Download MIT etches MEMS structures with glass stamp

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MIT etches MEMS structures with glass
October 19, 2011 -- MIT researchers developed a glass-stamp-based technique that helps
fabricate lab-on-chip sensors at a lower cost and in a reproducible, simple manner.
A small, voltage-activated glass stamp etches nanoscale patterns onto metallic surfaces in the
lab of Nicholas Fang, associate professor of mechanical engineering. Fang's engravings act as
optical antennae that can identify a single molecule by picking up on its specific wavelength.
Controlling the optical antenna dimensions tunes the signals the device reports, Fang says.
The glass stamp technique is an alternative to electron-beam (e-beam) lithography for lab-onchip fabrication. Fabricating a 6mm2 pattern using e-beam litho typically takes half a day and
would price them at $600 each, Fang estimates. Nanoimprint lithography, a low-cost
technique where polymer forms a pattern, is imprecise, with bumps and dents in the mold.
Makers must use more polymer material to fabricate more copies, as the polymer is washed
away during processing.
Fang's team adopted the nanoimprint lithography approach using glass as a molding material
instead of polymer. Molten glass is "very malleable and soft," Fang said, noting that the
research was inspired by glassblowers. Fang found that glass easily takes a precise shape at
the small-scale. Superionic glass, composed partly of ions, can be electrochemically activated.
The researchers filled a small syringe with glass particles and heated the needle to melt the
glass inside. They then pressed the molten glass onto a master pattern, forming a mold that
hardened when cooled. The team then pressed the glass mold onto a flat silver substrate, and
applied 90 millivolts above the silver layer. The voltage stimulated ions in both surfaces, and
triggered the glass mold to essentially etch into the metal substrate.
Figure. MIT's glass stamp reproduces precise, nanometer-scale etchings in silver. The
original engraving is 10um wide. Image courtesy of Kyle Jacobs, MIT.
The group was able to produce patterns of tiny dots, 30nm wide, in various patterns (see the
figure) at a resolution more precise than nanoimprint lithography, and that can be reused
many times.
While the glass-mold etch process is lower cost, it still requires a master metallic pattern that
is formed via expensive lithography. Only one master pattern, and one glass stamp, can be
used to mass-produce an entire line of the same sensor.
“With this stamp, I can reproduce maybe tens of hundreds of these sensors, and each of them
will be almost identical,” Fang says. “So this is a fascinating advancement to us, and allows
us to print more efficient antennae.”
The researchers reported the new fabrication process in the Sept. 21 online edition of the
journal Nanotechnology. Access it here:
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