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Employer E-mail
February is American Heart Month sponsored by the American heart Association. Heart disease is the
leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. Risk factors for heart disease include
high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, diet, tobacco use, and diabetes. This
month is a great time to take action and promote employee’s heart health.
Celebrate National Wear Red Day to raise awareness about women and heart disease. Visit for more ideas and information.
Encourage employees to take the online risk assessment for heart attack:
Most health plans offer cholesterol and blood pressure screenings as part of preventive services.
Encourage your employees to have their levels checked.
Promote and support physical activity. Organize a group activity, such as a daily or weekly
lunchtime walk, and offer incentives like a free pedometer. Check out Group Health’s free Walk
& Talk program:
Promote and support a healthy eating plan for employees. Communicate the importance of a
healthful diet and provide healthy food options for employees. Check out the CDC’s website for
more ideas:
Encourage employees to be tobacco free. Check your work’s health plan to see if tobacco
cessation services are covered and offer employees support to get help quitting.
Use this month to raise awareness about heart disease to your employees. Heart disease can be
prevented by making healthy choices and managing health conditions such as diabetes and high blood
pressure. Actively communicate with your employees the importance of a healthy lifestyle in preventing
heart disease.
Health Savvy Tips for Employees:
February is American Heart Month! Did you know heart disease is the leading cause of death for
men and women in the United States? The risk factors for heart disease include high blood
pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, diet, tobacco use, and diabetes. Women
over 45 and men over 55 are also at higher risk of heart disease.
Heart disease is caused by plaque buildup in the artery of the heart. Plaque is caused by excess
fat and cholesterol in the blood, high blood pressure, and smoking.
Heart disease can be prevented through healthier lifestyle habits and better management of
diabetes and high blood pressure. Assess your risk factors for heart disease and see a healthcare
provider to get screened. Adults should have cholesterol levels checked every 5 years and blood
pressure checked regularly.
Take an online assessment to check your risk of heart attack at:
Take steps to control your risk factors!
o Eat foods that are low in saturated and trans fat, and aim for at least five servings of
fruits and vegetable per day.
o Incorporate more physical activity into your day- take the stairs, organize a lunchtime
walk, or walk your child to school.
o If you don’t smoke, don’t start. If you do smoke, quit smoking. Talk to your healthcare
provider about quitting tobacco.
To raise awareness about heart disease in women, the American Heart Association is sponsoring
National Wear Red Day on February 3, 2017. Please wear red to work that day and join the
nationwide movement. Visit: for more information.