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Energy efficient DA2GC network based
on network capacity prediction
Supervisor: Michal Vondra ([email protected])
Co-supervisor: Ergin Dinc ([email protected]), Cicek Cavdar ([email protected])
Industry supervisor: TBD
In order to offer a high speed connection to aircrafts’ passengers, direct air-to-ground
communication (DA2GC) is the most promising solution [1]. In comparison with connection via
satellites, DA2GC enables lower delay and higher signal quality which allows to reach higher data
throughput. One of the main advantages of DA2GC is also lower price of network deployment.
However, to provide sufficient communication capacity especially in busy areas, high number of new
DA2GC base stations (BSs) has to be installed. Higher number of BSs implies higher energy
consumption which leads to higher operational expenditure (OPEX). On the other hand, the density
of aircraft traffic varies during the day. Therefore, significant differences in total required
communication capacity between peak period with busy traffic and periods with very limited traffic
can be observed. To save electrical energy and OPEX, mechanisms reflecting capacity requirements
and load of BSs can be used [2], [3].
Problem Formulation
The easiest way how to save energy of a wireless network is to switch off unloaded BSs. However,
more energy can be saved by employing an advanced approach exploiting specifics of DA2GC
network such as possibility to predict future positions and capacity requirements of aircrafts. The
position and capacity prediction enables to employ only such BSs which can efficiently serve
requirements of all aircrafts in their vicinity. In other words, the energy efficient DA2GC network can
reduce the number of running BSs by efficient redistribution of load among minimum number of
employed BSs.
The aim of this thesis is to propose an algorithm enabling efficient distribution of load among BSs in
order to minimize the number of running BSs by employing prediction of aircrafts’ positions and
capacity requirements.
Work environment
Student will work in an international team composed of researchers from industry and academia at
Wireless@KTH. The thesis is linked to the EU project ICARO-EU (Seamless DIreCt Air to GRound
COmmunications in EU). Student will have chance to attend international workshops with project
partners such as Ericsson, Airbus, Create-net, British Telecom etc., and discuss the results.
Required background
Knowledge about wireless networks; good background in system level simulation; good MATLAB
programming skills;
[1] ECC Report 214, Broadband Direct-Air-to-Ground Communications (DA2GC), 30 May 2014.
[2] Xinyu, Gu, et al. "Energy efficient load balancing in LTE self-organization networks." IEEE PIMRC
Workshops, 2013.
[3] Li, Qi, et al. "Green heterogeneous network with load balancing in LTE-A systems."IEEE PIMRC,