Download terminologization in contemporary technical english literature

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Прикладна лінгвістика 2011: проблеми та рішення
VII всеукраїнська науково-методична конференція студентів і молодих науковців
Автор: Stanislav Astafiev
Організація: National Aviation University 1, Prospect Komarova, Kyiv, [email protected]
Further processes of terminologization, which take place in today’s technical literature, are effected by
new technical inventions and emergence of new directions of researches. For this reason, those terms which
dictionaries have not yet contained might appear to be essential for interpretation of a certain contextualized
paradigm, which is the purpose of the translation activity. New terms are being continuously coined in order to
fill any gaps in the term system. It generally happens in the following ways:
1. Affixation, creation of one-word terms by adding prefixes or suffixes borrowed from Greek or Latin to
the root words (example : connection+ dis=disconnection).
Creation of new one-word terms by composition of two or more words are into a new one (example:
propeller + fan= propfan).
3. Conversion, creation of a new meaning by transferring a word from one part of speech to the other part
of speech (example: to know (v) + how (adv) = know how (n)).
4. Direct borrowing from Greek or Latin (versus, locus).
5. Abbreviation, creations of an acronym employing initial letter or letters of several words that convey a
certain meaning (example: interconnected +networks=Internet).
6. Combination, two or more above mentioned techniques applied to create a new term (example: word
“know how” was made by both the conversion and composition.)
The most fruitful prefixes in English are pre- (it is Greek “ prae”(forward) - ahead of time and/or
position), de- ((1) down or (2)release; the prefix delivers opposite meaning to an existing word), inter- (it is
Latin “inter”(among)), un- (this prefix means “not” and is used for conversions of the verbs), re- (it’s main
meaning is “back”, “one more time”;), trans- (it means “through”), pro- (it means “forward”), non- (it is a
negative prefix but if root word begins from the capital letter prefix should be written hyphenated), mis- (it
means “wrong”, “mistaken”), ob- (it often means “against”, “directed by”; often assimilates with root word in op, of-, oc-), dis- (it means “apart”), in- (it has two different meanings: 1. “consist of “2. “no”), com- (main
meaning is “together”), sub- (main meaning is “under”), ad- (it means “directed by”).
Another method of terminologization is suffixation. This way words can be transformed to carry the
sense of a noun, adverb or verb in the sentence. There is a vast number of suffixes for creating new terms.
Here are some examples: to propel + ant= propellant, to pass + age = passage and many others.
Composition of words is the next way of creating new terms to be mentioned. New terms created in
such way do not cause a lot of trouble to a translator as s/he usually knows the meanings of words combined
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Прикладна лінгвістика 2011: проблеми та рішення
VII всеукраїнська науково-методична конференція студентів і молодих науковців
in it. This composition can be made with the help of introducing vowel, without introducing vowel, or by
Conversion is made by transforming of one part of speech into another. For example, noun a motor (n)
can be employed as verb to motor(v) meaning to work in a motor mode. Nowadays conversion is widespread
in English neologisms creation. So these words can cause certain difficulties for translating. In this case a
translator should use description method of translating or context substitution. Reverse process of
transforming verbs into nouns, however, is very rare but possible (layout from to lay out).It is also obviously
worth mentioning that further transformations of words may done with prefixation or suffixation.
Abbreviation is used nowadays almost everywhere. Of course, if the word is “difficult” or “too long” to
pronounce, it can be substituted for several letters. Nowadays four main ways for creating acronyms can be
defined: (1) initial abbreviation – first letters of each elements is taken – “Emf” is for electromechanical force;
syllable abbreviation – a first syllable in the first word and last one in second word – “chemurgy” – chemistry
metallurgy; truncated words − Ry – railway, memo - memorandum; contraction motor+ hotel=motel.
Current rapid technical progress facilitates linguistic processes happening in all the languages all over
the globe, which is quite unique in the world’s history. Distribution of terms that have originally been created in
nglish, which is used by scientists all over the globe, encourages new methods of terminologization. Terms
borrowed or originated from English have become common in all languages of the world.
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