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Genetic Expression and Nutrition, edited by Claude
Bachmann and Berthold Koletzko. Nestle' Nutrition
Workshop Series. Pediatric Program. Vol. 50.
Nestec Ltd.. Vevey/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Philadelphia, © 2003.
Long-Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids are
Conditionally Essential Substrates in
Children: Effects on Visual Function in
Children With Phenylketonuria
Berthold Koletzko, Skadi Beblo, Ania Muntau-Heger,
*Wolfgang Mueller-Felber, and Hannes Reinhardt
Division of Metabolic Diseases and Nutritional Medicine, Dr. von Hauner Children's
Hospital, Kinderklinik and Kinderpoliklinik, University ofMuenchen, Muenchen, Bavaria;
and *Friedrich-Baur-Institut, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, Germany
Classical phenylketonuria (PKU) is one of the most common inborn errors of metabolism and affects about 1 in 7,000 white neonates. PKU is caused by deficient
activity of hepatic phenylalanine hydroxylase. Untreated PKU causes severe psychomotor handicap from early childhood onward (1), but if the diagnosis is made
by neonatal screening and dietary treatment is initiated early within the neonatal period, largely normal physical and cognitive development can be achieved. The therapeutic diet is based on a strictly limited intake of natural proteins, and is adapted
to the patient's individual phenylalanine tolerance. It is supplemented with phenylalanine-free synthetic amino acid mixtures to meet the age-adapted nitrogen requirements.
Although this approach is of great benefit, several studies have indicated that even
when treated, patients with PKU continue to have subtle but detectable neurologic
deficits. In particular, they tend to have slightly lower intelligence quotients than
their healthy siblings (2,3), with inferior school achievement (4). Many patients suffer from a reduced ability to concentrate and show prolonged reaction times (5,6).
The reason for these subtle dysfunctions is not clear. While fluctuations in plasma
phenylalanine concentrations influence cognitive performance (6), additional variables seem to contribute as well. The mainstay of treatment—strict dietary management—may induce metabolic imbalances. Depletion of various vitamins and trace elements has often been reported in PKU patients (7-12).
The long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs)—which include the longchain w-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6n-3; DHA)—form an important
group of micronutrients that is usually in poor supply in PKU patients. The natural
food sources of LC-PUFA are meat, liver, fish, and eggs, which are rich in protein
and hence are avoided in the PKU diet. Plasma or serum concentrations of LC-PUFA
are low in patients with classical PKU (13-15). LC-PUFAs are essential components
of all cell membranes and modulate membrane functions (16-18). Animal studies
have clearly established that the availability of LC-PUFAs during early life affects
visual and behavioral development (19,20).
Long-chain w-3 fatty acids influence gene expression by interacting with several
nuclear transcription factors, such as the peroxisome proliferator activator receptor a
(PPARa), the nuclear factor KB, the sterol regulatory binding protein 1, and the
polyunsaturated fatty acid regulatory element. Recent experimental studies indicate
that DHA is the most potent ligand and activator of the retinoid X receptor in brain
tissue and hence regulates its gene expression, a signaling pathway that is thought to
influence neural function (21).
In both premature and full-term infants, several controlled clinical trials have
shown benefits for visual and psychomotor development from dietary supplementation with preformed LC-PUFA (22-29). However, little is known about the potential
effects of LC-PUFA status on neurologic function beyond infancy. We hypothesized
that children with PKU who have a poor LC-PUFA supply may benefit from supplementation with fish oil, which provides n-3 LC-PUFA. We chose as the primary outcome variable the latency of visual evoked potentials (VEPs), because VEPs can be
reliably and repeatedly measured, are largely independent of the subject's cooperation and motivation, and reflect a representative aspect of the information processing
capacity of the central nervous system.
Our clinical trial was performed in patients with classical PKU aged between 1 and
11 years (30). Inclusion was restricted to patients with a documented average phenylalanine level, determined at least monthly over the previous 6 months, of less than
360 |xmol/l (<6 mg/dl). This inclusion criterion was chosen because the mere participation in a clinical trial tends to motivate patients with chronic diseases to adhere
more strictly to their recommended treatment (31). In this trial, such an effect might
have influenced the results because of the impact of acute or chronic increases in
phenylalanine concentrations in plasma and tissues on brain function (1,6). To avoid
this potential confounding effect, we chose to include only patients with optimal
metabolic control. We excluded patients with additional diseases other than PKU, or
with overt abnormal physical or neurologic signs.
At baseline, patients underwent a detailed physical and neurologic examination,
blood was taken for routine blood tests and estimation of phenylalanine concentration, and VEPs were measured as described below.
The protocol was reviewed by the ethics committee of the Bayerische
Landesaerztekammer (Bavarian Board of Physicians), Munich, Germany. The aims
and nature of the study were explained in detail to all parents or guardians, as well as
to the children who were school-age or older, and written informed consent was obtained from the parents.
VEPs were measured using a Toennies NeuroScreen 1.63 (Jaeger-Toennies, Hoechberg, Germany). Subjects were exposed to a 3.2-Hz alternating black-and-white
checkerboard pattern displayed on a video screen. Pattern size was modified to
achieve stimulation of the fovea (5'), the entire retina (30'), and two intermediate sizes
(10' and 15'). All recordings were performed in duplicate with 50 stimulations each.
Small children were sitting on their parent's lap to achieve optimal position and relaxation. Latencies of the P100 potential were determined independently by two experienced physicians according to standard criteria.
After the baseline examination, patients were supplied with fish oil capsules (Ameu;
kindly provided by Omega-Pharma, Berlin, Germany) in a dose providing 15-mg
DHA per kilogram of body weight daily. Each capsule contained 500 mg of purified
salmon oil, which yielded 35% of the fatty acids as co-3, including 18% as eicosapentaenoic acid and 12% as DHA. The gelatin coating of the capsules contained 3
mg of phenylalanine. All other aspects of dietary treatment remained unchanged.
After 90 days of fish oil supplementation, a follow-up examination was performed in
the same way as the baseline examination.
Healthy age-matched children were examined as controls, provided they were on a
mixed diet; children on a vegetarian or other special diet were excluded. Controls
were examined clinically, and VEPs were measured at baseline and after 90 days in
a subgroup who volunteered to participate in a second examination. For ethical reasons, no blood sample was taken in control children, and they did not receive fish oil
Of the 65 patients in the respective age range treated at this center and screened for
participation in the study, 38 patients were included, of whom 36 completed the protocol (age 6.3 ± 0.55 years; 19 girls and 17 boys; Fig. 1) (30). The diagnosis of PKU
had been established by neonatal screening and was confirmed by further clinical
testing and molecular genetics. Dietary treatment was initiated within the first 3
weeks of life in each patient. All patients were regularly followed up in our outpatient clinic for inborn metabolic diseases and were on a strictly protein-restricted diet.
The protein substitution by a synthetic amino acid mixture followed the recommendations of the German Society of Nutrition for protein intake in children, with a 20%
surplus to account for possible differences in the biologic value of synthetic amino
acid mixtures relative to natural proteins. Thirty children aged 6.6 ± 0.5 years (15
girls and 15 boys) volunteered as control subjects.
outpatients 1-11 years
(5 months) (n=65)
poor metabolic
control (n=13)
good metabolic
control (n=52)
denied (n=14)
drop outs
per protocol
FIG. 1. Flow chart of patient selection and treatment.
Data were analyzed for comparisons between patients and controls using Student t
test; t tests for paired samples were used to evaluate the treatment effects in the patients. The level of statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Data are given as
mean ± SEM unless otherwise stated.
VEPs were recorded in 36 patients with PKU and in 30 healthy controls. The quality
of the VEP recordings was very satisfactory, with no appreciable difference between
duplicate recordings of each checkerboard pattern. However, some recordings could
not be evaluated with sufficient reliability, usually due to inattentiveness, which led
to patterns with small, indistinguishable amplitudes. Thus, the number of VEPs evaluated differs from the number of subjects investigated. The evaluations of the two examiners agreed in 65% to 85% of the tracings that could be analyzed reliably. Only
these recordings were accepted for further analysis.
The mean latency of VEP PI00 was significantly longer in patients with PKU than
in the controls in all stimulation modes (Fig. 2). The largest and most significant difference of the PI00 latency was shown for isolated foveal stimulation with a very
small checkerboard pattern (5'), with a difference between the mean latencies of 9.8
ms. Although the difference between the mean latencies of the other stimulation patterns used was smaller, the results show that the abnormality is not confined to the
fovea and its fiber tracts.
In patients with PKU, supplementation with fish oil capsules for 90 days led to a
shortening of P100 latencies. Mean latencies were shorter than at baseline in all stimulation modes. Statistically significant differences were noted for the isolated foveal
stimulation (5') and for one of the intermediate sizes (15') (Fig. 3). Plasma phenylalanine concentrations did not change significantly during the intervention period,
120 -
115 .
12u n
p<0 01
Total retina
115 -
FIG. 2. Latencies of visual evoked potentials (VEP) in 36 children with phenylketonuria (hatched
bars, left) are significantly longer than in 30 age-matched healthy controls (stippled bars, right).
even though the fish oil capsules contained small amounts of phenylalanine (3
mg/capsule). Plasma phenylalanine values (mean ± SEM) were 0.27 ± 0.01 mmol/1
at baseline and 0.27 ± 0.02 mmol/1 after 3 months of supplementation [not significant (NS)].
To exclude an effect of time on PlOO latency, the healthy controls were asked to
undergo a second VEP recording 90 days after the baseline examination. In contrast
to the PKU patients treated with fish oil, there was no change in PlOO latencies in the
120 -.
135 -
120 -
— -
3 mon.
115 -
110 -
FIG. 3. Visual evoked potential latencies in patients with phenylketonuria at baseline and after
3 months of supplementation with fish oils. Latencies are significantly improved at stimulation
with 5' (foveal stimulation) and 15' (intermediate), while there are nonsignificant trends for the
other two pattern sizes.
TABLE 1. Latencies of visual evoked potentials in healthy children at baseline and
follow up after 3 months
Follow up
controls who agreed to be re-examined, on either foveal stimulation or entire retinal
stimulation (Table 1) (30).
During the period of fish oil administration, mild manifestations of self-limiting
acute diarrhea occurred in five children with PKU. In each of these five cases, odier
family members were affected by diarrhea at about the same time. Therefore, we consider that acute infectious gastroenteritis was the likely cause of the diarrhea in those
cases. One case of slight epistaxis was observed at the beginning of fish oil administration, which resolved spontaneously without further intervention under continued
fish oil supply. In none of the cases was it considered necessary to reduce the daily
dose or to interrupt fish oil administration. No other adverse events were reported by
the patients or their parents.
Our results show that children with early and continuously treated PKU have significantly longer PI00 VEP latencies than a matched group of healthy controls.
Administration of fish oil providing some 15 mg of DHA per kilogram of body
weight daily for 3 months led to a marked shortening of VEP latencies, while plasma
phenylalanine concentrations remained unchanged. Thus, our study strongly supports a causal effect of LC-PUFA supply on neurologic function and the speed of information processing in patients with PKU.
We chose to perform an open trial to enable us to apply strict inclusion criteria and
still recruit a sizable number of patients, in view of the limited numbers of PKU patients available for study, even at this large treatment center. The electrophysiologic
nature of the outcome measure, which is not expected to be altered by a placebo effect, and the remarkably stable results in the healthy controls make us confident that
we have shown a real effect of the intervention.
Although patients with PKU showed a marked delay of VEP latencies compared
with healthy, age-matched controls, the variance of the test results was remarkably
similar in patients and controls for all stimulation patterns. Thus, the overall result
cannot be attributed to a few patients with markedly pathologic recordings, but rather
to an abnormality that characterizes the group of patients with PKU in general. The
clinical significance of these results relates not only to visual function but extends to
other neurologic functions, because delays in VEP latency appear to represent retarded information transmission in other parts of the central nervous system (CNS).
Indeed, standardized test results on more complex functions also improved with supplementation of w-3 LC-PUFA (unpublished data). Our finding may be due to a subtle subclinical defect or delay in the myelination of the visual pathways or a disturbance of synaptic information processing related to a reduction in the physiologically
high LC-PUFA concentrations in synaptosomal membranes (32). VEP latencies are
primarily related to conduction velocity in the optic nerve, and inflammatory demyelination is the prototype for their pathologic delay. Abnormalities in cerebral
white matter, consistent with disturbed myelination, are found in untreated and even
early-treated PKU (33-37) on magnetic resonance imaging. In this respect, our electrophysiologic findings provide a functional counterpart to those anatomic studies.
The observed alterations in patients with PKU appear to be related to the mode of
dietary treatment. Depending on the individual phenylalanine tolerance, the PKU diet
provides roughly one sixth of the usual intake of natural proteins found in healthy
children, and consequently also of other components of the protein-rich foods that are
avoided. In patients with PKU, an inadequate supply—with clinically relevant consequences—has been recognized for calcium, iron, zinc, and vitamin Bi 2 , which are
supplemented in current amino acid substitution diets for patients with PKU. More
recently, LC-PUFA depletion of plasma lipids has been reported in PKU (13,14).
DHA is considered functionally the most relevant LC-PUFA, because it has decisive
functions in the assembly, maintenance, and proper function of cell membrane lipids
(38), and is a major PUFA in the brain phospholipid pool (39). Although DHA is not
an essential nutrient in the strict sense, its endogenous synthesis from its precursor
a-linolenic acid, found in vegetable oil, is very inefficient in humans (40). Several
studies in newborn infants have recognized that DHA supply is an important factor
in the postnatal development of the visual system and cognition (22-29).
The causal role of the DHA supply is confirmed by the significant improvement in
VEP latencies upon administration of fish oil, which provides relatively large
amounts of DHA and some other n-3 LC-PUFAs. The change in VEP latencies over
the study period of 3 months clearly does not constitute a normal developmental
process, because an age-matched control group had unchanged VEP latencies after
the same follow-up period. Thus, the iatrogenic induction of DHA depletion in patients with PKU provided with an apparently unbalanced diet does impair the development of proper signal transmission in the optic system. This underlines the importance of LC-PUFA for physiologic brain function in general.
After the completion of our trial, Agostoni and co workers (41) reported similar results in a smaller group of patients participating in a longer-term controlled trial.
Supplementation of 10 PKU patients with fish oil, providing some 10-mg DHA per
kilogram of body weight daily for 12 months resulted in normalization of an initially
delayed 15' pattern-reversal VEP and a 2-Hz flash VEP; a 1-Hz flash VEP was also
normalized. In a placebo-treated control group of patients with PKU, these recordings were unchanged.
The results of our study indicate that DHA supplementation has beneficial effects
on information processing within weeks, which is in accordance with results from recent animal studies (42). However, DHA supplementation of our patients over 3
months only reduced the mean delay in VEP latencies relative to the healthy controls
and failed to induce complete normalization (for example, for 5': 10 ms at baseline
vs. 5 ms at follow up). In contrast, Agostoni et al reported complete normalization after 12 months of supplementation with a 30% lower dose of n-3 LC-PUFA per kg
body weight (41). Thus, a long-term supply of DHA may be necessary for complete
normalization of the observed delay in signal transduction in PKU.
In view of the functional benefit and the absence of appreciable adverse effects, we
consider it desirable to provide PKU patients with preformed n-3 LC-PUFA. Further
evaluation of supplementation in larger groups of patients with classical PKU are
needed to test its potential effects on other functional outcomes and to investigate the
matter of the optimum dosage. The observations reported here are relevant beyond
this specific group of patients with an inborn error of metabolism because the physiologic effects are obviously a result of the dietary substrate supply. Thus, the results
obtained lead us to conclude that dietary preformed long-chain co-3 polyunsaturated
fatty acids, such as DHA, are conditionally essential substrates for humans not only
in infancy, but also during the preschool and school-age period.
We are grateful for the invaluable support by the patients and their families, the staff
of the Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital, and the Friedrich-Baur-Institute. The
study was financially supported in part by SHS Gesellschaft fur Klinische Ernahrung,
Heilbronn, Germany and by the Child Health Foundation, Munich, Germany
( S. B. was the recipient of a scholarship awarded
by the University of Munich. Fish oil capsules were generously provided by Omega
Pharma, Berlin, Germany.
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Dr. Matthieu: You measured the fatty acid in the plasma and not in the membrane. In the
plasma, it mainly reflects the diet, and not really what has been synthesized. I would like to
have seen values in blood cells, which would reflect the membrane values.
Dr. Koletzko: When using plasma fatty acid composition as a marker of tissue pools, we
obviously have to live with some limitations. I do agree with you that we have to be extremely
careful in not overinterpreting data obtained from the plasma compartment only. With respect
your suggestion that it might have been advantageous to use blood cells, various people have
investigated that, including ourselves. The overall conclusion is that concentrations in plasma
and cells run in parallel following a dietary intervention, although the kinetics are different,
and in young children both plasma and red blood cell contents of docosahexaenoic acid correlate with visual and cognitive functions (1^4). One might reasonably ask whether blood cell
fatty acid contents are a better indicator of changes in nervous tissues, but there's no indication of that whatsoever from the available studies. However, the analysis of red blood cell fatty
acids is prone to larger errors, partly due to a higher risk of oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty
acids in the iron-containing erythrocytes. Also, one lipid transported in plasma lipoproteins,
but not blood cell lipids, are the major source of brain lipid uptake. Another more feasible option in young children is to analyze oral mucosa cells, which we found to be a good marker of
dietary polyunsaturated fatty acid supply, even beyond the end of an intervention, but again
their composition seems to follow other kinetic rules than plasma and blood cell compartments
(5). Nonetheless, Hoffman and coworkers found infant visual development to be correlated to
DHA contents in oral mucosa cells (6). With regard to this study on children with PKU supplemented with marine oil for 3 months, all available evidence would lead us to predict that
both plasma and blood cell composition will show a DHA increase. I do not see any evidence
that analysis of blood cell composition would provide any advantage over plasma lipid analysis in testing the hypotheses we raised.
Dr. Matthieu: My second query is that for your cognitive task—if I got the message correctly—you did not have real controls. The controls were not patients with PKU, they were
healthy children. This introduces bias because when psychologists examine children with
PKU, they look at them in a different way from healthy children.
Dr. Koletzko: Obviously it would be preferable to have a fully double-blind study in children with PKU who are randomized to w-3 or not. We chose not to do that because at the outset we wanted to do a pilot study using the limited patient population at our unit. Our goal was
to determine whether there is any detectable effect at all with a precise electrophysiologic measurement. We were unaware of another study by Agostoni et al that was published after our
trial was completed (7). Therefore, we certainly did not expect to find such striking and large
effects, and when planning our study we felt we should not dilute the power of our study by
separating our patient population into two groups. Also, it did not seem feasible to perform a
cross-over study because there are marked carryover effects with fatty acids that would require
long washout periods, and one might hypothesize that correction of a tissue DHA depletion
possibly would not be reversed in weeks or even months. However, the results of the VEP
study are certainly valid even under the conditions of an open trial because these are objective
measurements, and the evaluation of the VEPs was performed by blinded investigators who
just received the tracings.
Dr. Matthieu: My last point is about the way you showed your data. On your graphs, you
started at a level of 100, so your differences look very large. In fact, they are not. I made a
rough calculation, and the difference in evoked potential latencies is 7.5%, and the improvement is only 3.5%. I wonder if these differences are really of clinical significance.
Dr. Koletzko: One should consider that it would not make sense to start the scale at 0, there
is no such thing as VEP latencies of 0 in human beings. The difference in 5' P100 ms latencies
between patients and controls is 9.8 ms or 7.9% of control values, and the improvement
achieved in patients with DHA supplementation is 3.6 ms or 2.9% of baseline values in controls. This is indeed quite a large difference—7.5% represents quite a substantial delay in visual latency. Also, I am not aware which other intervention can achieve such a marked change
of the speed of visual information processing in only 3 months. I find that quite remarkable and
certainly worthwhile if it can be achieved with such a simple intervention that only corrects an
iatrogenic deficiency syndrome.
Dr. Wanders: Is it your hypothesis now that what explains the lower C22:6 is a lower rate
of synthesis in patients with PKU? If so, what could be the mechanism behind that?
Dr. Koletzko: I don't think we have any evidence that the rate of synthesis is lower in PKU
patients than in healthy controls, but we also don't have much data in healthy children. I assume that healthy controls on a regular diet get so much preformed DHA from different foods
that they do not depend entirely on an endogenous synthesis of DHA to meet their tissue needs.
Dr. Wanders: What about arachidonic acid supplementation in patients with PKU?
Dr. Koletzko: We haven't seen the same degree of depletion of plasma arachidonic acid in
children and we don't yet know the functional relevance of arachidonic acid beyond infancy
in the range that we have seen (8). During intervention, even with the relatively very high dose
of fish oil that we gave, there was no effect on circulating arachidonic acid levels.
Biochemically the synthesis of arachidonic is much shorter, with only three enzymatic steps,
than for DHA (9). Thus, it is quite possible that there is a more active endogenous production
of arachidonic acid.
Dr. Yamashiro: Did any of the children have liver dysfunction?
Dr. Koletzko: These were healthy children with a metabolic defect involving phenylalanine
hydroxylase. They did not have any liver abnormality or other disease. We have no indication
that the defect in phenylalanine hydroxylase has any direct impact on metabolic pathways in
lipid or fatty acid metabolism. Our assumption is that these patients do not have any defect in
turnover, but obviously, we have no direct measurements for comparison with healthy children. We suspect that the children with PKU, even with normal desaturase activity, are not able
to match the DHA status of healthy children who receive preformed DHA, and this has functional consequences.
Dr. Micheli: How much PUFA crosses the placenta? In addition, is there any way to quantify the effect on membranes using the new brain imaging techniques? I was thinking particularly of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.
Dr. Koletzko: We would very much like to know how much crosses the placenta. There are
indications that there is active transfer from the mother to the fetus—for example, cord blood
concentrations are higher than maternal blood concentrations; there are high concentrations in
fetal tissue; and in the perfused placenta, there is preferential transfer from the maternal to the
fetal side (10-13). Mechanisms have been proposed, including specific binding proteins and
translocases that would facilitate transfer (14). We are trying to look at this more closely but
we have no quantitative analyses as yet.
As for brain imaging, my understanding is that Professor Harry Lafeber and coworkers at
Amsterdam have studied preterm infants, who were randomized to diets with and without
long-chain PUFA, with sequential magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). As far as I have seen,
no morphologic differences were found. Cunnane and coworkers in Toronto gave labeled fatty
acids to small animals and attempted to follow their utilization with MRI spectroscopy (15),
but the methodologic challenges in bringing this to useful in vivo studies in humans should not
be underestimated.
Dr. Liitschg: I have a question about visual evoked potentials. The latencies depend on
myelination. Did you look at age dependency? Also, you said that with the size 5 and 15 patterns there was a significant difference, but not with size 10 and 30. Why not?
Dr. Koletzko: We had age-matched controls, so there was an identical age distribution in
the two populations. I don't think there was much of an age effect. However, there were limitations in evaluating the traces in the youngest preschool children, in some of whom VEP amplitudes were very small and hence we had to discard those tracings. With respect to the effects detected with different pattern sizes, a limitation may be our limited sample size. The
trend was in the same direction for all pattern sizes, but it was only significant for two of them.
I guess that if we had doubled the sample size, we might have found a significant difference
for all of them.
Dr. Superti-Furga: You started by saying that children with PKU have some loss of IQ, so
why did you then focus on the effect on VEPs? Why haven't you been looking for other, perhaps clinically more relevant, effects of these metabolites?
Dr. Koletzko: I agree that visual latency is not a measurement that translates directly into a
clinically relevant outcome. However, the attraction of this measurement is that it is an objective measure of the speed of information processing in the central nervous system (CNS) that
can be precisely determined. With my background in biochemical measurements, I always
tend to be a bit careful about behavioral measurements because of my uncertainties about their
precision and reproducibility. Here we started with the hypothesis that DHA would influence
signal transduction because of such observations in animal studies and in young infants. It is
conceivable that there might be also an effect on IQ but that remains to be tested. We have no
real indication that IQ is influenced at all by fatty acids, other functions apparently are—for
example, the speed with that one can solve a maze problem. The speed of information processing, however, could very well be of clinical relevance, particularly in a world where speed
of response becomes increasingly important.
Dr. Superti-Furga: That is precisely where you probably have a learning affect. When you
do the same test 3 months later, you remember how to do it. That's the first thing that comes
to my mind.
Dr. Koletzko: It is a valid concern, but we did not see any learning effect at all in our controls. Nevertheless, I should emphasize again that this was a pilot study because we did not expect to find such a large response. If we had anticipated the marked effects, we certainly would
have chosen a somewhat different study design.
Dr. Scott: Do you know anything about the effects of extreme diets—for example, children
on a strict vegan diet? Could you anticipate an effect from their known intakes? I suppose you
must have made a guestimate of that.
Dr Koletzko: Biochemical studies in vegetarian and vegan women showed that they tend to
have low concentrations of DHA in plasma and also in their breast milk, and that is reflected
in low plasma DHA in the breastfed babies (16,17). Potential functional consequences are certainly something one would want to look at.
Dr. Steinmann: From animal studies, do we have any idea about the turnover of fatty acids
in the cerebral membranes, and are there any regional differences in the composition of the
fatty acids?
Dr. Koletzko: There are a number of animal studies that investigated the fatty acid uptake
and turnover in brain, and effects of dietary and other exogenous factors (18-22), but I am not
sure how much is really known on the variance of fatty acid metabolism and turnover in different areas of the brain.
Dr. Kunz: If you give a certain amount of 13C-labeled fatty acid, how much of the label will
you find in the plasma fatty acids?
Dr. Koletzko: We did some studies in lactating women. When we gave 2 mg of labeled
linoleic acid per kilogram of body weight, about 20% of it was oxidized to CO2 and exhaled
over a period of 5 days; 13% of the label appeared in the breast milk over 5 days; and two thirds
disappeared into other body compartments with slow turnover, such as adipose tissue and possibly other compartments (23,24). The limitation of these types of in vivo studies in humans is
that we cannot gain direct access to some of the pools of interest, such as the liver.
Dr. Bo'hles: If we argue that your findings are related to A6-desaturase activity, then every
decrease in DHA should be balanced by an increase in the precursor fatty acid. Did you find
increases in other fatty acids?
Dr. Koletzko: We found relatively high levels of linoleic and a-linolenic acids, but I think
that was because children with PKU have a high intake of those fatty acids. They consume far
more vegetable oil and less animal fat than healthy children. They also had higher concentrations of elongation products, but not of the long-chain metabolites.
Dr. Bo'hles: The A6-desaturases are very much influenced by other cofactors—insulin,
vitamins, and so on. Could it be that a deficiency of coproducts influences A6-desaturase
Dr. Koletzko: The activity of desaturases is indeed modulated by exogenous factors, and it
is quite possible that, for example, trace elements or other factors that are altered in the PKU
diet could have an influence. That is certainly something to look at.
Dr. Bachmann: Do you think you're observing a fish oil effect or a DHA effect? And, is the
absorptive capacity and motility of the gut the same during fish oil supplementation as without
supplementation? After all, arachidonic acid is a precursor of prostaglandins and so on.
Dr. Koletzko: Obviously, we've given fish oil and not DHA, so we can only say that we
have seen an effect of fish oil supplementation. To give isolated DHA would be a nice experiment, but rather expensive. As for gastrointestinal function, surprisingly we did not find dyspepsia, other discomfort, or any untoward effects on bowel movements.
Dr. Bachmann: Was peak phenylalanine the same in both groups? You didn't get much
steeper peaks in the nonsubstituted group than in the fish oil group?
Dr. Koletzko: We measured the phenylalanine concentrations on a regular basis and found
no change from baseline (266 ± 14 jimol/1) to study end (271 ± 21 \\.mo\A), even though the
gelatin capsules contained small amounts of 3 mg of phenylalanine per capsule.
Dr. Bachmann: So your DHA measurements were also made in the morning after an
overnight fast, before the capsule?
Dr. Koletzko: Blood samples for fatty acid measurements were taken during outpatient visits, but we the plasma phospholipid composition is not much changed between pre- and postprandial states.
Dr. Bachmann: But you didn't look for changes in the red blood cell membranes. I think
Dr. Matthieu's earlier question was a good one, because measurements in red cells would integrate the incorporation of DHA over time rather than being a transient view, as it is with
plasma DHA levels.
Dr. Koletzko: I think that might be useful if one wanted to study a population with uncharacterized and rapidly changing dietary habits. However, we had a closely supervised population that took fish oil capsules on a daily basis. On theoretical grounds, your view is valid, but
I don't think there is any evidence available that there would be a differential effect on the red
blood cells under the conditions of our study. Indeed, I'm not aware of any conclusive evidence to show that red blood cells are a better measure of tissue composition or functional effects than plasma. In fact, the measurement of red blood cell membranes is far more prone to
error, primarily because you have so much iron in them and hence rather unstable conditions.
Dr. Borum: When focusing on polyunsaturated fatty acids, we usually consider their synthesis or their role as a precursor of something else. However, is it possible that the degradation of the fatty acids—and by that I mean oxidation or the degradation of unsaturated bonds
in other ways—is different in patients with PKU and healthy controls?
Dr. Koletzko: It is certainly possible. That could be relevant to these differences.
Dr. Endres: Where did you get your nonsupplemented PKU formula? The ones I am aware
of all have a healthy provision of oils.
Dr. Koletzko: That is true for the infants. For older age groups, as far as I know none of the
amino acid products marketed in Europe today are supplemented with DHA.
Dr. Endres: However, your results could promote the industry to add DHE to products for
all children. What is your view on this?
Dr. Koletzko: I hope that will be the result, but I would want to add a word of caution: I
think it would be a mistake to put DHA into all products without having obtained further data.
We need far more information, for example on appropriate dosing.
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