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After the death of Caesar
II. Triumvirate (3 people rule)
A) 3 friends of Caesar took over Rome after his
1) Marcus Antonius (Marc Antony) - Caesar’s
loyal supporter
2) Marcus Lepidus - Caesar’s most loyal
3) Gaius Octavius (Octavian) - Caesar’s grand
nephew and adopted son. He was 19 years
old and Caesar’s closest male relative
B) Triumvirate avenges Caesar’s death
- executed the assassins and their supporters
After the murder of Caesar, Brutus went east and, in the
republican cause, joined Cassius and held Macedonia
with him. Late in 42 BC, Octavian (later Augustus ) and
Antony arrived, and a battle was fought at Philippi. When
it went against the republicans, Brutus committed suicide
Cassius had become ringleader in the plot to kill Caesar.
The plot involved more than 60 men (including Marcus
Junius Brutus, Publius Servilius Casca, and Lucius Tillius
Cimber) and was successfully accomplished in the senate
on the Ides of March in 44 BC
When the people were aroused by Antony against
the conspirators, Cassius went to Syria. He managed
to capture Dolabella at Laodicea and coordinated his
own movements with those of Brutus. Antony and
Octavian (later Augustus ) met them in battle at
Philippi. In the first engagement Cassius, thinking
the battle lost, committed suicide. Another of the
conspirators was Caius Cassius Parmensis,d. 30 BC
He fought at Philippi and later with Sextus
Pompeius. He later sided with Antony in the naval
battle off Actium and was killed by order of
D) The fate of the Triumvirate
1) Antony - ruled Egypt and joined forces with
Cleopatra (queen of Egypt)
2) Lepidus - dies mysteriously
3) Octavian - rules Greece
- all 3 are fighting for power
a) Antony and Octavian start a civil war
- Octavian defeats Antony in W. Greece and
returns to Rome in triumph
E) 2 Years Later
a) The Senate gives Octavian a new name...
“Augustus”- which means highly respected
b) The Senate loved Augustus and gave him 2 roles
1) Head of State
2) Supreme Military Commander
- Roman Senate became a “rubber stamp”
for Octavian’s orders
c) Augustus became the sole ruler of Rome and held
all power
 This
was the end of the Roman Republic and the
beginning of the Roman Empire!
The future of the Roman people and their
happiness now depended upon their emperor or