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International Journal For Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management Research (IJETEMR) –Volume II
Issue 1- 21st January 2016
Review On LogiScope: Low Cost & Portable
Logical Analyzer For Single
Device and Multiple Platforms
Swapnil Chaudhari#1, Sagar Shelke*2, Tushar Bhagwat#3, Vinodkumar patil4
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Gangamai college of
Engineering,Nagaon,Maharashtra, India 1 2, 3,Student, Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication
Engineering, Gangamai college of Engineering , Nagaon, Maharashtra, India
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Abstract— The main aim of this paper is to develop oscilloscope
logic with the Arduino interfaced with PC or laptop. In this
paper we use an Arduino to capture multiple input values and
pass them via the USB connection to a host computer running a
program that decode the values and displays them on-screen. An
oscilloscope is an instrument most frequently used when working
with analog circuits but also very handy for digital circuit
analysis. An oscilloscope has a screen to display a signal trace
that is offset in the X and Y axis by measurements taken from
two different inputs. Arduino is a fusion of three critical
elements: hardware, software, and community. It is an opensource electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easyto-use hardware and software and this environment makes it
easy to write code and upload it to the i/o board. The
microcontroller on the board is programmed using the Arduino
programming language (based on Wiring) and the Arduino
development environment (based on Processing).Simply altering
the software that runs on a computer can change the behavior of
the system. This system will operate at 10-bit resolution in the
region of 5KHz, depending on channels that are being
signal which is actually varying with time are
displayed as a steady picture. Many oscilloscopes
can also capture non-repeating waveforms for a
specified time, and show a steady display of the
captured segment. Oscilloscopes are commonly
used to observe the exact wave shape of an
electrical signal. Oscilloscopes are usually
calibrated so that voltage and time can be read as
well as possible by the eye. This allows the
measurement of peak-to-peak voltage of a
waveform, the frequency of periodic signals, the
time between pulses, the time taken for a signal to
rise to full amplitude (rise time), and relative
timing of several related signals.
In this experiment the flow of LogiScope is
An oscilloscope, previously called an conveyed with the help of a diagram shown below
oscillograph, and informally known as a scope, in Figure
As one can observe the diagram, we can see that
CRO (for cathode-ray oscilloscope), or DSO (for
is a Microcontroller, which is a part of the
the more modern digital storage oscilloscope), is a
type of electronic test instrument that allows hardware, controlling the whole functional behavior.
Input/Output controller on microcontroller takes
observation of constantly varying signal voltages,
Input from the ports via logical probes
usually as a two-dimensional graph of one or more
electrical potential differences using the vertical or connected to the circuit being tested. The
y-axis, plotted as a function of time (horizontal or Microcontroller [1] takes the Input from the
x-axis). Many signals can be converted to voltages Input/Output Controller and transfers the data to the
and displayed this way. Signals are often periodic USB 2.0 Host IC module situated on-board. The
and repeat constantly, so that multiple samples of a USB module will transfer the data to the device
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International Journal For Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management Research (IJETEMR) –Volume II
Issue 1- 21st January 2016
connected to it. The device should have the the LogiScope Board and how they communicate
LogiScope application running which will take the with each other.
input from the USB device module and display the
output accordingly on the screen
Fig 2.1: Working of LogiScopThe
Execution of LogiScope Board
In this experiment the LogiScope board is a
customized board which is designed according to
the needs of this system.The Board consists of
ATmega32U4 [2] IC which is used to interface with
other various components when the system
initializes it checks whether the Input is an Android
OS or a computer. Accordingly the USB Host [3]
will initialize itself to take Inputs and transfer
After the USB initialization,the IC ATmega32U4
[2] will wait for the Start packet. When it gets the
packet, it will set the I/O Pins accordingly. i.e. if its
Input or Output.
After setting the I/O Pins the System will
initialize the timer, say for example 10ms to 100ms.
If the Timer overflows, it will reset the Timer and
send the respective packets.
An Interrupt will only occur when a packet is
received, at this time it will set the I/O Pins
according to the data in the packet. For the channels
that have been set as output, the microcontroller
will set the channel to HIGH or LOW [4]
Thus, this procedure will go on till all the packets
have been transferred or till the application sends a
stop packet. When this happens the connection will
be terminated and the microcontroller will reset.
Further, we will explain about the connections of
ATmega32U4 [2] with all the other components of
Fig 2.2: Execution of LogiScope Board
B. Working of Android Application
In this experiment as you can see in the flow
diagram below, when the system initializes it will
first check whether the accessory i.e. the LogiScope
board is connected or not [5]. If it’s not connected it
will wait till the board is connected.
When the Board is connected and start button is
pressed the application will send a data packet
which will consist of a header and data which will
initiate the transmission.
There are two modes in use that is the input and
output mode. When the channels are in input mode
the application will only display the current state of
the channels.
If the values of the toggle pins are changed, it
will send the current state of the Input/Output Pins
to the LogiScope Board.
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International Journal For Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management Research (IJETEMR) –Volume II
Issue 1- 21st January 2016
When the packet is received by the LogiScope
Board, it will set all the Input/Output Pins and
according to the packet received.
used in this system.These 8 pins/ports are
connected to digital circuit being tested with the
help of logic probes connected between the circuit
and the LogiScope Board. The Input/Output pins
are secured by the protection circuit which protects
the pins from over-voltage of input.
Fig 4 shows the connection and
microcontroller [6,2].
The SPI Bus comprises of the 4 pins [8]
MOSI, MISO, SCK and SS which functions as
a Serial In, Serial Out, Clock and Chip Select
respectively and is connected to the USB Host
[9] MAX IC 3421E.
Figure 2.3. Working of Android/Windows
Meanwhile, it will always check and keep a
track on whether the accessory is still connected to
the LogiScope Board or not. If it gets disconnected,
it will shut the application
Figure2.4. ATMega32U4 Pin Connections
The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Bus
communicates by embedding the simple SPI
In this experiment logiScope Board uses the Libraries in the microcontroller code. The INT
Atmel AVR [2] 8-bit low power microcontroller, (Interrupt) pin can be set or configured to
ATmega32U4. It comprises of all the basic features trigger an Interrupt if there is any data packet
and parameters which are required to run this which is being transferred. There can be two
devices connected to the USB at the same
The ATmega32U4 microcontroller is time i.e. Android device or computer. For
interfaced with the other components on LogiScope Android the USB MAX Host IC 3421E [9]
board to get the system running. There are a total of has been interfaced with the microcontroller
26 Input/Output pins on the microcontroller for and the USB for the computer are connected
communication of which 8 Input/Output ports are to the D+ and D- pins of the
C. ATmega32U4
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International Journal For Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management Research (IJETEMR) –Volume II
Issue 1- 21st January 2016
microcontroller.With the help of the on-chip
timer [10] we can set the refresh rate directly
in the microcontroller code according to the
requirements i.e. say 10 ms or 100 ms.
The over-voltage protection circuit deals with the
input from the digital circuit being tested. The
microcontroller can accept input voltages in the
range of 0V to 0.7V to indicate a Logic Low input
(Binary 0) and 2.5 to 5.3V to indicate a Logic High
input (Binary 1).
microcontroller pins which will in turn protect the
pins from getting damaged.
If the input voltage is very less the excess voltage
will be provided by Ground and thereby will source
the voltage.
In this experiment Arduino can be used as
oscilloscope by interfacing it with Meguno link.
Advantage of using arduino as oscilloscope is that it
can be used for displaying six input waveforms at a
time while in conventional oscilloscopes only two
waveforms can be displayed. As the maximum
voltage that can be applied to arduino is only 5-12
volts, we make use of potential divider circuit in
our project so that voltage applied to arduino does
not exceed 5 volts. We also make use of voltage
sensing card for protecting arduino from over
Figure 2.5. Over-Voltage Protection Circuit
The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board
The circuit in Figure V shows the layout for based on the ATmega328. It has 14 digital
protection of over-voltage from the input so that the input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM
microcontroller pins do not get affected by the high outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic
voltage input.
resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP
The circuit in Figure V is connected to the digital header, and a reset button. It contains everything
circuit on one side and to the I/O pin of the needed to support the microcontroller; simply
microcontroller on the other side. The flow of the connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power
voltage is marked in shades of red and shades of it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started.
The Uno differs from all preceding boards
The red flow of the voltage indicates sourcing in that it does not use the FTDI USB-to-serial driver
current i.e. from Ground (GND) to the chip. Instead, it features the Atmega16U2
microcontroller pins and the green flow of voltage (Atmega8U2 up to version R2) programmed as a
indicates the sinking of the current from the digital USB-to-serial converter.
circuit being tested, to the Ground (GND)
1.0 pinout: added SDA and SCL pins that
The input from the digital circuit to the are near to the AREF pin and two other new pins
microcontroller pins should be in the range of 2.5V placed near to the RESET pin, the IOREF that
to 5.3V which means that any voltage above these allow the shields to adapt to the voltage provided
ranges may not be accepted and may even damage from the board. In future, shields will be compatible
the microcontroller pins. Therefore, we use the both with the board that use the AVR, which
concept of an over-voltage protection circuit.
operate with 5V and with the Arduino Due that
This kind of a circuit consists of a zener diode operate with 5V and with the Arduino Due that
connected to the Ground and connected to a 510Ω operate with 3.3V.."Uno" means one in Italian and
resistor. If the incoming voltage is higher than is named to mark the upcoming release of Arduino
5.3V, the zener diode will sink the excess current 1.0. The Uno and version 1.0 will be the reference
and pass the required amount of current to the
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International Journal For Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management Research (IJETEMR) –Volume II
Issue 1- 21st January 2016
versions of Arduino, moving forward. The Uno is
the latest in a series of USB Arduino boards.
1. Potential divider circuit
2. Voltage sensing card
3. Selector switch
4. Arduino
5. Laptop or PC
1 Potential Divider Circuit:
Fig3.1: Arduino
B Communication:
In this experiment the Arduino Uno has a
number of facilities for communicating with a
microcontrollers. The ATmega328 provides UART
TTL (5V) serial communication, which is available
on digital pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). An
ATmega16U2 on the board channels this serial
communication over USB and appears as a virtual
com port to software on the computer. The '16U2
firmware uses the standard USB COM drivers, and
no external driver is needed. However,
Windows, a .inf file is required. The Arduino
software includes a serial monitor which allows
simple textual data to be sent to and from the
Arduino board. The RX and TX LEDs on the board
will flash when data is being transmitted via the
USB-to-serial chip and USB connection to the
computer (but not for serial communication on pins
0 and 1).
This circuit is used for stepping down the
applied voltage to the permissible level accepted by
Arduino.The potential divider circuit designed for
the oscilloscope.
2 Voltage Sensing Card:
This card is used to sense the input voltage
and hence protect system equipment and circuitry
from voltage that is hazardous or unsuitable for
operation. It consists of potentiometer circuit,
amplifier HCPL 7800A and TLE2082CP.HCPL
7800A works as an Isolator .The output of voltage
sensing card will be of maximum 5V.
3 Arduino:
Arduino used in this project is Arduino Uno.
The input voltages to be measured are given to A0,
A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 pins. It also has the provision
for displaying digital outputs which are given to
digital pins D7-D0.
4 Laptop or PC:
Laptop or PC is used to display waveforms.
Arduino program is compiled and uploaded to the
arduino board through the USB connection. The
output values can be seen in serial monitor.
However, graph can be seen in Meguno link by
connecting it to the port to which arduino is
Fig 3.2 Block Diagram
In previous paper we use the Android
devices for use, but in this paper we conclude that
arduino can be used as oscilloscope for displaying
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International Journal For Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management Research (IJETEMR) –Volume II
Issue 1- 21st January 2016
waveforms. Apart from displaying waveforms
arduino oscilloscope has the ability to perform
various operations on the applied inputs such as
addition,subtraction etc . This makes analysis
simpler and overcomes the drawbacks of the
conventional CROs and it gives better results than
the android. The only drawback is that it cannot
take negative inputs or voltages above 5volts.
However these drawbacks can be overcome by
using offset card for shifting the voltage waveforms
above zero for negative inputs. The higher voltages
can be stepdown using potential divider to protect
arduino from getting damaged.
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