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Salmonella typhi septicemia
(Typhoid Fever)
Complaint- A constant, throbbing left
parietal headache for four to five days.
- He also had intermittent, generalized
sweating accompanied by chills, fatigue,
malaise, myalgias, and arthralgias for two
to three days.
Malaise- feeling of discomfort
Myalgia- pain in a muscle
Arthralgia- pain in a joint
Medical History- Unremarkable
- No vaccinations was received prior to his
trip to India and was never vaccinated for
previous visits
Laboratory tests:
 Normal
 Normal White blood cell count
 Normal chest x-ray
 Serologic tests for Epstein Barr virus and
Borrelia burgdorferi were negative
Serologic test- a blood test to detect the presence of
antibodies against a microorganism.
Epstein Barr virus- a herpes virus causing infectious
mononucleosis and associated with certain cancers
Borrelia burgdorferi- cause of Lyme disease
When presented to the ED
Had three days of watery diarrhea toward
the end of his time in India.
- Ate at restaurants fifty percent of the time
during his trip
- He was mildly pancytopenic with a white
blood cell count
- Malaria smear was performed and was
Pancytopenia- is an abnormally low level of all blood cells
produced by the bone marrow. This includes a low level of
RBCs, WBCs, and platelets.
Final Diagnosis: Salmonella typhi
septicemia (Typhoid Fever)
Patient showed clinical improvement with
resolution of laboratory abnormalities
after 4-5 days of ciprofloxacin
- Discharged on oral ciprofloxacin to
complete a two-week course
Medicine: Ciprofloxacin- is used to treat bacterial
infections in many different parts of the body