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Pre-Lecture Quiz
Chapter 11: Maternal Adaptation During Pregnancy
1. Presumptive signs of pregnancy are a positive indicator of pregnancy.
2. Elevated hCG levels are a positive sign of pregnancy.
3. During the first few months of pregnancy, estrogen stimulates uterine growth.
4. Fundal height is not a reliable indicator of gestational weeks after 36 weeks’ gestation.
5. The influence of progesterone leads to decreased peristalsis in the pregnant woman.
1. Oxytocin, responsible for uterine contractions, is released from the ________ pituitary
2. The ___________ is a unique endocrine gland with the ability to form protein and
steroid hormones.
3. The recommended amount of weight gain during pregnancy is 25 to ____ pounds.
4. The compulsive ingestion of nonfood substances is termed ________.
5. Pregnant women commonly experience the emotional response of __________ during
the first trimester of pregnancy.