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Narmbool Lodge Environmental Discovery
Camp Activities
Victorian Essential Learning Standards
Science, Level 5 Focus Statement
“As students work towards the achievement of Level 5 standards in Science, they … expand
their knowledge of science to include abstract concepts, theories, principles and models
drawn from traditional and emerging sciences. They apply these to particular situations.
Examples include: … expanding their ideas of space science to include meteors, comets,
stars, galaxies and the Universe; and relating sustainability to the requirements for species
survival and the management of resources”
Health and Safety on the Farm and in the Bush (compulsory)
In order to remain safe in the bushland on the farm, students need to learn how to
react in dangerous or difficult situations. Staff and students act out short scenarios
explaining how to react to various hazards and accidents utilising basic first aid
principles. Students are instructed in the use of safety whistles and UHF radio
Health and Physical Education Focus statement Level 5 “During participation in a
range of outdoor recreation and adventure activities, students develop skills, knowledge and
behaviours which enhance safe participation in these activities. For example, as part of a
bushwalking activity, students could develop an understanding of appropriate clothing and
footwear required and the need for sun protection and access to drinking water.”
Narmbool is a 2000 hectare property with native and introduced flora and fauna,
paddocks, sheep, creeks, bushland, grasslands and conservation areas. The best way to
experience the property is on foot. Narmbool programs require extensive walking
which is often the greatest challenge for students. Students learn how to pace
themselves, to manage a healthy water intake, and protect themselves from the
Health and Physical Education, Level 5
“During participation in a range of outdoor recreation and adventure activities,
students develop skills, knowledge and behaviours which enhance safe
participation in these activities. For example, as part of a bushwalking activity,
students could develop an understanding of appropriate clothing and footwear
required and the need for sun protection and access to drinking water.”
Eco games
These warm up games will open students minds to thinking about the Narmbool
Health and Physical Education, Movement and physical activity, Level 5.
“Students engage in activities which develop strategic thinking and tactical knowledge to
improve individual and team performance in competitive sports or games.”
Echidna Trail
Students work together in teams of with an adult in their group to complete the
Echidna Trail. The trail is an induction to Narmbool—a practice run on learning how
to read the landscape and to look for signs of the biodiversity at Narmbool. Starting
from the Learning Centre with a team resource pack, students follow the walking
track to the lake and back, accomplishing environmental mini-challenges and earn
points along the way. Bonus points to any group who spots the resident echidna!
Physical, Personal and Social, Interpersonal Development Working in teams, Level 5
“At Level 5, students accept responsibility as a team member and support other members to
share information, explore the ideas of others, and work cooperatively to achieve a shared
purpose within a realistic timeframe.”
Scats and Tracks
Identification of signs of animals that have been in the area by examining scats (poo)
and tracks (footprints) that may be found at Narmbool.
Science, Science knowledge and understanding, Level 5
“Students explain the relationships, past and present, in living and non-living systems,
in particular ecosystems, and human impact on these systems.”
Water Testing
All life depends on water. Students use kits to test the quality of water in important
biodiversity areas on Narmbool. Students use nets to catch and identify water insects
which are also indicators of how good the water quality is in that area.
Science, Science at work, Level 5
“The make systematic observations and interpret recorded data appropriately,
according to the aims of the study”
Photography/Field sketching
Students get to know how to use the Narmbool digital cameras and practise their
illustration skills in the field.
The Arts, Creating and Making, Level 5
“They experiment with, select and use appropriate skills techniques, processes, media,
materials, equipment and technologies across a range of arts forms and styles”
Flora Identification
Students learn how to find and identify the variety of plant species on Narmbool.
Easy-to-use reference materials will help students learn the unique survival
characteristics of significant species.
Science, Science knowledge and understanding, Level 5
“They explain how the observed characteristics of living things are used to establish a
classification system”
Invertebrate sampling.
There is an incredible variety of insects in the ground, on the ground, in the air and on
the plants and grasses at Narmbool. Students search for their habitats and collect
specimens that will help them learn about the importance of insects in Narmbool’s
Science, Science knowledge and understanding, Level 5
“They explain how the observed characteristics of living things are used to establish a
classification system”
Food Web Challenge
Students play a series of games to begin understanding how balance in ecosystem is
maintained and why it is important.
Science, Science at work, Level 5
“Students use simulations to predict the effect of changes in an ecosystem”
Gohk-Bah-Lah Narpal means “take give land” in the language of the traditional
Indigenous people of Narmbool, the Wathaurong. This board game has students
playing as farm managers who have to plan for the sustainable of the property. The
game explores economic, environmental and cultural, and raises student awareness of
the puzzles and complexities of land management in Australia.
Economics, Level 5, Focus statement
‘They consider the use, ownership and management of resources in personal, business
and community contexts, and participate in activities in which they begin to
appreciate that economic choices involve trade-offs that have both immediate and
future consequences.”
Indigenous games
Students have fun playing Indigenous games such as Marn Grook, Weme, and Goori
and gain an understanding of and respect for Indigenous values and people.
Personal Learning, Level 5
“Students demonstrate an awareness of different cultural and societal beliefs, values
and practices, identifying and discussing the effect of ethical issues on learning and
working with others.”
Indigenous Art
Indigenous art is amongst the oldest forms of art in the world. Students will learn the
meaning of signs and symbols commonly used by Aboriginal people Using traditional
symbols, students produce an artwork of their own to tell the story of their experience
at Narmbool, of their life journeys or of significant occasions in their lives.
The Arts, Level 5
“At Level 5, students, independently and collaboratively, plan, design, improvise,
interpret, evaluate, refine, make and present arts works that represent and
communicate ideas and purpose.”
Close Contact
Students will participate in a Role-playing activity, where they take on the characters
of either of the 2 different Indigenous groups or the Pastoralists. Through this session
students will learn, and hopefully appreciate the difficulty Indigenous people of this
country have endured throughout the time of Colonisation/Invasion. Students will
leave this session with a better understanding, respect and appreciation for Australia’s
Indigenous people and their history, also greater knowledge of the often untold
history of Australia.
History, Level 6
“Students evaluate the impact of colonisation on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
communities and the fight for civil and political rights and land rights”
Seven Dams investigation
The Seven Dams were created by the farm manager in order to slow the effects of
erosion on the gully. Students investigate the site to see what lives in it, what they
depend on, the connections between living and non-living things and respond to a
challenge: what are the consequences if this environment is changed (e.g., grazed,
bulldozed to make a bigger dam, left alone) Students test the water quality, look for
tracks and scats, find wildlife and flora and identify their finds.
Geography Geography knowledge and understanding, Level 5
“They demonstrate understanding of environmental issues based on inquiry and
propose ways of ensuring the sustainability of resources.”
Walking with a Wedgie Trail
Teams of students and teachers walk the track from Manna’s Outstation via the
Butterfly run-a favoured habitat for the Wedge-tailed Eagle. Each team has a
designated research site next to the track to explore.
Groups are to respond to one of the following challenges:
 Depict the colours, patterns or sounds of the area utilising ICT
 Display the biodiversity of the area utilising ICT
 Create a fictional organism that is ideally suited to the area using modelling
 Create a model of the area depicting the diversity of life that depends on each
other for survival.
Make a puppet of a plant or animal that lives in the area and tell the story of a
day in the life of that organism. Students use simple recycled materials to
make a puppet that mimics the look and behaviours of an animal at Narmbool.
Make a puppet of a plant or animal that lives in the area and interview it.
Science, Science at work, Level 5
“Students make and use models and images from computer software to interpret and
explain observations. In field work, they demonstrate use of basic sampling
procedures and represent relationships in ecosystems graphically”
Creating Connections (linked to Wedgie trail)
Students are allowed time and given materials in the medium of their choice to
respond to their site assessment. Students have access to the Learning Centre
resources including, computers, scanners, printers, Sound-House software, craft
materials, library and Education Officers.
Communication, Level 5
“Students use the communication conventions, form and language appropriate to the
subject to convey a clear message across a range of presentation forms to meet the
need of the context, purpose and audience.”
Exhibition Time
Students book space or time in the Lodge to exhibit what they have created the
previous day and night.
Communication, Level 5
“They interpret complex information and evaluate the effectiveness of its
Creating Critters.
Students use modelling clay and natural materials to create a new species, adapted to
suit a specific habitat at Narmbool, to be presented to the rest of the group.
Science, Level 5
“They analyse what is needed for living things to survive, thrive or adapt, now and in
the future.”
Puppetry Workshop
Students learn how to make their own puppets using simple recycled materials and
develop actions for their puppets.
Communication, Level 5
“Students use the communication conventions, form and language appropriate to the
subject to convey a clear message across a range of presentation forms to meet the
need of the context, purpose and audience.”
Basic Navigation
Students learn how to use compasses and navigate safely in a bush environment in
preparation for the Great Bush Challenge
Health and Physical Education, Level 5
“During participation in a range of outdoor recreation and adventure activities,
students develop skills, knowledge and behaviours which enhance safe participation
in these activities.”
The Great Bush Challenge
Small groups of students safely navigate a loop through bush terrain. They collect
items of interest in their Wow boxes and later present them to the whole group (The
idea is to wow their audience with what they’ve found)
Personal Learning, Level 5, Learning Focus
“They begin to take responsibility for the development and maintenance of a positive
learning environment within and outside the classroom, recognising that individuals
have different needs, opinions and goals and that compromises must be reached in
determining acceptable group behaviours.”
Stargazing (Complete activity subject to weather conditions)
Narmbool’s unpolluted night skies are brilliant for looking at the stars and planets.
You’ll be amazed how many things you can see! Using modern telescopes and
computers, students can make their own personal star map.
Science, Level 5, Learning Focus
“…expanding their ideas of space science to include meteors, comets, stars, galaxies and the