Download Cancer Quiz 2: Richard Hill 1st DEC 2002 Cancer of the _____

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Cancer Quiz 2:
Richard Hill
1st DEC 2002
1.Cancer of the _____ occurs most often in people in their 50's.
2.Lymphomas and ________ disease most commonly occur in people in their 20's.
3.From birth to age 10, the most common cancers are ________ and __________.
4.Infection by _____ _________ virus can lead to the development of cancer of the
uterine cervix.
5.Epstein - Barr virus (which causes infectious mononucleosis), can cause ________.
6.An agent which has the capacity to cause cancer is called a __________.
7.An example of such an agent would be _________ (a substance produced by
moulds, such as those which grow on peanuts).
8.X - rays and Gamma - rays are examples of ________ radiation.
9.The spread of a malignant tumor may be local, ________, or distant.
10.The process of comparing cancerous tissue to the healthy tissue from which it was
born is called _______.
11.Chemotherapy may lead to hair loss (AKA ________ ).
12.The hormone ________ is used to treat prostate cancer.