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UDC 615.07:615.275.4
Biosimilars of the recombinant granulocyte colony stimulating factor.
Quality assessment
A. A. Ivanov, S. S. Petrov, E. E. Nikolaeva, O. O. Sergeeva
Federal State Budgetary Institution
“Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products” of the Ministry of Health of the
Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
Submitted: __.__.20__ Accepted for publication: __.__.20__
The article describes general principles of evidence-based quality assessment research of a
recombinant granulocyte colony stimulating factor preparation (G-CSF) under development, as
well as confirmation of its similarity to the innovator (authorised original product). Since the
quality of biotech products is determined by the manufacturing process, when developing a
biosimilar, one should focus on the manufacturing process details, including the selection of the
expression system, the composition of excipients, and the methods of recombinant protein
isolation and purification. The recombinant protein should be characterised in more detail, than
the quality parameters of the original preparation, included in the specification of the substance
or the preparation. Comparative studies include characterisation of the active substance and
assessment of the finished product quality. It is a general practice to use Neypogen ® as a
reference preparation for the development of a biosimilar G-CSF (filgrastim). A number of
analytical techniques require using the WHO reference material – International Standard for GCSF NIBSC (code 09/136). Comparative studies include assessments of the composition;
physical and chemical properties; primary structure and protein conformation; purity, qualitative
and quantitative content of related substances and impurities associated with the process; and
biological activity. The active substance (recombinant protein) in a biosimilar product must be
similar to the active substance in the original product (innovator). If there are any significant
differences found in terms of quality parameters of the newly developed product and the
innovator, that can affect efficacy and (or) safety, the product is not considered to be biosimilar
to the innovator. Quality assessment studies are the first stage of drug evaluation. The results
determine the need for further preclinical and (or) clinical trials, as well as their scope and type.
The provisions stated in the present article are based on the experience of quality assessment of
filgrastim preparations approved by the CHMP in the EU as “biosimilars”, “biosimilar medicinal
Key words: recombinant granulocyte colony stimulating factor; filgrastim; biosimilars; original
products (innovators); active substance; substance; comparative studies; confirmation of
similarity; quality assessment; stability evaluation.
Bibliographic description: Ivanov AA, Petrov SS, Nikolaeva EE, Sergeeva OO. Biosimilars of
the recombinant granulocyte colony stimulating factor. Quality assessment. BIOpreparations
(Biopharmaceuticals) 20__; (*): ***.
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Federal State Budgetary Institution “Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal
Products” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 8/2 Petrovsky boulevard,
Moscow, 127051, Russian Federation.
Ivanov AA. …
Petrov SS. …
Nikolaeva EE. …
Sergeeva OO. …
Contact e-mail: Ivanov AA.; [email protected]