Download Manually Configuring the java.policy for SonicWALL GMS JRE

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Manually Configuring the java.policy File for SonicWALL GMS JRE
This technote provides solutions for the most common error messages reported by SonicWALL technical support related
to the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) java.policy file for SonicWALL GMS:
1. In SonicWALL GMS, navigate to the System > Tools > Firewall login and click on the Login button. You receive
the following error message.
2. In SonicWALL GMS, navigate to the left most TreeControl, bring up any dialog box. Attempt a copy/paste action
in any text input box of the dialog. You receive the following warning message.
3. In SonicWALL GMS, navigate to the left most TreeControl and select the right-click menu Import XML or click
Add Unit / Modify Unit and select the Import button and then click the Browse button. You receive the following
warning message.
Perform the following steps to locate and manually configure the file for SonicWALL GMS JRE to have
read/write access:
1. Open the Windows Control Panel
2. Double-click on the Java icon to open the Java Control Panel
3. Click the Java tab
4. Select the View… button at the top of the dialog box to open the Java Runtime Settings window
5. Record the default directory for your JRE plugin. The default directory is the first instance listed in the
Location column.
6. Navigate to the \lib\security\ folder within your default JRE plugin directory (In the instance given above, this
would be “C:\jre\lib\security\”.)
7. Open the java.policy file within this directory
8. At the end of the file, paste the following text:
}; "*","connect,resolve"; "getCookieHandler"; "setCookieHandler"; "<<ALL FILES>>","read, write, delete,execute";
java.util.PropertyPermission "user.home","read, write";
java.util.PropertyPermission "user.dir","read, write";
java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThread";
java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessClassInPackage.sun.misc";
java.awt.AWTPermission "accessClipboard", "write";
Log off, and close all instances of the browser. The error message does not
display the next time you log in to SonicWALL GMS.
This edit can not be performed automatically because of the read/write restrictions imposed on SonicWALL
GMS/Viewpoint by the client browser. In order for SonicWALL GMS/Viewpoint to be able to access the
java.policy file, the user must change permissions by manually editing that file.
You must edit the java.policy file on every system that is used to access SonicWALL GMS/ViewPoint from.
Each time the JRE plugin is upgraded, the new java.policy file will need to be edited as described in
this Tech Note.
Created on October 20, 2005.
Last updated on July 24, 2006.
By Patrick Lydon Esquire