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Circulatory System
Designed to carry blood gases, nutrients, and waste materials, cells of defense, lymph,
and hormones throughout the body.
Consisting from:
1.. Heart.(driving the circulatory system)
2. Blood and lymphatic vessels.
The blood vessels consisting from :
1. Arteries
2. Veins
The arteries are classified into three types according to their wall
1 . Elastic arteries.
2. Muscular arteries.
3. Arteriole.
Generally the wall structure of blood vessels composed from :
A. Tunica intima
Internal elastic lamina
B. Tunica media
External elastic lamina
C. Tunica adventitia
1.Elastic artery. Are the largest of arteries
which arise directly from heart and subject to cyclic
changes of blood pressure like aorta ,common
carotid and subclavian arteries.
A. Tunica intima: lined by short, polygonal cell of
endothelial cells, followed by the subendothelial
connective tissue (collagenous fibers and
occasionally elastic and same of longitudinal
smooth muscle cells)
internal elastic lamina are not clearly defined or
A. Tunica media: are Thick fenestrated
membranes (spiral to concentric sheets of
elastic fibers ) with few of smooth muscle cells
associated with reticular and collagen fibers
which filled spaces between elastic fibers.
B. C. Tunica Adventitia Thin collagenous
connective tissue containing elastic fibers and
few of longitudinal smooth muscle cells and
Vasa vasorum. It separated from media by
external elastic lamina (elastic fibers of
adventitia forms network of this lamina.)