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Policy Identifier: EDTR201511 Published: November 2015
What is this policy about?
1.1. This policy establishes the process for exemption from the payment of tuition fees for
dependants of temporary residents enrolling in ACT public schools.
Policy Statement
2.1. Education in ACT public schools is accessible and free of charge to all students, with the
exception of the dependants of temporary residents on certain visa subclasses in the 100,
300, 400, 500, 600, 800 and 900 visa subclass series.
2.2. Depending on the visa subclass, the payment of tuition fees may be required to assist the ACT
Government to meet the costs associated with the education of the dependants of temporary
2.3. The ACT Government exempts the payment of tuition fees for the majority of dependants of
temporary residents studying in ACT public schools.
2.4. The International Education Unit in the Education and Training Directorate will establish
eligibility for exemption from tuition fees and advise schools prior to the enrolment of the
dependant in an ACT public school.
2.5. Visa subclasses are subject to change by the Commonwealth Department of Immigration and
Border protection. Current information regarding specific visa subclasses and eligibility for
the exemption of tuition fees for the dependants of temporary residents is available on the
Education and Training Directorate’s Website.
Specific exemptions
2.6. Tuition fees are exempt for the following dependants:
 asylum seekers on bridging visas and those on temporary protection visas
 diplomats
 Australian Government scholarship holders
 Commonwealth assisted students or dependants of students whose tuition fees are fully
paid by a publicly funded Australian higher education provider
 professional academics visiting Australia to observe or participate in established research
projects or employment at the invitation of an Australian tertiary institution or research
organisation operating in the ACT
 officers involved in government-to-government exchanges or reciprocities
 exchange students under organisations that are on the Registration of Secondary Student
Exchange Organisations in the ACT as detailed in the Education and Training Directorate
endorsed National Guidelines for International Secondary Student Exchange Programs.
2.7. Temporary residents employed in an area of identified skill shortage in the ACT as identified
by the Commonwealth Department of Immigration and Border Protection, may be eligible for
the exemption of tuition fees for their dependants to enrol into an ACT public school.
2.8. Temporary residents are entitled to appeal a decision to apply a tuition fee payment.
Who does this policy apply to?
Enrolment of the Dependants of Temporary Residents Policy: EDTR201511 is the unique identifier of this document. It is the
responsibility of the user to verify that this is the current and complete version of the document, available on the Directorate’s
website at
3.1. This policy applies temporary residents seeking to enrol their dependants in ACT public
4.1. ACT public schools embrace cultural diversity and welcome the enrolment of dependants of
temporary residents.
4.2. In the ACT, a child is of compulsory education age once they reach six years old. For preschool
aged children, enrolment in an ACT public preschool is subject to the availability of places.
Where there is excess demand for places enrolments may be referred to other preschools
within the local area that have capacity.
4.3. This policy does not apply to the dependants of Australian citizens or permanent residents.
Refugee, Humanitarian and Permanent Protection visa holders are permanent residents of
5.1. The principal: is responsible for implementing this policy in schools.
5.2. The International Education Unit: is responsible for providing advice on eligibility for
exemption from tuition fee payment.
5.3. The ACT Children & Young People Commissioner (CYPC): in the ACT Human Rights
Commission investigates complaints about the provision of services for children and young
people and provides advice and recommendations to government and non-government
5.4. Policy Owner: The Director, Student Engagement is responsible for this policy.
Monitoring and review
6.1. The Policy Owner monitors the policy. This includes an annual scan of operation and review.
7.1. For support contact the International Education Unit on (02) 6205 9178 or email
[email protected].
8.1. Any concerns about the application of this policy or the policy itself, should be raised with:
 the school principal in the first instance;
 the Directorate’s Liaison Unit on (02) 6205 5429;
 online at;
 see also the Complaints Policy on the Directorate’s website.
9.1. Definitions
 Dependants of Temporary Residents: are defined as children under the age of 18, who are
accompanying their parents to Australia and listed as dependants on their parents’
principle visa grant.
 Temporary Residents: are defined by the Commonwealth Department of Immigration and
Border Protection as those who hold a temporary visa granted under the Migration Act
9.2. Legislation
 The enrolment of the dependants of temporary residents into ACT public schools is
informed by the following:
 Children and Young People Act 2008 (ACT)
 Discrimination Act 1991 (ACT)
 Education Act 2004 (ACT)
Enrolment of the Dependants of Temporary Residents Policy: EDTR201511 is the unique identifier of this document. It is the
responsibility of the user to verify that this is the current and complete version of the document, available on the Directorate’s
website at
 Human Rights Act 2004 (ACT)
 Information Privacy Act 2014 (ACT)
 Migration Act 1958 (Cwlth)
9.3. Implementation Documents:
 Enrolment of the Dependants of Temporary Residents Policy
9.4. Related Policies and Information
 International Fee Paying Students Policy
 Education Participation (Enrolment and Attendance) Policy
Enrolment of the Dependants of Temporary Residents Policy: EDTR201511 is the unique identifier of this document. It is the
responsibility of the user to verify that this is the current and complete version of the document, available on the Directorate’s
website at