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11 Vocab Unit 1 Practice Quiz
Directions: Complete the following practice quiz without your notes as best you can. Then, go back
and fill the ones you don’t know in with your notes. Circle the clues in the sentence.
Word Bank: facile, adverse, urbane, collusion, temperate, assiduous, abdicate, stratum, rustic,
credulous, brawn, recant, indigent, gregarious paucity, eminent, pristine, myriad, desultory, litigate
1. The team prevailed to win the game despite the _________________ conditions of ice and snow.
2. The company’s CEO led a very _________________ life, traveling around the world and owning
the latest technological toys.
3. The three high level executives were accused of _________________; they were caught stealing
from the company in an elaborate scheme.
4. The _________________ weather on the island was perfect. It was neither too hot nor too cold.
5. After details of the political scandal were revealed, public pressure caused the mayor to
_________________ his position.
6. Gatsby moved from a lower _________________ of society to a higher one when he made all his
money and moved to West Egg.
7. Allen’s _________________ nature and attention to detail led him to never miss a homework
8. The cabin in the woods, which lacked cable and Internet, had a _________________ feel.
9. The _________________ girl easily believed her friend when he said that pigs really could fly.
10. Many body builders pride themselves on their weight lifting abilities and sheer
11. After making racist comments, the politician had to _________________ his statements due to
public pressure.
12. McCandless’s death was caused in part by a _________________ of food. He didn’t have enough
and died of starvation.
13. Chris Martin of Coldplay is an _________________ musician who has won several Grammy
14. The natural lake and surrounding trees created a _________________ view.
15. Due to his good grades, test scores, and extracurricular activities in high school, Doug had a
_________________ of college acceptances from which to choose.
16. Karen’s teacher tried to have a talk with her about her _________________ attitude toward life
after high school graduation.
17. The couple getting divorced tried not to _________________, but they could not figure out their
differences on their own.
18. Bill is a _________________ reader. He can pick up pretty much any book and read it without
19. The stock market crash left many families _________________ and struggling to make ends meet.
20. _________________ people enjoy socializing with others.