direct spectTUIIl evexy ) qJ a ~ Hf(a)" G qJa(Y). (or subclass) of i*u = i~ i(L,Ln)( u) = i~ i(L',L" )(u ) O and so has a He say that the direct spectrum ;U L Then there is a o qJa: is a homomorphism. It is clear that a homomorphism a of direct spectra induces a homomorphism of their limits. we set i(L',L")(u ) = Ga E be is called a homomorphism of direct spectra if, We shall sometimes write is well-defined, suppose that U finite subcomplex u q Denoting the inclusion of x (qJa J J.I -successor of q lies on z Suppose that for each a E A we have a homcrnorphism Proof: is onto, let is the homology class q then then u, u' E H (L) If qJ and the theorem is proved. 1.5. THEOREM. H = s ome finite subcomplex the inclusion induces a homomorphism H (LI ). E (u) For every (:) E B, there is an homomorphism mapping 181 H(:) into ex E G0;. A and an (b) If ~-admissible g EGa' and Ga~ aCt(3 : homomorphism, then and g a g exi3 ..);J -successor. Gi3 is an 2. Singular Homology Groups have a cammon For convenience, in this and the next two sections of this chapter, the word "complex" will mean" oriented finite regular 1. 6. If)J THEOREM . 1J c;: 'f.j induce s is cofinal in an isomorphism 'JJ complex". then the inclusion Hhen we make refe renc e to a pair of complexes will assume that the orientation of Lim G "" Lim HQ • a ex i3 f-' the orientation of Proof: cp: Condition (a) of cofinality implies that the homomorphism ~ Lim G a a For if (i). h E Since Lim HQ f-' 13 H , i3 induced by the inclusion bas an b aar:x : G ex common~-successor a~. of itse lf.) (h) fin ality to show that be such that ~-successor ~ (g h E Hi3 a Thus h and Then gl 13. Now for some J E ~ and to the class (g) E and h has g2 Lim G a ex bave a cammon an~ -successor ~ It follows that cp is one-one. as follows. (K',L') ~ (X,A) g: such that let f (X, A), and f U and g, be given. (K',L'). g: see that mapping Let Then (K,L) (K" ,LiI) and f The theorem is proved. de If are given, then f = gh. The ordering f < f Ug and and < directs S(X,A), To see that (K' ,L') < is respectively, into be the disjoint union of (K,L) induce a mapping g (K" ,L") ~ (X,A), and using the obvious embeddings we g ~ f U g. Then (S(X,A),~) is a directed set. For each mapping f E S(X,A)), nically, let Hf(K,L;G) q f: U in E Hq(K,LjG), ~ (X,A) (K,L) f H (K,L;G) q (i.e., for each be a labeled copy of is a group isomorphic to wi th a definite isomorphism = {g3} = {g2 } . S(X,A) if and only if there is an isomorphic embedding * g (K,L) ~ (K',L ' ) h: G a {81 } S(X,A) might not be a successor cp Let g for some a by (a). Thus gl and g2 have the common 3 3 fl-successor g3 E G · By (b), gl and g3 have a cammon ex3 -successor, and the same is true of g2 and g3· Thus in Lim G a a we have g~ We define an ordering in (K,L) ~ (X,A) f: f G. be a pair of topological spaces. by E Lim H . Next we use both conditions of co i3 i3 cp is one-one. Let gl E G and g2 E G ~ a2 = CP(g2}. CP{gl} ex is induced by restriction of K. obviously reflexive and transitive. It follows that applying yields the class g E G for some a (X,A) we note the class of all continuous mappings of pairs of complexes into we bave a ;l1-admiSSible (and tbus fItiJ-admissible) homomorphism have the onto. (X,A). '].J -successor a < a in A, j; C J;!! is Let L (K,L), we write H (K,L;G). q H (K,L;G) q Hf(K,L;G) ~ H (K,L;G). q [u,f] q Tech- together If for the element corresponding to u Hf(K,L;G). q *An isomorphic embedding is an embedding which maps cells onto cells. He shall often use "embedding" to mean "isomorphic embedding". 182 183 by the identifications f q \'le \i ish to show that the triple ((H (K,L;G)l1 S(X,A), - togethe r with appropriate admissible homomorphisms, i s a dire ct spectrum. f,g To define the admissib le homomorphi sms , we suppose tha t S(X, A) € f ~ g. and tha t g: (K" , L I) ~ (X,A), h: (K, L) ~ (K ' ,L") Thus (K',L')C: (K", L" ) Let h: gl: (K" ,L") ~ (X,A) and an d there is at l east one embedding satisfying = gh. f homomorphisms induced by embeddings h (K, L) ~ (X, A) h g'x (l,x) - h 2 X, for all be the obvious inclusion . x E (K,L ) . Define by setting g(h-1X) f or x fy for x h(K') E = { The admissible h omo ~q (K,L; G ) to Hg(KI,L 'i G) q morphism mapping precise , if f: (O,x) - hlx, <), (t, y) E I X K. are then the homology such that f = gh . Then To be is well .de fine d because g' is cont inuous. that is such an emb edding , then the mapping Als o , f gh g'h g l = gh 2 . It is e asy t o s ee by c onstruction, so the map is an admissible homomorphism, [u,f] ~ [h*u,g] is an admissible h omomorphism. h *: Not e that there may be more than one admissible homomorphi sm betwe en a given pair of groups. 2.1. ( k~~) PROPOSITION. For each f ((H (K,L; G»), S(X,A ), <), the tr iple q, q . with the admis sible homomorphisms de fined above, is a direc t spectrum of abeli~an Proof: groups, wri tten .JJ (X,A; G). \'Ie verify t he properties of a d irect spectrum, referring to Definiti on 1. 2 . Property (i ) is clear. Property (ii) follows fr om Property II of cellular h omol ogy theory. f: (K,L) ~ ( X,A) that f hl gh l and gh , 2 h2 and and l e t [u, f ] € (K, L) Hf(K, LjG). q [(hl '*u,g ] lt1e de fine a comple x To prove (iii) J let (K', L ' ) ~ ( X, A) g: are embeddings of homomorphism carrying ment. lk fl q and (K" ,L") on the unit. int erva l with v e rtic es a t in be g ive n. (K',LI) Suppose satisfy ing He find an admissible into the same ele~ [(h )*u, g ] 2 as follows. 0, 1/ 2 , Let and the n the c omplex obtained f rom the d isjoint union I 1. be a comple x (K" ,L" ) is Sinc e in hhl (K" ,L"), and hh2 we have hhl (K,L) onto opposite ends of =hh2' Thus erty V of cellular b omol ogy tbeory. (hh )* l [(hhl)*u,g'] [(hh 2 )*u,g'] and the proof of the Lemma i s complete. 185 I X (K,L) = (hh 2 )* by Prop- Thus I X (K,L) U (K' , L') [h*(bl)*u,g'] 184 map [b*(b )*U,gl] 2 2. 2 • DEFINI'I'ION. coe ffici ents in The G, qth s ingular homology group of written HS(X,A;G), is (X,A) Lim Hf(K,L;G), - f 3. ,,,ith In ce llular theory we found it relatively easy to compute h omo the q The Properties of Singular Homology Theory logy groups and difficult to prove that they are topol ogical invariants. limit group of the direc t spectrum lJ.(X,Ai G ). q The r everse i s true of singular theory. Notation: If then we write taining f: (K,L) ~ (X,A) {[u,f]) i s given and for the e quivalenc e class of [u,f] E Hf (K,L;G), q Given a continuous mapping q ~ (X,A; G ) con (X,A) ~ (Y,B) f: of pairs of t opol ogi cal spaces, we defi ne the induced h omomorphism [u,f]. ~(X,A;G) ~ ~(y,B;G) as follows. q q f*: mapping g of a pair of complexes (K,L) ~ (Y,B), f g: S (X,A) ~g : to S(Y,B). i nt o ( X,A) the mapping we obt ain an order -preserving function from For each g S(X,A), E define ~ Hfg(K,L;G) by setting ~ [u, g ] = [u,fg ]. q g Hg(K,L;G) q collection (K,L) If we associate with each { ~) The i s c learly a homomorphism of direct spectra (1. 5 ), g and is said t o be induced by the mapping f: (X,A) ~ (Y,B) . The r esulting homomorphism of limit groups i s called the homology homo morphism induced by 1. and is written (X,A) ~ (X,A) If f: (X,A) ~ (Y,B) f*: ~(X,A;G) ~ HS(Y,B;G). q q is the identity, then ~(X,A;G) ~ ~(X,A;G) q q (1 )*: II. 1: If f i s the identity f or each and arbit rary continuous mappings, then g: (Y,B) ~ g*f* q. (Z,C) are ( gf)*. It f ollows that the s ingular homol ogy groups are topological i nvariants . If (X,A) is given, we define a boundary homomorphism S ~~q l(A;G) "*: ~(X,A;G) q assoc iate to each mapping ( fI L): 186 L ~ A, f: f or each q as follows. (K,L) ~ (X,A) If we the mapping we obtain an order-preserving functi on fr om 187 S(X,A) to SeA). For each f S(X,A) , E (fIL) ~(K, L;G ) ~ Hq _l (L;G) *f: c\ where define . by sett1ng _f ~f[u,f] = [o*u,( r IL)], is t he boundary hom=orphism of the relative homology sequence of the pair (K,L) . To show that the collection g: is an embedding (u, f] E (K',.L') h: If(K,L;G); ~ (K,L) then q eX,A) ----?> [h*u,g] f = gh. with is a successor of ('f l thus, to show that CfJ'fi Let [u,f]. morphism for (o*u,(fIL)] = [ (hIL)*O*u,gIL'] (K',L '). Thus where oS*: HS (X,A;G ) ~ ~ l(A;G) q x!J (X,A;G) groups of III. If q- f: spaces, then (X,A) ~ q- Let (Y,B) ·1 4_1(A;G) E Hg (K, Lj G), q = [o*u, (fgIL)]. is the boundary homo is a successor of Therefore On the other hand (*f} ~(gIL)Yg[U, g ] induced by = ~(gIL)[o*u,( g IL)] [o*u,(fIA) ( gIL ») [o*u, ( fgIL» ). ("'f l. is a continuous mapping of pairs of Thus TV. q ,'<p If ~ and the proof i s complete. (X, A) is a pair of spaces, l et denote the inclusion mappings. homo lo~J sequence of the pair ~1I (Y,B;G) - (u,gj By Proof of III: Consider the following diagram q Then i f we have S S O*f* = (fIA)*o*. 11 (X,A;G) Similarly for it suffices t o show that (K,L) ~ (X, A) be given. g: We define l(A;G) ~. and by (fIA)*d~, t o be the homomorphism of the limit it and q o~ ~_l(A;G). is a homomorphism of direct spectrum. d;f* ,+,' i s the compos ition of the *fg~g (U,g] = yrg[u,f g ] (o~h*u,(g I L')] in the direct spec trum '¥'<p the above diagram is commutative. property III of cellular homology (VI.5), [o~h*u,(gIL')] is a homomorphism of direct spect r a; the hcmmnorphism of limits induced by be a mapping such that there (K' ,L') *'~ h omomorphisms of limits induced by preserves the succ ess or relation and thus is a homomorphism of direct spec tra, let The composit ion before III. . J* ~C; ••• ~ H- l (X, A;G) q+ 1·' ~ ~_l(B;G) Proof of TV: i: AC X and j : xC: (X, A) Then the sequence below, called the (X, A), is exact: . . t ~ o~_ S 1* S J* ---.S * ~ Hq (A;G) ----:;;.. Hq (X;G) --?- lr(X, A;G) --? q S Hq (Xi We prove exa.ctness at G) and l eave the rest as an exercise to the reader. Here ~ is the h=omorphi sm of direct spectra induced by induc e d by (fIA ) , and V and " f, q; is are defined as in the discussion a) Tm i* ~: L c: ker ~ j*. ( L,L) Suppose that f: L denote t he inclusion. 188 189 ~ A is gi ven. Define g: Let (L,L ) ~ (X, A) so t.hat the diagr'C\m bela'..! i .s commutB.tive: L h omology groups induced by a map (L,L) If f q [u,f) E H (L;G), an embedding, Ker j* ([u, jif)} c;: ira (K' ,L') but i-l(.' Suppose that f: K Since A*U = 0, and h*u A is of the pair O. Then the re exists a map h: K c;: (K' ,L') We denote the embedding O. hiu (kl)*v for some c;: K' K by h ', (Y, B ) (f O )* = (x, A) induces a homomorphism of' e xact sequences. such that fO If =f l , fO and fl are maps of (X,A) then ~( X, A;G ) --->- H~( y, B;G). (f l )*: v E R (L'). q Let Hg (K,L;G). q E co=e cting = 0, 1 fO by (K,L) ~ ( X,A) g: Let and Define PO(x) = (O,x) I X (K,L) ~ (Y,B) G: GP 1 = fIg· Since theory implies that A (Y,B;G). q and by Pl(x) G(t,x) (p )* o be a h omotopy (K,L) ~ I X (K,L) Pi: = (l,x), for = F(t,g(x)). x E K. Then Gp o f or Define = fOg property V of cellular homology Po Z PI have the co=on success or He show I X (X,A) ~ (Y,B) F: fl' b e given, and suppose that (P )*. Thus 1 [(PO)*u,G) (See di agram below.) [u,fOg ] and [u,flg) in the direct spectrum It follows that (fO)*([u, g J) = (fl)*([u,g] }. k 1 (glL'J A [u, g ) and Then i*[[v,(gIL'))} = ([u ,f)}. L' f Invar'iance under homotopy : into i such By the exactne ss of the r e lative homology sequence (K' ,L'), --->- (Y,B) co=ute with so is given and that X kl k2 L' ~ K' ~ (K' ,L' ). and ,,'e have inclusions (k 2 )*h~u = h-l(u = ~ j*([u,f)} = O. sat isfies ~ (X,A) and an embedding that gh = jf that ([A*U,g)}; ([ u , jif)}. Thus Proof of V: [u ,f) E Hf(K;G) q g: j*i*([u ,f)} (Y,B). V. > (X, A) g = O. j*i*( [u, f)} b) then and ~i ,1 (X,A) the homomorphisms of the exact homology sequenc e s of the pairs > A f f: > k2 K' ------=--~~ (d K') . l ~K/K'l'::') ~X/ j;:' fog ;:. I > ( K,L) J( ( K,L) ~=---3>- PI (X, A) fIg Now i*([v,( g IU))} i(gIL') and (gIK' )k l [u ,f) spectrum is represente d by and (kl)*v = hiu, have the common successor 1;q (X;G). [v,i( gl u)J. Since it follows that [hiu,(gIK')) [v,i(gIL' )) 3. 1. COROLLARY. A homotopy equivalence between tw o pairs of spaces in the direct induces is omorphisms of their singular homology groups. Thus i *([v,(gIL'))} = ([ u ,f)} and ker j* = im i*. Note that II and III imply that the homomorphisms of Singular 190 191 3.2. DEFINITION. exc ision if closure of VI. If' morphism Y - B Y - X (X, A) An inclusi on mapping X - A. c: (y, B) (X,A) The excision is c alled pr o~er if t he is conta ined in the i nterior of' c: (Y,B) A counterexample f or improper excision : the line is a proper eXClsion, t hen the induced homo HS(X,A;G ) -----...,.. 1f q q (Y, B,oG) is an isomorphism for each q. y = -2, and between the lines be the boundary of (X,A), Let xy-plane that lies below the curve x c~: X. =0 X be the closed y = sin !, x and above = 2/rr. x ~(x) = ~(X ) = O. h omotopically equivalent to a point, so for He give the proof of VI in section 4. VII. If 4.1. regi on of the B. The excision property. !+. is c a lled an X is Let A By the exactness of the homology sequence ~(X,A) ~ ~(A). X is a point then HSC Xo G) q , ~ [G0 if q = 0 ° y Sln VII follows from the fact that a map f; .K -......,.. 1 x otherwise. X can be fact ored through an acyclic complex. x x 0 2 rr x y ~(A) He show first that = O. -2 \-Je claim that it is enough to show that (1 ) ~ If f: L L into A, then f A is a mapping of the finite regular complex is homotopic to a constant. Suppose that we have proved (1). and suppos e that of 192 [u,f] E f Hl (L). Let f: L~A We have the inclusion L as the base of the cone on L. 193 Since f be given, h o LC CL =c onstant, there exists a map the class so 0. ~ CL [h*u, g ] h*u = Proof of g: as a suc ces sor. {[u,f] ) = That is, (1): A such that Suppose that that part of feLl f: But ° x f. CL has Sln homology groups we find it conveni ent to de fine a new direct spectrum is acyclic (V. 2.5), 'jf(X,A;G) show that \~e ass ociated with a pair q S 0. on S (X,A) by s aying that i f g: (K',L') ~ h: of points in {v) n < a < 1. form (O,a), -1 f(w ) a = v ' n Since L the direct spect rum Then there exist s f ew) c o=ected at l~ore (in A) of (O, a ) f «g, For each n, choose {w ) n Now (O,a). wn E L so that has a limit point w, 'J.I,q (X, A; G) nected, (O,a) q f-l(U) x = 0. Since L c ontains a connected neighborhood if there exists a continuous such that f = are then the same as be f ore : If f, g E S( X,A) (K,L) ~ (K' ,L') h: 0. claim that W. (X,A;G) s pectrum. (S(X,A), « ) U = ((~q (K,L;G) ) , S(X,A), « ) q f = gh. is then a direct is a directed clas s since the relation <. {w ) n the fact that has w as a limit point. {w ), n are immediate. W of w. f(l-I) 4.3 be l ow. Pr operty (iii) i s given by Corollary Since must lie ~q (X, A;G). cofinal in the new di rect spectrum 1; (X,A;G) q The firs t conditi on Y But +1, B and l et B Y - (X-A). second conditi on of cofinalit y is contained in the foll owing l emma: x = 0, 2 x We have as before that is homotop,ically equiva l ent to a Circle , and so Conse quently ~(X, A ) by the excis ion (X,A) = 0, H~(y,B) ~ Z, c: (Y,B) = rr' y -2, H~(y, B ) ~ ~(B). ~(B) ~ Z. and the homomorphism induced is not an isomorphism. To prove that a proper excision i nduces is omorphi sms of singular LEMMA. and f (K,L) h: gb, (K,L) fl: If f: ~ (K,L) ----0;.. (K',L') (X,A), g: (K' ,L' )----7 (X,A) are continuous mappings satisfying then the re exi st isomorphic embeddings and (K',L'), (K",L") ~ hl and respectively, in a pair (K" ,L" ), (X,A), such that (h 1 )* = 4.3 . COROLLARY. ~q '11 (X,A;G) flh l = f, f'h 2 h2 of and a mapping = g, and (h 2 )*h*. satisfies conditi on (iii) of De finition . 1. 2 and is thus a direct spectrum. 194 The This contradiction 4.2 . Y be the closed regi on bounded by is which contradicts establishes (1). Let « Properties (i) and (ii) of Definition 1. 2 of cofinality is obvious since we don't have any new groups . w not containing any points of the sequence We U which W i s a ne i ghborhood of But that implies that as above and such that He assert that our original direct spectrum x The groups of is l ocally con the continuous image of a co=ected set is connected, on the line gh . are the homol ogy homomorphisms induc ed q by continuous maps precisely, there exists a neighb orhood lies on the line g and then the admissible homomorphisms mapping contains the relation contains (K',L') ~ (K,L;G) ~ Rg(KI,LI;G) and A f ails to be lo~ ally such that the co=ected component of f « (K,L) ----7 (X,A)). q which c onve r ges to a point of t he is compact, then it fo llows that (O,a). S He define a new ordering (K,L) ~ ( X, A) f: then ~ (K,L) is S {Hf (K,LjG)lf: a sequence (X,A), (X, A). be mapping 1 x Suppose not: 0. [u, f ] A is given, and l et . Y Thus (1) implies that H~(A ) and so ~ L which lies on bounded away from the line gh 195 Proof of Corollary : Suppose we are given the commutative diagram i n the closure of the unique open simpl ex containing belm,: Si nce f_ ~ (K' ,L') ----'=''---......,.. f2 Here fl and Then by the Lemma, ~-successor a c orumon 1f are arbitrary continuous mappings. ~(K,L;G). q [u,f] E common f2 ,f; -successor -ancessor page 178). [u,f], vI' v2 · .)f-succ essor (and thus and Since [u,f] [u,f] vI and and [{fl)*u,g] ~ -successor) v and v and Suppose that [{f )*u,g] have a 2 2 have [{fl)*u,g] [(f )*u,g] 2 v3 (see have the coramQn 3· and results. s > 0, K ~ L f: f is a map of regular complexes, then for each induces a map f': f l and SdsK ~ Sd L such that the follow 4 .5. THEORE.t\l. a map of K integer } f ) L Let a vertex A meter of st B of' vertices of verte x 3> .t.. ]\) . k and k' L. ~neor em Sd L x E SdsK. K ~ L Then for some such that 0/2. Let of SdsK, B S d. L f' (St B ) ~ St A, Sd L. of BO,B , ... ,B • l g and s e tting from the g (B) SdsK, a C n St B., - = J j B, A. a To it is sufficient SdsK a be a simplex of Let Then there exists g maps the vertices of any simplex of sim~lex be any by choosing, for e ach extends t o a simplicial map of g s since the dia Define a function 5. to those of VI,3.9, except that we choose f' (St B) ~. St A, such that is less than SdsK g For each vertex onto the SdsK, and so f '( a ) C n St(gB .). Sd L - Here for each K be a f in ite regular complex, f: ' f' Sd L N so that the mesh of SdNK is l e ss t han wit h ve rtices k in to an arbitrary r egular complex vert ices of some 1 f' ( x ) We proceed as in the proof of t o shaw that K and --+ Sd L t o :t'. SdsK Proof: g ( x) lie i n a closed simplex, there is a > 0 there exists a simplicial appr oximation s show t h at ing diagram is coramutative SdsK f '(x ) are homotopic. g integer larger than We prepare for the proof of Lemma 4.2 with a few definitions If Thus g: have the common 1; -successor they have a common Consequently and line segment j o ining fl (K,L) g{x ) f'{x). are subdivision homeomorphisms. (See VI. 3 for This implies that nStg(B . ) J J j is non-empty. Let 'I' be any simplex j details. ) whose interior meets n j 4.4 DEFINITION. map g: A s implicial approximation to SdsK ~ Sd L such that, for each 1 of- f is a simpli.c ial x E SdsK, g{x) lies St g( B ) j vertices n 'I' F 0, (g{B.») J st g(B. ) J and so in a non-empty set. g (B ) j is a vertex OfT. span some face T' 197_ of T. For each j, Thus the Itf'ollowsthat g Proof of Lemma 4 .2 : extends to a simplicial map of SdsK into Sd L. Let x E a. Let simplicial approximation to n St f'(x) E g (B. ) . (x) ,,' in its interior contains each g (B,) Therefore g( x ), simplicial approximation to 4.6. DEFIIHTIOH. K L ~ Let K which of course lies in L f folla.ls. The vertices of those of L. and i f the f the simplex is g is a L f K K together with A collection a in K and the ILf I L J LEMMA. Then i ::." jf. Let are embedded as subcomplexes in j: LCLf and map. fx x E K. lies in the simplex Thus the simplex line segment from ix Then x L . f Note (f~, ... ,fAs)' since (~, ... ,As' fAo, ..• ,fA ) s to jfx. It follows that of f (~, ... ,As)' is a simplicial L f i::." jf. Let (Sd K' , Sd L')h' h'. (K" ,L") is ob tained fr om the d isjoint union [I (K,L)] U (Sd X (O,x') _ j ( k' ) -1 (K" , L") K', Sd L')h' U [I X (K',L')] x' X E K, i: (SdsK,SdsL) C (Sd x' E K', (Sd j: K', K', Sd L') C (S d Sd L' )h' K', Sd L' )h' Furthermore , v e have embeddings contains the K', of (K,L), Sd L'), i v e ly, in :t x.(k~l) is a regular complex. hl , (SdsK,SdsL), and (K" ,L"). (K',L') r espect (Stl ~: S.a l!)~ - - - - --~frl (See picture.) i-le want t o shov that (h l )* = hl ::." ik, (h )*h*. 2 It is clear that and t hat a ddi t ion , Lemma 198 as folla.,'s. f, denote the inclus ions. lies in some simplex (K" ,L") be the simplicial mapping cylinder of the simplicial map i , j, h2 Suppose that ::> (X,A) g (K',LI) h' _ ::> (Sd K',Sd L') \</e define the comple x (Sd Proof: ~ Ik' (SdsK,Sd.sL) Then KCL , f h" t (l,x) - ikx is not homeomorphic to the mapping cylinder of i: h" = k'h'k. b y making the f oll owing identifications: de fined i n V.2. 4.7. in span B.' s L. and are subdivision homeomorphisms, and (K,L) of vertices spans a simplex L} E Consider the diagram belm" h" ::." h. is the simpliCial complex g iven as K, B. J h. Then the simplicial mapping He include all faces of such simplexes together fa. k' be simpliCial c omplexes , and let are the vertices of f Thus and k (1) span a simplex with all simplexes of als o that E l i and so are assume d to be dis joint.) A. A 's Not e that L L {~, ... ,AS' Bl,···,Bt : L and of the mapping (K f'(x), or' , fl. be a simplicial mapping. cylinder of as a vertex, and so has J as a fac e . be a containing whi ch contai ned in the closed simplex containing f: Sd L J j f' Thus the unique simplex of (Sd\,sdsL) ~ ( SdK ' ,Sd. L') h': Then h 2k' ::." j. In 4.7 implie s that 199 -- - (k')L') IK(~' i Z jh' . It f Qllows that (h l )* Tn the pr,?of of Theorem 4.9, we will work with the direct spec On I X (K, L) : homotopy between f 1;CJ. (X, A;G). j*h~k* (since i ::: jh l ) results c oncerning the successor relation in (h2 )*k~h~k* (since h kl :: j) 2 results about (h2)*h~ (since hit = k'h'k) (h 2 )*h* (since htl :: h). Since and f f l: gb. ::- ghlt gklh'k gk'hlk, to define f' on I X (K,1) CJ. Proof : we may use the so We prove first that that i*([u,f]} f ' (l,x) m: for (x O. = fl on and m(jB) (Sd K', Sd 1 1 )h l I X (K', L' ) : On SasK, if gh is a monomorphism. and h*u for for f ~ f' the identifications yielding and 4.8. f lh 2 COROLLARY. S H (X,A; G) CJ. g. B a vertex of Sd K'. gklm. The sets g x E By construction, is cofinal in flh l f -1 Tnt B and Tnt B and g Y - Y-X -1 (1 - Y-X) r ~ ( X,A;G), covering (K,. 1) ~ (K' ,1') h: 1· ~ (Y,B) form an open covering of form an open covering of Y. K'. Thus He so that: (k1B -1 Tnt B, klg -l( Y SdrK' of SdrK' gk -1 l Y-X)}, Let is a subdivision homeomorphism. which are mapped by into lies in an open set of the where r ~ • Sd 1 1 Tnt B}. U {closed simplexes K" Let KI ~ SdrK" k : l of all closed simplexes mapped into be the subcomplex X by -1 gkl . Set and so L" is isomorphic to the limit group of the direct spectrum = K" n 11" complex of J./ q(X,A;G). such K' . The proof of Lemma 4.2 is complete. ~CJ. (X,A;G) Hqf (K,1jG) m(iA) = h'A as defined above is consistent with (Kit, 11t ). € ) (X, A) g (K ', L') (1) Every closed simplex of As the reader may verify, [u,f] and Suppose that we O. (K, L) choose an integer g(x ') i* and an embedding K). € to be the composition f' (t, x ' ) Set =B is a proper excision, then K) € (Sd K', Sd 1 1 )h : Define a simplicial map ' (Sd KI , Sd 1')h' ~ 'Sd K', Sd 1') by setting A a vertex of (Y,B) This means there exists a map On Define (c ) = gklh'kx c;: (K,1) ~ (X, A) f: (K' ,1 1 ) ~ (Y,B) such that (x (X, A) i: CJ. are given a map g: f'(O,x ) =fx If to deduce CJ. ~ ( X, A; G ) ~ ~(y,B;G). i *: (KIt,11t) ---;;.. (X,A ) . 'J.I (X,A;G ) );jCJ. (X,A;G). THEORDf. 4.9. that (b) How that we have proved Lemma 4. 2, we can use hI :: ik) He must nOl, define the mapping (a) trum (since = i*k* Finally, since (K ' , 1' ) . We set have the diagram below, where h is an embedding, (K"' ,1" 1 k2' k3' 200 ? nl ) h (K, 1) r r (Sd h(K }, Sd h(1) . and k4 is a subThen we are the obvious inclusions and k5 = klh. [(k k )*U, g ' ] e 4 5 4.2, (K,L) ( K'.t~ (K ', L') ~ (Y,B) k2 0 -C -l( Y O _klti L" = t . (Y, B) = Y - Int B n ontI'ivially. -l-C ° _ x. Thus gkl ~ He have shown tha t - L". k3 t is an k3 be an open simplex of 0 and s o 0(; K" In other words, H (K", L"i G) ~ H (SdI'K',LliG) q ~ k3 k 4k 5 = k 2k l h: (K,L) ~ (SdrKI, L ), l (k k 4k )*u = (k k h)*u = (k k )*h*U = O. 2 l 2 l 3 S phism, (k 1. k )*u = O. f 5 de note the mapp ing spect rum Pro - Note t hat ( gk~lI K" ): 'JIq ( X,A; G), [u,f] E k4k5 (K",L") ~ (Y, B) Here and since k3 SdrKI - Ll (; K" - L" i is an excision of complexes. is an isomorph ism . ..Ie have and s o Since (k )* 3 is an isomoI' is not an embedding . ~ (X,A). Let l g / (K ' ,L ') SdrK' - L · l By (1 ) , <;: K" , i 2 g' kl is an excision of complexe s . (k )* : 3 v is a sub division homeomorphi sm, Hq(K",L" i G) ---::>- Hq(SdrK ', L ) l = (k ): 1(k )* (k )*U € Hq(K" , L"j G) . l 2 3 gk~\ (SdrK' ,Ll ) ---::>- (Y ,B). Then [v ,i g '] € . , lg H q (K" , L"; G) k2 is an inclusion, and Thus i s an isomorphism. Let g" Let denote t he map [u, f] e H! (K', L I; G) and have t he c=non succ e ssor [(k )*v, g"] € ~" (SdI'K I,Lli G) in the di r ec t spec t rum 3 It follows from Lemma 4 . 2 that i* ( [v, g I ]) ( [u , g]) . the proof of 4 . 9 . In the dir ect ~(K,Li G) has t he s ucc e ss or q 203 ")1"'1..'") ,.. (X,A) 3 I K" - til. Let int ersects Y- X) , g' (SdrK', Sdr L I) By Property VI of cellular' homo l ogy t heory, ~ Suppose th at is a monomorphism, COBstruCt the ( SdrK" Ll) ~ " g the reverse inc l usion is obvious, and (k~ ) * : is ont o . k 1'k SdrK ' - Ll ~, n K" i* (K" ,L") V excision of c ompl exes . -1 i* complexes and maps in the diagram be low: gkl (K' ,L') gkl is a mon omorphism . q ceeding as in the proof that Ikl Then It follows that q Ii ( SdrK ' ,S drL') He show that and so by Lemma is given , and t hat [u,gk Hg( K', r!; G). (SdrK I ' Ll)~l j H ( X, A; G). We prove in a simil a r manner that g: ~3 (k k )*u = 0 , 4 5 represents the zero of H ~ (X,A) ( Kill ,L'" ) But S ~C; (X, AiG) ~ H-'(Y,B : G) q q ' i*: ~k5 h [u,f] H~'(K",L"iG). )Iq (y,B;G) . This comple tes continuous mapping of complexes. 5 . Equivalence of Cellular and Singular Homology Theories. The Invarianc~ Theorem for Infinite Complexes. homomorphisms f* respectively. Since with IJet regular complexes. direct spectrum ~ IJet denote the collection of finite sub- K, ordered by inclusion. We define a direct spectrum ~ where (K,L) is finite the single group Hl(K,Lj G) q the identity, is cofinal in the 'J.Iq (IKI, ILl iG). JJq ( IK ' I, lL' liG). final in complexes of . for cellular and slngular homology, (K, L) ~ (IKI, ILl) 1: be an oriented pair of (not necessarily finite) (K,L) S f* and Then we have induced homology Likewise, Hl(K ' ,L' iG ) q is co So we have the followinG diagram, denotes the isomorphism defined by taking equivalence of abelian eroups by setti.ns classes under the relation of baving a common successor: G(M) The collection = Hq (M, M n L) (G(M)) , MEt . for each together with the homomorphisms induced by inclusions, forms a direct system of abelian groups. (G (M) ) f: is cofinal in the direct spectrum (K',L') plexes ~ (K',L ') (K,L) into (K,L), then, since IK'I be factore d through some finite subcomplex of is compact, K. f can 5.3. DEFDUTION. 1-1 and M' f) be categories, and let t G o.e two covariant functors from 1.9. to qJ from F to G is a collection are finite subcomplexes of (qJclc E ~), n L) in the direct spectrum morphism induced by inclusion. H q (M, M n L) ']J.q (IKI, ILl) E M(F(C ) ,G(C )), such that if C and f E MeC, D), and where each D are objects of M~ M', K such that F A natural transform Condition (b) is trivial in this case, then the only admissible homomorphism mapping Hq (W, M' and "" This proves con qJC because if t IJet > ~(IK'I,ILII;G) C£ H (K' L"G) = Hl(K' L"G) q " q" ation dition (a) of cofinality. l~ q 1:* First, if is a map of the pair of finite regular com > rt'(IKI,ILI;G) '" (1 ) We claim that ~q (IKI, ILl). qJ Hl(K q , L'G) , Hq (K,L; G) ~ and then to ~ • F(r) is the homo- = G(r) 0 qJC' The latter is of course admissible One defines a natural transformation of contravariant functors ana in the direct system (G(M)). Thus the following theorem follows from logously. 1.4 relativized, 1.6, and 4.2: 5.1. 5.2. THEOREl-l. COROLLARY. 5.4 THEOREM. S The di agram (1) above is commutative. Thus ~ yields H ( IKI, ILliG) "" H (K,Li G). q q a natural transformation of functors. Cellular homolosy groups of infinite regular com IJet Proof: [u,l] plexes are topological invariants. [u, f] We can prove a little more. 80ry of finite regular complexes. E Hf(K, L;G ). q E Hl(K,L;G). q But [f*u,l] Then E We restrict ourselves to the cate IJet f: (K,L) ~ (K' ,L') be a 205 s f*{ [u,l]) Hl(K' , L'j G) q is represented by is a successor of [u,f] in t he di rect spectrum f~, ( [u, III Exe rcis e . the diagr am ?J q ( IK' I J IL'l ;G), and so Chapt,,; ' VIII ( [ f*u,l] ) . Let (K,L) be l~l INTRODUCTORY HOMOTOPY THEORY AND TEE PROOFS be a pair of fini t e r egular complexes . i s commutative f or every q I n t h i s chapter we will be touching upon a main prob l em in t opol.ogy t he e x tens i on problem as defin.eCi, in the Introducti o n, page ii. '> lIS ( K I, ILl; G ) q "" f* q: I :£ R (K,L, G) OF TIlE REDUNDANT RESTRICTIONS Prove that Our main goals are the horllQtopy e xtension theorem and t he t heorem on i nvariance o f t S 0* Sf! Hq l( L,G ) ;. "" domain . S H l(IL I;G ) restr ictions imposed on :cegul <1 This fact) t OGet he r "I>'it h Them'em 5. 3 and the result t h at cp is an i s omorphi sm of cellular and singul ar homology groups for fi nite r egular c omplexes, cons titut e the s tatement that qJ (See Ei lenbe:cg and! S teenr o~, Foundations of Al€ ebraic TopoJ.?,gy . ) comple xe s i n Chapter II, and 'by proving t nat each r e gular qua si compl e x is a comple x. ( See 1 . 5.) 1. Solid s-paces . 1.1. DEFINITION. Be'l:;rac ts . defines an e quival e nce of ce llular and singular homo l ogy theorie s on t he cate gory of finite r egular c omplexes . We will compl.ete the chapter' by proving the r-edundance of the normal space f :A - -> Y, spa ce A i s solid if wheneveI ' there i s given a Y X, a closed subspace then extends over f' A of X, and a continuous func t i on X. The proper ty o f b eing s olid ie topologic al . of a single ~o int 1s solid . dosed unit interval is The space c onSisting The Ti etze exte nsion t heorem asserts t hat the so~id . The n ext pr oposition thus impl i es that the closed n- ball is sol.id . 1.2 . PROPOSITI ON. Proof : Le t be nor mal, p : ~ Y a , a€J\, be an arbitrary fami.J.y of sol id spa ces. A closed. in ---> ~ Y a€ A a A product of solid space s is solid. Y -~ X, and f:A -->a7J.AYa g: X a --> Ya , sin ce Y a X a cont i nuou s mapping . is t he projection then for each be extended to a mapp i ng Let If a, Pa f :A ---> Y a is solid . A point c an of 't(a ) € Y · a'KA Ya is a function 't on 11 mapping each a t o eo point a Define g: X - > nY by [ g(x ) J(a) = g x. Then p fl. g for each a, a a 0:a and 206 so g i s c ontinuous and extend s f . ~· 3· DEFINITI ON. a retract A X 01' Let A be a subset of a space if t here exists a map is the identity . The map Note that if Y, every map of n-l S r etracts: the origin. A to Then ---> A whos e r es triction to is called a retract ion of r X i f and A is a retract of Y e x t€ n d s to a map ot' is a retract of (But not of N n nn X onto X to o~y y. X r, A. to the algebraic extension problem . a homomorphism is closed Example s of En In the product i s a r etract. sn - l is not a retr act of If A X C X x X is a retI'act of > H (A) , for each n . identity map l:A - -> A X x X. A extends over X. X x y. Thus t he F inall y , suppose is a retr act of X X, A space is c a lled 1' , is normal , fo:!' the gi f. (It is not in G<2neral a and and r:X I t fol lowS that Hn ( X) = for each 1m i* IS: Ker r * a solid torus . Let n. i * :H ( A) 1 A i* then 1, is a monomorphism A be a s imple closed cuX've in - HI ( X) "" Although z. X. is no t a. retract of 8. eClu ivalent to a retraction problem . f :A ---> Y 1.4. DEFll'lITI ON . each H (X) n, is there a homomorphism ¢ such that ¢ i.* g: X ---> Y extending f x eA then "e can set ¢ f.* 1'* ? If there is and obtain a solutio space - X Uf Y PROPOSITION . extensio n of - and suppose that The adjunction space of the mapping vii th its image • Hn (Y) 1.5 · a map 'De a subspace of X is the space obtainecl- from the disjoint union Note that * For each A f to Let. X xuY f :A - contains f :A - > y Y by i dentify-ing if and only if' X U y. l' 2 0Q as a subspa c e . be given. Y > Y f, vritten f( X) € Y . .. ' .. ~ ":.l f Let is a c ontinuous mapping. x Uf , Y, Hn ( A) x that e very extens i on p:coblem is actually i :JCX corresponds to the e xtension problem diagrammed b elow: ;/ of a spac e is a retract __ ,-lhic h Vie call a r etract i on problem -- is of course an extension Given any diagram o f spaces and maps "Ie obtain a co r r esponding I i' -we let A c losed problem . The proposition below ShO'.'IS i* /' a X ,,'hich , is a monomorphism t he image is not a direct summand and > R1 ( X) Thus a solid space is an obsolute retract. denote inclusion, then the extension problem for a mapping r_*i* '" 1 : an absolute retract i f it j_s a retra ct o f any nor mal space containing it as i agr am of homology groups and induced homomorphisms . X, s o that is a r etract of Suppos e , foX' example , that as a cycle , repres ents t'll ice the gemorator of so A n S1 x D2 , x X Note that i f The problem of d etermining vlhethe r a given subset subs pace . of is a necessary co ndition f or the ---> A s atisfying ri H (A) - X, then is sol id and closed in En . a s ,~e shall prove l ater in thi s xo x y n, The above reasoning -was used i n the introduction to prov<2 that i:A C XxY of arbitrary spaces a cross sec t i on = 1'* s uch that ',ve have consid ered as a set of ordered pall's , is a I'etract of diagonal g minus f: X ---> Y is continuous, then the funct ion Also , i f ¢ i* such t hat Thus the exis t e nce , for each sufficient conditic,n . ) n cilapter. ) ¢ e xistence of a mapping i f for a ny space minus the origin and o f' or of is called A is a Hansdorff space, each r etract of X It is e asy to see that r: X X. The n tnere e xis-ts an is a retr act of the adjunction Proof' : Let x Uf y. of f. j :X - -> X Un y X E X to its equi valence class in -.- -> Y i s a re traction, then rj r:X U f Y If map I On the other hand , sugpos e ---> g :X Y extends n Then we define 1' . f- ~ II. A" is an extension Sin ce g( z. ) if z r(z) V' n X if z € z A'n V" ( for all X U Y f 1. 0. z E Then X U-r y. onto n C X U" m V' U V' n n A" A' s atis:f'ying Y ax'e all solid , t hen y Y If Y' and Y' U y lI> and i f Y" Y', yll, and n V" n A" 2. is a metric space . - V' • and PROPOSITI ON. and ' \ole have For each U' nAil W A". Suppose m < n. mZn n n n, U' n V' n V" V' U V" are disjoint open sets s uch that n n n =X X' V" n A' m ¢. Let X be normal, A I' = 1'-1 y" . X such that 'We can extend is solid . A Suppose we have found closed s ub spaces X ' U X" , A ' f fA' n A" C C X' , A" to a map X", and - -> y. Se t A' X' and X f I (X I n X" ) U A" ~ g2 agree on extends f. Thus 'We only have to find s ince g2: X" _ _> yll . and X" Then Y' n Y" gl: X' - -> Y' Then since g:X - -> Y whic h X' n X", they defi ne a mapping X' of x 'n X" n A = A' n A". fl(x ' n X") U A'to a map to a map X" f -i., X and sat is fying the conditions the mappin@from to X ¢. Thus UA ' ( A ' - A ' nAil n n ~ The r elation of homotopy is Suppos e X' each map g :X - -> Y rr( XiY) is another' spac e , and 'de f :X' - -> X is a map . can assign the composition > rr(Xi Y) . Similarly, is a map , t hen f y. Thus the collection of these equi valence gf :X' - -> y . as s ignment pr eser ves t he relation of homotopy and so rr(Xj Y) - X to Y are partitioned into equivalence classes of' He denote by classe s . *: conta i ns V'n - V" . Y be topological space s . homotopi c mappi ngs . f set The Homo t opy Extension Theorem . Let f:A f: X' n X" - -> Y' n Y" Similarly, we can extend and we can extend gl X, and le t WE: Thus we may take is soli d . cl osed in ' n an equiv al ence re lation on the colle ction of mappings from Proo f : ¢. = I and so n ~ Thus U A" ( V", and V I n A" n n ~ and V' ( Then nA such t hat For each ¢. Similarly, n V"m n U"n and Un' = A" Then, for each U" - LJ n A' - A'n A" . n n A" n ¢. V" n n and n U AI A' n, ij"" n A' n n n cont a ins V" and X" '" X - V ' Y Y'n y " _ A" - A I n A". U ' -~ ij"" n n The following porpos i tion is called a Polish add i t i on theorem . Suppose HA~ YI n n f- ~' A'n set "\ole is normal, we may choose open sets X m ~ is well- defined and continuous , and r etracts y. are closed subspaces of y ' ny" r U YI A" ( U" and A' ( U ' n ~ n' n ~ n ' X € n. are closed for e ach n Since n Similarly, r: X U Y ---> Y by setting f y" and Y'n Then if' y l X and This i ndu ces a function is another space , and induces , by composition , a function Thus t he a ss ignment to every two spaces f To f:Y - -> Y' f* :rr( Xi Y) - > rr(Xi y l ) . Y of the set rr( Xi Y), with the induced functi ons described above , is a function of t\iO variable , given above. We defi ne and Y'n (YEY 'ld(y ' n y ll , y ) > ~n y" {y € y " Id(Y' n Y" , y ) > n 210 1 n J contr avariant in If y Y X and covariant in y. is arc- wis e connected , then any tl,W cons t ant maJls from X are homotopic. to Thus the constant maps are all contained in a s ingle class 21.1 DEFINITION. 2 .1. of A map fr om "(XjY). to an arc - wise connected s pa ce X Y Let (X,A) be a PBir of spaces . The space A has i s called X with r espe ct to a spa ce t he homotopy extens ion property i n homo top ically tr ivial or inessential t f i t i s homotopi c to a constant map. f:X - -> y , and a homotopy any map G:I X A ---> Y of Y if, given flA ( i. e . a map All other maps are called essential. s uc h t hat The homo t opy c las s ifi cat i on problem fo r the s paces X and Y fX G(O, x) F: I x X - -y Y e numerat e the homotopy classes in for x € A), then there exi sts a homotopy is to of' f which extends IT( X;Y) and to g ive an al gor i thm f or X homotopy extens i on -property i n d e ciding t o which homotopy class any g iven map from X to Yare homotopic is an extension problem . 0 X X U 1 >.: X on f and fr om g A ha s the absolute A has the homotopy extens i on pr operty if That is , we have a map 'With r espect to every spa ce X y. X to F definet PROPOSI TION. 2 .2 . is clos ed in in I X X by X. I f Let (X,A) be a pair of spaces , and assume that fx sets and f unctions is 8xact at A X with A has the homotopy ex tens i on pr operty i n re spect t o an arc, "liSe connected space F(O,X) The space Y belongs . in The problem of de c iding whether blo maps G. s e que nce of Y, then t he f'ollmli IT( X jY) F(l,X) = gx * * Tr(XjAj Y) -p - > and f:: g that if Y i t' and only it is solid and e:;.,,'tends to a map of F' I XX is normal, then I X X to y. class onlY, that of the inessential maps . Les s t rivially, s uppos e X Here X L-> ident i f ying is a soltd metric space, Y i s ar c wise conne cted. Xj A A is solid. By 1.6, the set Z Since the compos ition By the Tietze extensio n theorem, 0 X X U I X Xo U 1 X X = € o X. It follows that Z is a retract of connected, we can exte nd the map F I X X. Since defined above over Y Finally, s uppose I XX ~-y K and Z K' F are finite s~ licial by the simplicial approximation theorem f :K - - y K' over all of Sd~ to complexes . K' Sd~ to K" n ex . * i ex = 0, f Yo € Y ' Let to the inessential IA satisfi es i *ex O. Let is homotopic to a constant f iA and a constant map . Since A has t he homotopy extens ion pr oper t y in 'Wi t h re spect to G extends to a map X Then Y, and F (l, x) = yo for all x € A. F :I X X --> Y sati s :t'ying The map g yO ' Thus defined by F(O,x )=fx g (x) = F (l ,x) for s ome n. f and maps A to " (KjK , ) is countable . 21 3 ?l ? A t o a point, G:I X A --> Y be a homotopy of there are only f i nitely many s implic i al maps f rom i t 1'ollo\IS that maps IT( XjA jY ) ex E IT (XjY ) Since A to Borne point i s homotopic to Since for each by I X X. (v Ir. 4.5) every cont inuo us map is homotopiC to a simpl i c ial map of On the other hand , suppo se f:X --> Y represent Z, and t hen '.e to extend sends every clas s in is arc wis6: map of can use the r e traction i *P* A ---> X ---> X/A is s olid for any class . X J{ to a point . the composition I is pI'o j e ction ont o the spa ce obtained f rom I X X is Proof': normal, and IT(A jY) I t fDllows consis ts of one " (XjY) "(XjY ) 2....-> g define s a map h:XjA --> Y such that hp Let Exe rcise. It then follows that if g. v be a point of Sl. h ~€ re presents Prove that has the absolute homotopy extension Property in S\13l rr( x/ A;Y) , p*~ SIx v U v x Sl = a. C SIx S Proof : Embed I X En ( XO ' Xl' xn ) "'J I X En Sl X Sl. as the subset of 0 X En U I X Sn-l to Then PROPOSITION. Let X,A) be a pair of spaces with A A has the absolute homotopy extension llroperty in I x A U 0 x X i s a retract of c l osed in X. X if and only if I X X. the r etraction of K:n Kn ULand each Proof: f:X Suppose 0 X U 0 X X X c.. A has the absol.ute homotopy extension property in I X A U 0 X X be the obvious embedd ing. b e the inclusion. G I X A U 0 X X ,- > I A in and A U 0 x X. X I XX onto x € A and a homotopy are given, then f and G:I X A _> I X A together define the identity map I X A U 0 X X, t hi s map extends to give G:I X A -> Y [!; such that G(O,x) fx for H:I X A U 0 X X _> Y. define a map Extend Hover 2.4. THEOREM: ([,he Homotopy Ext ension Theorem for Ree;ular Complexes). I X X by compOSing with the retraction r n L. on all of n n r wi th respect to the cells of lli , r n is an obvious retraction of Then r~ n > 0, let retract's union of all of the m < n, r rO Mn onto m~ppings is well-defined. Vb r' :M n n M_ define the function For n 0 t here M_ l • onto --> uSing 2.5 . is given by the weak topology M n i s continuoup. n is e If' I Xe defined on n n, let The n for -> j.1n-l as follows. :M Since the topology on 1ft. n For each I X L U 0 X K. be the composition Iii -1 rOrl···r n · Define r: I X K - -> M-1 by taking the l · r'n' Since The map r r' m and r' n agre e on is continuous because the weak topology with r espect to closed cells. r. K - These retractions together with the identity map on M _1. n X' Then project I X L U 0 X K by applyine; M1 n K-L, we have the retraction For each r : IXX -> I X A U 0 X X is a retraction. I X K U 0 X K, with 1. ( 2,0,0, ••• ,0). 2 . 5 to the individual cells of M n ? i~l x~ and 1 I X K onto we define as retraction n-cell of an I X A U 0 X X. On the other hand, Suppose f:X - > Y Let USing the homotopy extension property for X with respect to the space a retraction of If f Let X. n > 0 ~ . from the pOlnt We obtain a retraction of 2·3· consisting of all points n Xo 0 ~ such that Rn+.L 1'1 m for I X K has This completes the proof' of 2.4. If fK,L is a pair of regular compleses, then extension property in L has the absolute homotopy It follows from the homotopy extens i on theorem that extend ibility of a map depends only on its homotopy class. before 2 .1, if Proof: He show that I XL U0 XK is a retract of I X K. P"ropos i tion 2·3 then applies to give the theorem. 2·5· LEJ·ir.1A. is a retract of En be the closed unit into I X En. n-ball. Then K and K' are finite simplicial complexes there are only countably many extension problems involving maps of a subcompl ex f Let Thus, in the light of the remarks K. K'. Also, if a map extends to all of L COROLLARY. f : L --> Sn K f:L --> Y is homotopic to a constant map, then K. I X Sn-IV 0 X En 2.6. of If the dimension of is extendible over K. 214 21 5 L is l ess than n, any map Proof : Let h: Sd~ ---> Sn be a simplicial approximation to some simplicial decomposition of' Sn . IT e is an n- simplex of Sn, and is a point in the interior of e, then h maps Sd~ into Sn _p. n Sn_p is contractible in 8 and s o h is homotopic to a constant . But P Exercise. t heorem is f al se in general . 2 there is a homotopy F: I x S2 --- > 8 ~. z integer . of the identity and This means Let Let 1 X be the subspace of 1 n of the origin t ogether with all points of the form R with consisting n a positive Y = X U [ -1,0 ] . A be the origin, and set She,,, that in the group of linear fractional transformations of the Ri emann Shpere, the identity is homotopic to the map f or each We give an example to show that the conclusion of the homotopy extension f, using A - - - - +- -- -..l.~----~_ _ _ _ __ -1 o ~1 '-------------v--- 1 such that z X -.~~. \ t, F ( t,z) is a linear fractional transformation . "'----- y ------ 2 Exercise . Define the degree of a map f' : 8 ---> 8 2 to be the unique integer n nu, ~heTe such that f*( u) ,,,ith P and U of t he polynomials ha\~ no common roots . P I f the degree of coefficient 1 . be a polynomial in z n- l . Let p ( z) = zn + ~ a.z l i=O mapping of S2 to i tself. F (O, z) n n-l F ( t,z) = zn + (l - t ) ~ ai: i=O is a homotopy of P as a p ( z) and F ( l:z) = zn. i n the s econd exercise above that the degree of the map Therefore if n > 0, P z ___> zn is i s not homotopic to a constant, by propel' ty ~ cellu~ar homology the ory, sect ion VI. 5 . poi nt to zero . It was shown In other ~ords, P Thus p n. of y to to 0 -1 . vie claim that there is no homo topy of f to a map wh i ch sends 0 to - 1 . F ( t,x) X, and property in f must satisfy Y is a f inite Simplicial complex, If X and I X X are normal, then X with respect to F ( t,x) =fx m\iHA . If A A is closed has the homotopy e xtension y. K is a finite Si mplicial comple x and then there exis ts an open neighborhood of of X t . THEOREN . 2.8. f lA This is so because, except at the origin, is d iscrete, and so any homotopy in Then U of L L such that is a L subcom~lex, is a retract U. is onto and so maps some must have a roo t . Fe have sketched a proof of' the fundarnental theorem of algebr a using methods of algebraic topolog Proof of 2 . 8 ; L, and let s Let b e the set of vertices of T be the set of ve rtices of U = ra E K ( 216 is homotopic in f :X ---> Y is the inclusion. the map sending 2 ·7· with leading Define F Suppose for all z • of degl'ee l I f we define PCco) = co and F Ct,oo) = co then is the maximum of t: f n g(z ) p(z ) = p ( z)/Q( z) n, eY~ibit a homotopy f ~ g is f fe z) Q, assuming that P and Q and in t he Space of rational :f'\mctions, where Let IT pol ynomials, shmi' that the degree of Q. algebraic degrees Example . 9 H2 (8-) . generates I .E VES a ( v) > ~ J K not in L. K which lie in We define a If € L, then E_ a(v) ves 1, it meets every simplex of U onto L so LeU. The set in an open set, K U is open because We define a retraction of Proof of 2.9: vertices of h: X by s etting --> a. retraction (r(a))(v ) = ( a(v) if' v'~S o S V € if' € V T If a is a simplex of of' t-wo of its face s, Int a lies on a ~ of T. uni~ue Remark: t.r(a). U. a -where T TO,.', may be exmessed as the join a n L. Each point U € n line segment joining a point of T' to a point We note that the retraction r is homotopic to the identity For example, -we may def'ine a homotopy F rCa) lies in F(t,x)=(l-t)a + by a Since a is solid, -we may extend By 2.8, there exists a neighborhood if it is homotopic to the identity on F:I X X - > X -with mapping A F(O,x) is called a deformation retract of d eformation retract of U of Y h-~ and define LEMNA, normal space and Let A g:V -> is closed in I X X, G extends to a mapping H:V - -> Y V is open and contains the compactness of containing x -which is open W = x~ !'l(x). t hat X Then X X ---> Y I XA U I, that for each ° X X. x € It is easy to see , using A there exi sts a set X and such that I X N(X) ~ V. is normal there exists a Urysobn function heAl = 1 I X A U 0 X X C E = O. heX - H) and C I X I~ C Let By 2 . 9, since be given. is an open set containing I'T --> A is a deformation retraction A N(x) Let and I X A .c..- I X '.1 h:X --> [0, 1] E = {(t,x)lo ~ t ~ hex)}. C V. such Then V, and -we define a retraction r:I X X --> E (h(x),x) if t ~ hex) i f t ~ hex) ( t,x) X; that is, if there exists a x and X. F(l,x) = rx, In this case In the proof of 2 .8, L Y be a finite simplicial complex. a closed subspac e of If X X, then for each map V of A and an extension of Then Hr:I X X ___> Y extends G and the proof of 2·7 is complete. is a f is a f :A The exerc i ses in Chapter I In particular, -we note that O. Hanner proved (Archiv For i'iathematik, 1951 ) that a locally f inite --> Y to a map s implicial complex is an absolute neighborhood retract (abbreviated ANR). A me tr i c space X is an ANR if given an embedding of ubspa ce of a metric spB,ce 218 to Y I X AU 0 X X ° The hypotheses of 2.7 can be relaxed. Y. -> by -with U. there is an open nieghborhood g:V a and a G:I X A U of Ru 's book, Homotopy Theory, provide references. 2,9· in Let r(t,x) r:X to a mapping f Proof of 2 .7: U. In general, a retraction V Then set r:U --> y. on the a rho Since This -works because the line segment joini ng a point its image a rea) = ~. We set mapping on a K, then y. as a. subcomplex of the simplex Y be the composition where vie may describe the retraction as follo-ws. Regard Z, then X 219 X as a c.l osed is a retract of some open neighborhood i n Z. Lemma 2. 9 i mpl i e s tha t. fi ni te c ompl e x i s an ANR. 8! r esul t i t f ollows that 2 .7 hol d s "it h 2.10. DETn U TION• A spa ce X From Hanner 's Then for Y a l oc all y f init,e simplicial comple! i s contra cti ble i f the ident:it y map of mapping g aO i nto h gf. (X,a ) ~ (X,A) O wi th the i nclus i on (Y, yO) and s o ha , The map ha s t he quot i ent topolo~J i nduced b y (Y, yO) continuous since compos i ng X gyO a E A, gfa (X,A) • We show that g g is f. By we may r egard as g i s a homotopy i nvers e i s homotopi c to a constant map . Exer c i se . Prove that i f HS (X ) q f or' q > O. "" 0 X i s contr a ct i ble t hen fo r ~ (X) "" Z a nd Firs t, (Hint : ShO"I, tha t c ontra ctible. X ident i ty . I X X is no rmal, then i s solid and Also , i f ex i s any spa ce, then t he coue X gfx X H( t , y) is = fG ( t , f (See V .2 f or we have A X. i s closed i n map X i s contractible . b y ident i fyi ng f:(X ,A) Proof : A Since - -> (y,Yo) A If A to t he po i nt (Y, yO) - -> X wh ich extend s F and sat i sfie s G(O,x) Define h: X - Not i ng that the i de ntif i cat ion map g mapping and the f G(t, f -ly ) = f:(X,A) i nto A.) i s one - one on f -1 f YO ' the n Y YO' Thus H Ne xt, define X - A, H( t, y) i s we ll A, b u t since G( t , A )~ A Y i s s i ngle valued and leaves yo fixe d . H i s continuous , ,Ie us e t he f act t hat t he topol ogy on > I X y. I X Y (For 1:1e have the follml ing d iagram : (I X X, I X A) ~> h ~l aO A € . Since maPS A x f or all t o the poi nt --> (Y , yo) f H x€X. a ' O i s one - one on Since (Y, yO ) f G i s contiuuous, the fact that wiGh respe ct to H(O ,y) H Y to X b y t X f ( I X Y, I X YO )~> A (X, A) X, there e x i sts a homot opy G:I X X Then if F: I X A - -> A A to a po i nt ha s t he absolut e homotopy extens ion property in X - A, we de f i ne Si nce y ). is a homotopy equival ence of pair s . by h( x )=G(l, x ). gf a proof , se e Hilton , An Introduc t ion to Homotopy Theory, p. 109 · ) i s the pair obtai ned i s contrac t ib le t here e xists a homotopy X i s a homotopy of yo' t hen t he ident i f ic at i on of the identity to the cons tant map s e nd i ng > G i s the qu oti e nt topo l ogy i nduced by the map 1 X 1':1 X X - i s a pair of spaces such t hat and has t he ab so lute homotopy extens i on pr ope rty i n Suppose also that from (X,A ) (X,A ) ,- 1 , YEY - YO' To sho\, t hat Suppose that so I X A G maps (No t e t hat d e fined fo r a defi nition ) i s contra ctible. 2 . 11. PROPOSITION. = G(l ,x) , lLx contrac t i ble space has the 8! homotopy t ype of a poi nt . ) Note t ha t i f f. ~ implies that 1 Xf ff f'G( O, f'-ly) is a homotopy of -1 y: y and I X Y has t he quot i ent topo l ogy H is conti nuouS . Si nce H( l ,y). = :fG (l , f1Y ) = fhi' -1 Y fg and the ident i ty on (Y,yO) ' f gy, Th is compl ete s t he proof of 2.11 . g( y ) : hf f -1 a y O f or' y E if y = yo Y - YO Examples : 1. Let K b e a fiui t e conne cted A b e a maximal tree , 2.11 shows that ??() K I - dimen s i onal complex . Le t ting i s homotopi c all y equival e nt to a wedge of c ircles . 2. Let 3. Invariance of Domain K be the 2 -torus 1-lith t'Wo disc s adjoined along t he In this section "We prove genera tors of the fundamental group . Then if A of the n-spher e. d i scs , p inch i ng A t o a pOi nt shows that K Our principal result i s the theorem on invarianc e of is homotopically equival e nt domain which states t hat if to the 2- sphere. then m 2 .12. PROPOSITION. Let (X,A) be a pair of spaces s uch t hat A is n. 1i1O) Then the identification map U C m R and V e Rn are homeomorphic open sets The proofs of the follo"Wing classical theorem and corollary "Were given in the Introduction. X a~d has the absolute homo topy extension property in X. closed in some classical the orems about the topology is the union of t hese 3 .1 . de fi ned in 2.11 induce s THEOREM. If n ~ 1 , then the unit Cn - 1 ) sphere Sn-l is not a retr act of the closed unit n-ball En. isomorphisms of Si ngular homology groups. Proof: Let j: I X A C 3 .2 . CA denote the inc I us ion of' COROLLARY. (The Brou"Wer Fixed-Point Theorem. ) Any continuous map I X A, as the bottom of t he closed unit n-ball En into itself has a fixed point. half of the cone CA. X l\CA Consider t he following commutative diagram , where is the adj unc tion space of the inc l usion the cone k of' A as the base of CA: Note that the proof of 3 .1 utilizes the concept of induced homology homomQrphism and thus depends upon Theorem VI 4.1. Since \ore are going t o use 3 .1 to prove r es ults "Which will lead t o proofs of the r edundant restrictions, (X , A) 2-> (X U I X A, I X A) ..iT....> (x Uk r~ CAl it i s essential that we remark that the proof of 3.1 may be obtained using simplic ial homology theory alone. We verified at the start that simplic ial complexes s atisfy the redundant r estr i ct ions. f (Y'YO ) Vr.4 .1 , stated f or simplicial complexes, to derive Theorem 3.1 above. If a space The maps are given as follows: by j:I X A C to t he point and J CA, and YO ' g i is the inclusion, J is a proper excision. i g is a homotopy eqUivalence. USing 2.3, it is e asy to see that is omorphisms of Singular homology groups. CA has X Uk CA, and so, by 2.11, Thus the composition f = is homeomorphic to [K [ for some r egular complex K, gJi induces thus X is said to be triangulable and K is called a triangulation of X. 3 .3. THEOREM. (Characterization of dime nsion of a finite regular complex) CA is a homotopy equivalence of pairs, the absol ute homotopy ext ension property in X is induced is the projection defined by identifying The inclusion Tbus"We may us e Theorem Let K be a finite regular complex . equivale nt for each The n the foll o"Wing t"Wo statements are n: (i ). The dimenSion of K ( ii l .For each closed set i s less than or equal to A C iKi, every mapping ,..,,..,-, n. f:A --> Sn is extendible Theorem 3.4 follo'..: s :;"rom the follo'\-ling theorem. [K [ . over Sta tement (ii) expres s es a topological proper ty. Thus the dimensions of two triangulations of IKI are equal and dimension is a topological property of triang ulable spaces. => Proof that (i) with A closed i n A and a map K. in U. Set L K g[L n- pl = L n- 1. Using the compactness of so finely the-I-, each simplex of A. Then SdsK Then Thus we may define g iL h:K and g' _ > Sn meeting of A, A lies consisting of all closed extends f. Let By 2. 6, we may extend Sd s Y . M is a subcomplex of Then s Sd K LCUand ( g ' L):L ___> Sn 1 to a map g ':M ---> Sn. nL f. equal to the subcomplex of simplices meeting M = Ln- 1 U -K- L. ~ich extends U agree on L n 1 f:X ---> Sn a finite subset is given Then by 2.9, there e xists an open neighborhood g: U ---> Sn we may subdivide f ~ ___>G n Suppose dim K ~ n, and that since mapping g(x) xe:L g ' ( x) x e:101 Suppose dim K, and let a g :cr ---> Sn f:En+l ---> K (fIS n ~ n+l n h:K ---> S , then hf:E ---> S n ). some point Let a g be an ~ n+l)-ce l1 of n~ O. If' X does not separate Sn onto a. Define were extendible to a map would be a retraction. This is impossible , be a closed proper subset of S n+l 3.5: 3.3, 'KI ---> = and let f:X F' Since _> F or Sn. p Sn+l Sn+l - X Since which is counect In either case 3.5 asserts (sn+l - x ) o and! g' of the mapping I' for is contractible, g, and hence Sn+l . ,then e v ery mapplng 3.3, gives a mapping n l of F each xae:V i i K not in --> a. a LUK n UK) - > Sn. Then n of course extends x e:a a L, choose a point n, is n g f. and a The composition of these retractions with h' : (K - {x )) _> Sn. a i Each Bn+l n n x ) which lies in a homeomorph g': (L h:L U K - -- -> Sn, and h :.1.< - {V. {x}. a p oints of is - to a map n (n+l)-cell a of ra: CG Since the dimension of f. (g il L) extend Sn+l ,where f :X ---> S X~ L, and such that there exists an extension of the mapping retraction similar to the one used in the proof of we take (K,L) to be a pair of finite regular complexes such define a map For each arg~nt USing an Sn homotopically tri v ial . 224 Sn+l xoe:sn+l - X. we may, by h X Let X be a closed proper subs et of O Now let THEOREM. (Borsuk) Let of the f, is homotopic to a constant map. and the proof is complete. 3·4. Sn+l - X, g :( s n+l - F') ---> Sn the existence of an extension g:(Sn+l - x ) ___>.Sn that If is by be a homeomorphism sending to be the inverse of and an extension has just one point, and so Theorem > n. F' of F does not separate F F If is an arbitrary continuous mapping, then there exists 3.5 => 3.4: Proof that g:L Proof that (i i ) ~ ( i): Sn+l be a closed proper subset of f. Proof of hex) X a set consisting of exac t ly one point from each component of and if (ii): Let THEOREvl. 3·5· < kI be the components of Sn+l - X x e:V. is an interior point. Let y. a l l V.• l Since V. -l be the point js open and connected, there exists of the closed unit and Yi' and such that which contain n+l Bi (n+l)-ball containing simultaneously ~ V • i 'Let r. l be a retraction of n+l Bi - Yi ·n+l Bi onto the boundary Then the r e tractions hll: (Sn+l _ (y. ) ) l Let Sn+l Y together with the mapping r. l _ ,> Sn which extends f. • n+l B. • l H(O,x) = gXo(X) i (hIIY) give a mapping Since Xl h" g U Int To be precise, is defined by Xl H(l,x) = g and h'x lies outside of the ball :X ----> Sn Thus B and gxo containing g are homotopic. Xl X, the image of Thus is contained in a hemisphere. Now s uppose for x € Y hlr.x for x € n+l Bi l may assume that 3.6. THEOREIl . Let g X be a compact subset of lies in the unbounded component of g :X --> -Xo Sn Xo Xo the ill1it ball Bn+l. The Theorem is now proved. R n+l • . A pOlnt € R O X n+l - X Rn+l - X if and only if the mapping defined by xo -b, ,x, (x) Suppose that the map g, , and so also g , Xo Xl X. Thus are normal. "n+l g:B -> n S Since Suppose Xo lies in the unbounded component U of Rn+l - and that g Xo We X is contained in ,which is defined by Xo to X U V. Note that the boundary of X U V is compact. Clearly VIe must verify that V is X U V and Consequently X is closed in X U V, and so we may g':X U V ~> Sn which extends g. VIe define by is homotopically trivial. Proof: X UV V of Rn+l - X. Then we shall apply the homotopy extension of 2.7 are satisfied. apply 2. 7 to obtain a mapping Ix - Xo I o is the origin of Rn+l is inessential. h~~otheses the I X (X U V) x - Xo lies in a bounded component theorem (2.7) to obtain an extension of g contained in ~ (x) g"x f~xTxT x. if x € X U V if X € Bn+l - V X is compact there exists a solid ball B about the origin containing Choose a point there exists a path and (xl. ' is homot-opic to a constant map. h"x x. Xl h(t)€ U Xl€U lying outside h: [0,1] for every t € B. Since U is open and connected, _> Rn+l such that h(O) = x ' hell = Xl' o [0,1]. Define a homotopy H(t,x) by Then g" g a(t,x) Ix- h(t)1 226 X € X, tdO,l] Bn+l V is a neighborhood of the origin xO. onto Sn, which is impossible . But Consequently is essential and the proof is complete. Xo X is continuous since is a retraction of 3·7· x - h(t) g" THEOREM. (Borsuk) If separates Sn+l wh i ch is essential. X is a closed proper subset of if and only if· there exists a mapping Sn+ll f::l( --_> ~ Sn Proof: If X separates components of from If Xo and xl be pOints in different . .. Under stereographlc proJectlon p:S n+l n+l --> R 3.1.1 . COROLLARY. then m By theorem 3.6, the map X does not separate 3.8. COROLLARY. n are homeomorphic open sets, gp(xl):p:x:- > Sn is essential. n+l S ,then apply Theorem 4 . Proofs of the Redundant Restr ictions. 3.4. n S. h Let h:B - > Sn Sn - h (n-l) S Then be an embedding of the closed unit K, if h ( Bn - Sn-l ) has exactly two components, 'I" e.. P(q,r ) is a a a. be the following statement : q-cell of K and an T for all regular complexes 0, then r-cell which meets We prove (n Sn -hB). and n B Proof: Since into is contractible, so is Sn~l is homotopic to a constant. Sn _ heBn) Sn. Therefore so is h(Bn _ Sn-l). embedding, by 3.7. But h(B ). By 3.7, is connected. h(Sn-l) n Since separates It follows that Sn Thus any map of n h(B ) since is connected, h is an Sn _ h(Bn) , h(Bn _ Sn-l) p (q,r ) Proof: The proof is most conveniently given in three steps. are the Step 1. P(q,r) Step 2 . P(q+l,q) Proof: .~ Let (Invariance of Domain)(Brouwer) no ( r S), n of R U is open in Proof: Let such that hen) and R x n ~ h . U In embeds If U is an open set no ( r Sn ), then the R h-image of +,¢. nO- Be.. U. By 3.8, is a neighborhood of U. There exists a closed ball B containing h(:B- B) hx, and so is open in h(U) R n is open in (or Sn). R n of f Thus (or Sn). 3.10. COROLLARY. for any A none~ty open set of k < n. R Can not be embedded in Rk be a r. Let q f:S =--> cr '1". and f K, and let sq. onto 0- is closed, T n o- +¢, St ep 3 . is true. If we have 'I" na n 0- n cr. -1 f ~ n Since in 'I" p (q,r) for all By Step I, p(q + l,r) Let a be a ts c losed r, then t he closures of the q-cells which intersect mee ts only finitely many cells, by closed cell:; and so A is closed. 1.4.4. Since 228 229 '1", na 'I" 'I" 1'-1'1" the restriction 'I" is open in is connected, 'l"e.. a. is true for all K. to and is homeomorphic 'I" Since p(q + 1, r) ( q+l)-cell of f crC- But '1". in ~. and so = 'I" a e.. Kq Since The restriction of 'I" is an embedding of 'I" with q:::: r. be a q- cell such that T By the theorem on invariance of domain (3.9), Since 'I" -1 f-l'l" r be a hOIlleomorphism. is open in q and q q. (q+l)-cell of K , i-l'l" to Proof: n and is true for all is a homeomorphism of q to R • (or Sn). be a point of q is vacuously true for all a is open in 3.9. COROLLARY. is true for all h(B ) does not separate Bn _ Sn-l R.R.l. n Sn _ h(B n ). components of x V e.. R n. Let . n-ball In m U C...- R and If projects into a bounded component of the projection of xo' xl Sn+l _ X. Sn+l, let n+l S - X. for all r ~ q+l. Define a. Thus r. By Step 2, P(q+l,q) A to be the union of Since cr is compact, it A is a finite union of P( q+l,q) is true, each of the q- cells which meets cr C _ AUK q- 1 0 0 aC_ A U Kr T,le assert that by a descending induction on vle A then ,. l' Let for all ~ Suppose that r ,. r. This is proved q-l and that K. be an r-cell of We ne}.:t prove R.R.2. By construction If ,. that for each cell crCA UKr . _ ,. A, and so, by P(q, r), of ,. cr CA. n a = jJ, Then since p o. a Thus cr and so = A. aC A U Kr _l • Let,. Thus cr be an r-cell of K is a union of closed q-cells, ,. contained in A. By P(q,r),,. Thus p( q+l,r) is true for all C A UK r for all such that r by Step 1. 4.1. lEMMA. Let is contained in union of all cells Proof: Let 1" of n cr of So p and so is contained in o. If 0, choose a cell show that 1" p. meet s ,. q. P(O.r) is 1" ) a cell of K. o. Then Let does not contain o. By R.R.l, P does Po < P theR Po CP Thus U is open as desired. and so Suppose 1" d.im p, and so 1" is open in We is an arbitrary cell of p Cp. K one other n-cell 1"2 of IK.I Let 1" p contains o. whose closures K meets p in an open The theorem on invariance of domain 0 be an (n-l)-cell of K. of 0 Thus p. Thus K such n. "1 that IKI. K whose closures dimension. ~~imal Using R.R.l it follows that 1" 0, dim,. Q.E.D is an n-cell U is open. of Among those cells of is of' maximal dimension among the cells of Now let U be the ~ is open in IK I. 1" set, and so Po does not intersect o. Since Thus Po C IKI-u. ByR.R.l,p is the union of the proper i acfS ot p. each proper face is contained in IKI-u, pC IKI-u. So IKI-u is a union of the Therefore [KI-u is a 8ubcomplex. cells of a collection satisfying 1.4.2. not intersect contain K. 0 be a q-cell of implies that dim 1" K such that p Let contain Step 3 provides the inductive step. Then Proof: Since We show that the complement of U is a sub complex and thus is closed. P be a cell of IKI-u. Each q-cell K is a face of at least one n- cell, and each ( n-l )- cell is a face of that jJ. r. be a regular complex, 0 K ,. r• meets some closed q-cell The proof of R.R.l is completed by an induction on true for all be a regular complex on the n-sphere . Let K ,. be a homeomorphism. f restricted to f- l ,. is an embedding of f- l ,. in ,. . But 'r is homeomorphic r to R , and r < q-l < q . By invariance of domain ( 3.10), f- l ,. is empty. Thus is a regular subcomplex. exactly two n-cells. is open in AUK. Let r Then f- l ,. is open in sq. AB in Step 2, a a of a regular complex , interesects n A = jJ. We claim that ,. n a :: jJ. Since K, and A is closed, r 0 Nm, that we have proved R.R.l, 1.4.2 implies Thus the following theorem implies R.R.2; 4. 2. THEOREM. Suppose that is open in f: sq --> r. AC cr. Thus intersects a closed q-cell contained in ,. C A Ca. ,. cr C A U Kr s how that cro is contained in such that 0<1"1' K such that is a face only of the n-cell n - 'i'le have already proved that there We show that there is at least 0 < 1"2' 1"1' Suppose, to the contrary, By 4.1, 1"1 U 0 n-l S . f: E --> 1"1 be a homeomorphism carrylllg is open in onto . 1"1' Let n-l U = f - 1 oC Sn-l • Regarding En as a subset of Rn , the set (n E - S ) UU n is not open in R. . It follows by invarlance of domain that f [( En - Sn-l )U U] ="lUo is not open in IKI. This is a contradiction, and so n-cell 1"2 distinct from 0 is a face of some 1"1' He complete the proof by showing that only n- cells having o as a face. 1"1 and 1"2 ar'e the Any nei ghborhood of a face of a cell contains points in the interior of the cell, so it is clearly sufficient 230 23 1 to ShOH that is a neighborhb.od of 1"1 U a U 'r 2 Son-l be a homeomorphism carry i ng We define a homeomorphism h such that E+ a C heE l. Let open equatorial disc with D. Finally, define n E~ E be the upper half of E E into * Cla f;l ( a) 'rl ~ onto fl a. -1 with apex at the origin f2-1 a and such that f2h2 [D flhl[D . r.,le define - carrying -> * C a 2 D carryir h:E-> 'rl U a U or;: a. h Thus maps E if x e: E+ does not separate 'rl U a U 'r 2 Sn. @_l C1· a is connected. of K can be joined by a path of n-cells. n-cell of K. Set 1 EB Eon * C a f2 a To see this, let a by a path of n-cell.s . K-K _2 · n a bean Then A - K _2 n is both A = K-K _ · n 2 Consequently K is orientable we are going to use V1.4.9 and carries D onto [K[. The n. Let C be the statement that Theorem 4.1 is satisfied in dimensions Let Dn be the statement that all regular complexes of dimension < n n can be oriented (R.R.3). that for any complex By Theorem 11.5·6, C => D l' n n+ K of dimension at most n+l For in proving there exists an incidence K, we only need to know that the boundary of each q-cell of (q-l)-circuit for q Dn+l => Cn+l . ~ n+l. groups f or In detail, if K, and by topological invariance, H l(Sn+l) ~ Z. n+ Thus K is indeed orientable. C n 11.5.6, 4.1 implies R.R.3. is true for all n. K is a complex on H l(K) n+ Since is isomorphic to C l is obviously This proves 4.1. As in The proofs of the redundant restrictions on regular complexes are complete. K Using the theorem of topologica: the (n+l)-sphere, then by R.R.l, R.R.2, and D l' we can define homology n+ true, it follows that ~ @_l ~ K 2 n- equal to the union of the closures of all n-cells A invariance, we see that a is of dimension n-2, From this it follows very quickly that any two n-cells which can be connected to is an orientable ~. )/ E f K _2 n Consequently the union of the n- and (n-l)-cells K function for En Since K is (Topological Invariance) and so we have to be a little bit careful. aC h(E), and by invariance of domain, h(E) is open in proof is complete. K. of if x e: E homeomorphically into Then we know from the proof of 2.6 and from Borsuk's Theorem (3·7) that < Then Sn. n-circuit. In proving that f2h2x K be a re G~ar complex on The preceding proposition states that every (n-l}-cell of open and closed in by h:X: = ( fl hl x Let the face of precisely two n-cells of together with apex at the ~:E K is an orientable Proof: Cla - (origin} is homeomorphic to the product Similar l y, there exists a homeomorphism THEOREM. (Lemma 11.5.3) U a U 'r 2 together with the be the lower half of E be the cone on 4.1. is a copy of En. ) * a, and so there exists a homeomorphism hl:E + - > Cla (0,1] D onto ( Here ala ~o be the cone on f~l (c ) C a 2 Then the set EO' 'r 2 ' n f2 :EO - > 'r 2 Let sending an open n-ball D, and let origin of En, and let of onto a. Proof': 5. Regular Quasi Complexes Let ~a' r-cells, On this section we prove that a r egular Cluasi complex is a complex. a point of Le t IEI,lMA. be a regular Cluasi complex . K K such that the number of cells of a K contained in is a union of finitely many cells of Proof: a be a cell of Le t is finite . a dimension ° or 1, number of ce.lls of is never used. which meets a If a a. contained in T ea Let a = A. By the inductive hypothesis, T It ~. Let and so any cell contained in Since the number of cells contained in A is the union of their closures, of finit ely many cells. of IEMMA· K. Let ~ be is a. be a metric for Each L be the set of limit points Then if whose di stance from is closed . Le t L Un U ,n=l,2, ... , denote·s the n ~, we have is less t han n must contain all but a finite number point . Thus the interse ction of the Un' s contains all but countably many of the xa 's. K . is compact and so a ny a For some a, xa € L. But a a x So a IEMl-lA. xa infinite subset has a limit € ~a' and ~a is an open set x ex which contains only one element cannot be a limit point of Let S. This contradiction establishes K be a regular quasi complex . Tben the number of cells of Proof: is a union of Step 2 . a be a q-cell be a cell of a K. cr is f inite . K contained in The proof is by a double induction. Q(O, r ) is clearly true for all Let Q(q,r) be the statement Q( q ,o) is true for all q because the closure of a cell is compact and the zero skeleton Step 3. r. KO is discrete. Suppose that Q(s, t) is true for all pairs (~,t ) with s < q. Suppose that Q(q,t) is true for all t < r. a Let t hat the number of r-cells contained i n the closure of each q- ce ll is finite. Step 1. itself is a union K b e a r egular quasi complex, and let Then the number of r-cells which interSect is thus a neighborhocd of ~ r is finite, a This completes the proo f. 234 A). € is xa's, because Proof: 5.2. = ( xa1a S :n: We claim that some point A. € of the 5. 3 . A be the union of the Since there are only finitely many (q-l)-c ells contained a a the l emma . finitely many cells. and for each Thus any (Cl-l )- cell T. 0, L L, since 1.1.1 the same is true for in d( x, y) n Un of S. follows, just as in Step 3 of the proof of R.R.l, that Then Let a Recalling Step 2 of closures of the finitely many (q-l)-cells which are contained in a. A. na Choose be a q-cell such that the ( Property 6) is not used either.) a (q-l) -cell in a a. Suppos e that the lemma is finite. a. ~ A, which intersect is of a §4, we note that property 7) of Definition a must be contained in € a K, and suppose there are uncountably many ranging over an index set set of points in in contained in K the proof of R.R.l in Let S. n the lemma is obviously true. is true for cells of dimension <q. Then K. The proof is by induction on the dimension of a. x a a limit point of the set The key step in the proof, Lemma 5.3 below, is due to Dennis Sullivan. 5.1. be a q-cell of a Let a be a q-cell of K. Since r < q, Q(r,t) is countable . is finite . Le t is true for · 11 By Lemma 5.1, i T Then Q(Cl, r ) is true. be an r-cell contained in a. t, and so the number of cells contained in T is a fin ite union of cells. (* ) The number of' r-cells contained in a is infinite. Assume that closed subset This will prove Q(~)r). We will show that (* ) leads to a contradiction. f steps 1)2 and 3 prove the leIlllIla by double indu.c tion. Since Q(q)t) is true for all t < r) the collection C of all cells <r of dimension T Cal i which are contained in CJ is finite. is a finite union of cells of the collection ove:c all of X. The proof is given on page 83 of Dimension Theory . ;For each T-cell C. r-l f :C ---> S ) there is an extension of C and each mapping There are only X with lim sup Ti ) follows that Sr-l C Sr-l ) and f = identity : Applying this theorem Sr-l ~> Sr-l ) it is a :t'etract of lim sup T.. l finitely many such unions. many r-cells T )T ) .•• l 2 Thus (*) implies that there are infinitely contained in We show that this is impossible. Xi€ T i for each cells T.. l i. CJ) Let all with a common boundary (x . ) l be a use the following theorem, proved on page 82 of Dimension Theory. We define the limit su£erior of the cells T.) written lim sup T.) l l K is closed) lim sup T.l r~ K. r r-skeleton of K ) and any fundamental r se~uence se~uences. Since the Since each r-ce ll of in the cells Ti K is intersects any (open) r-cell in at most one point) no fundamental sequence has a limit point in any r-cell. Ti CKr _l 0 Thus lim sup 'r.l By lemma 5. 2 ) K _ r 1 CJ. closed sets of dimension less than C Kr- l' na r. Since is closed) lim sup CJ is the union of countably many th~orem for dimension (Hurewicz and Wallman) Dimension Theory) p. 30)) the dimension of K 1 r- na is < r-1. This implies that dim(lim sup T.) l < r-1. But this is impossible) as shown by the following lemma. 5 .4. LEMt.ffi. f C be a closed subset of the separable metric space a mapping C over which f of C to Sr-l . X) Then there is an open set containing can be extended. lim sup T ) X CJ) we may extend the i retraction obtained above to a retraction r of some open set U containing Applying t his theorem with lim sup T.· l to Suppose that C ~.l Ti gives a retraction of C U for Thus for each i onto T. there exists a point - converges to some point But each y since lies outside of Xi some contradicts the fact that CJ i. r sn-l) which is impossible by 3.1. X.€ l CU. The se~uence Ti - U. is compact . U) and since lim sup Ti The restriction of U (x.} l By definition) y is open) y ~ U. € lim sup T This Thus the proof of 5.4) and .::T.:::h.:::e--=.s.:::t;::a.:::te.:;m=e.:;n.:::t~(,-*_)<-.:im=p.:::l:.:i:.:e.:::s--=t.:::h.:::a:.:t---=.t=h.:::e_d=im=e.:;n.:::s:.:l::..: · o:.:n.:......:o:.:f:.-::l.:::im=-.:::s.:::U""P.......:.T i _is_ 5 ·5. COROLLARY TO LENHA 5·3. A regular quas i complex satisfies R.R .1. Eac h closed cell is a union of finitely many cells. The common boundary lim sup T . i r-l S of the cells Ti Suppose that the dimension of lim sup Ti is a closed subset of is < r-l. Theorem 3.3 of this chapter can be generalized as follows: THEOREM. and Let hence that of 5.3) is complete. > r. Proof: THEOREM. l Thus) by the sum He now CJ. I~i th of points Such a sequence we call a fundamental sequence in the to be the set of all limit points of fundamental open in se~uence Next) an easy arGUlllent shows that lim sup Ti is closed in Sr-l A separable metric space X has dimension < r-l and only if for each Proof: 5.6. Proof: This follows immediately from 5.3 THEOREH. Let together with 5.1. A regular quasi complex i s a complex. K be a regul~~ quasi complex. given q) if A C Kq We have to prove that for any meets every closed c:e ll of dimension < q in a closed s e t, then A is closed in K. Thus we must prove that A meets any Chapter IX closed cell of K in a closed set. Let is a union of f initely many cells, by 5· 5· union of finitely many closed cell s . But closed cells in a closed set . Thus A a n -; be a cell of In particular, A K. Then a n Kq a is a HOMOLOGY SKELET~L intersects each of these In thi s chapter we int roduoe t he concepts of skel etal is a finite union of c l osed decomposition of a apace and of s keletal homo logy groups. sets, and so is c l osed . The proof is complete . We show that there is a natur a l isomorphi sm of ske le tal homology groups and singul ar homology groupe of the under We also justify the methode and r e sults of lying space. Chapter III. 1. 1.1. Ske l etal Homology. DEFINITION. ~ fil t r ation of a topologic a l s pac e is a n increasing sequence Ixl s ub spaces of such that X - iX rl r-O, 1, U X .. r - Ixl· ...J 'xl of closed A filtration X is cal l ed a skeletal decomposition of the space Ixl if the f ol l ow ing two conditions are satisfiedl i) Fo r all we set ii) Ixl r ~O X_ l - " PROPOSITION. +r, S H (X , q r xr _ l ) - 0; for convenience. has the weak topology with respect to the subspacea 1. 2 . and for all q Xr • If K is a (not necessarily regular) S S Hq(Kr' Kr _1 ) - 0 for q t r, and Hq (K q ,K q- 1) is isomorphic to the f ree abelian group generated by the com plex. then 9 -ce11s of K. 239 ,,~ () Proofs Let r be given. relative homeomorphism Un - V , fJ txt Erl W • Kr - U2 • Ixl 1.3. For each r-cell ~i o~ K ohoose a r r-l _. ~il (E ,S )--'{or-.~). Define < 1/n1] Let V· Kr - COROLLARY. The sequence of skeletons ot a complex It is a skeletal deco mposition of ths underlying apace U3 and let Exercisel Give a proof of 1.2 using VlII.2.l2. Then V and Ware open in Xr , and the olosure of W is contained in V. The i nclusion V) (X • Xr _l ) S; (X r ' r condi t ion ii) of Definition 1.1. V by n • 0. 1, .. . radial projection to K _ and dilates r 1 U3 along radius homology groups. The inclusion (X -'if. V-'if) C (It • V) r - r is 1.4. (Xr-W, V-W) - (U 2 ' U2-U ) is 3 a pair to (U2 ' U2 ). Thus uS(r:, Kr 1) q r Finally. the pa ir PROPOSITION. 8S S - , U . ) ' and the conolusion of the Hq(U 2 2 proposition no. ~ollows from the tact that W 2 is a union of disjoint closed r-cells, one for each r-ce1l ot K. XIII We next construct an explicit ieomorphism ~ mapping the tree abel ian group on the q-oells of K to BS (X ,K q q q1)' eaoh q -cell tT of K, choose a relativ-e homeomorphism fer' (E q , s q-1)--+(cr,Cr) For every g! Then we define represented by 'S (cr) [urI to be the class in aB(X • Kq-1) q q ~f..]E a~'(Eq, SQ.-I), where is the inclusion map of the pair (crI t!r) It follows ~rom the proof of 1.2 that isomorphism. 5 so in h: m- induced by includon. T ~ a:(X n ). n aqs ( I xl) :::: Lim as(X). n q n Suppose aSCx )--to q n h: n u, a:(x.) has the I f.,e let i denote the inclusion o~ Xn , this me&os that S 1* u - v. I t follows. using as(X )--+aqs ( Ixl ). q n Lim n We ahow that h i 8 an i 80morphism. Y i8 a compaot set contained 1n in Xn for 80me n. First note that if lxi, then Y i8 oontained ( One prOTes t hia using sequential com pactneas, aa in the first part of the proor of 1.4. 4.) \r (X, q Kq_ 1) • defined is an Nezt, let uE Hq(K) xE H:( Ixl) be repr esented by [u, rJ t t] where and t is a map of t he f ini te complex X in t o Sinoe rex ) i s compact, f maps K i nto Xn f or some n. (u. 240 in X e X . m5 n. property II of singular homo l ogy theory, that hn( v) S hn(i.u) - hm(u) . Thus the hn'e induce a homomorph1am For q u,E Bq(E , sQ-1) . and a generator H:(IXI ) succeS80r is isomorphic to fB:(Xn)s q fixed, Por each n we have a homomorphi8m Proofs satisfying J be the direct eystem with admis8ib1e homo a proper exoision, and thus induces isomorphisms of singular homotopy equivalent Let 1II0rphisms induced by the inc l usions vectors onto Kr--and so induces iso.morphisms of singular Ixl Let X be a filtration of the space is a homotopy equival ence of pairs--a homotopy inverse maps homology. lIe!. represen t s a clas 8 y in H~ (Xn)' 241 Clsarly lx,. Thus hnY. x, that h n x • O. XE KS( X) Nex t, suppose that and so h is onto. q n is such With each skeletal decomposition X we associate t he Choose a represent ative [u, fJ fo r x, where u is in Hq (K) and f mape the fiI.ite complex K i nto Xn . The For each q, Cq (X) - USCX q q • Xq- 1)' and class hn x is represented by [u, jf]. where j denotes the inc l usion of Xn inlXI. To say that h x • 0 means that and we lIlay assume that of Xn in Thus x - 0, L-+JxJ a nd a map g: X.' m ~n. suoh that U:_l(X q _1 , Xq _2 ) monomorphism. aq incl usion, then (l')~X - class of Lilli n H:(X n ) (k* u, til space Ixl. - j.~*. S leX 1)--+ Bqq See the diagram below: and so h 1s '8. c Let X be a skel etal decomposition of the h l( X) • <-1 (X q _l , Xq-{.\'H I ~_1 J. Cq-2 (X) - g. r, with 9< r, Then for each pair of integers Xr in Ixl. b .j* Since Let k be a non-negative integer, and consider the portion US X )~ KS( ) q+l (X r +k +l ' Xr +k )--+ HSe q r+k q X r+k+l ) --. Ji3(x q r+k+l' X r +k (~ r+ k + l ' Xr +k) ' Since H~_2(Xq_2' Xq _3 (X S q-2 ,...-,;.. ) Q-l (X 2) q- - 0 in the homology sequen ce of the pair (X q _1 , Xq _2 ) , ~q-l~q - O. ~ of the homology sequence of the pa ir q_l t i• H q (j r )*5, Ffl(X ), where j denotes the includon of q r )~ HS(IXI q -r Proof: is the bound.a ry j.: c (X) - HqS( Xq ' Xq - 1) ~"" ~-S • O. The proof of 1.4 is complete. CO ROLLARY. X 2)' q- i.s the homomorphism induced by the q- 1.5 . and xq- l' If i' denotee the inolusion then i t follows that repr esen ts the zero of (X, Xq- 1) q operator for the pair Since L is compact, g maps L into X. for some gk - jf. lilt k. u (X, q That is, if" ~*: Jti(X , Xq- l)~HSq- l(Xq 1) q q n complex, such that aq : Cq (X)-+C q-l(X) is the boundary operator of the triple k: K S L, where L is a finite there exists an embedding C(X) - (iCqCX)~,~), defined as follows. chain complex e(x) is oalle d the skeletal complex of X; the homo l ogy groups of C(X) are called the sk.eletal homology groups of X and a.r e denoted by B.(X). After looking at an example, we will prove tha t the skeletal homology of X is isomorphic to the singular homology of the underl ying space Ix\. (See Theorsm 1. 7 below.) q < r, the two r e l ative groupe a re zer o, and so i . is an This 1eomorphism, together with t he co nclusions of 1.2 and isomorphi sm. 1.3, give a method of computing the homology groups of th.e ~H~(Xn): Thus the limit group q fixed, n - 0. 1, ••• ! of the direc t system 1s i somorphic to H~ ( Xr) ' space underl y ing an arbi t rary irr egular complex. and we apply 1.4 to comple te the proof. Example: 242 The homology of a torus 243 SPx sq, where p and q are posit i ve integers. SPx SQ. is the underlying apaoe of an irregular complex with four oel l s of dimensions and 0, p, Q., Consider the skeletal decomposition K of p+q. given by skeletons of ths oomp1ex. 0(1) boundary operator in are retraots of SPx sq of the homology groups of K and those of L, must map mono morphically into the homo l ogy groups of K "L. p+q, In dimension Let X and Y be skeletal decompositions of spaces there 1e a commutative diagram: c p-t-q (X) - - al C p-t-q-l rrp+q (sP>' "I.SQ. ' Iyl. SPv sq) (K)-B S p+q-l ' to X ) p+q-2 p+q- l( SPy sq) ~HS p+q ·l (SPX sq) • spvsq) and thus also , is a monomorphism. a: (SP)(sq sPvSq)~HS (SP'IIS q ) p+q' p+q - 1 0 p+q (K) ~e..< p...q- I\K). of the proof that ~=o HqS (Y q ,Y q- 1) is 0 PROPO SIT I ON. vertioes vII K)( w V L v)( S: and as an exercise to the reader. Kk L Yq for each q. e(y). 'rhe K "'L induoes a monomorphi sm of homo l ogy groups. is a sum of a cycle on K and a cycle on L . 244 H~(Xq' Any Xq _l ) lxl . oycle on But K and L For each q, inclusions induce homomorphisme of singular homologyl d. H!(Xq)---'B~(Xq' Xq _1 ) • Cq(X) ~P H~(Xq+l) Choose Then t he in olusion iJ I",L. In the proof we use ce llu l ar homology. skeletal This ohain map induces 1.7. THEOREM.. The homomorphisms oc. an isomorphism ~X: Bq (x)-..gS(lxl) q ~, de1'ined above induce for each 9. morphiem ie natura l under skeletal mappings I Proofl A for all q, and it £ollows from properties isomorphic to the singular homology of q SPXS • Let K and L be regular complexes. w6.L. into epace \xt then the skeletal homology of X is naturally • skeletal homo l ogy of the decomposition K is then free abelian 1.6. is called a skeletal mapping from We now show that if X is a skeletal decomposi t ion of a we leave the reet on generators oorresponding to the four cel l s of Xq and a homomorphism of skeletal homology, denoted by f." By ~Srrf3 .. Ixl.-.trr dsfine a chain map from C(X) to the exactness of the singular homology sequence of the pair ( SPKSq fr \xl I I and III of singular homo l ogy that these homomorphisms The proposition below asserts in particular t hat i., HS map mapping from X to Y induces homomorphisms from J,j" (Spv sq A X to Y if' f maps Ifp+q-11(;PvsQ.) - Thus the homology groups of KVL, whioh in dimensions greater than zero split as the di rect 1Jum We claim that the is zero. KXL. 1s a slceleta~ This iso i.e •• if f: X-fY mapping then the diagram belo" is commutative for each 9. 245 ..", S H (x) - 4 H ( q q '·1 Proof; 1 ,! 1' Hq (y)--4HqS( fJy - 0, and so then IXl ) HqS (X r ) ,. 0 First note t hat '>"x(u) - ( Jq+l).py - O. Ixi ) u - 0. for <q. r proved by induction on r, using co ndi tion i) q t Xl)' r r- is a monoaorphiSIII. 1). 0, and so 0(. q- Next, by 1.5, the inclusion of Xq+ 1 in Ixl (X induces an iso A I'" I HS(X ) -+HS{X 1 ) q q q q+ l'x. the skeletal cyc l e Let S z 'Hq ( Xq ,X q- 1)' Since oc. is a lIonomorphism, y E Hq (X q ), and since 0( z' - z - ~ x Z +01: ).x - -0( 0( a.x (y + If Xq+l u in y -« c).z - O. 1"x is an isomor phism. is natur al with respec t to skeletal I I and I I I of s ingular homology and is left to the reade r. COROLLARY. (Theorem 5. 1 of Cha.pter III ) 9 t he topo l ogi cal boundary of each 9-cel l l ie s Then for each 9 Then we set Proof: pOSition of X by 1.;, and we shall de note this de compos i t i on by K. By 1. 7, the e i ngular homology groups of X a r e isomorphic 70' It i s clear t ha t tx Suppo se that 1"x(u) - 0 . boundary ope r a t or in + ~.x) - ( j q+ l) --I'Y + (jq+ l ).pa.x '1 a. - O) • C(I) is identi ca lly ze r o. Ac cording to ~( Kq' Kq _ 1) is iso cor responding to a given q-ce l l a is q [ucr ' \rf",] £ H!-'fcr(E , s q-l ) . The class ~~(~) .;) in Cq- le x) - asq - I(X q- l' then 247 246 Cq(X) - t he ge nerator ! (V) as de f ined above is a homomorphi sm. z - «y, We show t hat the morphi c to the fr e e a bel ian group on the q- cells of K, and is well -defined. I f u is repr esented by H* (K) . repre s ented by it f ollows that ~x{u) is iso The seque nce of ske l e t ons of X i9 a ske l e tal de com to the skele tal homology groups S x i Hq+ 1 ( Xq+ l' Xq ), then Since • (j q+l).py· HS(X) q morphi c to t he free abe l ian group on the 9-ce11s of K. 1.2 and the r emar ks f oll owi ng , (jq+l).~ ( Y Let X be a for sOllie is well-defined. txl by jq+l' and ao ')"X in t he (g- 2)-akeleton of K. is also repr esented by 21'. 80 t hat f or some a.x). z -oc.y Thus is a monomorphism, Denote t he inclusion of 1x(u) - ( j q+I ).P y. a.1I - O. be represented by "'e then havs ~ z and so z ill a boundary and mappings is an easy exercise in the application of proper tie s that for each uEHq{X} :But topological space untie rlying a complex I with the property i s on t o. We now construct XEH:+I(X q +l • Xq ). Finally, t he fact thatj3 is onto impl ies imme di ately 1'x 1s onto, 1.8. morphisa of singular homology, and by a similar &.rg'Ullent tor some a. x -?> x, The p.r oof that of Def inition 1.1 and the exact homo l ogy sequenoes of the pairs 5 In partic ula.r , H (X that This is ~*x y - z -GeT -0( Since (jq+l). is an isomo rphism, Kq 2) is represented by [a.~, j(~ISCl-l)] £ R~~i-'t>Cl-1) (SCl-l). 18 the inclusion. By hypothesis where i:r c:- Kq 2' jJCr~(KCl_l' K _ ) Cl 2 Thu8 the composition j ( 1j,.JsCl-l) sende sq-l into K _ , and ao induces a map q 2 the pair (sq-l, sq-l) (sq-l, sct-l) to (X q- l' K q 2)' It danotea inclusion, t hen [a.u.. , baa the aucceuor [k. a it 1lcr' h] f. H! -1 (sq -1. latter group is zero, and so ~ !(cr ) • O. h of j(~lsq-l)J sq -1) • (K q ,Kq_ 1 ) q u_i Hq (;P,;') v denotes inclusion a n d generator chosen inductively ae followe. cla8ses But thia Thus the boundar,y U A is a In dime ns ion zero ' RO(A), A a vertex of K, be homologous in K. In dimension 1, ~u.. [crt - ~e How as s ume that H~(X) - Hq (X) Ucr s o as to s a ti sfy c hoose 1aci.uA + vertioes offJ' and in e(x) is identically zero. and so [0"1 ~_j.~, j l B~h- are the inclueions. 1: ASci' and u.e' Hr(f, +) where A and B are the haa been chosen for each r-cell "t of dimensio n less than q, whe re Cl~2. q-ce1l, and euppose that'l" is a (q-l) -face of • Cq(X) 11 • free aba1ian group on the (r, 1:-) ~ (ci',.r-t') tr. Ths inclueion so induces i somorph i sms of cellular homo l ogy groups. next consider the inc l usion 1.10. LEJnlA. The regul a r complex ir...-r er-T is acyolic. ;--r has Let e(K) denote the oel lular chain complex for the oriented Proof: regular complex X and let D(K) de note the skeletal chain non-bound ing cycles exoept perhaps in dimension Cl-l. oomplex associated with the akeletal decompoeition of X giTen dimension q-l, any cyole inCr-'t b7 the skeletons of X. and hence a mul tiple of the fundame ntal cycle ino-. By comparing the fundamenta l cycle in 1 .9. THEOREM. The chain complexes e(l:) ~ D(K) are chain with;" we s e e that ir We fr C; CG-t c1'-T) . For the final theorem of thia section we suppose that «. Let tr be a 1 8 an exoision of regular complexes and q-ce11a of K, b7 1.2. K ia a regular complex oriented by the i .n cidence function ~ 1er: (cr, Oo) (u cr • ier] E Hi,(i',ir ) , where we demand only t hat in each connected component of K the ~ It. I sq-l represe n ted by IIlUS t no In a l so be a cycl e in ha s ooefficient ±1 ir But on the ce11 1" t and so there are no (q-l ) -cycl es in (,--T. isomorphic. Proofl We define a chain isomorphism Let tT be a q-cell of K. ¢ mapping e(K) Thus the inc l usion Then rq rl. 1 eq (K)~D q (x) - SS(K q q ,K q 1) mapa the generator ~ of 0q(X) 248 klCT C; (cr,ir-1') induoes isomorphisms to D(K). of cellu lar homology groups in dimensions greater than zero. It fol l ows that we have isomorphi sms: to the aingular homology class 249 i . -..I;. (1) H l(?"~ )---+H q- ~ .. k* l~<r,cr-t')+-- H q- ~ e We deno te t he c ompo s i tion by Ucr Finally, we s e t a* q- Since :::: q (cr, 't" ) : Hq- 1 (f, -to ) -+ Hq (ii, iT) . [cr: T].. 9(<r,'t") = _. l(b)'--H (6',<7' ) [G'":-r'] [T': p] =0 [G'":TJ['t'~f] -+ it is suffi c ient to prove that eCcr,T) a(T1 0) =- e(~'t') &("r~ p). p) u t'. In the pro of of (3) we wil l u se the f ollowi ng " he xagon al 1. 11. LEMMA. The de fini t i on of Ucr given above is l e mma", wh ich is proved in independe n t of t he choice of "t". Proof: Foundations of Algebraic Topology, p . :5'8. If 't" is another (q- l) -face o f tT the n, since iT is an orien t able ( q -l)-circui t , the r e is a c hain of (q - l )-c ells from ~ to ~'. cel ls T and 1. 12. LEMMA. Con s i der the d iagram of S!0uEs and homomor- Ehi s ms be lo w: Therefore i t is s u fficient to sho w that t he def in it ions of T'. ~Gl~ are t he same if we start f r om adj acen t u~ We let f be a (q-2)- face of T G6 and ~'. j 2 We have defined isomorph i s ms H let, i' ) -+ H (~, qq I e (a-; 'l"') : H 1 cF~ i') ~ H (i, iT ) qq f) : Hq _2 cf. t'1 (7 4 2 i3 Assume that a) Each tri angl e is commu t a ti ve -. b) i2 a nd j 2 a re isomorphi sm s Hq - 1 CT'' 'l' ') . = 1m c) Ke r f2 II ~ Ker g2 1m gl d ) k 2 kl - 0 We wan t to sho w that (2 ) G2 ~1 k G 5 ~2~3 j3 cr) P)~ Hq_ /~' t) e (,r: p) : Hq -2 (P' p) ki t~G.-:(T 1 ~7~ G e (cr, T) e(T, Eil en be rg and s tee n-rod, (CT :'t]G(9 (CT, 't")U-r The n it follows that = [cr,T']9(a',T')u....,. Substituting e x pressions in terms of up for ~ and u.r, • we replace (2) by (cr:-r][-r:pJ&(CT/'t) e(t',p) lAp i3 i;l i l ~ - = [cr:'t'][-t' :p] eCa:;"r') e(T~p) "p. In applying the he xa gonal lemma we consider the diagram on the next page. The homomorphisms are boundary maps and map s induced by inclusio n . The composition of the vertical 251 250 j3 j;l jl" T ., factors through Hg-l(tT) (eJ(iSio oocur. :.:y (. . ( ~ ~':-l ,.. 1 Z~Z.Z ~ tool,t'''''l',\t'vt' -p ~ \, '/' jct«<~ \ According to 1. 2 and the r emarks before 1. 3, the map Jlq so defined of is an i somorphism fo r each q. H!;"3. (i-,i-:> ( Hta(ot" i'-& ~~ H,.q(~,e)~) 252 Thus t he pr oof 1.9 wIl l be c ompl ete when we show t ha t the diagram be l ow ie commutative for each q: C (K) A HS(K • Kq 1) q ~ q q 1a~ H~_l(Kq _l ) 1 ! k~ ~,-t H,_t.(V) i: Thus the hexagon al lemma applies to yiel d (3) as de si red. H,.i't',i') ) The commuta tivity of --+Z. al l t he necessary triangles follows by nat u r al ity and the "*f / 1 ~ ~/~ D. (i... i" ,(i'v'i")~ t) ~ H q- lef... -r-',t ... t') ~ H q lCi .. :r',-r",t) split exa ct seque n ce ~T"i"~ T.+J . ') t o H 2(tut-') q_ H q_2(~v+~-,), and eo two e ucce8s~ve maps boundar y axi om of cel l ular homology. -It,~(i~t') Ho-2 (t) H /,- .If.' le;... ?(i- ... i'J-..1P is easily s e en to be exac t --in fact i t ie isomorphi c to t he _. /~(fI~i"i~~~~ _ 11,-, ('t"/t') H l (T'",T:t-..,r) q- The sequence H l(~' q- ,'" ...... H,.,{Cr, cr-t') ~_,(f.)r~ (tvi')-f) H\_I(f~'F, -tu~ Hq- vi a of the exaot homology sequence of the pai r .. ~ 1~. -· H 2(O,P') q- l to is zero because the map froID "altl z Mo., (cr,O"'-t)" ~_ R(ii,t1) q maps from H,,(5',o-) ( inC l u sion) Cq_1 CK)~ H~ _l (Kq_ l ' eCt;e) LetfT be a q-cell of K, f or [u.,... q s 1a]'H~(ci.cr). [~*Ucr' k~f'<:l (cr). q~2 ; (We assume tha t 0 o r 1 is easy.) Then ~ (~) Thu s where q k~b ~¢q (cr) j :Cr~ 253 Kq _2 ) the proof i s represen t e d by is repre se nte d by Kq _ l is t he inclusion. Let L denote the (q-2)-ske l eton of<T. oarriee L into tbe (q-2)-skeleton of X and so [(). u.,., t h e suooessor [h.l.ueJ" (is', L)~ (K q- l' K. 2) and b:Cr C. q- g]Ea:_1(Cr, L), where g' (cT, r p" :·t'lt'. [ut-' Lr] has jt'l q 2) factors through the Bucoeesor ~ jt') .. ~, (f, 1:-) ~ (G-, sented by q- l' K ~ L) is t he inclusion. [t ~:'t] (Jt') .. u.r, -' cations on K. The (0-, L) and so B:-1 (<rt L). where ThuB ~q -1 ~6' g) S:-l (0', L). Complexes .ith Ident ifications. Let K be a regular complex, I' a family of identifi X/F [~, it'J~ fiq!'l ('t, 't'). T of CT, "q-l ('t') is represented by (K has For each (q-1)-face i 't' ,l (f,t) C - k j] L) are inclusions. On the other hand, aCT- inclusion 2. The oomposition kj is repre We complete (See Chapter III for definitions.) Let de.note proj e ction onto the identification s paoe. general. K/F under F . Let C(I/:-) 0(. Ixl--+ In (K/F) q - S(lCq ) . is an irregula r complex with Choose an inoidence timotion s: for K .hioh is invariant denote the ch.ain oomplex defined as in III.2 i n terms of the inoidence function «. Finally. let ~enote the skeletal ohain complex assooiated to the D(K/F) deoomposition of K/F as a oomplex. the proof that the diagram above is commutative by showing that 2.1. h.~. Ucr - I: @- I't"] (.1t-) .. 'lor ' (4) Cr, is the direot sum of the images of 1.2 implies tbat Ii lCer. L) q- Bq_l(f,~) .bere"t' varies over the (q-l)-faoes offl'. under (J,)., Proof: tion onto eaoh direct summand of B leG; L). q- C(IC/F) and D(K/F) are chain isomorphic. (See (1) above) k.). ~ q which i e mapped isomorphical17 -[cr I't"] p.(~) * ur. :But by definition This is true for each (q-l ) -face ~ ofer, and so equation (4) 1s proved. " s.1 C (K) The homomorphism p. maps each d i rect eumma.nd of Bq -1 (G-, L) to (by the excision axiom) onto Ii 1(0.,0--1"). q Tbis ~, ,01 ~(Xq' \! Xq _1 ) ~T ~ ~ ~ ~ cq1(1) '¢! )a:_l(X q _l , Kq _ ) 2 ~l ~«K/F)q' (X/F)q_l)--+H~_l « K/F)q_l' t Dq(K/F) ~ completes the proof of 1 . 9. 254 Consider the diagraml Cq(K/F) -----~ Cq _ 1 (K/P) Consider the mapsl CT, 'bjf(ir, L)~(~Cr-'t)f-k <r. 1r), Theorem 1 . 7 implies that i t is sufficient to show that To show that (4) h olds i t is sufficient to cheok tha t (4) h.o lds under projeo zero exoept for (jT). Eq_l(f, The homol ogy grOUpS of C(X/F) are isomorphic to the singular homology groups of the space K/F. T Sinoe L is the (q-2)-skeleton of THEOREM. 255 ) 1 Dq_l(X/P) (K/F )q_2) lJtrk1~'1' The map ¢ ~ is the chain isomorphism of 1.9. freedom of choioe in the definition of zero. s6 occurs The only in dimenaion We s t ipulate that for each pair of verticea A and mapping by s to the same vertex of K/F a. U A • B s+ u • B The first or uppermost square of the diagram ia cOlllllll1tative by construction. (See Chapter III.) aeoond square ia oommutative because The ~ia a chain map. The third square 1e cOllUDutative because a is a skeletal lII.a pping. J We define a obain lIlap Let (1' be a q-cell of K/F. Then S ). by induction on q that tbe definition at ! (0') - s . ¢(T) , and and so l Ji It is eaay to show J (D") 1e independent Aleo, if't' is mapped onto (J""by s, then 80 l is a chain map sinoe the diagram on page 255 is commutative. of 1.2 i mply that follows. '12 (CT) £0 Bq ( (K/F) q ,(K/F) q 1 ) .s rUt; 8 ~ fH: ir(lf, t of the choice of t". 8a Suppose that"t is a q-oell of K which is mapped by a onto 0". i8 represented by eeK/F) --t D(K/F) z The remarks following the proof is an isomorphi sm in each dimenaion, is a chain isomorp.h iem. of Theorem 2.1. 2 8 This completeB t he proof