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Eve J. Lee
501 Campbell Hall #3411
Berkeley, CA 94720-3411
[email protected]
Sherman Fairchild Postdoctoral Scholar in Theoretical Physics
Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy, California Institute of Technology (beginning
September 2017)
Interim Postdoctoral Scholar
Center for Integrative Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley (summer 2017)
University of California, Berkeley
Ph.D. in Astrophysics (2017)
Advisor: Eugene Chiang; Thesis: The Late-Time Formation and Dynamical Signatures of Small Planets
M.A. in Astrophysics (2014)
University of Toronto
M.Sc. in Astronomy and Astrophysics (2012)
Research projects: 1) Starquakes of WASP-33 (with Yanqin Wu) & 2) Rapid Star Formation in
Magnetohydronamic Simulations (with Norman Murray)
Hon. B.Sc. with high distinction in Astronomy and Physics with Math minor (2011)
Advisor: Norman Murray; Thesis: Milky Way Star Forming Complexes and Their Input to the Turbulent
Motion of the Inner Galaxy Molecular Gas
Mary Elizabeth Uhl Prize, UC Berkeley
Block Award, Aspen Center for Physics
Berkeley Fellowship for Graduate Study, UC Berkeley
KITP Poster Award (Physics of Exoplanets, Santa Barbara, CA)
NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship-Doctoral Program
(transferred to Postgraduate Scholarship-Doctoral Program)
2011-12 Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics Graduate Scholarship
2011-12 Mary H. Beatty Fellowship, School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto
2011-12 NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship-Masters Program
The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Gold Medal, University of Toronto
The Walter Helm Scholarship in Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Toronto
The John Pounder Scholarship in Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Toronto
The Donald MacRae Scholarship in Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Toronto
First Author
1. Lee, E. J., & Chiang, E. (2017) “Magnetospheric Truncation, Tidal Inspiral, and the Creation of
Short and Ultra-Short Period Planets” ApJ, in press (arXiv:1702.08461)
Eve J. Lee
2. Lee, E. J., Miville-Deschênes, M-A., & Murray, N. W. (2016) “Observational Evidence of
Dynamic Star Formation Rate in Milky Way Giant Molecular Clouds” ApJ, 833, 229
3. Lee, E. J., & Chiang, E. (2016) “A Primer on Unifying Debris Disk Morphologies” ApJ, 827,
4. Lee, E. J., & Chiang, E. (2016) “Breeding Super-Earths and Birthing Super-Puffs in Transitional
Disks” ApJ, 817, 90
5. Lee, E. J., & Chiang, E. (2015) “To Cool is to Accrete: Analytic Scalings for Nebular Accretion
of Planetary Atmospheres” ApJ, 811, 41
6. Lee, E. J., Chang, P., & Murray, N. (2015) “Time-varying Dynamical Star Formation Rate” ApJ,
800, 49
7. Lee, E. J., Chiang, E., & Ormel, C. W. (2014) “Make Super-Earths, Not Jupiters: Accreting
Nebular Gas onto Solid Cores at 0.1 AU and Beyond” ApJ, 797, 95
8. Lee, E. J., Murray, N., & Rahman, M. (2012) “Milky Way Star Forming Complexes and Their
Input to the Turbulent Motion of the Inner Galaxy Molecular Gas” ApJ, 752, 146
9. Weiss, L. M., Deck, K., Sinukoff, E., Petigura, E. A., Agol, E., Lee, E. J., Becker, J. C., Howard,
A. W., Isaacson, H., Crossfield, I. J. M., Fulton, B. J., & Hirsch, L. (2017) “New Insights on Planet
Formation in WASP-47 from a Simultaneous Analysis of Radial Velocities and Transit Timing
Variations” AJ, 153, 265
10. Miville-Deschênes, M-A., Murray, N. W., & Lee, E. J. (2017) “Physical Properties of Molecular
Gas in the Entire Milky Way Disk” ApJ, 834, 57
11. Esposito, T. M., Fitzgerald, M. P., Graham, J. R., Kalas P., Lee, E. J., Chiang E., Duchêne, G.,
Wang, J., Millar-Blanchaer, M. A., Nielsen, E., Ammons, S. M., Bruzzone, S., De Rosa, R. J.,
Draper, Z. H., Macintosh, B., Marchis, F., Metchev, S. A., Perrin, M., Pueyo, L., Rajan, A.,
Rantakyro, F. T., Vega, D., Wolff, S. (2016) “Bringing ‘The Moth’ to Light: A Planet-Sculpting
Scenario for the HD 61005 Debris Disk” AJ, 152, 85
12. Dawson, R. I., Lee, E. J., & Chiang, E. (2016) “Correlations Between Compositions and Orbits
Established by the Giant Impact Era of Planet Formation” ApJ, 822, 54
13. Petigura, E. A., Howard, A. W., Lopez, E. D., Deck, K. M., Fulton, B. J., Crossfield, I. J. M., Ciardi,
D. R., Chiang, E., Lee, E. J., Isaacson, H., Beichman, C. A., Hansen, B. M. S., Schlieder, J. E.,
Sinukoff, E. (2016) “Two Transiting Low Density Sub-Saturns from K2” ApJ, 818, 36
14. Dawson, R. I., Chiang, E., & Lee, E. J. (2015) “A Metallicity Recipe for Rocky Planets” MNRAS,
453, 1471
15. Bai, L., Yee, H. K. C., Yan, R., Lee, E., Gilbank, D. G., Ellingson, E., Barrientos, L. F., Gladders,
M. D., Hsieh, B. C., & Li, I. H. (2014) “The Inside-Out Growth of the Most Massive Galaxies at
0.3 < z < 0.9” ApJ, 789, 134
16. Longmore, S. N., Bally, J., Testi, L., Purcell, C. R., Walsh, A. J., Bressert, E., Pestalozzi, M.,
Molinari, S., Ott, J., Cortese, L., Battersby, C., Murray, N., Lee, E., & Kruijssen, D. (2012)
“Variations in the Galactic Star Formation Rate and Density Thresholds for Star Formation”
Eve J. Lee
MNRAS, 429, 987
17. Offner, S. S. R., Lee, E. J., Goodman, A., & Arce, H. (2011) “Radiation-hydrodynamic
Simulations of Protostellar Outflows: Synthetic Observations of Protostellar Outflows in
Numerical Simulations.” ApJ, 743, 91
18. Geers, V., Scholz, A., Jayawardhana, R., Lee, E., Lafreniere, D., Tamura, M. (2010) “Substellar
Objects in Nearby Young Clusters (SONYC) II: The Brown Dwarf Population of ρ Ophiuchi”
ApJ, 726, 23
19. Scholz, A., Geers, V., Jayawardhana, R., Fissel, L., Lee, E., Lafreniere, D., Tamura, M. (2009)
“Substellar Objects in Nearby Young Clusters (SONYC): The Bottom of the Initial Mass Function
in NGC 1333” ApJ, 702, 805
Invited Conference Talks
1. “Forming Super-puffs Beyond 1 au”
Inner Solar Systems Meeting-within-a-meeting, AAS #230, Austin, TX, June 5th—6th 2017
Invited Seminars
2. “Formation of Short and Ultra-Short Period Earths and Super-Earths”
SETI-Ames Dynamics Lunch, SETI institute, March 1st 2017
3. “The Late-Time Formation and Dynamical Signatures of Small Planets”
Yuk Lunch Seminar, GPS, Caltech, November 22nd 2016
4. “The Late-Time Formation and Dynamical Signatures of Small Planets”
Exoplanet Teas, MIT, November 10th 2016
5. “The Late-Time Formation and Dynamical Signatures of Small Planets”
Thursday Seminar, CITA, November 3rd 2016
6. “The Late-Time Formation of Small Planets”
Stars & Planets Seminar, CfA, Harvard, October 31st 2016
7. “The Late-time Formation of Close-in Exoplanets”
Origins Seminar, Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, April 11th 2016
Contributed Conference Talks
8. “Ultra-Short Period Planets, Magnetospheric Truncation, and Tidal Inspiral”
Formation and Dynamical Evolution of Exoplanets, Aspen Center for Physics, March 26th – April
1st, 2017 (Block Award)
9. “The Migratory Origin of Hot Jupiters and Super-Puffs”
Exoplanets I, Davos, Switzerland, July 3th – 8th, 2016
10. “Breeding Super-Earths and Super-Puffs in Transitional Disks”
Extreme Solar Systems III, Waikoloa Beach Marriott, HI, November 29th – December 4th, 2015
11. “Make Super-Earths, Not Jupiters”
Star and Planet Formation in the Southwest, Biosphere, AZ, March 23rd – 27th, 2015
12. “Make Super-Earths, Not Jupiters”
Bay Area Exoplanet Meeting, SETI Institute, CA, December 5th, 2014
Eve J. Lee
Contributed Seminars
13. “The Late-Time Formation and Dynamical Signatures of Small Planets”
Center for Integrative Planetary Science Seminar, UC Berkeley, May 3rd, 2017
14. “The Late-Time Formation and Dynamical Signatures of Small Planets”
Theory Group Meeting, CIERA, Northwestern University, October 28th, 2016
15. “The Late-Time Formation and Dynamical Signatures of Small Planets”
Tuesday Seminar, University of Chicago, October 25th, 2016
16. “The Late-Time Formation and Dynamical Signatures of Small Planets”
Extrasolar Planet Discussion, Princeton University, October 17th, 2016
17. “The Late-Time Formation and Dynamical Signatures of Small Planets”
Planetary Lunch Seminar, UC Santa Cruz, October 3rd, 2016
18. “The Origin of Rare Worlds”
Thursday Lunch Talk, UC Berkeley, March 17th, 2016
19. “Make Super-Earths, Not Jupiters”
Thursday Lunch Talk, UC Berkeley, October 30th, 2014
20. “Make Super-Earths, Not Jupiters”
Center for Integrative Planetary Science Seminar, UC Berkeley, September 24th, 2014
21. “Dynamic Star Formation”
Thursday Lunch Talk, UC Berkeley, September 19th, 2013
22. “Spin-Orbit Obliquity of Hot Jupiters”
Thursday Lunch Talk, UC Berkeley, May 2nd, 2013
23. “Time Varying Star Formation Rate”
Planet and Star Formation Seminar, UC Berkeley, February 6th, 2013
Jonathan Lin, UC Berkeley undergraduate (co-advised with Eugene Chiang)
University of California, Berkeley
Spring 2013
Graduate Student Instructor (Astronomy 7B)
Lower-division astronomy class for intended majors focusing on tides, compact
objects, galaxies and cosmology
Fall 2012
Graduate Student Instructor (Astronomy 7A)
Lower-division astronomy class for intended majors focusing on stars and planets
University of Toronto
Spring 2012
Teaching Assistant (AST 201)
Introductory astronomy for non-majors focusing on galaxies
Fall 2011
Teaching Assistant (AST 101)
Introductory astronomy for non-majors focusing on stars and planets
Eve J. Lee
Referee (ApJL, ApJ, MNRAS, AAS journals), 2015-present
Executive secretary at a NASA panel review
Mentor Master (1 of 3), UC Berkeley, 2014-2016
Duties include:
• Organizing and leading incoming astronomy graduate student orientation.
• Assigning student mentors and faculty academic advisors to incoming students.
• Organizing and leading an annual information/discussion session on choosing research advisors.
• Holding mentor-mentee lunch every semester to monitor academic progress and general morale
of first and second year graduate students.
• Meeting with the head graduate advisor at least once a year to address any concerns raised by
students and faculty members.
Graduate Student Representative, CITA Director Search, 2012
Invited student speaker at the Evening with the Stars, UC Berkeley
Workshop leader (1 of 3), Expanding Your Horizons Conference for middle school girls,
St. Mary’s College
2016-17 Public Liaison, UC Berkeley
Astronomy Night volunteer, UC Berkeley
Interviewed for NASA Visualization Explorer on planet formation
Scale-of-solar system demo presenter, Bay Area Science Fair
Telescope operator at Venus transit outreach event, University of Toronto (5000+ attendees)
Solar observer at Science Rendezvous, University of Toronto (national event)
Korean: fluent (speaking, reading, writing)
French: intermediate (speaking, reading, writing)
Japanese: intermediate (speaking); basic (reading, writing)