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Centres of Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Thematic areas
Blended Learning
1. SOLSTICE encompasses excellence in supported online or blended learning. It involves
academics and learning technologists as a hub of expertise in pedagogic design for
development of this method and its embedding within curricula. It focuses on capturing the
power of new technologies including VLEs for flexible delivery and is orientated towards
widening access by making learning opportunities available from the workplace. It will initially
focus on professional development for students working in public services but will add value
to delivery of all Edge Hill programmes.
Web-site :
2. The University of Hertfordshire’s strategic vision is educational provision where high quality
e-learning opportunities are blended with excellent campus-based learning in coherent,
reflective and innovative ways. The combination of StudyNet (our Managed Learning
Environment), Institutional Strategy and individual effort has underpinned an exceptional level
of uptake of Blended Learning across the institution. The Blended Learning Unit will enable
teachers, StudyNet Champions and student representatives to continue the development and
dissemination of Blended Learning for all our students. External dissemination activities,
including conferences, open days and secondments, will be conducted in collaboration with
the Higher Education Academy, the JISC and other stakeholders.
Web-site :
3. The CETL will develop a range of multimedia learning objects that can be stored in
repositories, accessed over the web, and integrated into course delivery. It will extend the
work of the partners in establishing effective methods for the design, development and
delivery of reusable learning objects. There will be a strong programme of embedding and
evaluation in a range of subject areas, from Nursing through to Computing, supported by a
bold staff development programme. The CETL will also contribute actively to research on the
pedagogical and organisational issues in using learning objects to achieve real educational
Web-site :
4. Visual imagery can play a powerful role in accelerating human learning. Complex verbal
explanations can often be simplified through visual support - now made more accessible
through new technologies. The Visual Learning Lab (VLL) has grown from work in Education,
Geography, Engineering, Medicine, Psychology, Computer Sciences and Nursing. These
departments are already developing innovative visual learning for example through video links
between the university and school classrooms and hospital theatres, and visual simulations of
complicated engineering plants and geographical data. The VLL will promote, develop and
extend these and other applications to accelerate and improve student learning.
Web-site :
5. The ExPERT Centre is designed to provide students in health-related sciences with
exciting and innovative ways to learn and develop professionally. The centre will have stateof-the-art equipment to support the creative delivery of both academic and professional skills
including dynamic media, computer-aided learning, telemedicine, laboratory and human
patient simulation. Initially concentrating on students in health-related sciences, the ExPERT
team will embed the use of blended learning and research how this impacts on the student
experience. Through dissemination and collaboration with national and international partners,
we will establish a community of practice to share our experience and expertise.
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Web-site :
6. The CETL in Creativity is a joint initiative between the University of Sussex and the
University of Brighton building on their excellent track record of collaborating in the areas of
design, innovation and creativity. The CETL in Creativity will explore how a technology-rich
environment can support the creative process, in both science and arts subjects. Two
Creativity Zones form the centrepiece of the CETL, which will offer exciting opportunities for
students to work in spaces that foster collaborative, self-directed and experiential learning.
The CETL will produce a series of multidisciplinary case studies and practice guides.
Web-site :
1. The University of Bedfordshire has developed a distinctive undergraduate curriculum which
seeks to support students’ learning through integrating academic and personal development
with transferable and career management skills. The CETL will support the further
development of the curriculum and, in particular, the use of personal development planning
with students from diverse backgrounds across a range of subjects. It will examine how these
processes can be used to ‘bridge back’ to students’ prior experiences and ‘bridge forward’ to
their future career ambitions. The CETL has a strong research and evaluation dimension and
approaches and resources will be shared with the wider academic community.
2. TheAspire CETL builds on Harper Adams’ excellent record in student progression,
achievement and employment in the professions serving the rural economy. We shall create a
centre that brings together staff and students to provide a focus for work-based learning,
academic and professional skills development, learner support (dyslexia, numeracy and study
skills) and learning technologies. We aim to enhance support for all students, especially those
who are part-time, sandwich or work-based learners and those with disabilities. We intend to
develop and share good practice with others, primarily through funded secondments.
Web-site :
3. This CETL will build on Open University expertise in supporting a large and diverse student
population to offer a better integrated and more personalised learner support service. Working
closely with the staff who most directly support students, their tutors, as well as academic and
other learning support staff the CETL will develop a blended learning approach which
provides greater individualisation of information, advice, resources and support. This will
enable students to become more confident learners who can make informed decisions about
the best mix of services and media to help plan, develop and monitor their learning and
progress in order to achieve personal, educational and career objectives.
Web-site :
4. This CETL, led by staff recognised nationally for their outstanding achievements in learning
and teaching, is based on an imaginative combination of three areas of excellence at the
University of Nottingham: Entrepreneurship Education, History and the PADSHE project
(personal development planning and ePortfolios). The CETL will build learning environments
that foster students’ abilities to integrate their learning - connecting academic study, reflective
self-awareness and experiential learning inside and outside the curriculum. It will enhance
students’ academic performance, their employability and their personal confidence to engage
successfully with the challenges of a rapidly changing world.
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Web-site :
5. Employability is a key issue for today’s graduates. The Centre for Career Management
Skills will build on the career management skills programme the university has run since
2002. Academics, careers staff and employers use lectures and online materials to develop
students’ career management skills. These award-winning materials are used in around 60
higher education institutions. The centre will support a network of HEIs in developing career
management skills. Reading’s existing material will be used as the cornerstone of a ‘learning
ladder’ web-site. This will support students from foundation to postgraduate degree level
courses to manage career transitions throughout their higher education experience.
Web-site :
6. E3I’s holistic approach advocates embedding and integrating a coherent range of
employability features in programmes, benefiting all students, developing attributes needed
for success in their chosen paths and lifelong development, and supporting widening access
to employment. Our models and examples (policies, strategies, and practices) will be
adaptable to other institutions. Ongoing evaluation will contribute to employability research.
Our holistic approach and our links into national and international HE communities will enable
E3I to have a key sector co-ordination and dissemination role. Our articulation of
employability and the curriculum features supporting it, grounded in pedagogy, research and
our own evaluated practice, puts E3I at the cutting edge of practice.
Web-site :
Active learning/enquiry based learning/inquiry based learning/
problem based learning
1. CeAL will be an international centre of excellence reviewing, developing, promoting and
embedding active learning. Our approach enables students to construct theoretical
understanding through reflection on inquiry in the field, studio, laboratory and classroom,
using real sites, community-related and employer-linked activities. CeAL will be developed
around communities of active learners where students and staff inquire together. A key
innovative feature is joint student projects with related Schools in the University, and initially
13 HEIs in England and 10 universities overseas. The University of Gloucestershire is
committed to pursuing active learning across all undergraduate/postgraduate curricula, with
CeAL as the laboratory for innovation, experimentation and evaluation.
2. The CETL will capitalise on our excellence in Enquiry-Based Learning (EBL), with Medicine
and Manchester Business School being leaders in problem-based and case-based learning,
and a National Teaching Fellow pioneering these approaches in humanities.The CETL will
extend EBL throughout the new university, aligned with our LTA strategy and working with
students as partners. We will establish a university 'hub' facility for EBL linked to four faculty
'spokes'. The hub will provide support and expertise, whilst each spoke will implement a major
EBL project, reaching at least 5,000 further students overall. A programme of evaluation and
research will support the CETL.
Web-site :
3. CILASS will achieve a step-change in the nature and quality of student learning, by
embedding discipline-sensitive inquiry-based learning at the heart of this experience. The
explicit combination of collaborative inquiry, information literacy development and networked
learning gives CILASS its truly distinctive flavour. CILASS will develop a vibrant multidisciplinary community of practice; involving and enthusing students and staff, sharing
excellent and innovative practice, experimenting with physical and virtual learning
environments, and contributing to pedagogical understanding of inquiry. Within the
university’s flagship learning resource centre, CILASS will create inspirational space purpose-
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built to support collaborative, inquiry-based learning in an information- and technology-rich
Web-site :
Work based learning
1. The CETL will enable the institute to establish a Centre of Excellence for Work-Based
Learning, focusing in particular on education professionals. We will build on existing
innovative practice in teaching, learning and assessment, with the objective of improving work
performance. The centre will support the development of our work-related programmes, and
enhance students’ learning opportunities through face-to-face programmes and the use of
new technologies to facilitate learning at work. The centre will also support new initiatives,
including the development of accreditation and assessment frameworks, for workplace
learning. These and other outputs will be made available to other institutions and employers.
Web-site :
2. The Institute for Enterprise will create an inclusive enterprise education community to act
as an engine of change within Leeds Metropolitan University, the region and beyond.
Enterprise education will be at the core of the student experience through a suite of nationally
available top-up programmes, the development of a masters qualification and creation of
physical and virtual infrastructures, which foster a vibrant learning community of academics,
students and employers. Each site will access innovative learning resources, with a flagship
‘enterprise café’ providing the focus for a resource centre and networking space, to enhance
national understanding of enterprise education.
Web-site :
3. The CEWBL builds upon the distinctive Middlesex University approach to work based
learning as a field of study as well as a mode of learning. The centre will increase the number
of students directly benefiting from excellent teaching and learning at Middlesex University
and advance curriculum innovation in higher education by developing new models of teaching
and learning appropriate to knowledge recognition, creation and use at work. In doing this we
will develop excellent teaching resources and enhance understanding of the role of e-learning
and the use of credit accumulation and modular frameworks to support HE/employer
Web-site :
4. This CETL builds on existing excellence in the application of work-based learning to the
development of professionals. The centre is a collaboration between the Open University’s
Faculty of Education and Language Studies, Faculty of Health and Social Care, Business
School and Institute of Educational Technology. The core work of this centre will involve
evaluation, knowledge broking and research designed to enhance understanding and
teaching practice concerned with the development and integration of different modes of
professional knowledge and skill:formal academic, informal/tacit and self-regulative. A
particular contribution will be further work to enhance distance and e-learning modes of
engaging with work-based learners.
Web-site :
5. The White Rose CETLE will enable students to develop enterprise skills so that they are
equipped to make an impact in the future as social entrepreneurs, enterprising employees
and successful business owners. Each of the three universities involved will have an
Enterprise Zone: a dedicated enterprise teaching and learning facility that forms an
institutional focal point for students, researchers and staff interested in enterprise. It builds
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upon the innovative and successful foundations of the White Rose Centre for Enterprise and
intends to expand embedded enterprise across the whole curriculum for all three universities,
with a focus in social sciences, arts and humanities.
Web-site :
6. This CETL aims to enhance the learning experience of students, especially those on
professional placement, using an enquiry-based approach to education. It builds on our
experience in Professional Training (PTr) and draws upon our expertise in e-learning, and in
skills and personal development planning. PTr provides an excellent environment for using
enquiry-led learning with tutor, peer and employer support. Based on the experience with PTr,
the CETL will also spread the approach across the university more generally and to PTr
students elsewhere in the sector. It will be a centre for resources, expertise and excellent
practice in professional training.
Web-site :
7. The centre will integrate excellence in promoting and enhancing students' workplace
learning from Biosciences, Integrated Health and Media, Arts & Design. Students will be
carefully prepared for learning that is designed, supported and assessed with strong employer
and professional body input and thus highly relevant to professional development. Workplace
tutors will be supported in facilitating learning and offered a Postgraduate Certificate in Workbased Tutoring. Students will acquire effective reflective practices to enhance their ongoing
professionalism. The centre will embed these practices in the current core provision and
extend it to other provision within the university and the wider HE community.
Web-site :
Writing/assessment/study and research skills
1. Write Now aims to enrich students’ learning experiences through the development of
innovative, evidence-based provision focused on writing for assessment. It celebrates and
promotes student writing in the disciplines, enabling students to develop academic and
disciplinary identities as empowered, confident writers. Specifically, our work involves
development, evaluation and research in the following areas: writing-in-the-disciplines
initiatives, Writing Centres and Student Writing Mentor Schemes, MSc in Student Assessment
and other staff development programmes, and several staff- and student-led projects to
support students’ academic writing development, including the use of blog and wiki
technologies. Write Now is strongly research-oriented and supports a number of pedagogical
research projects on student writing and assessment, including PhD studentships.
Web-site :
2. The CETL will accelerate a transformation in assessment, building on excellent practice in
Education, Childhood Studies, History, English, Psychology and Engineering. Our approach
to Assessment for Learning means that students will benefit from assessment which does far
more than simply test what they know. They will take part in the kinds of activities that are:
valuable long term, help them to develop, provide them with guidance and feedback and they
will learn how to assess themselves as future professionals. We have plans to embed
Assessment for Learning across the university and to share experience with colleagues
across the higher education sector.
Web-site :
3. Assessment standards guide and mould student learning both in terms of what they must
do and how well they must do it, yet students often claim to be unsure about expectations.
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Research at the Business School has proven that sharing tacit, alongside explicit, knowledge
of standards significantly improves students’ academic performance. ASKe will spread this
innovative practice and pioneer the cultivation of an assessment community with students,
pre-HE and HE staff, alumni and employers as active partners. The community will be
nurtured by the creation of bespoke ‘social learning space’ and socialisation processes that
move beyond a focus on assessment technique to a more holistic perspective in which
assessment’s position as central to learning is fully exploited.
Web-site :
4. This CETL will develop a range of innovative educational resources building upon teaching
and learning of undergraduate research skills. We will further support skills development by
maximising student engagement with existing resources in our unique university museums,
collections, and fieldwork facilities. This will include the creation of dedicated undergraduate
research space and new teaching and learner support materials to complement curricula
developments. There will be increased scope for students to learn, develop and apply their
research skills through enhanced work experience and research funding opportunities. A suite
of teaching and learning resources will be made available to other institutions and educational
Web-site :
5. The centre builds on work in several subject disciplines which have developed significant
ways of promoting students as autonomous learners through transformative models of
autonomy. We draw on innovative pedagogies, learning processes, learning environments.
The centre promotes learning through diverse activities including peer tutoring, student-led
conferences, student-led assessment, simulations, internationalising student activity. We
bring these together and create new opportunities for learning particularly through digital
media. Students will have the opportunity to engage with other students nationally and
internationally through partner arrangements already developed by centre staff including work
with the Higher Education Academy.
Web-site :
6. The Reinvention Centre puts undergraduate research at the centre of undergraduate
education. By reinventing the relationship between teaching, learning and research, students
will benefit from becoming contributors to the research culture of their departments. Student
research will be enhanced through curricula redesign, extra-curricula research opportunities,
research scholarships, accreditation for research skills, student exchanges and joint ventures
with community organisations. An important aspect of the work of the Reinvention Centre is
the design of appropriate learning and research facilities for undergraduates. Initially focusing
on the collaborating departments, the Reinvention Centre’s work will be extended into other
departments within the two universities over the lifespan of the CETL.
Web-site :
7. The University of Wolverhampton is nationally recognised for widening participation. The
CETL will support students drawn from a diverse background and enable their success.
Excellent student outcomes have been achieved through the use of diagnostics to identify
and support learner needs, as well as the development of specific learning skills embedded
within a virtual learning environment. The CETL will integrate this work and use an e-portfolio
to enhance personal development and planning whilst exploiting cutting-edge
communications technology. The CETL activity will ultimately affect all academic staff
engaged with Level 1 students and will provide national leadership and advice on the
optimum methods of supporting students.
Web-site :
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8. LearnHigher is an existing collaborative partnership between 16 HEIs involving
practitioners working in learner development and study support roles. The partnership shares
each practitioner’s specialist expertise and excellence covering a wide range of learner
development areas, identifying, quality assuring and sharing resources. This coordinated
approach ensures that the highest quality resources reach the maximum number of students.
LearnHigher, in conjunction with the Higher Education Academy, will create a portal service to
provide these resources and materials to the whole of the sector for both students and staff
and become an internationally renowned centre of excellence in learner development.
Web-site :
Learning Areas
Academic Writing
Critical Thinking & Reflection
Doing Research
Group Work
Independent Learning
Information Literacy
Listening & Interpersonal Skills
Learning For All (Inclusivity)
Mobile Learning Notemaking
Numeracy, Maths & Statistics
Oral Communication
Personal Development Planning
Report Writing
Time Management
Understanding Organisations
Visual Practices
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