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World History
Industrial Revolution Report Ch. 7/9
1. Economic Systems: What is socialism? Compare socialism to mercantilism, another
economic system. Research to learn how they are similar and different. Think about
these factors: who supported each system, main theories and existence today.
2 Paragraphs
2. Once James Watt made improvements to Thomas Newcomen’s steam engine, it became a
key power source of the Industrial Revolution. Research to learn why steam power made
such an impact and then compare it to the impact of the printing press. Think about the
following: who benefited from the use of the invention, what preceded the invention,
whey the invention was so important. 2 Paragraphs
3. Describe four factors that helped bring about the Industrial Revolution in England.
1 Paragraph
4. What were the main characteristics of factory work? What challenges did factory work
create for women? 1 Paragraph
5. What were the impacts of each of the following technologies: 1 Paragraph
a. Steam Power
b. Improved Smelting
c. Railroad
6. Explain the link between Britain’s natural resources and its rise as an industrial nation.
1 Paragraph
7. Describe how the industrial revolution affected each of the following: 1 Paragraph
a. Size of Population
b. Cities
c. Working and Living Conditions
d. Women and Children
8. If more people had supported utilitarianism, how do you think it would have influenced
society? 1 Paragraph
9. Explain the major differences between Adam Smith’s free market ideas and Karl Marx’s
socialist ideas. 2 Paragraphs
10. During the late 1700’s, the Industrial Revolution began to transform Britain. An
agricultural revolution triggered a chain of events, and Britain sped ahead of the rest of
the world to become the first industrial nation. Buy why is the Industrial Revolution
considered to be a “revolution”? 1 Paragraph and Create a Venn Diagram to
compare aspects of the Industrial Revolution to the French Revolution with 9 total
points; 3 unique for Industrial, 3 Common and 3 French Revolution.
11. Complete Map on page 299: fill in countries, coal fields, iron ore deposits, major
industrial cities and bodies of water, use color and a straight edge
12. Create the Chart on pg. 298 “The Second Industrial Revolution” 9 total Points
a. New Powers
b. Industry/Business
c. Transportation/Communication
13. 12 point font, single spaced, Times New Roman, spell checked, grammatically correct