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Download A Star is Born – Worksheet and Key – Ben Kwok
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A star is born; worksheet questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. What are stars made of? What causes them to form? How do stars created energy? How long does a main sequence star live for? What marks the start of the death of a star? What does the term red giant entail? What causes the outer layers of a star to drift away? What is a white dwarf? Are white dwarfs very hot or very cold? What comes after a white dwarf? What is a supergiant star? Is the lifespan of a supergiant longer or shorter than that of a main sequence? 13. How big can a supergiant get? 14. What are 2 characteristics of a neutron star? 15. How many black holes have been found In human history? A star is born; worksheet key 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. What are early stars made of? Dust and gas What causes them to form? Gravitational forces pulling dust particles and gas together How do stars created energy? Nuclear fusion How long does a main sequence star live for? 10 billion years What marks the start of the death of a star? When the star can no longer fuse hydrgen What does the term red giant entail? When a star increases its size by a large amount What causes the outer layers of a star to drift away? Loss of atmosphere What is a white dwarf? The remnants of a star, very hot and dense Are white dwarfs very hot or very cold? Very hot, will cool down What comes after a white dwarf? Black dwarf What is a supergiant star? A star that is much, much bigger than others Is the lifespan of a supergiant longer or shorter than that of a main sequence? Much shorter, only millions of years How big can a supergiant get? 1000 times larger than our sun What are 2 characteristics of a neutron star? Very small, very high density How many black holes have been found In human history? None, trick question.