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Investigating stone decay in a façade
Stone decay in a façade
• Natural decay processes not switched
• Superimposition of new, additional, sets
of conditions and factors that can
interact in complex and unpredictable
• Example - natural and anthropogenic
salts in combination
Stone decay in a façade
• Location and geometry of a building can influence
patterns of wetting/drying and heating/cooling,
soiling, greening
• Aspect can play a role in determining time-of-wetness
• Although the influence of the cardinal compass points
can be overridden by macro-environmental factors,
for example, airflow around a building
Stone decay in façade
• Physical stresses
caused by surrounding
materials, for example,
the mortar used
• Blocks are sealed on 4
sides by mortar, leaving
one exposed ‘front’ face
though which moisture
can penetrate and
Stone decay in a façade
In essence, the underlying
controls of stone decay
(temperature and moisture)
are forced to act through one
Dry conditions - moisture /
soluble salt movement,
periodic wetting of surface
and drying
Wet conditions - saturation?
Biological growth keeps it
Seasonal salt weathering
cycles become more
Stone decay in a façade
• Monitoring moisture
• By instrumenting blocks
from the back face with
humidity sensors we
can measure the
movement of moisture
from the front face
• Can tie into wider
meteorological data
collected by weather
Moisture Distribution: Geotomography
Permanent electrodes
low ≈ high moisture
high ≈ low moisture
GeoTom device +
Time series data
e.g. of surface wetting
Section through trial wall
Resistivity ‘pseudosection’, indicating
2D moisture distribution
How do salts behave when
blocks are saturated?
Ion diffusion
• Ion diffusion studies neglected in sandstone,
but important with changing environmental
• Diffusion in solution is the process whereby
ionic or molecular constituents move from an
area of high concentration to an area of low
• Diffusion occurs without any bulk water
movement (important for saturated blocks)
• Diffusion ceases when there is no
concentration gradient (uniform
Ion diffusion
• Measuring diffusion - determining the diffusion
• Developing methods used to study chloride diffusion
through concrete
Ion diffusion
• Based on Fick’s first law:
D = VL/CA x dc/dt
(where V = volume of downstream cell, L = sample thickness, C =
chloride concentration, A = transmission area)
• The solutions must be well mixed
• Concentration measurements of the solution
are made using a minimum volume (5-10µL)
for IC analysis of chloride and other anions
(nitrate, sulphate)
• The water in the core does not move
• Sorption is negligible
Ion diffusion
• Analysis of final solution
• Not only anions of the input salts, but also silica
aluminium and iron (colorimetric techniques) to see how
ion diffusion impacts the mobility of these elements
(detection limits as low as 0.005 and 0.02 mg/L for Al
and Si, respectively)
• Ties back into the biological side of the study by the
potential of seeing how organic acid mixtures impact on
diffusion and the mobility of elements
• Cutting the stone up before it dries to see where salts are
(nucleation points?)