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Biology Sample Assessment Items
SB3. Students will derive the relationship between single-celled and multi-celled
organisms and the increasing complexity of systems.
D. Compare & contrast viruses with living organisms
1. One characteristic shared by a virus and a living cell is that both
A. use glucose for respiration.
B. have a crystalline structure.
C. gain energy directly from the sun.
D. store genetic information in nucleic acids.
3. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is an illness caused by a
coronavirus. Symptoms including a high fever, headaches, and body aches
typically occur two to seven days after infection by the virus. SARS is more
serious in elderly patients. This information suggests that the reproductive cycle
of the SARS virus is —
A. lysogenic, because the virus is a coronavirus
B. lytic, because the virus causes respiratory illness
C. lysogenic, because the virus primarily affects older people
D. lytic,
because of
the quick
onset of
5. Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1. A company that wants to
develop antiviral drugs would ask a research immunologist to study —
A. the mechanism used by the virus to infect cells
B. how closely related the virus is to cold viruses
C. the metabolism of the virus
D. meiosis in the virus
6. The Sabin vaccine is a liquid containing weakened polio viruses. Vaccinated
individuals become protected against polio because the weakened viruses
A. prevent further viral invasion.
B. induce an inflammatory response.
C. promote production of antibodies.
D. are too weak to cause illness.
7. How do human diseases caused by bacteria and diseases caused by viruses react
to antibiotics?
A. Neither responds to antibiotics.
B. Both respond to antibiotics.
C. Viral diseases respond to antibiotics; bacterial diseases do not.
D. Bacterial diseases respond to antibiotics; viral diseases do not.