Download Science – Chapter 9, Lesson 1 telescope – a tool that makes far

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Science – Chapter 9, Lesson 1
 telescope – a tool that makes far away objects
appear larger and sharper
 2 types of telescopes:
optical – magnifies objects by collecting light
radio – collects radio waves from space
 magnify – when you make an object appear larger
 Hubble Space Telescope – an optical telescope in
space that circles the Earth every 97 minutes
Science – Chapter 9, Lesson 2
 sun – nearest star to Earth, huge sphere of hot
gases that gives off heat and light
 planet – large body in space that moves around a
star, does not produce its own light
 orbit – move in a path around the sun
 moon – small, rounded body in orbit around a
planet, does not produce its own light
 solar system – the Sun, planets, moon, and other
objects that orbit the Sun
 year – time it takes for a planet to complete one
full orbit around the sun (Earth’s year is 365 days.)
 The farther a planet is from the sun, the longer its
orbit time is.
 Spinning of a planet causes day and night (Earth’s
takes 24 hours.)
 inner planets – Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
1. get a lot of heat and light (close to sun)
2. made of solid rock
 outer planets – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune,
1. cold and dark (far from sun)
2. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune – large and
made of gases with many moons and rings
3. ***Pluto – small and made of rocks and frozen
gases with one moon and no rings
 asteroid – piece of rock that orbits the sun (can be
as small as a grain or as large as California)
 asteroid belt – an area between inner planets and
outer planets
Science – Chapter 9, Lesson 3
 In 1847, Maria Mitchell discovered Mitchell’s
 Mercury – nearest planet to the sun, very hot in
day and very cold at night
 Venus – 2nd from the sun, Earth’s twin because the
size is the same, the hottest planet
 Earth – 3rd planet, only planet with known life
 Mars – 4th planet, the Red Planet has largest
volcano in solar system
 space probe – a craft that explores outer space
with instruments but no people
Mars Rover, Mariner 10, Magellan