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Quiz 2 Study Guide
Chapter 4:
Name the 3 monosaccharides and the 3 disaccharides commonly found in the food.
What are the polysaccharides? Know the difference between soluble and insoluble fibers in
terms of their effects on the body.
 What kinds of foods are highest in fiber?
Which carbohydrates are referred to as simple carbohydrates? Which are the complex
What is hydrolysis? What is condensation?
What are the major sites of carbohydrate digestion and absorption? What happens to the
fiber we eat?
What happens in the liver to the fructose and galactose we absorb?
What is the storage form of glucose in the body? Where is it found?
What organ is dependent on glucose for its function?
What do we use to make new glucose when supplies from the diet are low? What is this
process called?
What two pancreatic hormones help regulate blood glucose? What is the effect of each on
blood glucose?
What is the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus?
What is the cause of lactose intolerance?
What is the difference between a whole grain and a refined grain?
Name 3 ways in which foods rich in fiber are beneficial to health.