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Postprocedural, Injury
& Poisonings
Chapters XIX and XX
HS317b - Coding &
Classification of Health Data
Purpose of Chapter XIX & XX
To explain causes of injuries, poisonings
and certain other consequences of
external causes.
 Frostbites,
burns, corrosions, complications of
trauma, complications of surgical and medical
care, sequelae of injuries
 Code site and then type of injury.
External Cause of Injury Code
Mandatory to use with codes in the range
of S00 – T98 Injury, poisoning and certain
other consequences of external causes
 U98.~ Place of occurrence mandatory with
in range of W00 – Y34
 Exception
 Codes
Y06 Neglect & abandonment
 Y07 Other maltreatment
 Transport accidents, legal interventions, acts of war
 Medical/surgical misadventures
Post-admit Comorbidity
Arises post-admission
 Satisfies comorbidity requirements
 Significantly
affects the treatment received
 Requires treatment beyond maintenance of
the preexisting condition
 Increases the length of stay by at least 24
Should a complication of care arise which
is clearly so serious
 That
it consumes majority of resources
 Is responsible for greatest LOS
Assign it as both MRDx & diagnosis type 2
 When
is a Condition Classified as a
Post-Procedural Complication?
Early Complication
A condition arising within 96 hours of an
intervention is considered an early
 Cause/effect
relationship between the
condition and the intervention is assumed.
Late Complication
A condition arising after 96 completed
hours of the intervention and stated by the
physician to be due to the procedure is
considered a late complication.
 Cause/effect
relationship has been
Postprocedural condition
A significant condition arising after 96
hours of the intervention but before the
end of the 15th day post surgery with no
documented evidence of the condition
arising as a result of the intervention is
considered a post-procedural condition.
 Cause/effect
relationship has not been
Steps for determining post-procedural
conditions & complications
Index look-up is the first step
Folio lookup: Obstruction – intestine –
postoperative K91.3
Folio lookup: postoperative wound infection
Infection - postoperative wound T81.4
Folio lookup: Pneumothorax
due to operative injury of chest wall or lung
– – accidental puncture or laceration T81.2
If there is no lead term…
If there is no lead term for the condition,
look up all possible synonyms.
 When a lead term for the condition cannot
be located or when there is no applicable
“postoperative” subterm proceed to the
lead term “Complications”. Look for a
subterm for the specific procedure or for
the body system affected.
When there are two subterms: ‘T’
or ‘body system’
When there are two subterms for a
condition, one directing the condition be
coded to a T code and the other directing
that condition to a body system,
 Select
the T code when the condition is an
early complication
 Select the body system when the condition is
a late complication
Functional Disturbance
A disturbance of normal function of a body
i.e.: arrhythmia is a functional heart disturbance
 i.e.: malabsorption is a functional gastrointestinal
Sandwiching Codes
When code title of postprocedural
condition/complication of surgery does not
fully describe the problem
 An
additional code to provide more detail
regarding the nature of the condition can be
This additional code would be assigned a
diagnosis type 3
When to apply an external cause!
 It
connects the complication/condition to the
 If
it arises < 96 hours postprocedurally
 If it involves the operative wound
 If it involves a mechanical failure
 If it involves a misadventure
 If it is documented by physician
 If it involves organ failure or rejections
< 96 Hours
>96 Hours & < 15 Days >15 Days
must be
+ External Cause documented by
Yes then add
External Cause
If No just postprocedural code
Cause/effect not
assumed. If no
then code to
Acute Renal Failure
Patient develops acute renal failure within 96
hours of surgery
 N99.0
postprocedural renal failure + external cause
An early complication
 Occurs
either in operating room or during
postoperative monitoring period of 96 hours.
 Assume cause-effect relationship between surgery
performed & complication
 Assign external cause code
Patient develops acute renal failure within 15
days of surgery & documentation links the
surgery to the acute renal failure
 N99.0
postprocedural renal failure & external
cause code
A postprocedural/postoperative complication
 Occurs
> 96 hours following departure from O.R.
 Within 15 days.
 Physician documents it as
postprocedural/postoperative complication
 External cause required
Patient develops acute renal failure within
15 days of surgery & documentation does
not link the surgery to the acute renal
 N99.0
Postprocedural renal failure
Postprocedural condition
 Occurs
> 96 hours & < 15 days
 No documented evidence of condition arising
as a result of, or due to, intervention
 No external cause required
Patient develops acute renal failure after 15
days following surgery & documentation
links the surgery to the acute renal failure
 N99.0 Postprocedural renal failure +
external cause code
 A late Complication
 Occurs
> 15 days following surgery
 Documentation links the surgery to ARF
 External cause required
Patient develops acute renal failure after 15 days
following surgery with no documentation linking
the surgery to the acute renal failure
N17.9 Acute renal failure, unspecified
Postprocedural condition
15 days
 No documentation to link surgery to ARF
 No external cause
 Not coded as postprocedural
Post-Procedural Signs and Symptoms
They should only be classified as
postprocedural conditions when the
physician’s documentation indicates:
 They
are still present on discharge
 They persist for at least 96 hours
 A more precise diagnosis has not been
identified as the cause of the sign or symptoms
 That the symptom is due to or a direct result of
the procedure
Patient experiences postoperative pain
following hip arthroplasty. No dislocation or
displacement noted on x-ray. Pain
management specialist is asked to follow up
T85.8 (2) other complications of internal
prosthetic devices, implants & grafts NEC
 M25.55 (3) pain in joint, pelvic region &
 Y83.1 (9) Surgical operation with implant of
artificial internal device as the cause of
abnormal reaction of the patient…
Exceptions – MI & strokes
If it occurs during postoperative monitoring
period of 96 hours code to I21.~ (2) +
external cause code Y83 or Y84
If it occurs > 96 hours no longer assume it
to be related to procedure
Unless stated by physician
I21.~ (2) with no external cause code
It is undetermined whether this is a
complication of a surgical procedure or a
natural progression of a disease process.
Do not code as postprocedural
 Code stroke as diagnosis type 2.
If it occurs < 96 hours include external cause
 If it occurs > 96 hours no external cause needed.
Adverse reaction
Adverse reaction/Toxicity may
occur when:
Correct substance prescribed by physician
was administered appropriately
 Code the adverse reaction – i.e.: T88.7
Unspecified adverse effect of drug or
 Code reaction/manifestation – i.e. L27.0
(3) Generalized skin eruption due to drugs
and medicaments
 Code External cause code from drug table
Poisoning when:
Not prescribed by physician
 Dosage altered from prescription
 Non-medicinal substance
 Self-medication with non-prescription drug
 Any medication taken with alcohol
Non Compliance
When a condition is documented as due to
noncompliance with therapy or selfdirected discontinuance of a drug
 It
is neither a poisoning nor an adverse affect
 It is coded to the manifestation followed by
Z91.1 Personal history of noncompliance with
medical treatment and regimen.
Code poisonings
Folio lookup to drug table
 Code
poisoning code
 Code manifestation as diagnosis type 3
 Code external cause code
 Code place of occurrence
Standard for coding poisoning
All drugs involved must be coded
 Presume it to be accident when not
documented as intentional/self harm
 Illicit drug poisoning classified as
accidental unless documented to be
suicidal or homicidal
Code each injury to greatest degree of
 With multiple injuries
 Code
most severe/life threatening first
When two or more injuries equal in
 Assign
the injury receiving treatment that
consumes the largest portion of hospital
resources first.
Current versus old injuries
Has the repair been completed?
 Has it occurred within the past 365 days.
 Flow chart – i.e.: tendon injury
14 days old, code as current injury
 > 14 days old & treatment completed, code as
old injury
 If initial treatment still underway, code as
current injury
Intra-cranial injury & Fx of skull
Code first to intra-cranial injury
 Follow with code for fracture
 i.e.: traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage,
with closed fracture of base of skull.
Patient suffered a brief loss of
 S06.610 – Traumatic SAH
 S02.100 – Fx base of skull
Open wounds
Include animal bites, cuts, lacerations,
avulsion of skin, puncture wounds with or
without penetrating foreign body
 Complicated
 Delayed
 Delayed treatment
 Foreign body
 Major infection
Open vs Closed fractures
Documentation must support open fx.
 Bilateral injuries may be captured by using
the same code twice
 Fractures due to crushing injuries
 Code
Fx first
 Code crush injury as diagnosis type 3
 Applies to internal organ crushing injury also
Burns & Corrosions
Occur in degrees that relate to thickness
of the burn
degree – erythema, superficial
 Second degree – epidermal loss & blistering,
partial thickness burn
 Third degree – full thickness skin loss and/or
deep necrosis of any underlying tissue
 First
Standard Coding for Burns
Burns of one site that exhibit multiple
 Code
to more severe burn of that site
Multiple site burns
 Most
severe burn site is MRDx
 The larger body surface area takes precedence
as MRDx
 Assign separate codes for burns of each site
whenever possible
Mandatory to code
 Body
surface area
 External cause
 Place of occurrence
Admission for dressing change
 MRDx
Z48.0 Attention to surgical dressings
 Code burn as diagnosis type 3.
 Mandatory to include external cause & place of
Classification based on MRDx
MCC 21 Injury, Poisoning and Toxic
Effects of Drugs
811 Allergic Reactions
 CMG 813 Drug Reactions
 CMG 818 Complication of Treatment
Classification based on MRDx
MCC 22 Burns
 Factor
in determining CMG assignment is
extent of burn.
 Whether skin grafting or debridement done
CMG 831 Extensive Burns without burn
 CMG 830 Extensive burns with skin graft, wound
debridement or other burn procedures
Classification based on MRDx
MCC 25 SignificantTrauma
 Includes
fractures of skull, open Fx, multiple
Fx, SDH, etc
 Complexity not assigned (level 9)
 Anytime tracheostomy or gastrostomy
procedure done for Trauma assigned to CMG
650 Tracheostomy and Gastrostomy
Procedures for Trauma
Classification based on MRDx
Multiple or Bilateral injuries (joints) factor into
CMG assignment
 Joint Replacement Procedures for Trauma
 Thoracoabdominal Procedure for Trauma
If no: was Wound debridement or lower extremity procedure
for Trauma done
 If no - Multiple or Bilateral Joint Procedures
 If yes - CMG 350 Multiple or Bilateral Joint Replacement
 If no, then CMG 351 Joint replacement for Trauma
CMG 350 & CMG 351 located in MCC 8 Diseases and
Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective