* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Name ___________________________ In science, terminology is very important. Sometimes you only need to know part of a word to determine its meaning. For example, bio- means “life” and –logy means “study of”; therefore, biology means the study of life. The following is a list of prefixes/suffixes and their meanings. You will need to know the meaning of each. You will have a prefix quiz every THURSDAY on five of these terms. Prefix/Suffix Meaning Word carnherbomnitrophlys- , lysis Flesh Plant All To eat or feed Destruction Carnivore Herbivore Omnipotent Autotroph Lysosome porsalmortpath-morph- Having holes Salt Death Disease Form, shape Porous Salinity Mortuary Pathologist Metamorphosis cyto-logy nucsoma-stasis Cell Study of Center Body Still Cytology Geology Nucleus Somatic Homeostasis Back Dorsal Inner, inside Between, among Within Belly Endoskeleton Interstate Intracellular Ventral dorsendointerintraventr- Class _______________ arthr-, arti- Joint Not Straight Bone Leg Arthritis Immature Orthopedic Osteocyte Quadruped adbrachIn-myo- Away from Toward Arm Not Muscle Abnormal Adductor Brachial Insane Myocardium -anti -dermectoendoepi- Against Skin Outer, external Inner, internal Upon, above Antibacterial Dermatology Ectoderm Endoskeleton Epithelial peri-itis -entero-hydr-gastr, -gaster- Around Inflammation, disease Gut Water Stomach Peritoneum Laryngitis Gastroenterology Dehydration Gastritis imorthosteo-ped- ab- For the final prefix quiz of the quarter, the student will decode specific scientific terminology and demonstrate an understanding of their meanings. Testing terms will consist of prefixes and suffixes covered this quarter.