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Members of the Cardiovascular System
• Heart
• Blood Vessels
• Blood
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The Heart
• Muscular (cardiac muscle)
organ in chest
• 2 pumps (Right and left
– Work together to move blood
all around your body
– Each side has a top (Atrium)
and a bottom (ventricle)
• 4 chambers of heart
• Heart muscles contract
push blood from the heart
to the blood vessels
Blood = SOUP
• Solution (homogenous mixture)
AND Suspension
• Dissolved in WATER solution:
– Proteins
• Hormones
Cholesterol (not dissolved…why??)
Electrolytes (ions)
Glucose (and other nutrients)
Amino acids
• Cells
1. Erythrocytes (red blood cells RBC)
2. Leukocytes (white blood cells
3. Platelets (thrombocytes)
• Flat, disc like shape
• Formed in liver of fetus/bone
marrow after birth
– Young formed in long bones
– Older skull, ribs, pelvis,
• Life span 120 days
• Structure:
– Biconcave, flat discs
• Increases surface area to
volume ratio = more oxygen
to diffuse across
– Small (diameter = 7 um)
– Flexible
• Specialized skeleton
– NO nucleus, mitochondria,
endoplasmic reticulum
(increases room for hemoglobin
= carry more oxygen)
Contain nucleus
3 types
– Granulocytes (phagocytes)
2. Monocytes (also some phagocytes)
– Monocytes (phagocytes)
• Largest WBC large nucleus that takes up most
– Lymphocytes
of cytoplasm
1. Granulocytes/Phagocytes (60% of WBC)
• Dendritic cells
– Engulf or digest unwanted cells (either
• antigen-presenting cells; mark out cells
damaged body or pathogens) using
that are antigens (foreign bodies) that
need to be destroyed by lymphocytes
enzymes (granuoles in cell)
• Macrophages
– Larger than RBCs
• phagocyte cells which are larger and
– Lobed nucleus (3-5 lobes) enzymatic
live longer than neutrophils; also act as
antigen-presenting cells
– Found in blood
• Lymphocytes
– Neutrophils: most prevalent; ingest up
• large nucleus that takes up most of
to between around 5 and 20 bacteria in
its lifetime
• B cells
– Eosinophils: involved in allergic
• Plasma cells
reactions; attack multicellular parasites
• Memory Cells
– Basophils: involved in allergic reactions;
• T Cells
release histamine, which helps to trigger
• Helper T cells, Cytotoxic T cells,
Killer T cells, suppressor T cells
Right Atrium RA
Right Ventricle RV
Left Atrium LA
Left Ventricle LV
Vena Cava
Pulmonary Artery PA
Pulmonary Vein PV
Key Parts
Blood Vessels
• Arteries
– Carry blood AWAY from heart
– Full FedEx Trucks travel on here
• Veins
– Carry blood back TO the heart
– Empty FedEx Truck travel on here
• Capillaries
– Teeny, tiny blood vessels that
connect to arteries and veins
– Nutrients and gas can pass through
the capillaries from the blood to
the cells that need them
Circulation Is Like FedEx Delivery
• Oxygen molecules packages everyone is ordering from
their homes (tissues all over the body)
• Lungs Warehouses with the packages (oxygen)
• Tissues individual homes, placing orders for the oxygen
• Heart the distribution center of the body with the trucks
needed to pick up packages from lungs and then deliver
them to tissues
– that directs trucks (RBCs)
• Red Blood Cells (RBCs)delivery trucks carrying packages
• they are either full of packages to deliver or empty
• Arteries and Veins ONE-WAY roads trucks travel on
• Clogged arteries, plaque build up  Traffic Jams/lane
closures/road blocks
Flow of Blood
• RBCs go from RA
to RV thru
Arteries to LUNGS
to pick up oxygen
Flow of Blood
• Oxygenated blood
enters LA, then
the LV and then
gets sent through
the AORTA to
deliver oxygen to
Flow of Blood
• Oxygen and nutrients
travel from ARTERIES
thru CAPILLARIES to cells
• Deoxygenated blood and
Waste (CO2) leaves
to be carried back to
– (to be sent back to lungs
to pickup more oxygen)
Flow of Blood
• Waste and deOXY
blood enter RA, the RV
and then get get
pumped out of the
to the lungs to get
– need to go to factory to
pick up more packages
Flow of Blood
• Blood now has
oxygen and
returns to the
heart through the
VEIN to the LA,
then LV, then back
through the
AORTA to start
delivering more
Factors That Affect Blood
Blood Pressure
Blood Volume
• Heart Rate
– Beats per minute
– Avg. adult at rest:
60-100 bpm
– Exercise, stress,
increases bpm
Blood Pressure
• The force of the blood pushing
against the walls of the
• Your blood pressure is at its
highest when the heart beats,
pumping the blood. This is
called systolic pressure.
• When the heart is at rest,
between beats, your blood
pressure falls. This is the
diastolic pressure.
Cardiovascular Disease
• Heart attack and stroke
are two main causes of
death resulting from the
following conditions:
• Atherosclerosis
– Condition in which fatty deposits
called PLAQUE build up on the
inner walls of arteries
– Results in blood clots
• High Blood Pressure
– Condition where heart and blood
vessels are being overworked
– Leads to other diseases
• Plaque is made up
of fat, cholesterol,
calcium, and other
substances found in
the blood.
• Over time, plaque
hardens and
narrows your
• This limits the flow
of oxygen-rich
blood to your
organs and other
parts of your body
• Leads to blood
clots, heart attack,
stroke and DEATH
• Plaque is made up of
fat, cholesterol,
calcium, and other
substances found in
the blood.
• Over time, plaque
build up & cause
arteries to STIFFEN
• This limits the flow of
oxygen-rich blood to
your organs and other
parts of your body
• Leads to blood clots,
heart attack, stroke
Causes and Prevention of
• Certain traits, conditions, or habits may raise your risk for
the disease…called RISK FACTORS
• Uncontrollable RISK FACTORS
– Age
– Family History of heart disease
• Controllable RISK FACTORS
– Physical Activity
– Smoking
– Unhealthy diet
• MAIN TREATMENT for atherosclerosis:
lifestyle changes
medicines and medical procedures
• TWO WAYS To create High Blood
Pressure (Hypertension)
1. Extra fluid in the body
increases the amount of
fluid in blood vessels and
makes blood pressure
• Infection/disease
2. Narrow, stiff, or clogged
blood vessels also raise
blood pressure
• Due to plaque build up
Sickle-Cell Anemia
• Inherited disease
• Leads to blockage of
veins/ arteries
• Blockage causes
excruciating pain