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Article 2: 5 Tips to Fast Weight Loss
Weight loss is a touchy subject for many of us. After all, it’s a bit frustrating to see
those pounds go on a lot easier than they come off and with so many different
claims of fast weight loss it’s hard to decipher what works and what doesn’t. Check
out these 5 tips to fast weight loss.
1. Make a Plan – Saying I want to lose weight isn’t a plan for losing weight. Telling
yourself you’ll eat healthy starting tomorrow, or you’ll start jogging next Monday,
isn’t a plan for action, and it’s not going to help you lose those extra pounds. In fact,
the failure rate is almost 100% when there is no plan. What’s a plan look like? Well
it goes something like this: I’m going to lose 10 pound in 35 days and I’m going to
exercise for 30 minutes every day at 4:30pm.
2. Acai Berry – The buzz of Acai Berry seems to have traveled quickly around the
globe. This is one of the best antioxidant foods out there and the Acai Berry Select
Weight Loss Supplement has been talked about by Dr. Oz as being a successful tool
by many.
3. Chew it Properly – If you’re wondering what chewing has to be with weight loss
you’ll be surprised to learn that chewing your food 10 times before you swallow
allows your body to better use the nutrient and it also means better digestion of
foods leading to weight loss.
4. Drink Plenty of Water – When you drink adequate water your body is able to flush
away harmful toxin. Water has no calories and the more of it you drink the fuller
you’ll feel. There are no calories in water. Drinking a large glass before you eat
means you’ll eat far less. And when you find yourself reaching for an unhealthy
snack drink a glass or two of water and watch the urge disappear.
5. Resistance Training – With resistance training you muscles responds to the
resistance placed on them. If you life weights there’s tiny tears in the muscles which
require energy to rebuild and that energy comes from the fat stored in your body.
To lose weight you need to create a calorie deficit so when muscles use calories you
lose pounds. It’s not nearly as complicated as some might want to make it.
Fast weight loss isn’t as difficult to accomplish as you might think. Put these 5 great
tips to work and you’ll see your waist start to shrink in no time.
Article 3: Natural Weight Loss Cooking Tricks
One way to lose weight is to make your own food every day. This way you can
reinvent the way the foods you love are prepared and cut the number of calories
that you ingest as well.
One tip is to roast your vegetables before you cook with them. This makes
vegetables taste sweeter and makes it less necessary to add butter, sugar or creamy
sauces. You can serve them on their own or puree them and use them as a base for
stock, dips and sauces. To roast vegetables all you need to do is spray them with
cooking oil, coat them lightly and roast in a pan. The result is a low cal solution to
flavoring foods.
One of the problems of eating low calorie foods is that they taste so bland. You can
use some spices to make them taste better. Adding spices and herbs to water, oil
helps fiber rich foods like cous cous and rice taste better.
You can also prevent adding fat when baking by substituting butters, fats and oils
with pureed substitutes. This allows you to retain the moisture in baked goods
without giving up any flavor.
Yet another trick is to cook with fresh juices and fruits. This can help you cut down
on the consumption of fat and sugar in your recipes. You can even add these to
savory dishes to give them more oomph.
Yet another tip is to use a wire rack when you cook. Placing the wire rack above the
roasting pan allows fatty juices to drip down into the pan. You can also grill fish and
meats in milk or coconut milk.
Yet another solution is to use cooking spray whenever you can. This can save you
from eating thousands of calories. Most people fry foods using at least tablespoons
of oil which is worth 2100 calories of fat. All you really need is a spray that contains
seven calories “per misting” of your frying pan or salad bowl.
You don’t have to buy commercially made vegetable oil spray either. You can buy a
pressurized canister that you can put your own oils in.
If you need more moisture while cooking you can also add a little juice or low fat
broth to help the vegetables cook faster while flavoring them at the same time.
The point is that you can cook with just about everything else but fat. That way you
don’t have to add unnecessary calories to the food you are eating. In fact when it
comes to being one of the most natural ways to lose weight making your own food
is one of the best approaches to cutting calories.
Article 4: Acai Berries For Weight Loss
You have probably been hearing a great deal about acai berries lately. They are
being promoted as the latest and greatest weight loss miracle food.
Acai fruit are small but easily distinguishable purple and black berries that hail
originally from the Amazon rainforests. They are one of the new diet super foods
that are on the market and they are sold as everything from a mash to a juice or
even mixed in with yogurt. You can also buy it in powdered form and pill form to
help expedite the kind of elimination from your colon that can also speed up weight
Acai berries are classified as super foods because aside from weight loss they offer a
very wide range of health benefits. These benefits include life extension, free radical
fighting and keeping your blood pressure under control. The berry is also a potent
immune system booster that can help prevent you from catching colds and flus.
One of the unique things about this berry from the rainforest is that it can also help
boost energy levels and stamina. This can really help when it comes to giving you
enough energy to get through an exercise routine. Some individuals believe that it is
actually a mood booster of some sort although technically it is classified as a food
both in America and South America.
The acai berry contains very high levels of dietary fiber which can help your
digestive system to become more efficient. Less crap is allowed to fester and
ferment in your digestive tract and stomach.
This is important, because most people do not take on board sufficient dietary fiber
in their normal diet which means that over time, a significant amount of undigested
food gets left in your stomach. In fact some natural health experts claim that there
can be up to 20 pounds of ‘rubbish’ in your gut that never gets shifted under normal
circumstances and that you need to take some kind of natural cleanser (like acai
berry) that prompts the intestinal process in order to get your bowels moving.
Hence, as you drink lots more water whilst increasing your consumption of high fiber
foodstuffs such as fruit, vegetables and acai, it is quite possible that you will see a
very significant weight drop in the first few days as these toxins are flushed out of
your system. This could manifest as diarrhea at first but the key is to be patient.
Some people suffer this side effect for just a few hours and others for quite a few
days as the colon cleans itself out.
Article 5: How to Combat Belly Fat
If you have belly fat building up around your midriff it is not a good sign. You need
to address this matter by adjusting your diet. Here are some tips for combating belly
1. Include more fiber in your diet. If your digestive tract is bloated or constipated it
can cause your tummy to become distended. Eat more fiber in the form of grains,
flax seeds and vegetables. When matter is cleaned out of the digestive tract it
makes you look thinner.
2. Drink more water. The colon needs to flush out toxins and the best way to do
this is drink sixty four ounces of water which is equal to eight eight ounce glasses of
water a day. Never wait until you are thirsty to drink as that means you are already
3. Eat food rich in magnesium. This includes beets, raisins, dates and soybeans.
These help fight a variety of cancers and help keep your muscles operating without
pain so you can reduce that belly fat. Magnesium also helps calm your nerves which
in turn can help prevent anxious overeating.
4. Eat foods rich in folic acid. This includes orange juice and spinach. You will be
able to exercise long without getting exhausted if you get enough of this nutrient.
5. Get enough Vitamin D. In order to lead a healthy life you need to supplement
your diet with at least 1200 milligrams of Vitamin D a day.
6. Take two Baby Aspirin every day. This is one way to help sweep cholesterol and
fat out of the system. It helps prevent belly swelling and fat building up around the
7. Drink black coffee. Drinking black coffee helps the intestines to eliminate waste.
Drinking up to three cups a day can help keep the waistline trim and also provide
you with the stimulation and stamina that you need to sustain exercising for a long
8. Eat foods with next to no calories. Foods with no calories are called zero calorie
foods and include lettuces and berries. These foods have almost no calories in them.
They are also rich in antioxidants and help keep you from gaining weight.
9. Eat whole grains. Eating grains can help flush fat and cholesterol out of the
intestines. Quinoa, spelt and bulgur are good choices.
10. Drink rice or soy milk instead of milk. Even the slightest of milk allergies has
been known to distend a stomach and produce gas and inflammation that can make
you look fatter than you are.
Article 6: Anaerobic Exercise and Weight Loss
Anaerobic exercise is the type of exercise that we otherwise call muscle building or
weight lifting. It is the best kind of exercise to adopt in order to lose weight.
The term anaerobic means movements that are carried out “without oxygen.” It
allows muscles to bulk up and become very strong. This is due to the muscle fibers
being forced to work harder because oxygen is not constantly being pumped into the
lungs and fueling the activity.
This “without oxygen” term does not mean that you are not breathing when you
accomplish the moves. A weight lifter still breathes when they are not in an oxygen
deficit situation. When you exercise muscles aerobically you do not breathe heavily.
Aerobic exercises include such activities as cycling, jumping rope, and swimming,
spinning on a stationary cycle, rebounding and running. You may breathe heavily
doing these exercises to get your heart rate up. Lifting weight does not accelerate
your pulse in the same way.
Anaerobic exercises are used during training for non-endurance sports like boxing to
build muscle mass. Muscles that are trained under anaerobic conditions develop in a
different way than muscles that are training for duration (such as long distance
Muscle training compels the body to use processes that are not dependant on
oxygen to produce energy. It just means that you are not using as much oxygen as
if you were jogging or swimming. All weight lifting exercises are classified as
anaerobic in nature. Many types of anaerobic exercises associated with
weightlifting. However the most common types include working with pulleys,
medicine balls and slant boards.
This is very unlike an aerobic exercise, which usually requires that the body travel
unless you are using a training machine such as a stationary bicycle. Almost all
stationary exercise is anaerobic in nature.
Different types of anaerobic exercises can also be used as part of interval training.
Interval training is a very efficient way to lose weight and build muscle. The
combination of both exercises is effective way to lose weight and keep it off for
Practicing anaerobic exercises can help you build lean muscle. Lean muscle keeps on
burring fat long after you stop exercising. This is why this type of oxygen free
exercise is such an important part of an exercise program that has the goal of
achieving weight loss.
Lean muscle mass burns the most calories of any other tissue in your body. It can
help you reduce your weight at a faster rate than aerobic exercise. The other bonus
is that lean muscle tissue keeps burning muscle for hours after you stop exercising
which maximizes your overall potential to lose as much weight as possible.
Article 7: The Reasons Most People Are Overweight
Being overweight is not always just a matter of being lazy or eating too much.
Sometimes there are other issues that cause people to become obese.
The problem is that no one diet automatically recognizes the difference between
how a fat person’s metabolism operates and how a thin person’s operates. In
essence a thin person and a fat person could eat the same meals for a week and the
thin person would not gain weight while the fat one would.
Fat people often have abnormally low metabolisms and this means they have
problems burning food as fuel. When it is not burned the excess is converted into
fat. To correct this you need to embark on a healthy diet.
Yet another factor that plays into weight gain is that people with abnormally low
metabolism are always hungry. The pain of their cravings is very physical and very
real. The reason fat people crave food is because they do not feel full after eating.
It is because their body is not using the nutrients in the food to nourish them. It is
not uncommon for overweight people to become immediately hungry after eating
even a very large meal!
Another very real cause of being overweight is emotional overeating. This is the
tendency to “eat your anger.” Evolutionary biologists describe this as the need to
“bite into something” when we are angry or stressed as that is exactly what are cave
man ancestors did.
Food can also take the place of approval, love or sex or even a parent’s love. People
who are overeating for these reasons are often very miserable when they go on a
diet because they associate food with love and feel deprived with love once the diet
requires them to restrict their calories.
The idea is to adopt a non-acidic diet so that you are free of these cravings, which
can become a vicious circle. Eating a non-alkaline diet will put you back in control of
these cravings. It is a very freeing experience that puts you backs in control when it
comes to choosing to eat what you want and when you want. You also won’t
overeat because you will always feel nourished and being properly nourished is
absolutely key to stopping those hunger pangs that can lead to weight gain in the
first place.
Article 8 : 5 Common Myths About Fast Weight Loss
The truth is we can build muscle and lose weight fast. Failure often comes on the
hands of poor information. There are 5 common myths about fast weight loss that
you shouldn’t believe.
Myth #1 – I overeat so there’s no way I’ll ever lose fat quickly.
Overeating is mostly the result of stress – when a person is worried, depressed,
scared, sad, or anxious overeating is often the result. Decrease your stress and you’ll
be surprised at how fast you lose pound. Becoming physically active can lead to a
loss in weight.
Myth #2 – My genetics mean I’ll always be overweight.
Being fat isn’t a result of your genetics. Yes some families may have a pattern of
being overweight but you can overcome your genes and lose fat quickly. Your
genetics don’t control your weight, your lifestyle choices do. Watch a couple of
episodes of “The Biggest Loser” if you want proof.
Myth #3 – I’m fat because of a slow metabolism.
It’s true when your thyroid isn’t functioning properly it can slow your metabolism
and bring your fat loss to a halt. However most people that believe they have a slow
metabolism really don’t. Instead what they have is a need to jumpstart the body
with a combination of good nutrition and aerobic exercise. It’s a simple as a 15
minute brisk walk.
Myth #4 – It’s possible to keep the weight off even with a fad diet.
If you want to quickly lose 10 pounds a fad diet will certainly allow you to
accomplish that quickly. But the research indicates that 80% of dieters will actually
gain the weight back in 5 years. Worse, you’ll also lose muscle mass and gain back
fat. This might explain why society seems to be getting more overweight as the
years go by.
Losing the weight using a diet (even a fad diet) isn’t so bad as long as you follow up
with healthy lifestyle changes that ensure you keep the weight off.
Myth #5 – I can lose my belly fat doing crunches
Far too many people attempt to get rid of belly fat with no success. What happens is
muscle builds under the belly fat and then your belly actually looks bigger. If you
want to lose belly fat faster aerobic exercise is the answer – in fact, you’ll lose belly
fat as much as 10x faster with cardiac exercises.
Now that we’ve uncovered these 5 myths you’ll be shedding those extra pounds
faster than ever.
Article 9: 10 Super Foods to Help You Quickly Build Muscle and Lose
In order to build muscle and lose weight you need a variety of veggies, carbs, fruits,
proteins, and healthy fats. In order to quickly build muscle and lose weight you need
10 super foods.
1. Whole Eggs – Eggs are one of the cheapest super foods offering you an excellent
source of protein. The cholesterol that we hear so much about isn’t a problem. If
you have cholesterol problems lower your body fat not the eggs you consume.
2. Flax Seeds – Here’s an excellent source of fiber, omega 3, and protein. Grind the
flax seeds and sprinkle on your berries or yogurt. Don’t use flax oil as it’s unstable
and has no fiber benefits.
3. Quinoa – In South America Quinoa is considered the king of grains. The fiber and
protein in Quinoa is higher than that in oats and rice, plus its gluten free.
4. Mixed Nuts – Nuts are packed with mono and polyunsaturated fats, fiber,
proteins, Vitamin e, potassium, zinc, and magnesium. Nuts are dense in calories so if
you are skinny and looking to put on a few pounds these will do it.
5. Wild Salmon – Omega 3 fatty acids are found in salmon, as well as providing 20
grams of protein per 100 gram serving.
6. Fish Oil – Taking fish oil can reduce inflammation in the body, increase
testosterone levels, and lower body fat. Take 900mg per day. It’s hard to get this
level eating fish.
7. Berries – Fresh berries are a powerful antioxidant keeping you healthy and
helping you to improve your weight loss.
8. Green Tea – Another strong antioxidant and a powerful natural diuretic. It can
speed up fat loss, improve blood sugar, and prevent cancer.
9. Water – Something as simple water is considered a super food and vital to your
weight loss program, muscle development, and health. You should drink at least 8
glasses a day.
10. Tomatoes – High in lycopene they are an excellent cancer preventer and a
benefit in your strength training. You can’t eat too many tomatoes!
These 10 super foods combined with an overall healthy diet, a cardiac workout, and
some strength training and in no time you’ll be pounds lighter. Super foods can help
you to quickly build muscles and lose weight. Being overweight is hazardous to your
health and to your self-esteem. Why not set your goals and get motivated? You’ll be
feeling better about your weight in no time at all.
Article 10: 10 Top Tips to Help You Quickly Lose Weight
Losing weight can be a real challenge. Doing it quickly and in a manner that’s
healthy is important, but not as difficult as you might think. Follow these 10 top tips
to lose weight quickly.
1. Watch What you Eat – You should be keeping an eye on everything you put in
your mouth. It’s the garnishes, and the extras that can be packed with calories.
2. Burn off Those Extra Calories – To lose weight you need to take in fewer calories
than you burn. As you track your calories if you are taking in more than you are
burning you’ll need to ramp up the exercise. This is important so don’t let it out of
your sight.
3. Fried Foods are Bad – If you want to lose weight fast, you need to avoid fried
foods completely. Even if you drain or soak off the oil, it’s within the food. To lose
weight quickly take fried food out of your diet.
4. Don’t Skip Meals – This is one of the worst things you can do while trying to lose
weight quickly. If you skip meals, you will actually gain weight. Eat a minimum of
four to six meals a day.
5. Only Fresh Fruit Juice – We all know how important it is to drink plenty of water
but sometimes we have a craving for something other than water. In that case, you
should choose fresh fruit juice that contains no added sweeteners, which translate to
6. Increase Your Fiber – Fiber is really good for you and it is important in your
weight loss program so make sure you are getting enough.
7. Go Vegetable Crazy – When it comes to weight loss vegetables are your best
choice. While all veggies are good for you, leafy greens are your best choice. Make
sure you include them in your salad. Fresh veggies contain the nutrients you need
and they offer important fiber to the diet. They make great snack foods and can
quickly take care of hunger pangs.
8. No Between Meal Snacks – Do not fall into the habit of snacks between meals.
This is a common problem for people on the move. They get hungry and grab
whatever junk food is nearest to take away the hunger pains. These are not only
calories you don’t need or want; there is also a great deal of fat in these snack
foods. Just eliminating junk food snacks and soda can easily lead to a 2 to 3 pound
reduction a month, without doing anything else.
9. Your Diet Should Be Made Up of 30% Protein – If you are going to build muscle,
you need protein. Muscle burns fat and so you’ve got a winning situation here.
10. Eat Smart – The difference between eating smart and eating to eliminate the
feeling of hunger is the difference. Don’t just eat to eat. Ask yourself if what you are
about to eat is going to offer your body nutrition.
These 10 top tips will help you lose weight quickly. Losing weight doesn’t have to be